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Kai Page 10


  “I’m even shocked you went there with her. I mean, she isn’t our type. But then again, you’ve always been attracted to unobtainable women. I guess it doesn’t matter just as long as you have a place to put your dick. By the way, you’re called the nice one because you’re supposed to be nice. What a dumb shit.” Jasper bristled in concern and disgust.

  Reese threw up his hands in surrender. “Okay, just stop. Both of you are blowing this out of proportion. I do admit I found her interesting, and I suppose I might have crossed a very thin line. But you’re making it sound like I sexually assaulted her. It wasn’t like that. And, Kai, you’re one to preach,” he said in an accusing tone.

  Internally, I began to freak out. How could he know? Was he following me? Did he see me with Tegan?

  “You’re always commenting on how you want to get oral from the old porn star. I know it’s just ‘locker room’ boasting, but still, I’m sure if you had the chance, you’d take it. I’ll admit I said some things I shouldn’t have. I’ll apologize to Ms. Scott and take responsibility for my actions.”

  He didn’t know. I was worried for nothing.

  Reese would never know his actions pushed Tegan into my arms. Theoretically, it was her kind heart and caring nature that made me fall, trashed, into her arms.

  “Look, Reese, it’s done. I’m sure Ms. Scott has forgotten about it by now. The only reason I brought it up was because I had concerns you might try again.”

  “Evidently I’m dumb and young, but I know no means no. Our conversation ended up being heated, which was my fault. I know the rules, but I thought we’d make an exception for a porn star.”

  “You are dumb and young. As you said, any remarks between us are private banter. Jasper already decommissioned me from screwing the employees because women tend to talk among each other and I was fucking more than one. So I’ve been sacked to the mainland to get laid unless we go back to sharing one female,” I explained to Reese. “We set the rules for a reason. I don’t mind going off St. Willis for my sexual exploits. Once Ieisha found out about the others, it got too complicated anyway. It’s different when we share. I just wanted to make you aware that what you say to a client is not privileged discourse, and at some point, it will get back to me or Jasper.”

  Jasper rose, looking at his watch. “I despise drama, so I’m off for a meeting with a prospective bookkeeper. I loathe tending to such trivial tasks. I get easily bored with numbers.”

  “Our books might seem mundane to you. But some of us actually had to bust our balls to earn money. It wasn’t handed down to us by our family,” I remarked.

  “Trust me. I might not have toiled physically for every dime, but I earned it. I paid for it with blood. You know nothing, Kai, so don’t start a conversation without knowing all the facts.”

  Reese stepped between us. “Okay, this has gotten totally out of hand and way too serious. Let’s discuss tonight.”

  I’d forgotten that weekends were reserved for all of us having one or possibly two women. I hadn’t participated in a while because our sexual counterparts were annoyed with me. I never felt it necessary to tell each one about the other. I assumed they knew, since they often had sex with Reese and Jasper. Women loved to gossip and were complex creatures. They had to know I wasn’t a monogamous man. The problem was they eventually wanted more. Maybe they assumed they could change me into a one-woman man because I’d allowed myself to fuck them more than once. But to me, sex was emotionally meaningless. It just felt good, and I was skilled at it. I screwed for pleasure, not love. But now there was Tegan. I shivered at the thought.

  “You two go ahead. I’m sure it will be better without me. I’ve gotten myself a reputation now, and those girls are unforgiving. I’d hate to spoil your night. I’m not feeling all that great, and after my last session, I think some food and sleep are in order.”

  Reese glared at me with a skeptical expression. “I suppose you’ll be seeing Tegan. Can you tell her I’m sorry? You’re good at begging forgiveness. I mean, if you’re not too hung over.”

  “I think I can manage an apology for you. I’m sure she’ll pardon your abominable behavior,” I answered, standing.

  “Well, if you’re sure about tonight. It’s going to be wild for Reese and me. The new girl that started at the juice bar, Sher, she was telling tales to the other girls about how she’s been heavily involved in the ménage à trois scene and she wouldn’t mind doing all of us. But I guess it’ll just be us two tonight. Hope you feel better,” Jasper commented as he walked out the door.

  Reese seemed extremely inquisitive about why I was bowing out on tonight’s activities. I walked over to the blinds and closed them all the way, hoping my actions would aid in convincing him I truly was too ill to participate. I wasn’t lying. I did truly feel horrible, inside and out.

  When they both left, I called the kitchen and asked them to send up a veggie egg-white omelet and dry toast. I needed something in my stomach. I had skipped my vegetable smoothie this morning because I wasn’t sure I could keep it down. At this point, I wasn’t setting a good example for my star client.

  In retrospect, I felt like a miserable excuse for a trainer. I had never had sex with any client, and now what I thought would be a onetime deal was turning into more. I had broken not only the rules concerning the fitness club, but my own. True, I had made those for myself when I was naive about women. I’d never once had a daydream about fucking an older woman and definitely not an oversized one. Yet here I was, doing just that. Was it because she had been my fantasy girl when she worked in porn? Was it because I knew the possibilities of what she could achieve?

  Tegan looked amazing back in the day. I didn’t have a time machine, so there wasn’t squat I could do about her age, but with hard work and determination on both our parts, I could get her body back to yesteryear.

  Once she left here thinner, healthy, and toned, we could unveil our affair. I sucked in a deep breath, knowing when she left, it wouldn’t matter because our little tryst would have ended. There wasn’t a chance in hell I could keep my dick in my pants and not fuck other women. And Tegan might be older and larger, but she was still a woman, and in that regard, she too would want more. They always did.

  Chapter Sixteen


  A little before three, I stepped off the elevator at Kai’s penthouse and found him leaning against the edge of the lap pool. I tossed my purse on the sofa and removed my flip-flops before stepping out to the balcony.

  “Getting in a few laps before I got here?” I asked, shrugging off my cover-up.

  I pulled up a chair to the edge where Kai stood waist deep in water. He had bottled water in one hand as he used the other to push up his Ray-Bans. He looked sickly, even against his darkly tanned skin. I presumptuously let my hand fall and rake through his hair, allowing my index finger to tease the one unruly curl that always fell on his forehead. His head fell back as I caressed his scalp.

  “Feels so good. At least that’s one part of my body that senses recovery. I hate feeling this way. One of the many reasons I gave up power drinking,” he said, slowly moving toward the stairs. “Get in the water.”

  Languidly, I padded down the steps, and Kai’s arms embraced me when he got close. “Is there anything I could do to make you feel better?” I asked, wetting my lips.

  I couldn’t see his eyes through the dark lenses, but his nonverbal response included taking my hand and cupping his length.

  I chuckled. “I guess you’re not that hung over. If sex helps, you should be fully recovered after this morning,” I whispered.

  “Who said anything about sex? Can I be honest with you?” he asked.

  I nodded because honesty had never been at the forefront of my marriage. “Yes, please. I always want you to tell me the truth.”

  He removed his glasses, placing them on the deck. “When I first heard you were coming here—well, rather Tawny Temp—all I could think about was you blowing me. I fantasized about it while I li
ved in Alaska. Watching your films got me through some particularly brutal weather. So naturally, I dreamed about it happening here, but those fucking rules…”

  I didn’t know how to feel about Kai fanboying me. He had mentioned a blowjob last night, but I assumed it was said in intoxication. Surely, his fantasy didn’t include me looking like this. When he finally saw me, I must have been such a disappointment. “I assume your idea of me disintegrated rather quickly when we met.”

  “I knew why you chose to come here. Truthfully, that might be stretching it. I know your personal assistant forced you into this. And I’ll be forever grateful. I might have been disenthralled when we first met, but that was my fault. I wanted the old image, and what I got was this.” He stopped, pressing a kiss to my head, then burying his face in my hair. “I am enamored with who you are presently. If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have fucked you. I can’t explain it, even to myself. But I wouldn’t want the past you. This version is so damn amazing.”

  His lips touched mine in a soft yet demanding manner as his tongue tangled with mine. My body responded immediately. I pulled apart the Velcro on his trunks and wrapped my hand around his girth. He stopped kissing me with a hiss. I could sense a pulsing deep in my pussy. This man had me twisted, and I would succumb to anything he desired. I was just as captivated as he was. More so because I couldn’t believe a young, sexy man like Kai could ever want me. But then again, it could have just been the sex.

  His swim shorts floated to the surface as my fingers splayed across his muscled stomach. His gray eyes said everything.

  “You want me to fuck you with my mouth?” I whispered.

  He nodded as he paddled over to the stairs and sat on the top step, making his cock noticeable. Kai leaned back as my hand glided over his wet dick, and I pressed my lips to it. “Fuck me. I want to come all over that tongue.”

  I stroked the entire length of his balls before I placed him in my mouth. His body trembled as I took in most of his cock. My head bobbed, his hardness slipping in and out of my mouth. I teased the slit on his crown with my tongue. It had been over ten years since I’d done this, and I wondered if I was surpassing his fantasy. He gripped my hair as he forced my mouth to take him in all the way. I hollowed out my cheeks and relaxed my throat as I continued to greedily suck him, swirling my tongue around his swollen flesh. His hips began to thrust, and I knew he was on the verge of orgasm. As he rammed his dick into it, I relaxed my mouth.

  “Babe, I’m coming. Oh hell, fuck.” Kai’s body stiffened as his seed filled my mouth. My throat constricted, and I could see him watching me. He let out an animalistic cry as he lifted himself and continued to slip in and out of my mouth while I swallowed. His movements as well as his erection finally subsided, dropping from my mouth.

  “No one will bother us. I told the desk I had a client and, if it was important, to call me before coming up. I like being naked around you,” he said, coaxing down my swimsuit strap. “I only wish you were as comfortable as I was. I hate being nude by myself.”

  I snickered. “Well, if I looked like you, I’d be okay parading around in my birthday suit. Unfortunately, I have a long way to go before that happens.”

  He wore a huge grin. “But now you’ve allowed yourself to have the mind frame that it will happen. You said you have a long way to go, not that it won’t ever happen. You have no idea how happy that makes me. I was worried I was setting a bad example and not helping you reach your full potential because we’re having sex.”

  “I think that’s a huge part of why I choose to believe it can happen. I know what we’re doing can’t last forever, but being with you is helping me see the possibility.”

  I watched as he got out of the pool and fetched the aqua equipment, his dark skin wet and dripping, covered in supple muscle. His lean waist turned into a V that led to dark, curly hair nesting his veined length. I sighed quietly, knowing this particular moment would be one I retained in my memory.

  He tossed a noodle to me from the stairs.

  “Let’s do three sets of ten leg stretches as your water warm-up. Then I want you to try out the kickboard, which will aid you with resistance exercises. I also have water weights to tighten up your arms. I need you to buy a pair of water shoes so you can walk around the pool with traction.”

  Silently, I counted out thirty noodle movements before I commented. “I thought we were going to swim laps and toss around the ball.”

  “Oh, that’s on the agenda, too, but I want to give you the full program because I want you ready for the boot camp course.”

  I huffed a few expletives as he chuckled. “You’re insane! I’ve seen that course. I’m too old, and I’ll never be physically ready to do it,” I grumbled, throwing the noodle at him. “I guess that blowjob wasn’t up to par, so now I’m being punished.”

  He tightened his lips as he held back a laugh. Bastard thought this was amusing. He dipped his head below the water and resurfaced in front of me, sweeping his wet hair away from his face. His perfect features made me want to slap him.

  “You’re kidding, right? I haven’t said anything yet because I can’t find the words to tell you what it felt like to have my cock in your mouth. It exceeded every wet dream I ever had, and if I continue to think about it, I’ll be fucking you in this pool.” He paused to play with the hem of my swim skirt. “Did I taste better than any other man you’ve blown? Was it good for you?” He kept his voice low, as though he expected to be overheard.

  Hell, I got paid to do filthy things, sex acts I didn’t enjoy, because they were part of my job. But Kai made me want to have dirty sex. I’d never truly enjoyed screwing until now. He was not only changing my body, but altering my mindset.

  I slowly swam to the top of the stairs and pulled off the bottoms of my swimsuit, dragging my finger across my visible sex. Kai groaned, moving closer, and I rubbed my digit across his mouth. His tongue darted out to taste the flavor coating his lips.

  “I want to eat you so badly right now. But I would be remiss if I ignored your training. But know this. I plan to return the favor,” he playfully threatened as he tossed me some water weights. “If I knew it wouldn’t draw questions, I’d have someone else take over your program.”

  Alarm shot through my system. “Please don’t even consider that. I’ll make sure we keep the program going, and everything else can be extracurricular activity. I’ll never get to be who I want to be without your training. I swear I’ll be good.” I promised.

  His hand dusted the tops of my breasts. “The problem is you are good. Too good.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  One month later…

  I hated myself. My mind was a jumbled mess of emotions. I really enjoyed being with Tegan. I looked forward to our time together, and I didn’t want anyone else sexually. But I had to face reality. Yes, it was bizarre. She was the kind of woman I would never have looked at twice. We could never be together publicly. She would be my dirty little secret.

  In the last three years, I had grown as a man. I was a business owner, a well-known trainer, and I loved sex. But when it came to her, I had managed to toss out all my rules. If anyone found out about us, I wouldn’t even know how to explain it. I was young, good-looking, and fit, and the woman I was fucking was eleven years older and overweight. I cringed at the thought of what people would think. I prided myself on health and a buff body, and here I was, involved with someone whose life consisted of sex toys and cupcakes. Never mind she was a retired porn star. I hadn’t thought it through before I bedded her. Tegan Scott could be my demise.

  “Can we stop now? I’m really exhausted, and I’m thirsty,” she whined as she set the water weights on the top stair.

  This woman had beguiled me. Tegan was beautiful and entertaining. Every minute with her made me not care about what could happen if someone discovered us. When she was around, my life felt comfortable.

  She sat on the cement deck, her legs dangling in the water, and I handed her a bott
le of water.

  “Tell me about your husband,” I prompted as I stood between her legs.

  She took a sip of water and gazed up at my face. “He was a big-time investor in the adult entertainment field. He seemed nice, and I was young and hopeful he was my prince and would whisk me away from the industry and give me a new life. You fantasized about a blowjob. Well, my daydream was to have a man love me for who I was within, not for what I did for a living. I never wanted my job in porn to define me. Yeah, I know. Stupid, huh? I let him treat me like shit, degrade me emotionally, and cheat on me over and over. I didn’t leave him right away because I convinced myself I could never do better.

  “I used to think he was responsible for my addiction, making me abuse myself physically with food, but not anymore. I realize I’m responsible. No one forced me to eat ice cream, cookies, and those to-die-for cupcakes. I’m in charge of who I become now, but it truly helps that you believe in me. I’ve never had a man’s respect before, and even though you challenge me mentally, emotionally, and physically, I want to achieve my goal because I know you’ll be with me every step of the way. You’ve given me purpose.”

  I’d had clients cry in thanks, sob over their new bodies, and hug me in victory, but the speech Tegan had just given made me experience visceral sensations. I wanted to say something. I needed to say something. Should I respond?

  I pulled her into the pool, then captured her face with both hands. She reciprocated hungrily when I kissed her gently. Our breathing was in sync as I toyed with her tongue and crushed her into my chest. Then I broke the kiss and whispered into her hair, “I want to be the man that makes your dreams come true.”


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