Destined Chaos

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Destined Chaos Page 11

by Kate Allenton

  “Okay, no arguing. Libby needs to rest, and I think you should go home and change. You smell like smoke.”

  “Give us a minute,” Hugh said.

  Dexter put the chart back and walked out the door.

  Hugh leaned over me and pressed a tender kiss to my lips. It was soft and full of promise without the words. “I thought I lost you.”

  I cupped his cheek. “I’ve apparently been gifted a new lifetime, and besides, I’m not that easy to kill.”

  He sighed. “Dinky deserves the consequences. He said he didn’t have a choice, that he was in too deep with no way out.”

  “He has a bad gambling habit and he must have owed Johnson a debt.” I shook my head, “But you heard him. He didn’t mean to harm me. He didn’t know we were in there.”

  “He shot you,” Hugh said with a stern look on his face.

  “It was an accident. He was under duress. Johnson wants the property, and there is no way in hell he’s going to get it. Dinky is in trouble, and he needs me. I wasn’t there for him then, but I will be now.”

  I kissed her head again. “He had a gun, Libby. He pulled the trigger. Not Johnson, not me, not anyone else. Dinky did all that.”

  “Hugh, please. Help me help him. I’ll give you the property. You can rebuild.”

  Hugh’s brows pulled down as he frowned. “Me being here has nothing to do with the property, Libby. I care about you.”

  “Then help him because you care about me,” I begged.



  My foot tapped against the linoleum floor as I waited for Clark to bring Dinky into the interrogation room. I needed answers only he could give me before I did anything. I wasn’t even sure Dinky was worth the effort, no matter how much Libby begged—loving someone because they were family wasn’t always good for a person’s health.

  Clark opened the door and shoved Dinky through. His lip was still busted and had crusted over, and the color around his eye was changing from black to green with increased swelling.

  Dinky stopped in his tracks. Clark gave him a little shove farther into the room and into a chair. He didn’t have a choice to back out of this conversation. I wouldn’t let him.

  “Take me back to my cell,” Dinky demanded.

  “You’ve got five minutes,” Clark said and backed out of the room.

  “Why did you do it?” I asked, unable to stop myself.

  “I owe a lot of money to Mr. Johnson. He wanted the property and said he’d forgive all of my debt.”

  “You almost killed her.”

  “It was an accident. I never meant to pull the trigger. It was always just the house. I wanted the damn house to burn. I thought if I burned it, then the evil inside would have nowhere to haunt and you wouldn’t want the place and she wouldn’t have to wait the thirty days. She’d sell it, and I’d be off the hook.”

  “You almost killed her.” My voice deepened as if he didn’t realize what he’d done.

  “I don’t even know why he gave me the gun. I was desperate. Why won’t anyone listen to me?”

  Dinky slammed his hands down on the table. “He’s not going to stop, not until he has that property. Something about how his dad left his mom and went to work at Slaughter House as a gardener. I overheard him telling someone on the phone. He’s not going to stop until he owns that deed, and trust me that he isn’t above killing her so that the property gets passed down to me. You have to protect her. I can’t do anything while I’m here. Please protect her.”

  I sat back and tilted my head. “They’re related?”

  “What? No.” Dinky gawked.

  “The book said the gardener was the toddler’s father and possibly Libby’s too. If the gardener was Johnson’s father, that means he and Libby are half-siblings.”

  Dinky shook his head as if the pieces were beginning to fit. A look of horror crossed his face. “He’ll kill her if he realizes the truth. He wants to destroy it all. Slaughter House and every bit of his dad’s legacy. You’ve got to stop him.”

  “The fire did most of that.”

  “But it didn’t take her. He’ll want to finish the job.”

  I shoved out of my chair and yanked open the door. Clark was in the observation room and met me as I walked out.

  “It’s true. The gardener is her dad. It was in the diary and the DNA confirmed it. I just haven’t had an opportunity to tell her. Come on. I’ll drive.”

  “Who killed her dad?” I asked, jogging behind Clark toward the door.

  “The book says her grandfather did. Libby’s mother walked in a minute too late to save Maria, and the gardener turned his anger on her. Her grandfather admitted to killing the man in the diary. He claimed it was in self-defense trying to save Libby’s mother’s life. He goes on to say that he told the girls to run and never look back.”

  “And they did.”

  Within minutes, Clark had his lights and siren going as he sped toward the hospital.

  “Let’s hope your girl’s luck is still holding up.”

  “Luck?” I asked. “How does any of this make her lucky?”

  “You were there to stop the stalker boyfriend. You both got out of the burning house unscathed, and she got through surgery. I’d say the girl has nine lives.”

  I pulled out my phone and dialed Dexter.


  “Dexter, it’s Hugh. Listen, don’t let any visitors into Libby’s room. We still think she’s in danger.”

  “Funny you should say that. Clara is here demanding the same thing.”

  “Just do it. Clark and I are on our way.”

  “I’ll put security outside her door and put her on lockdown.”

  “Thanks, Dexter.” I hung up and tapped the dashboard. “Can’t you go any faster?”

  Clark grinned and shoved his boot down on the pedal. “Buckle up.”

  Clark and I ran through the hospital entrance, meeting Dexter on the bottom floor.

  “Is she okay?” I asked, poking the elevator call button several times in succession.

  “I put the best person we had in her room. She’s fine.”

  The elevator dinged, and they rode it up in silence. My heart was beating out of my chest when the doors opened. There was no one in the hallway. The man at the door was sprawled out on the floor.

  “Oh, God.”

  I didn’t wait for the others. I ran and shoved the door open.

  Clara smiled at them. “What took you so long?”

  Libby’s bed was empty.

  Clara was wearing a wig and had Johnson bent over the bed with his hands cuffed behind his back.

  “Where is she?”

  “Over here,” Libby called out.

  I followed the sound of her voice into the next room. The room was dark. Her bed was pressed against the wall and out of sight, so that someone walking by wouldn’t have seen her.

  “You okay?” I asked, stroking her hair.

  “Your family sure knows how to put on a show,” she teased.

  “Well, at least my family isn’t trying to kill you.”

  “Clara told me Mr. Johnson is related. How would she know that?”

  “That’s a long story for another day.”

  I kissed her lips.

  “Did you see Dinky? Is he okay?”

  “He will be.”

  Clark walked into the room. “You guys good?”

  “Sheriff, I’m not pressing charges against Dinky. It was all a misunderstanding. I told him to burn down my house. I wanted to rebuild it.”

  “No, you didn’t,” I said.

  “I’ll swear to it in court if it means Dinky goes free.”

  “And did you ask him to shoot you too?” Clark asked, raising a brow and crossing his arms over his chest.

  “The gun simply misfired. I think I’ll help Dinky sue the gun manufacturer.”

  “The only problem with that is that Hugh was there. Is that your statement, Hugh?”

  She met my gaze. Hers was p

  “On one condition.”

  “The property is yours,” she said.

  “I don’t want the property this way,” I answered and stared into her eyes. “I think I’m going to need you to stay longer than the thirty days. You know, just to make sure all the Slaughter drama is over.” I grinned.

  “The law doesn’t work like that, Hugh. He’s either guilty, or he’s not.”

  “He’s not,” Libby offered.

  “Is that right, Hugh?”

  “He’s guilty of being stupid and not trusting family, but I don’t believe he intended to shoot.” I hoped like hell I was right.



  One month later.

  “Come on, we’re going to be late,” Libby yelled from the kitchen as I shoved my foot into my shoe.

  “You still haven’t told me where we’re going. Your follow-up appointment isn’t until tomorrow,” I answered, lacing my boot.

  I patted my coat pocket and grinned. The reminder of what was happening today was a secret that was getting harder to keep.

  She was waiting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and a smile on her face. She shoved it into my hands and headed for the door.

  I climbed in behind the wheel of my truck as she eased into the other seat. Her wounds were healing fast thanks to Dexter, but she was still sore. I’d come clean and told her the truth about my family and what we could all do. She hadn’t been as surprised as I thought she might be.

  “You have to tell me where I’m driving.”

  “To the Slaughter House property,” she answered.

  I threw the truck into gear and drove up the mountain to where nothing remained but a concrete slab and charred black wood.

  Three cars were parked in what used to be the driveway. My brother Emmett, Dinky, and Champ were talking as we pulled up.

  She got out and greeted them with a smile. “Did you bring what I need?”

  “Of course. It’s hot off the press. I had to pull some strings to get it done in time, but you’re worth it,” Champ said as he reached into his car and pulled out some plans. He handed them to her, and she spread them open on the hood of Champ’s car.

  “What is this?” I asked. The plans looked similar to the ones I’d designed as an addition onto Slaughter House.

  “You should recognize most of it,” Emmett said, patting my back.

  “My plan is for the Slaughters and the Bennetts to partner on a new ski lodge, complete with all the amenities.” She smiled and pointed to the building.

  “That’s bigger than I’d planned.” I pointed to the additional houses nearby. “What are those?”

  “That’s where the costs are going to be offset. Those are going to be used like halfway houses for some of Champ’s victims. You can give them employment in the lodge while Champ is working on their relocations. Champ will pay you handsomely for the help in keeping them off the grid, and I’ll be nearby to make sure we don’t have any unforeseen problems.”

  “Champ is going to do that?” Emmett asked.

  “Of course. Libby tells me it’s a win/win that I can’t possibly turn down.”

  “And what am I doing here?” Dinky asked. Libby had used some of her savings to pay off Dinky’s debt even though Johnson was sitting in jail. She’d explained it as getting them both out from the dark cloud that was following them.

  She touched his arm. “You’re family, and you need to put down some roots and get a fresh start. So, I’ve decided that you’re going to work with everyone and represent the Slaughter name.”

  “Why me when you can do that?” he asked, swallowing hard.

  “You’re her family, and that’s going to make you part of ours,” Emmett answered.

  “Wait. What?” Libby lifted her gaze.

  “Way to spoil it, Emmett,” I said, shoving his shoulder.

  “What? Clara told me today was the day.”

  “Tonight, over dinner,” I said.

  “Oh, no, no, no,” Libby said, wiggling her finger. “I’m not getting married until I outlive my mother.”

  “Excuse us,” I said, taking her hand and leading her to the clearing where she’d almost died.

  The memories washed over her face like a sour taste.

  “Of all the places, you picked here?” she asked.

  “Here is where I almost lost you. Here is where you saved my life. Here is where I knew for certain that I was falling head over heels in love with you.”


  I pulled the ring out of my pocket and held it up to her as I dropped to my knee. “I don’t need to wait to know you, and I know we’re meant to be together. I love you, Libby Slaughter. Even if you were to die in the next five years, I’d still love you even after you’re gone. Our love will be the legacy you leave behind.”

  “Hugh.” She smiled. “And you’ll wait five years?”

  I rose from my spot and pulled the ring out of the box. “I’ve waited my entire life for you. I can handle five more years.”

  “Even if I’m going to die?” She already knew that answer. Hell, she should have seen this scenario coming. I was finding out that there wasn’t much that could surprise her.

  “You’re not going to die. I won’t let you.”

  She held out her finger, and a smile split her lips. “Then yes. Yes. I’ll marry you.”

  I kissed her like she owned my world, because she did.

  “I never saw you coming,” she whispered against my lips.

  “That’s probably a good thing. You would have run the other way.”

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  About the Author

  Kate Allenton loves reading and writing everything, romance, mystery, and suspense while including a supernatural flare.

  She offers a reading escape where strong women with special abilities have to fight for their happily-ever-after and sometimes the line between good and evil is blurred.

  Most of her books are set in Florida because she craves sunlight. If she had to choose between being psychic or having a super power, she’d pick psychic every time.

  She was a 2014 Rom Con Reader Finalist in Romantic Suspense for her book, Deadly Desire (Carrington-Hill Investigations). In 2017 her book, Maid of Honor, in the Wedding Dreams Box Set hit the USA Today Bestsellers List.

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  She loves to hear from her readers by email at [email protected], on Twitter@KateAllenton, and on Facebook at

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  Other Books By Kate Allenton



  Grave Wrong


  Intuition (Book 1)

  Touch of Fate (Book 2)

  Mind Play (Book 3)

  The Reckoning (Book 4)

  Redemption (Book 5)

  Chance Encounters (Book 6)

  Destined Hearts (Book 7)


  Rotten Apple (Book 1)

  Pay Dirt (Book2)

  Down & Dirty (Book 3)

  Hard To Hold (Book 4)

  Sour Layer (Book 5)

  Train Wreck (Book 6)


  Controlled Chaos (Book 1)

  Finding Chaos (Book 2)

  Killing Chaos (Book 3)

  Reclaiming Chaos (Book 4)

  Destined Chaos (Book 5)


  Reckless Abandon (Book 1)

  Betrayal (Book 2)

  Untamed (Book 3)

  Guided Loyalty (Book 4)


  Deception (Book 1)

  Deadly Desire (Book 2)


fting the Veil (Book 1)

  Beyond the Veil (Book 2)

  Veiled Intentions (Book 3)

  Veiled Threats (Book 4)


  Skylar (Book1)

  Declan (Book 2)

  Flynn (Book 3)

  Reed (Book 4)

  Landon (Book 5)

  Alexis (Book 6)

  Gabe (Book 7)

  Jackson (Book 8)


  Deadly Intent (Book 1)

  Psychic Link (Book 2)

  Psychic Charm (Book 3)

  Psychic Games (Book 4)

  Deadly Dreams (Book 5)


  Dead Wrong (Book 1)

  Deadly Vows (Book 2)

  Dead Famous (Book 3)

  Deadly Ties (Book 4)

  Deadly Bliss (Book 5)

  Deadly Flirtations (Book 6)


  Witch Unleashed (Book 1)

  Witchy Trouble (Book 2)

  Witch Bait (Book 3)

  Witchy Warning (Book 4)

  Witchy Past (Book 5)

  Witch Hunt (Book 6)


  Time Watch (Book 1)

  Time Keepers (Book 2)


  Stalked Justice (Book 1)

  Killing Justice (Book 2)

  Hunting Justice (Book 3)

  Stolen Justice (Book 4)

  Hacking Justice (Book 5)

  Broken Justice (Book 6)

  Guarding Justice (Book 7)


  Maid of Honor

  New Year’s Negotiation

  Hell Bound

  Mystic Tides Box Set

  Mystic Luck Box Set

  Mystic Kiss Box Set



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