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by Bishop, K. M.

  When I got back to my room, I quickly removed my clothes and started the shower. I felt sticky and a little bit gross. I’d slept through morning jog and gone straight to breakfast without a shower.

  I removed my clothes gave my body a once over and then stepped under the hot shower, letting the warm water wash over me. It felt fantastic. I loved the freeing feeling of standing under that controlled waterfall of warmth as it wrapped around me. Every aching muscle or tension spot I might have had in my back (it had been a stressful week getting ready for this interview) all started to relieve itself within seconds.

  As I soaped my body with my loofa and let the bodywash exfoliate over me, I found myself thinking about Chance. Oh, it would be so sweet to have him in that shower with me. What I would do to that man…and more importantly, what I’d let him do to me…

  I smiled at the thought as I continued to soap myself up. I lathered up my shampoo in my palms and soaked my hair through and through.

  Was I really going to let Chance go all the way with me? I had to laugh at the thought, mostly because it was not even a possibility yet. I’d never spent any time with him and though he had a reputation as a horn dog who pounced on any woman who showed interest in him, I didn’t know if that would include me. How did I know that he would for sure be interested?

  As I rinsed the soap from my body, my curves and shapely femininity became apparent to my eyes, and I smiled to myself. Yeah, he would probably be somewhat interested.

  And if I also wanted him, then what? How would I handle this? What would I do if he were there in the shower?

  My hands found the wet spot between my legs and began to massage as I closed my eyes. Oh, this was it…

  In my eyes, I imagined Chance standing right in front of me, his strong arms wrapped tightly around my torso. His big hands would rub my ass smoothly, running over and over the circular globes of my cheeks. I was getting so wet, so turned on. My nipples were hard as rocks. I wanted him so badly. I’d thought about him so many times. Why was I trying to deny the fact that I was nervous as hell about meeting him because I wanted him so badly?

  I knelt down in the shower as I saw his muscular, sexy body standing right in front of me. I looked up at him, his body teething with throbbing musculature and glistening power. I let my tongue slip out of my mouth and glide across my lips. I felt the surge of lust wafting up within me.

  His member… it was large, thick, throbbing, and it was right in front of my face. I could smell its alluring scent. It called to me, beckoned for my flesh. I wanted to taste him.

  I opened my mouth and let him enter me. I moaned as I savored the flavor of his flesh, and the thickness of his essence. He pushed into me and guided himself towards the back of my throat. Opening my eyes, I saw him staring down at me smiling and groaning in pleasure as he rocked back and forth, making love to my eager mouth.

  I kept my tongue wrapped around the tip of him, rolling around it from side to side and top to bottom, then occasionally I had to push down to fully engulf his massive thickness that pulsated and throbbed between my lips.

  His large globes rested right between my chin and my lower lip. His body was warm and I could sense his largeness inside as I moved my head all the way down to fully consume him. My head was spinning around with pleasure and a rush unlike anything I’d ever had before. I didn’t know what to do.

  My fingers were moving into my wetness now, as far as they could with my virginity still fully intact. I wanted Chance to take it, to rip it out of me and to show me what I had been waiting for. He was the perfect man to do just that; I could sense it.

  I pulled him out of my mouth and looked at it. I held it to my face tenderly and kissed it up and down one side to the other. Then I let my tongue slide along the bottom, starting at his bulging tenderness and moving all the way up to the tip of the thick member, all the while keeping my mouth open wide to facilitate the heavy, warm breathing. Every single breath that I propelled against the skin of his most private part made it quiver and it seemed to grow a little bit harder.

  “You like that?” I asked.

  Chance moaned with delight. He growled slightly and looked down at me before stroking my hair back with one of his large digits. “Oh, yeah. That’s the way I like it, baby.”

  I smiled and jammed his manhood deeply into my mouth attempting to swallow it down all the way.

  I opened my eyes and saw the pleasure of Chance as he steadied himself against the shower and held on with determination. His hips were rocking hard back and forth now, his hand behind my head stroking with tenderness, caressing me and making me feel so safe through this vast array of pleasure. We barely knew each other, but I felt loved. At last he moved his hand and pulled out of me. Then he told me to stand up and turn around. I smiled and did as he suggested.

  It was only a few moments but it felt like an eternity, standing there waiting for him to make his move. Finally, he did. His thickness entered me from behind. I felt my innocence tear, but there was no pain, none whatsoever. It was just the most blissful feeling I’d ever felt before.

  I was complete. Chance was pressing into me in long, deep strokes, filling me up and stretching me widely. He effortlessly slid along my inner walls with the kind of perfection that you only saw in adult films when the camera was super close up, and it all looked so perfect that you wished it was happening to you. Well, now I was that girl. I was with the most perfect man who was making the sweetest love to me.

  I could feel myself getting close to coming. It was going to happen very soon, and I wasn’t sure I was ready. I was just getting used to having his urge inside of me, moving, working my body, and sending waves of tingling bliss all over my being. But the pressure was growing and soon it would blow.

  I wanted to feel him coming hard inside of me. That sweet essence of his… I hoped he would fill me up with it until I could not contain him anymore. I could never remember a time I had been so turned on.

  My fingers we reworking my core hard as I knelt under the shower, my eyes closed, and my mind full of the fantasy that I was using to bring myself to total completion. My thumb was pressed against my magic spot, my fingers reaching inside as far as they could, rubbing back and forth vigorously from one to the other like some kind of demented, sexual teeter-totter.

  My breathing was coming in short, hard gasps as I imagined the hard flesh of Chance Atkins filling me full with his sweet lust and then his even sweeter love.

  “Shit!” I moaned as I came hard over my hand, which was starting to cramp, but I couldn’t stop. Oh, no… there was no slowing this train down. That was for sure.

  My body was shaking almost violently around on the shower floor as I finished my epic orgasm and tried to hang on to my sanity. I could barely breathe, but somehow I kept moaning loudly, yelling way louder than I meant to. I was certain that my secret activity must have been heard by everyone else in the dorms, but I didn’t care at that moment. It was all about the bliss. The pleasure was everything.

  And then it was over. My hand was done. My body was finished. I laid down in the shower for several minutes and let the water continue to wash down over me. And for a few minutes, I felt totally blissful.

  I couldn’t wait to meet Chance Atkins and see if he lived up to the hype, or my fantasy.

  I only had a few hours until I would be face to face with him.

  Chapter Two


  I looked at my knee. It appeared to be normal. The swelling was way down, and as for the pain… well, it was coming along.

  I’d injured my left knee in practice earlier in the week. I thought I was properly warmed up, but it went to show you that sometimes the body will still give out if you stressed it too far. I’d tried to pivot too quickly for my knee’s capability and something tore slightly. The doctor said it was just a slight tendon tear, more like an irritation. When he went from using the word tear to irritation, I knew that he was paid by the school to say whatever would get me back out
on that field and winning games.

  And of course that was what I wanted too. Ever since I was eight years old, my goal has been to play professional football. It’s all I’ve dreamt of, and the only thing I ever seriously saw myself doing. The only other thing I could remotely visualize was teaching History. I’ve always been a fan of how things have happened in the world and why. It’s an interesting thing to study the mistakes and successes of the past.

  I moved my knee left and the right and then bent over at the waist to make sure it was fine and dandy. It felt alright. I then jogged in place for a few minutes to test it out. Followed by some darting back and forth and some spins.

  The assistant coach watched me carefully. He smiled widely as he saw I was not having any real issues.

  “Alright,” Assistant Coach Yates said. “Looks like that knee will be fine.”

  I smiled and watched him walk away to tell head coach Smith the good news. The truth was that while the knee was essentially alright, I was in a lot of pain, and I still didn’t know if it was going to be a big factor in the game or not.

  I did a few more tests and then continued to suit up in the locker room. I’d had a pretty productive day already, and it was time to get my mind focused on the game at hand and our opponents in Stanford. They were strong, fast, had excellent ball handling capabilities with powerful kicks, a goalie that let nothing by him, and most of their team were seniors. They had played together for four years; they were a tight, superior machine. The only way we could win was if we wanted it more. Talent alone would not get the job done.

  I believed we could do it.

  I’d started that morning with a few yoga stretches the moment I’d popped out of bed. I’d picked up yoga a few years before and added it to my routines of workouts I liked to do. I’ve always believed in keeping the workouts varied. Staving off boredom is key.

  After stretching and feeling the knee doing well, I went for a leisurely jog. The leg seemed fine with that. After I showered and got some breakfast in me, I came to the locker room to start getting ready. The game was still almost three hours away, but there was something about being there early, ready to get clicked which helped mentally to build my concentration in the game.

  “Hey, you ready to take them down?” Bill Rosely said as he came by, giving me a high five. I slapped his palm and smiled at him.

  “I’m ready to tear it up,” I said.

  “That’s what I like to hear,” Bill said. “Wow, there are some beautiful girls in the stands, man. Some of them would even put our illustrious cheerleaders to bed.”

  “Really? Well, that’s nice to know,” I replied. “But that isn’t where our heads are supposed to be, right now.”

  “Man, what is it with you and this celibacy kick you got going on? It’s getting downright weird and unnatural.”

  I laughed. “I’m not celibate; I just would rather focus on winning, my career than my next sexual conquest.”

  “What about having an actual relationship? It’s been a while since you had one of those,” Ricky Johnson said entering the locker room. He opened his locker and began to change.

  I laughed. “Wow, did I miss the memo where everyone on the team is supposed to gang up on me to ask me about my love life?”

  “There wasn’t any memo,” Billy said. “We have just noticed, as your friends, that you seem to be suffering from a severe case of right hand-itis.”

  I smiled. “There is nothing to worry about fellas. I’ve been playing well, right?”

  Ricky shrugged. “Yeah, but you have been acting weird, too. Like sometimes you forget you are part of a team.”

  I looked over at Ricky. This conversation had just taken an odd turn. “What are you talking about?”

  Ricky shrugged. “I don’t know… I’ve just noticed - and I’m not the only one - that you’ve been so worried about impressing the scouts that you don’t seem to have any time for teamwork and passing to the other guys on the team. The second you get the ball, you just run with it downfield as if you are a one man wrecking crew.”

  I wasn’t sure what drugs Ricky was smoking, but I didn’t see myself playing that way.

  “Do you know what he is talking about?” I asked Bill.

  Bill glanced at me and shook his head. “I have no clue. The man has been freaking out lately, since you started showing him up at every turn.”

  Ricky smiled and laughed it off, but I could tell it was bugging him a lot. That was ok. I would let it bug him. His feelings were not my priority. Winning was. And if I did it without including him, then there was probably a good reason for it. No one else on the team had complained, including the coach.

  I rolled my eyes and Ricky finished getting dressed. Then he walked away whistling an annoying tune.

  “What is his problem?” I asked Billy.

  “Who knows,” Billy said. “Maybe he isn’t getting any either, and it’s not by choice.”

  We shared a laugh and Billy finished putting his uniform on and headed out to start getting warmed up.

  I was almost done getting dressed when my phone vibrated with a text message. It was Lucinda. I’d dated Lucinda right at the end of the summer before the season officially started. I knew after some of our former teammates received pro contracts last year that this year I had to step my game up if I wanted to make it. Of course, I thought I was as good as the players who’d signed, but they had played longer than me. So, I figured if I kept playing great, after this season I was a shoo win to get a contract. And then my life could really start. It was a beautiful dream.

  I broke things off with Lucinda three weeks before. She was less than happy to hear that I wasn’t looking for a major relationship, instead opting to work on my career. I really didn’t have time to be in a relationship; it wouldn’t have been fair to her.

  She was a great girl, and a lot of fun to be with. Plus she was beautiful, and she could make me laugh like nobody’s business, but I was starting to see that she had a bit of a problem letting go. And by that, I meant she was getting weird. She texted me several times a day practically begging me to reconsider and to take her back. I was getting to the point I was thinking about changing my number. I’d blocked three different numbers from her already. The girl was relentless.

  I pulled up her text and read it through. “Hey, babe. I just wanted to wish you luck at the game today. I want to let you know I’ll be cheering for you. And after you win, I’ll have a hot present waiting for you to unwrap… later baby. Love you.”

  I groaned as I read the text. Why wouldn’t she get the message? It was bizarre. She thought she was my girlfriend, or at the very least she thought if she wished it enough and acted the part then it would come true.

  I sighed and wrote back a response. “Lucinda, thanks for the wishes, but you and I are not going to happen. You need to get this. We are over. We were never much of a thing anyway. We only dated for six weeks. Let me go, please.”

  I sent the message and finished getting dressed. My phone buzzed again. It was Lucinda. I read the message. “We will see…”

  That was creepy as hell. Was she starting to morph into stalker territory? I hoped not. That was the last thing in the world I really needed right now.

  I stepped out of the locker room and went out to the field to begin warming up a bit. The day was warm and sunny. I loved Saturday games; the whole school always came out to show their love and support. There was nothing like the rush I got from the crowd when I was out there playing the game. They would go nuts cheering for you and I fed off the energy and it helped me to get going into the zone. It was better than sex. It amazed me each and every time.

  I grabbed a ball and began to do some drills and get my footwork together as I headed out onto the field. Instantly I heard several people cheering in the crowd, almost erupting as I stepped onto the field. Wow… I couldn’t believe that so many people were already there.

  I wished my parents could have been there, but they were back in Pennsy
lvania where I grew up. That was where my family was from. I missed them a lot, but I had to go where my dream was. Indiana has always had an amazing football team and I was thrilled beyond belief when I found out that I had been accepted.

  And now I was ready to take the next step.

  Something caught my eye from the side. It was Ricky. He was glaring at me as he trotted onto the field. He paired up with Eddie Johns, who I thought was a pretty good guy, but he seemed very friendly with Ricky who was about the biggest jerk I’d ever met. Ricky started pretty solid with me at first last year, but then he changed as I surpassed him in skill and I started to become the favorite on the team. It was never my intention to upstage anybody, but then again as I thought more about it, shining for the pro scouts was really all about outshining other people. This was not a place to necessarily make friends.

  As I tried to think about my footwork and the pain in my knee that kept bouncing into the kneecap when I moved a certain way, I saw someone at the end of the field waving like crazy.

  It was Lucinda. Wow… she was there and acting like we were together. Did my words mean nothing to her? I had tried to let her down gently, but she wouldn’t hear any of it. She ignored everything I told her. She was convinced that we would be together. It was sad, but I was going to have to talk to her later in person and just tell her straight up in front of other people that we were done. Maybe that embarrassment might help it sink in a little bit.

  I kept getting the impression that she mostly wanted people to see that she was my girlfriend, which made me feel like some kind of piece of meat or a trophy. That wasn’t how I wanted to feel or how I saw myself within the parameters of a relationship.

  I ignored Lucinda and turned away from her. I hoped that others saw it and Lucinda might start to get the picture that I was not interested in being with her in any way. It was over. Why couldn’t she just let me be?

  Then I saw her. A beautiful girl sitting in the front of the stands with a few other pretty girls. She was amazing. The girl had the most perfect face, beautiful eyes, a wide, sensuous smile with pouty, kissable lips, and long, sandy blonde hair that hung down just past her shoulders. She had this easy going way about her that said the world was hers and she didn’t care who else agreed with her. She was just happy and ready to live her life to the fullest. Whatever that woman wanted would be hers one way or another.


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