Divine Debtor

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Divine Debtor Page 15

by Russ Primo

  My first impression, with the dingy bathroom, did not leave me enthusiastic about my prospects.

  Hopefully, it’s at least edible. Although, at this point, I would probably even settle for moldy bread.

  Glowering, Lyst stomped off, and we all watched her until she took a turning and disappeared around a wall.

  "Well," Mira grumbled, apparently as put-out by the whole experience as I was, "As much as I hate being trapped in a place that I can't leave, I am starving. What do we say we each enjoy our meals and regroup afterwards?"

  My stomach growled my assent.

  "I'd like a bath, too," I said, glancing at Kacie, "If they've really fixed mine up, I can take it in there. If not, could I use one of yours?"

  Kacie smiled, folded her hands in front of her body, and blushed.

  "Of course, Pryvet!" she laughed. "I don't think any of us are as deserving of a bath than you! And, afterwards, we can help you figure out how to get us out of here.”

  Her voice held such calm assurance of my ability to do so that I didn't have the heart to say what I thought: "I don't know that it will be so easy, Kacie."

  It was probably for the best that I kept my mouth shut, as Mira and Mette both nodded happily along with Kacie at her words.

  "Well then," I said, turning to my door and opening it, "Let's regroup in an hour? If my bath isn't clean, I'll knock on your door, Kacie."

  The girls nodded, and we each went into our own rooms, our stomachs leading the way.

  I was pleased, when I shut my door and took stock of the place, to see a glimmer of clean metal brimming in the washroom.

  Good start. That means the sludge is at least brushed off of it.

  Sniffing at the air, I was further bolstered by the prospect of finally getting a clean bath, and was happy to see a white porcelain tub, free of grime, with two golden handles attached to slender golden spigots sticking out over the rim.

  "What on Earth?" I wondered aloud to myself as I walked over to test the handles, and leaned my shield against the wall.

  I had not, at this time, become acquainted with the modern luxuries of piping or ductwork, and even if I had been, I would still have been at a loss. For there were no pipes or ducts of any variety that led into the spigots.

  Spinning one, I was half surprised to see crisp, clean water pour out of the spigot, splashing into the tub's depths.

  It was cold to the touch, nearly freezing it felt like.

  When I turned the next, I was now unsurprised to feel scaldingly hot water cascade down from the spout.

  Touching it gently, I had to withdraw my fingers in a hear-beat, for the water felt far too hot to touch, nearly boiling.

  "Well, this will help me get clean at least," I said to myself, closing the cold water's faucet and letting the scalding water flow down into the tub.

  If the scalding water doesn’t cook me first, I suppose.

  Steam rose happily from the basin, heating the room in a heartbeat and making me sweat.

  "Well, let's get the room some heat, before I get the water nice and comfortable," I said to myself, removing my shirt and letting the steam clump up on my skin in tiny little water droplets. “This will do for warming it up. These stones are too cold, otherwise.”

  I filled the tub to the brim, and then closed the scalding water's handle, letting the intense heat from the tub rise up and warm my room as I started to take a better tour of the place.

  When I'd first been introduced to my room, it had been so unpleasant that I'd simply changed and left as soon as I could.

  The smell alone was enough to make me fear returning.

  As I wandered back into my room, proper, I was pleased to note that the Valkyries had taken a complete turn from their first assumptions about men, and really had decked it out lavishly.

  A very nice change, in my opinion.

  The low, hard-looking bed with just a single sheet had been replaced with a large, four-postered, plush affair.

  The comforter lying atop it was so thick that I might drown in it, if I wasn't careful.

  Walking over to the bed, I laid my palm on the comforter, and almost gasped as my fingers sank right down into the soft depths, deep enough that I nearly lost my whole forearm to the thing.

  Well, this should make up for the rough sleep I got last night.

  Turning, I saw a desk with two sets of things upon it.

  The first was a sheaf of papers with quill laid atop them and inkwell to the side.

  The second was a large silver bowl, turned upside down and resting on a silver platter.

  Lifting the bowl, I saw a china plate resting on the platter, and a steak about as wide as my outstretched hand, and about two inches thick. Beside the steak rested a steaming bowl of mashed potatoes.

  My stomach grumbled, and I let it direct my body to sit in the chair without hesitation.

  Spying a fork and sharp knife lying to the side of the plate, I offered a simple, "Oh, this is going to be good," and dove into it.

  I thought it was a good thing that we were all eating in separate rooms, because the noises I made while devouring the meat might have gotten Kacie jealous.

  The steak was juicy and warm and came apart in my mouth after some persuasion, disappearing into me in under three minutes, sating my grumbling stomach enough that I could take it slow with the small bowl of mashed potatoes that rest beside the steak's plate.

  Taking up my spoon and the bowl of potatoes, I stood and resumed my inspection of the room, lifting bites from the bowl as I went, lest I overload my stomach too quickly.

  Remember, you haven’t really eaten since yesterday midday, at the latest. Probably, it’s been since yesterday morning.

  Going to inspect my window, I cocked my head in suspicion.

  To my eyes, it appeared to have no bars upon it. I'd not even thought to check before.

  "Oh, it can't be this simple. Can it?" I wondered to myself as I approached it.

  The windowpane was swung wide into the room, letting steam from my bath issue out into the gathering dark.

  It would be a little tight of a squeeze for me to escape through it, but the girls were all smaller than I was.

  They would be able to get out without difficulty.

  The difficult part, of course, will be the fall. And, as we used Mette’s staff for protection, I doubt she could use magic to aid her.

  Taking a bite of mashed potatoes, I stepped over to the window, raising my hand to the opening.

  "You absolute fools," I whispered as I pressed my fingers to the window's airy openness. "You didn't even close the window after airing out my room!"

  But, no sooner had those words escaped my lips than my fingertips met with some invisible barrier.

  "Oh, come on!" I growled as I pressed my palm full against the barrier, assuring to myself that I couldn't escape that way.

  Disappointed, I finished the last bite of mashed potatoes, feeling my stomach happily starting in on digesting my meal.

  "Well, this requires a bit of think, then," I sighed, turning to the bathroom. "Maybe some steam will help me figure this out, or letting this food digest?"

  The bathwater was still scalding when I tested it with my hand.

  I had to yank my burning skin back out after a moment, and wonder how to get the water colder.

  I could obviously have turned the cold handle, but I'd filled the tub up with so much water that there was no space to add more.

  "Ugh," I groaned, looking around the tub for some clue as to how to proceed. "How do I get you to drain?"

  As soon as I said the word, 'drain' a soft gurgling sound escaped from beneath the water, and a little vortex appeared on the surface.

  Slowly, the water level fell.

  "Well, that works pretty well," I said, impressed in spite of myself. "Now, if I tell you to stop, will you stop?"

  In a snap, the gurgling sound ceased and the vortex disappeared.

  "Excellent, bath," I said, pleased. “Very
good work, on your part.”

  A few quick adjustments later, and I sank low into the now hot, but not too-hot, tub of water, letting the warmth caress my aching muscles, my sore joints.

  "If I'm going to be trapped here," I sighed, closing my eyes, "I may as well enjoy it."

  I sat like that for some time, before opening my eyes again and regarding my shield.

  "You have so many branches and twigs that need satisfying," I sighed to my Debt. "And here I am, stuck in a place where I can't satisfy any of you. The Valkyries are sterile, Mira and Mette are sworn to celibacy, for the time being. And Kacie… Kacie…"

  I felt my manhood swell as I thought of how perfect her ass had looked in those traveling pants, the way that her blouse had hugged her breasts so tightly, even the way her clean blonde hair had fallen down in ringlets around her shoulders.

  As I sat there, feeling myself harden, I barely heard the door to the hallway open.

  Sitting up in the bath, I reached over for my shield, having nothing else to defend myself with, if the entrant meant me harm.

  A soft "Hmmmm," came from my room as the door to my bath opened slowly.

  Raising the shield in front of myself, I made ready for whatever was to come.

  Or, so I thought.

  As the door swung wide, I saw no enemy standing there, no elf with bow drawn tight, nor Valkyrie with sword raised.

  Instead, I saw Kacie standing in the doorway.

  Chapter Seventeen

  "Kacie!" I said happily. "I'm sorry for the shield. I thought you might be an elf or Valkyrie."

  I smiled up at Kacie, completely forgetting for the moment that a raised shield would certainly not be the only shocking thing about me, but also my complete nudeness, and my steadily hardening member.

  Kacie's face looked odd, like she'd been at war with herself for some time, and had only now come to a truce.

  Her eyes were downcast as she opened the door, and as they slowly raised, they lingered on my shield, on my Debt.

  "It's so big," she whispered, starting over to the tub.

  She was still wearing the same clothes that she had been, while Lyst showed us around the temple. But, her shirt had lost a few buttons in the process, and she'd clearly stepped out of her shoes somewhere along the way.

  "Your Debt, Pryvet," she whispered, eyes rising to meet mine. "It's so big, and now we're all trapped here. You're trapped with a castle's worth of infertile Valkyries, a temple maiden and a priestess both sworn to celibacy, and… me."

  As she mentioned herself, her hands rose along her stomach to her breasts, clasping each other there while she chewed on her lip in concentration.

  "It's not fair, Pryvet," she whimpered. "You're didn't have to be here. You didn't have to save us all. You could have just fled and left us with the elves. You would have managed it, I know…"

  I cocked my head at her, letting my Debt slide down from my arm and lean against the tub.

  "I could never have left you," I said, shocked that she would even have considered it a possibility. "What kind of man would I be, if I left three women to be attacked by elves, while I ran away?"

  Kacie smiled, her white teeth shining out at me.

  "You'd be one who was closer to satisfying his Debt than you are," she laughed. "Pryvet, I know The Mother isn't… Well, I believe the Valkyries when they say She's got Her plans. Maybe She wants you to leave your debt to her unsatisfied.”

  I nodded slowly. The thought had been growing in the back of my mind for a little time, now.

  "And, well, I think we should try to prove Her wrong," Kacie finished with a whisper.

  Tenderly, her fingers started working on the buttons of her blouse, unbuttoning them until the two sides fell away from each other, clinging to her breasts as they lay there.

  "Would you like to prove Her wrong, Pryvet?" Kacie whimpered, her eyes meeting mine and staying there.

  I swallowed, forcing my eyes to stay on hers, even as I felt the magnetic pull of her breasts tracking my own to her chest.

  "I want," I gulped as I noticed her eyes flit down to my hard member. "I want you to choose for yourself, Kacie. If you're just doing it for me, I don't want it."

  Kacie's eyes danced upon mine.

  "Oh!" she laughed, mirth forcing her head back as laughter spilled from her lips and the two halves of her shirt tugged away from her breasts, exposing her two full mounds to my eyes. "Of course I want you, Pryvet! But, it's bad form for a girl to say that to a man, when she's satisfying his Debt! It's supposed to be all about the divinity, all about The Mother, all about the Debt.”

  As she kept laughing, she sloughed the shirt off easily, stepping towards the tub and myself with her nipples standing on end.

  "Now, my Pryvet," she whispered, coming to the tub's edge and kneeling down so that her breasts lay on the rim. “Yes. Of course I want you. Do you want me?"

  There was no more hesitation in me, after she asked those last words.

  I splashed warm water all over her chest in my eagerness to close my lips around hers, wrapping wet fingers through her hair as I grasped her head and tilted it to give me a better angle on her.

  She seemed shocked at my fervency, and gasped a little as I took control, arching her back slightly so that her breasts lifted from the rim of the tub, opening her mouth to let my tongue slide between her teeth, finding her own and letting both dance around each other.

  "Mmmmmmm," was all she moaned as I kissed her, my tongue writhing against hers like a snake finding a comfortable log to rest upon.

  Raising my other hand, I grasped gently onto her exposed breast, squeezing and kneading the mound of flesh tenderly, like it was dough that I wanted to rise.

  "Pryv," she moaned as I kissed her. "Pryv, I've wanted this for so long… You have no idea how hard it was to wait… to wait for you, in Clanesse.”

  Taking that for initiative, I squeezed her breast harder, my fingers coming up to her nipple and giving it a playful little twist, drawing yet more gasps from it and making her mouth momentarily stop working.

  "Ungh," she moaned, eyes fluttering closed as I lifted her lips away from mine. "Oh, you're so strong, Pryvet."

  Not giving her a moment to get accustomed to any of the motions, I bent forward and clasped her other nipple into my mouth, starting to suck on it fervently, alternating between sucking and flicking my tongue across it quickly, making her whole chest heave with pleasure.

  "Pryv," she moaned as I worked the fingers holding her head fast around to her face and traced the outlines of her lips with my thumb, before pressing it into her mouth.

  Her chest rose and fell in time with my sucking on her nipple, shuddered when I instead flicked my tongue across it, bobbed forwards and back when I pressed my thumb once more into her mouth.

  Wordlessly, or all full of sighs and moans, her hands slid down into the tub, fingers finding my member and starting to caress me with them, tenderly sliding up and down my length as I made her body my own.

  "You're so hard, Pryv," she moaned around my thumb. "And you're so big… Is that why your Debt is so big, too? Most men have tiny little Debts, but yours is… yours is huge, Pryv."

  She started more fervently stroking me, hands working in tandem, gliding up and down my shaft in the warm bathwater, splashing all around us and getting her toned stomach all wet.

  "I want to feel it, Pryv," she moaned as one hand retreated from the bathwater and started working on her waist. "Please, can I feel it, Pryvet? I need you so bad."

  I didn't stop sucking on her tits the entire time, nor did I stop teasing her lips or her other nipple, so she was left alone to manage to wriggle out of her pants while being caressed so well.

  Her body shifted when she'd finally wriggled free of her pants, and I grumbled when she adjusted her stance, popping her breasts suddenly out of my mouth and hand.

  "Oh, it's so cold without you," she moaned, rising up and stepping out of her pants. "Let's warm me up some more."

p; With that, she stepped into the tub over my body with one leg, and on the other side with her other.

  Kneeling carefully, she brought her breasts within range of my lips and I latched onto her once more, sucking hungrily away at her as she adjust herself.

  "Oh, I want to feel this forever," she moaned as she lined her crotch up with my own, and gently eased herself down onto me.

  I'd expected her to pause with me at her entrance, readying herself to ease down onto me, but instead she slid onto me in one smooth motion, gliding me into her all the way on her first time, though slowly.

  Her walls parted around me as she lowered her hole around my shaft, all her delicate folds wrapping around me, her whole body fluttering with delight as she worked herself onto me.

  "Mmmmmmm," she moaned as I worked my thumb back around her lips. "Okay, okay, Pryvet. I'm yours so you can do whatever you want to my mouth."

  Grinning around her nipple, I gave the hard little thing a playful bite, making her gasp long enough for me to shove my thumb into her mouth.

  Releasing her breast with my hand, I instead grabbed her hip and held her down upon me as her body settled into my presence.

  "Mmmmmm," she moaned around my thumb. "You're so big, Pryvet… I think I'm ready now."

  Without any more provocation, I started working her hips up and down along my length, letting her wetness slide along me as I retreated to her entrance and then slid slowly back inside her, feeling with a thrill the way her body shivered as I spread her, working her faster and faster, until we were making large waves in the warm bathwater and sending it splashing out over the lip and onto the floor.

  "Pryvet," Kacie moaned as I felt her walls thrill around me, vibrating as hard as her humming. "Pryvet, I'm going to…"

  I felt my shaft swell and my balls pull into my body as her walls pulled tight around me, ready to shoot my seed into her and fertilize her little womb.

  "Wait," I growled suddenly, as I felt her walls clamp tight around me. "Wait for me. I want to finish together."


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