Reviving Graham

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Reviving Graham Page 20

by Becca Jameson

  She flushed, shrugging. “Well, you’re the one not moving.”

  He held her gaze. “I want to remember this, and the moment I move, I’m going to come.”

  “That’s the idea,” she teased lightly, her sweet hands stroking up and down his back and arms again.

  “Yeah, I would have preferred to last a bit longer.” Maybe if he talked to her, he could control his erection and stretch this out.

  “Next time,” she urged, wiggling her hips.

  That shattered his resolve. He pulled almost out and then eased back in fully, watching her closely as her face switched from the slightly pinched sign that he was filling her too tightly to the one he wanted to see—sheer bliss.

  Her eyes fluttered shut as a smile spread. “I was so missing out. Move.”

  He obliged her, gritting his teeth while trying to focus on anything but the unbelievably amazing sensation of being inside her. She looked so damn sexy with that contented smile and rosy cheeks. He concentrated on memorizing that look while he thrust in and out of her heat a few more times. She wasn’t just tight, she was gripping him to death.

  And it was heaven.

  When her smile fell and her lips parted again, her head tipping back and her fingers pressing into his ass, he knew she was going to come again. Amazing.

  She was holding back. He could see it in her stiff expression. He lowered his face to her neck, nibbled a path to her ear, and when she shuddered, he whispered, “Can I get you to do that again?”

  Her orgasm was immediate and powerful. He thrust harder and fast, not wanting to miss a moment of her euphoria. But he was only able to hold off for a few more seconds, and then he poured his love into her with the most powerful release of his life. There was simply no comparison between her tight channel and what he could do with his hand.

  His arms were shaking as pulses of his come filled her. He pressed his forehead into the bed at the side of her face again, unable to lift himself until he was fully spent.

  In order to avoid smashing her against the bed, he eased out and slid to her side, resting his head in the crook of her arm, one leg still between hers, gasping for breath.

  She smoothed her hand up and down his arm, humming softly, perhaps not even aware.

  When he was finally able to lift his face to meet her gaze, he nearly swallowed his tongue at her expression. He forced himself not to blink. She was so sated and gorgeous and sexy and happy and relaxed.

  And he vowed to make her look like that every day for the rest of their lives.

  Chapter 19

  Kate couldn’t stop touching him. Everywhere. It had taken her a minute to regain control of her arms, her hands, and her fingers, but then she pushed him onto his back and lifted to her side, her gaze roaming boldly all over his body.

  He was fit and built. His skin was lighter than hers, typical of someone with his shade of strawberry-blond hair. So sexy. She leaned over his chest and flicked her tongue against his nipple.

  He moaned, his hand running up and down her body.

  Her gaze wandered lower to fully take in his length. Maybe it had been slightly less erect for a moment after he’d pulled out of her, but now it was back to being completely full. It bobbed in front of her eyes.

  He ran a hand up his side and clasped it while she watched, his fingers gently easing up and down the shaft.

  When she lifted her gaze to his, she found him staring at her. He released his length to reach for her breast, cupping it, molding it, flicking his thumb over the nipple. “You okay?” he asked, his voice throaty.

  She smiled. “Perfect.” Wetness coated her thighs, and she wanted to clean up a bit so they could repeat the performance.

  As she started to push off him, he grabbed her arm and pulled her down for a kiss. “Stay here,” he murmured against her lips. He flattened her onto her back with his hands at her shoulders and left her lying on the bed.

  Thirty seconds later he was back with a washcloth in his hands.

  Maybe she should have been embarrassed to have him clean her off, but she wasn’t. It was so intimate and personal the way he gently parted her legs and wiped the evidence of their lovemaking away. Next, he stroked the washcloth over his shaft too.

  When he was done, he climbed up beside her again and pulled her against his chest.

  The sun had almost disappeared from the sky, leaving them in the dim light bathing the room. Soon it would be completely dark.

  “We didn’t eat,” she whispered while dragging her fingers up and down his chest.

  “Hmmm. I’m not ready to move yet.”

  She smiled against his chest. “We didn’t resolve our disagreement either.”

  He chuckled this time and hugged her closer. “We were never having a disagreement. It was all in your head.”

  She lifted her chin to set it on his chest, frowning at him. “How do you figure it’s all in my head?”

  He lifted his face and kissed her lips before dropping back again. “Because I would never do something that makes you uncomfortable. Not in this bed nor in our lives. If you don’t want to go to Montana, that’s the end of the discussion. We won’t go.”

  She flinched and pushed off him, wanting to more fully see his face even though they were quickly losing light. “You can’t do that.”

  He lifted a brow. “Why not? Of course, I can.”

  She shook her head. “That’s not a negotiation.”

  He chuckled again. “Okay, but it’s me making my woman happy. And that’s all that matters.”

  “Not even close. You said we needed to discuss things.”

  “We are discussing things.” He was still stroking her back even though she was now sitting next to him, her hand on his chest. “You said you didn’t want to go to Montana, and I’m saying, okay, we won’t.”

  Her spine straightened. “That’s ridiculous. It doesn’t work that way. After you just gave me a long speech about talking things out, you’re just going to roll over and let me decide everything?”

  He started laughing now, and he pushed himself to sitting, grabbed her by the waist, and flipped her once again onto her back so he could hover over her. His fingers danced up and down her body from her outer thigh to the space between her breasts.

  Her body came alive again at his touch. “It’s still a negotiation, hon. I’m just using my judgment with regard to the level of importance of this topic to you. If you had asked my opinion about sausage or pepperoni pizza, maybe we could have learned each other’s preferences and ordered half and half, but you were willing to break up with me over stepping foot in Montana, so that put a period on that sentence. In the event of one topic being a deal breaker, I’m not an idiot.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I might have spoken rashly.”

  He gave her a ridiculous grin, wagging his eyes. “Are you saying now that I have you naked and made you hum a few times, you aren’t as inclined to break up with me?” he teased, his palm landing on her breast, his fingers toying with her nipple.

  She moaned, her eyes rolling back. When she could find her voice again, she licked her lips. “You could probably convince me to do just about anything while you’re touching me like that.”

  He lowered his face to suck her nipple into his mouth. When his tongue reached out to flick over the distended tip, she grabbed his arm. How could she be this aroused again so soon?

  He released her nipple with a pop. “Perhaps I could convince you to let me taste more than just your sweet breasts.”

  For a moment, she wasn’t sure what he meant, but while she was still making sense of his words, he climbed between her legs, spread them wide open, and nibbled a path down her belly.

  She grabbed his shoulders. Holy shit. “That wasn’t what I had in mind for dinner,” she choked out. Was he really going down on her?

  Oh yeah. He totally was. The second his lips landed on her clit, worshiping it with the flick of his tongue, she cried out. She had thought nothing could be better than the f
eel of his fingers making her come. And then nothing could have prepared her for the deeper orgasm she’d experienced with him buried inside her.

  But now… Lordy.

  His lips became more urgent, sucking her clit between them while lathing it with his tongue. The intimacy was so erotic she didn’t have time to be embarrassed.

  His hands were on her spread thighs, pressing them open while he devoured her most private parts.

  Heaven. This was what heaven felt like.

  When he thrust his tongue inside her, she gripped his shoulders tighter and moaned so loud it vibrated throughout the cabin. “Graham…”

  He went back to her clit next, sucking urgently, flicking his tongue again and again while he drew her closer and closer to the edge of sanity. This may have been his first experience with sex, but the man was a medical professional, and he’d clearly spent some time studying the female anatomy.

  In moments she was right there. So close. She held her breath, tipping her head back, trying to hold off another moment so she could enjoy every second of this torture.

  She couldn’t win that battle, though. He sucked her clit hard, forcing her orgasm to rush through her body. Her ears rang as her body shook. Her brain was mush, every ounce of her attention on the pulses that seemed to flow from her entire body through her sex.

  It wasn’t until she shuddered that he released her. Somehow he sensed that she was too sensitive to take any more. As he climbed back up her body to hover over her sated form, he wiped his mouth with his fingers and smiled. “Now we can find something for dinner.”

  She giggled, unable to stop the emotion from erupting. “You just ate.”

  He shrugged. “Appetizer.”

  There was nothing in the world sexier than watching Kate wander around in the kitchen naked. They had turned on the lights, but he’d managed to convince her that clothing wasn’t necessary.

  For a moment, she’d glanced around at the windows, but then he’d reasoned with her that no one could see them in this cabin tucked between the trees.

  There was a god because she got over both her concern about the neighbors and her modesty. If he wasn’t mistaken, she was actually empowered by her ability to so easily arouse him, and flaunting her assets more than necessary to get a rise out of him. Literally.

  He was not about to argue. Instead, he leaned against the wall next to the fridge and watched her make sandwiches. They didn’t need words for that. She knew exactly how he liked his sandwich.

  Everything about this night was perfect. She was his. She was no longer freaking out. She was calm and sated and happy and glowing. And he’d done that to her. If he could do that every day for the rest of their lives, he would be a happy man.

  She finally pointed at a chair at the small table for two. “Sit. Eat. You’re gonna need your strength so you can do that thing with your tongue again in a while.” She flushed, but it was cute as hell that she’d forced herself to speak those words.

  He shoved off the wall and sauntered toward her. He wrapped his arm around her waist and drew her close to plant a kiss on her lips. “You’ll never have to work hard to convince me to eat you, hon. The reward was in the way you moaned and called my name. Music.”

  She flushed a deeper red, shoved him into the chair, and took a seat across from him. “Lucky for you it’s summer, otherwise we’d be freezing right now and I’d be covered in a sweatshirt and leggings.”

  “Mmm,” he said around his bite as he worked to swallow it. “Maybe we should move to California or Florida.”

  She swatted at him playfully.

  “Or perhaps one of those islands with nude beaches.”

  She groaned. “I’m nervous enough walking around naked in front of these windows in the middle of the woods. You think I’m going to lie on a public beach with no bikini?”

  “You’re right. That wouldn’t work. I’d have to fight off everyone who walked by. We’ll get one of those little gondola thingies that are out in the water. A private one.”

  She giggled. “Okay. It’s a deal. As soon as we win the lottery.”

  He reached across the table, cupped her cheek, and stroked her chin with his thumb. After searching her face and making sure he had her full attention, he spoke again. “How about we spend the next two days doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and fucking? After that we can discuss the future and make a plan.”

  She smiled. “I love that idea.”

  Chapter 20

  “We have to go to Montana,” Kate announced two mornings later, the day they intended to discuss their future and leave the cabin.

  It was early. The sun was barely up. But a glance at Kate’s face through the slits Graham managed to make with his groggy eyes, still half asleep, told him she’d been awake for a while.

  She was propped on one elbow, staring down at him.

  She was also naked and sexy as hell.

  He wasn’t sure what to make of her statement, but his brain was too foggy from sleep to respond. He licked his lips and then rolled to his side to pull her under him and kiss her senseless. He much preferred starting his days making out and then making love, than discussing important topics like where they were headed later today.

  When he released her mouth, she patted his arm. “I’m serious.”

  “I’m not even sure what you said. I was still asleep. I think I misunderstood.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You didn’t. You heard me. We have to go to Montana. Today.”

  He shook the cobwebs from his brain. “If I remember correctly, you told me not forty hours ago that we needed to break up because you weren’t inclined to set one foot in Montana.”

  She sighed. “That was before.”

  “Before what?” He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer, but he was sure it would be convoluted.

  “Before I realized what you meant when you said you loved me.”

  That got his attention. “Not following you, babe.” He dipped his mouth to her neck and kissed the soft spot that always made her squirm.

  “You knew. You knew before I did.”

  At that, he lifted his face to meet her gaze, blinking away the last of sleep. “I knew what?”

  “What it meant to fully love someone.”

  “Mmm. What does it mean exactly?”

  “It means you would do anything for them. Anything in the world. I didn’t quite get that. Or I was hiding from it because I was scared. But now I understand. When you said you didn’t care where we went as long as we were together, I thought you were crazy.”

  “Yeah, well, we aren’t going to Montana.” He pushed off her, hoping if he went to the bathroom and returned, she would have found her senses.

  She grabbed his arm as he started to sit up. “Listen to me. I’m not crazy either.”

  “You are if you think we’re going to Montana after the breakdown you had the other day.” He tried to extricate himself from her if for no other reason than to find his own brain cells somewhere in the room.

  She gripped him harder, sitting up at his side and then climbing onto his lap, straddling him with her naked body. She even scooted closer so that her heat pressed against his growing erection.

  He set his hands on her hips to steady her. It did no good. He was doomed. Her fantastic breasts bobbed in front of him, begging him to cup them and bring them to his lips. Her core was wet and warm, making him completely hard in seconds.

  So much for escaping.

  And then she lifted her body a few inches, lined herself up with his erection, and thrust downward.

  He nearly died. Under any other circumstances, he would have found this arrangement to be the most erotic sexy situation he’d ever been in, but the little nymph was manipulating him.

  As soon as she was fully seated, stealing his last brain cell, she repeated her first statement. “We have to go to Montana.”

  “Why would we do that?” he asked through gritted teeth.

  She lifted halfway off and then thr
ust back down, jarring his skull. “Because it’s important to you, and I love you.”

  “I love you too, Kate. That’s why we’re not going.”

  “You said we should compromise.” Again she lifted almost off, hovered above the head for several seconds while he held his breath, and then dropped back down. She had gotten really good at riding him.

  “How is that a compromise?” he asked, gritting harder. The manipulative woman knew exactly what she was doing. Two could play at this game, though.

  Graham slid one hand around from her hip to find her clit. He pressed his thumb against the swollen bundle of nerves, making her moan.

  “You’re not playing fair,” she crooned.

  “Me?” he nearly shouted. “Who climbed on top of me and started using her womanly wiles in order to get her way?”

  She blinked at him, her lips forming into a half-grin. “Did you just say womanly wiles, you big dork?”

  “Mm hmm.” He pinched her clit and then started stroking it rapidly until she moaned.

  “I can’t think when you do that,” she breathed. “You’re ruining my seduction.”

  He chuckled. “Good. Maybe you won’t try to use sex to get me to do something in the future.”

  She met his gaze, her eyes dancing with love and lust and teasing laughter. “I find it’s useful. I think I’ll be inclined to use sex to my advantage often.”

  Without warning, he grabbed her hips, lifted her off his length, and spun to set her on her hands and knees at his side.

  “Graham,” she yelped. “I was busy.”

  “Now I’m busy, my love,” he informed her as he turned to kneel between her legs, lined himself up once again with her center, and thrust deep.

  She rocked forward, a shocked gasp escaping her lips. “Oh God.”

  “Yeah. I thought you might say that.” He held her hips steady as he pulled almost out and thrust back in, deeper this time. So deep he needed to hold his breath and concentrate on the wall in front of him to keep from coming prematurely.

  “Graham…” she whispered, which didn’t help his problem. He loved it when she called out his name. He loved it even more when she barely whispered it because she was lost to him.


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