Magi's Path

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Magi's Path Page 15

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Yukiko held Jenn in return and stroked the shorter woman’s hair. “That means a lot to me, Jenn. I want you to be happy, as well. I suggested you two be alone because either of us being alone with him will be rare, and a wedding night should be special.”

  “What would be more special than to have the two people I love with me together?” Jenn murmured. “My heart ached when I thought you might be downstairs, crying over me being here with him. So please, stay? Stay and help me. We’ve hinted and danced around the idea before… we’ve even kissed,” Jenn paused, clearly embarrassed. “And I had a difficult night sleeping when we did, as all I could think about were your lips on mine.”

  Yukiko blushed, her hands stilling on Jenn’s hair for a moment before moving again. “I had it easier because I had him, but I thought of the kiss even as I was with our husband.” Yukiko glanced over to Gregory guiltily. “I’m sorry, dear one.”

  Gregory stood there, unsure of what to do or say as the two women consoled each other. When Yukiko apologized and gave him a guilty look, he smiled. “It’s fine. After all, she’s our wife now.” His lips twitched into a smirk. “Unless you’ve been thinking of women other than Jenn.”

  Yukiko’s face flushed deeper. “Not while with you...” she mumbled.

  Gregory just blinked at her, his mouth hanging open slightly.

  “Even you stared at Dia, dear one. Do you mean to say you had no thoughts when you did?” Yukiko asked. “Or that you haven’t pictured any others, even in passing?”

  Gregory coughed, and now he was the one that looked guilty. “I’m sorry.”

  Yukiko eased Jenn back and went over to Gregory. “No, dear one, don’t worry. As long as we understand that those types of thoughts will happen and we do not get jealous, it’s fine.” She hugged him, pressing her face into his chest. “I will not be jealous of you entertaining thoughts. I will only be upset if you act, and Jenn and I did not agree to it.”

  Gregory’s eyes nearly popped out of his head at her words. He looked to Jenn for help, but she was nodding.

  “And it’s the same for us,” Jenn said. “We’ll likely have similar thoughts at times, but neither of us will act without the other’s agreement.”

  “But why would I ever need others when I have you both?” Gregory managed after a few seconds.

  “It isn’t a guarantee,” Yukiko said quickly, “but there’s the chance that, further in the future, others might want to join our family. If they love you as we do and are worthy…” She trailed off as she kissed his chest. “It also might never happen, so let us set it aside for now. For now... it’s time for us to welcome our wife into the marriage.”

  Gregory had felt a tingle along his spine when Yukiko mentioned others joining their family, but it passed when she stopped speaking about it. He was distracted from the thought as Jenn came over and hugged him and Yukiko.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Jenn kissing the side of Yukiko’s neck really derailed Gregory’s train of thought. Yukiko shivered and let out a soft gasp.

  “My neck is sensitive, Jenn...” Yukiko murmured as she kissed Gregory’s chest.

  “Is it?” Jenn asked with a sly smirk. She began to trail small kisses along her neck, getting Yukiko to shiver more.

  “It is,” Gregory said as he continued to hold Yukiko. “If you nibble her earlobe, it gets even better.”

  “Oh?” Jenn asked before doing just that.

  Yukiko let out a small moan and leaned into Gregory. “That isn’t playing fair... You’re giving her all my weaknesses.”

  “But she’s happy,” Gregory murmured as he kissed the top of Yukiko’s head. “You said you wanted her happy, dear one.”

  Yukiko pulled away from Gregory enough to turn on Jenn, grabbing the smaller woman and kissing her hotly. Gregory shifted behind Yukiko and again wrapped his arms around her as the two women kissed.

  Yukiko let out another soft moan as she felt Gregory’s interest. With a wiggle of her hips, she ground against him, all while continuing to kiss Jenn. Gregory’s hands came up between the two women and he cupped Yukiko’s breasts.

  Jenn was surprised when Yukiko kissed her suddenly, but she returned it. Her whole body felt warm as she gave in to the moment with the man she’d wanted for months and with the friend whom she’d developed deeper feelings for. When Yukiko’s lips parted and her tongue touched Jenn’s lips, Jenn opened her mouth in equal measure and let Yukiko’s tongue meet hers.

  Gregory’s hard cock pressing into her from behind, and Jenn’s soft eagerness was driving Yukiko wild. Deepening the kiss, Yukiko began a light duel with Jenn’s tongue. Gregory cupping her breasts made her even more aggressive with Jenn.

  A soft moan came from Jenn as she pressed herself to Yukiko. Gregory was barely able to get his hands out of the way in time, and he bent his head to kiss Yukiko’s neck. That made her shudder more, which increased her grinding movements against his hard shaft.

  Yukiko broke their kiss with a gasp, leaning back into Gregory. “Too much...” she shuddered. “Tonight is Jenn’s night.”

  Jenn kissed Yukiko again— this time, she took the lead, pushing Yukiko into Gregory. Gregory’s hand settled on Jenn’s hips as he trailed kisses around Yukiko’s neck to her ear.

  “I think Jenn knows what she wants, Yuki. It’s her night, so no fussing.” He punctuated the sentence with a light nip on her earlobe.

  The nip got Yukiko to gasp, allowing Jenn to push her tongue into Yukiko’s mouth. The kiss became impassioned, and Yukiko’s hands went around Jenn, pulling the shorter woman to her tightly. Giving in to the moment, Yukiko felt herself floating in bliss as her husband and wife both fed her passions. When Jenn suddenly stopped kissing her, Yukiko let out a soft whine of denial.

  “I’m not done,” Jenn said, lightly panting with her own desires. “I want to cool off a little and help you do the same.” She put action to those words as her hands went to Yukiko’s obi.

  Gregory let go of Jenn and helped her undress Yukiko. Yukiko shivered as they both stripped her— she wanted to thank them so much. The moment Yukiko was nude before them, she launched herself at Jenn and began to undress her in return.

  At a loss, as they were only a few feet away, with one naked and the other being quickly stripped, Gregory just watched them. Shaking his head, he disrobed, as well.

  The moment Jenn’s kimono fell away, Yukiko picked her up and carried her to the bed. Yukiko’s hands gently kneaded Jenn’s taut ass, as Jenn had locked her legs around Yukiko’s waist.

  When they reached the bed, Yukiko leapt slightly so they would be well onto it, putting Jenn under her. Jenn gasped, breaking their kiss and looking up at Yukiko with wide eyes.

  “Now, you said you wanted guidance,” Yukiko said with lust in her tone. “Greg will be joining us shortly, and the two of us will be exploring you. Once we’re done, I’ll show you what he likes the most.”

  Jenn’s gaze went to Gregory, who had just finished getting undressed. Her eyes traveled down his body to his straining flesh, then came back up to lock onto his eyes. “Gently?”

  “Always gently, unless you find you like it differently,” Gregory said as he slowly approached the bed. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes...” Jenn breathed the word out as he climbed onto the bed with them.


  Two mouths and four hands spent at least an hour exploring her small, but sturdy, frame. Jenn’s eyes were nearly glassy when they stopped. She had no idea how many times the pleasure had built and broken inside of her, but she was languid now.

  “Is this how I looked?” Yukiko asked fondly as she kissed Jenn’s neck.

  “Very similar,” Gregory said. “Do you think now would be a good time for her?”

  “Hmm... she still needs to explore you and me, but considering her state, yes, this might be the best time,” Yukiko replied. Kissing Jenn’s ear, she whispered, “Jenn, are you ready for our husband to consummate the marriage?”

Jenn mumbled happily.

  Gregory chuckled. “Is that a yes?”

  “Please?” Jenn murmured as she reached for him.

  Settling between her thighs, he watched her face as he positioned his cock against her wet slit. Jenn gave him a sleepy smile as she reached up to pull him down for a kiss. Gregory lowered himself to kiss her and, as their kiss deepened and their tongues began a light dance, he shifted so just his tip nudged into her.

  Jenn’s eyes shot open and she stared at his face as Gregory pushed the first inch inside. “Oh…! Slow… please, slow?”

  “I will. Just relax and enjoy,” Gregory murmured. “It might hurt for a moment, but after that, the pain will fade quickly and the pleasure will come back threefold.”

  Jenn nodded, turning her head to find Yukiko. “Yuki?”

  “It’ll be fine, Jenn,” Yukiko said reassuringly, lying beside her. “Here, let me help.” Leaning over, she lightly nibbled on one of Jenn’s nipples.

  Jenn moaned and her back arched. They were all surprised at how sensitive Jenn’s nipples had been. Yukiko used that new knowledge to help keep Jenn focused on something besides Gregory, who took that moment to push farther into Jenn.

  Jenn gasped, her eyes tearing up. The pain faded like Gregory had told her it would, and when he began to slowly move in and out of her, the pain vanished as if it never was. Between Gregory’s slow steady rhythm and Yukiko playing with her breasts, Jenn felt the pleasure build again. This time, it climbed higher than it had that entire night.

  Gregory was fit to burst and had trouble holding out. The hour they’d spent learning Jenn’s body had kept him on edge the entire time. Now that he was deep inside of her, he knew he wasn’t going to last for long. Thankfully, before he could orgasm, Jenn did. Her legs locked around his waist and her hips pushed him to the base; her body arched so much that only her head was on the bed. When her tunnel clamped down and spasmed on him, that was all it took to finish him. With a guttural moan, he ground into her as his body shook in release.

  Yukiko watched them orgasm and didn’t feel the jealousy she had feared she would. Instead, she felt love. She touched them both, kissing their bodies lightly as they started to come down off their high. She helped Gregory slide out of Jenn to lie next to her on the bed.

  “Welcome to the family, dear Jenn,” Yukiko whispered, kissing her chin. “Did you enjoy our husband?”

  “Yes... oh, Aether, yes,” Jenn murmured sleepily. “Thank you, Yuki.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Yukiko looked over Jenn at Gregory, who was lying there and watching her. “And you, my heart? Did our new wife please you? Are you happy that you listened to us?”

  “Yes,” Gregory replied, searching her face to see if there was any trace of unhappiness.

  “I’m actually very pleased, dear one. No jealousy at all.” Yukiko’s eyes drifted to his lower half. “Would you mind?”

  Gregory chuckled. “I’ll never tell you no.”

  Yukiko’s eyes glittered with mischief. “I’ll remember that, dear one. But for now...” She slid over Jenn and settled between Gregory’s legs. “I’ll avail myself of this.”

  Jenn stirred while Yukiko brought Gregory back to attention, and she moved down the bed beside Yukiko. The next hour was near agony for Gregory as Yukiko spent the time showing Jenn exactly what Gregory enjoyed. She would demonstrate, then have Jenn copy her, so the pleasure would grow and then ebb when Yukiko began explaining something else.

  Nerves jangling, as his body felt like it might fly apart at any moment, he was moments from orgasm when there was a knock on the door. Eyes going wide, he realized they hadn’t thrown the wooden latch to keep it shut.

  “What is it?” Yukiko called out from where she guided Jenn’s head up and down Gregory’s length.

  “Dinner, in a half-hour,” Dia called back. “You must be bathed first, of course.”

  “We’ll be down shortly,” Yukiko replied as she pushed Jenn all the way down Gregory’s length and stared into his eyes.

  Eyes rolling up, Gregory’s hips thrust off the bed— even against Jenn’s restraining hands— and the dam broke. Jaw clenched and lips tight, he still made a lot of noise as he came.

  “I see...” Dia coughed from the far side of the door. “Well, I’ll tell Brown to delay it a little further.”

  “No need,” Yukiko giggled. “We’re going down to bathe now, and we won’t linger.”

  Jenn came off Gregory’s cock, coughing and trying to get her breath back.

  “Very well,” Dia said.

  “Yuki!” Jenn coughed. “That was…!” She trailed off, not sure how to even say it.

  “Exciting? Dangerous? Naughty?” Yukiko giggled. “Yes. But it certainly sent him over the edge.”

  Jenn looked at Gregory, who was panting, his eyes unfocused. “I guess it did. You could have warned me, at least.”

  “I apologize for that,” Yukiko said contritely. “Here, let me make it up to you.” She leaned over and kissed Jenn deeply.

  Gregory blinked as he started to regain his senses, only to find Yukiko and Jenn kissing.

  “Oh, he’s back to normal,” Yukiko said as she slipped from the bed. “We need to hurry and bathe, then it’s time for the celebration dinner.”

  The memory of what just happened came flooding back to Gregory and he went crimson. “Did Dia hear us?”

  Yukiko giggled. “Maybe. You did your best, as did Jenn. Come on, I’m sure she’ll never mention it.”

  Jenn slipped from the bed, looking a little uncertain. “Greg...? Was it okay?”

  Gregory blinked. His worry about Dia hearing him was torn away when he saw Jenn’s sudden vulnerability. “Yes. It was amazing.”

  Jenn exhaled, looking pleased. “I did everything Yuki taught me. I’m glad I could please you.”

  Gregory sat up and pulled her to him, holding her. “You did that.” His eyes went to Yukiko across the room, who was starting to dress. He put his lips next to Jenn’s ear and spoke as quietly as he could, watching Yukiko to see if she was listening to him. “When dinner is over, help me get her back?”

  Jenn kissed his neck and nodded against him so she wouldn’t speak.

  “Let’s get going,” Gregory said. “I don’t want to keep my new wife from her wedding feast.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Entering the private dining room, they took their seats. “Sorry for the delay, Dia,” Yukiko said.

  “You’re not late,” Dia smiled. “You must have rushed your bathing.”

  “We hurried, but we made sure to do it properly,” Jenn said.

  “Very well,” Dia replied. “Brown should be—”

  The knock on the door cut Dia off, and Brown opened it a moment later. “Ah, good. The food doesn’t have to wait.” He wheeled a cart in and began to offload the covered platters onto the table. “I prepared several dishes, so there should be something for everyone. I have the desserts in progress. When you can only eat a little more, just call for me.”

  The moment the first cover was removed, the scent of grilled koi made Gregory’s stomach growl. Brown chuckled as he continued to unveil each dish. By the time he’d finished, all four of them were ready to dig in.

  Gregory reached for the koi, taking a small helping. Yukiko went after the steamed rice with pickled purity plums. Jenn was taking a large ladleful of soup, smiling the whole time. Dia watched them all with a soft smile before snagging half of the koi.

  Dia waited for them to finish filling their plates before she cleared her throat and held up her glass. “Jenn Pettit and Gregory Pettit, this meal is to commemorate the special occasion of your wedding. It might have been different than you had envisioned it would be, but I have the feeling it is still a day you will treasure for years to come.”

  Jenn was all smiles as she raised her glass back to Dia.

  “Your union will be celebrated again when we return to the academy, as I know your friends in the clan will wish to do so. I will
do everything I can to see you three posted in the same place during your adept and magus years.”

  “Thank you, Dia,” Gregory said.

  “To you, on behalf of the clan,” Dia said, raising her glass a little higher before drinking.

  The others sipped at their wine in honor of the toast.

  “Now, let’s enjoy the feast that’s been prepared for us.”

  They had barely started when a knock came on the door. Dia frowned and was in the middle of turning to look at it when the door opened and Magus Yang gave them all a broad smile.

  “I just heard that two of your apprentices registered their marriage,” Yang said. “I came to offer my congratulations. It is a beautiful thing to see two young magi already pledging themselves to each other.” The smiles at the table dimmed when Yang shut the door behind him. “I also brought a gift, from me personally, to you both.” Coming over to the table, he reached into a pouch on his hip and pulled out a small box. “There you are— properly prepared koi jerky, guaranteed to help your aether grow or recover.”


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