Blood Song: Prelude (Blood Song Series Book 1)

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Blood Song: Prelude (Blood Song Series Book 1) Page 3

by Charli B. Rose

  “Date someone,” I scoffed. “I have no desire to form a relationship with anyone.”

  “It wouldn’t have to be a real relationship. We could arrange a fake girlfriend. She’d be seen in public with you. We’d secretly tip off the press as to where you’d be on the dates so they could get some pictures. It would give you publicity, and there’d be no entanglements with a fake girlfriend.”

  I shook my head at the absurdity of it all. Was this really what fame had become in the years since I’d left it? “Have you devised a plan to procure this fake girlfriend?”

  “I’d be happy to add fake girlfriend to my list of duties for you, Mr. Adams.”

  Of course, that was her angle. “That won’t be necessary. I don’t think I can do the whole fake girlfriend thing. I don’t like people.”

  She laughed. “You do alright with people. You’re just rough around the edges. The right woman’s touch could smooth out those rough edges.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll think over what you’ve said. If I decide to do anything about your suggestions, I know just the person to call for assistance.”

  I huffed in frustration at the changes it seemed I’d need to make to sell my music to the current generation’s ungrateful bands. I’d sold songs to the biggest names in music history. But where was that getting me now?

  “Are you sure I can’t be of assistance to you?” she asked as she ran her fingers inside the collar of her blouse.

  “I’m certain I’m capable of figuring things out. I’ve survived in this world for nearly 220 years, so I’m sure I can work through this obstacle just fine.”

  It was really irritating that she thought I was incapable of creating an online presence. It wasn’t that I couldn’t do it . . . it was that I didn’t want to do it. I was quite content with things the way they were.

  “I’ve received several invitations to events I was planning to decline as usual. Maybe I’ll attend a couple to start garnering some public attention,” I mused, tapping my index finger to my pursed lips.

  She leaned forward, putting her cleavage on full display. “If there’s anything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

  I barely repressed the need to shiver in revulsion. For some reason, I felt her looks were completely deceiving, and having a taste of her would be like expecting a sip of fine wine and instead swallowing a mouthful of vinegar.

  “I’ll let you know when I’m ready for you to approach these groups again.” I tapped my finger against the stack of papers. “Continue reaching out to the others on the list. For now, that’s all.”

  I spun my chair to face the windows, essentially dismissing her. With my sensitive hearing, I heard her stand and draw in a breath like she had more to say. I waited in annoyance. She must have thought better of it though because she sighed and walked out.

  I sighed as well, but my sigh was in relief. I didn’t know how much clearer I could be with Lydia. I had zero interest in her in any capacity other than her looks guaranteed the bands would take meetings with her on my behalf.

  I yanked open the desk drawer and rifled through the contents. Finally, I unearthed the scrap of paper I sought.

  I fingered the embossed business card. The elegant script read:

  Circe Thomas

  President of H-V Relations at B.I.T.-10

  Her contact information was listed below in the same dark red ink.

  Circe had tried to enlist me as a client numerous times in the past, though I’d always resisted. I didn't really see the need of going through all the pretense of hiring someone willing to serve my needs in exchange for other commodities. B.I.T.-10 hired many beautiful, ambitious young people with various skill sets. The employees were all willing to provide relief for basic vampire needs in addition to performing whatever tasks the client required. In the past, I’d scoffed at the idea of hiring employees in that manner. I preferred a solid wall separating my business life from my very private personal one.

  But it seemed I needed to mix my two worlds for a bit in order to usher my music business into modern society. Before I could second-guess myself, I picked up the phone and dialed the number handwritten on the back of the business card. Circe answered her private line immediately.

  "Hello," she said in a seductive tone.

  "Ms. Thomas, this is Toven Adams. I was wondering if I could make an appointment with you this afternoon. I have a job I need to fill through more discreet channels than through an ad online, and I think you’re just the person to help me find someone for it," I forced myself to speak business-like.

  "Toven, it’s so good to hear from you. I thought I’d never live to see the day when you’d call on my services. I’d be happy to help you personally if it’s within my power, or I’ll find someone who’ll meet your requirements. What time would you like to come by?" she gushed in my ear.

  "I’d prefer as soon as possible." That way I didn’t have time to change my mind.

  "I’ll clear a time slot for you in an hour." Tapping came through the line, presumably as she added me to her schedule.

  "See you then."

  I hung up. Then I pressed the button for my receptionist. "I’m going to be gone for the rest of the day. Please reschedule my appointments for tomorrow."

  She swallowed hard. I could tell my request troubled her. "Is there something wrong?"

  "Well, sir, um . . . Mr. Victor is rather unpleasant to deal with when changing the schedule, especially with last minute changes." I could practically see her shudder as she spoke of Victor.

  "No problem. I’ll call him myself."

  "Thank you, sir. You’re too kind."

  I hung up and smirked at the irony of anyone thinking I was kind.

  I pressed the button for Victor, the ruthless vampire in charge of my House of the Rising Sun Development company.

  "Victor," I barked into the phone when he picked up.

  "Yes, Mr. Adams." At least he still remembered formalities in the office.

  "Something has come up that’ll pull me out of the office today. I need to reschedule our appointment for tomorrow."

  "Let me see what I can shuffle. My evening hours are already pretty booked with other appointments. Not all of us can venture out during the daylight." Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

  "Use the underground tunnel—that’s why I installed it. Be here at three tomorrow if you wish to stay in charge of the current project. Otherwise, I’ll meet with Johnson and get him up to speed on the project."

  "That won't be necessary, sir. I’ll be there."

  I strode out the door and let my receptionist know that Victor's appointment had been moved to the next day at three. The other rescheduled appointment would be tomorrow at one.

  " Call if anything urgent comes up. Otherwise, I’ll see you on Monday."

  "You don't need me to come in tomorrow to deal with your two meetings?"

  "No. Tomorrow is Saturday. Enjoy your family. I can handle letting two men in and seeing them out."

  "Thank you, sir."

  At least some of my employees respected my authority.

  I arrived at the headquarters of Bishop, Ingelheim and Thomas with time to spare. My inhuman reflexes came in handy when trying to maneuver quickly through traffic. I approached the building from the side. As I rounded the corner to enter the large, tinted doors, I noticed a beautiful, young woman pacing the sidewalk in front of the building. Nervous energy wafted off her in waves that were almost tangible. Her head was bowed, and she was staring at her phone as she nearly wore a path in the concrete. She was so engrossed in her phone that she didn’t notice my approach.

  I stopped to watch her. She had dark hair and a feminine figure. Under the scent of nerves and fear, I caught a whiff of something tantalizing. She muttered to herself. With my keen hearing, I could make out words which were probably not meant for anyone’s ears. I probably should’ve tried to not listen, but something about this girl held my undivided attention.
r />   I wanted to know what caused her worries. And for some odd reason, I wanted to alleviate those worries. I wanted to slay whatever beasts made her anxious and afraid.

  “What was I thinking? I can’t do this. I need the money. I need the truth. But I need my life more. What am I going to do?” Then she sniffled and plowed right into me.

  I put my hands out, clutching her arms to keep her from falling backward. A jolt zapped me the instant my fingers brushed the skin of her upper arms. Startled emerald eyes meant mine, and I couldn’t seem to look away.

  ♪ When you know by Shawn Colvin

  “I’m s-sorry,” she stammered. “Are you all right? I wasn’t watching where I was going. I was checking my email and my accounts and thinking and just not paying attention and . . .” she rambled on nervously.

  “Stop. I’m fine. Are you OK?” I asked as I gave her a small smile of encouragement.

  “Yes. I was coming for an appointment, but it got shifted to four this afternoon.”

  “That’s not so bad. Now you have some free time to enjoy a beautiful afternoon.”

  She shook her head. “More like I have three hours to argue with myself about the intelligence of taking the path I’m considering.”

  I reached up and gently brushed a stray tear from her cheek. Her heart stuttered at my touch. She held her breath. I found myself wanting to catch her breath and devour it, and then return it to her from within me. I wanted to see what other types of touches would cause her heart to hitch. I halted my wayward thoughts.

  “Things can’t really be so bad that a beautiful, young lady such as yourself would find herself in tears on a day like today.” I motioned to the sunny sky.

  “They are worse than bad. But I’ll figure things out . . . I always do. I’m sorry for running into you. Thank you for your kindness.”

  With those parting words, she turned on her heel and disappeared into the crowd farther down the street. I didn’t even get her name. I stared into the space that swallowed up her beauty for several long moments. Finally, the sounds of the world filtered back in and shook me from my reverie.

  I entered the lush lobby of B.I.T. and went to the elevator. Once inside, I pressed the button for the tenth floor. The sixteen-story building housed the headquarters of each of B.I.T.’s fifteen companies.

  Thankfully, my entire ride was in solitude. I wasn’t sure I had any politeness left to dole out today. And the way the dark-haired girl out front had revved up my heart rate had me yearning for something I’d never allow myself to just take and plunder. But the beast was dangerously close to slipping from his chain. The monster inside had never been so hard to control. Controlling him was easy in the moment on the sidewalk, but now that I was alone with him and my thoughts, he was wrenching hard to be free and to find satisfaction.

  A few deep breaths had him under control enough that I knew I wouldn’t do anything foolish. The ding announced my arrival on the tenth floor. Circe herself was waiting when the doors slid open.

  “Toven,” she exclaimed as she stepped forward to wrap her arms around me and pressed a kiss to my lower jaw.

  I stiffened in her embrace. The beast even retreated at her touch. I’d lost my appetite for forward women, and Circe was one of the most aggressive I’d met in my entire life. I used to enjoy being pursued, but when the ultimate huntress pursued me and turned me into a monster, that ship had sailed. Cassandra ruined me for women who chased. Now, I preferred to do the chasing.

  I followed Circe into her office, not even taking note of the seductive sway of her hips. My mind was still outside on the sidewalk with the beautiful girl full of worry.

  “Please have a seat and tell me how I can be of service to you.”

  She indicated the cushion beside her on the couch. I angled myself so she couldn’t get too close to me. She was well aware of my musical talents and how I sold songs. I explained my dilemma of needing to find someone with an eye for marketing who could help market me to the current music world. I also explained the person needed to be attractive and able to serve as a companion who’d attend events with me socially.

  “I think we have several options that may work well for what you need. I have a few girls currently employed who are very active on social media and can create an online presence for you. I have a couple of prospects I’m hoping to add to my employee roster who are trained in marketing and public relations. As for the attractive requirement, I only hire beautiful young ladies. Companionship is included as an automatic requirement in every contract. Each employee expects to be required to provide blood, sex and pleasure to whatever client they enter an agreement with. So, those things are a given. It’s just a matter of which girl you want who will meet your needs beyond the physical,” she explained matter-of-factly.

  I steepled my fingers as I considered this potential arrangement. “I see. What do I need to do to procure one of your employees?”

  “Normally, we’d go through my available girls and you’d make a selection, submit an offer, and I’d present it to the young lady for her to accept or reject. However, your timing is perfect. I have a gala tomorrow, and all my current ladies will be there. You pay a fee to attend the event. You’ll receive a dossier containing photos and all the pertinent information about each girl—skills, knowledge, blood type, sexual experience. You’ll have time to mingle with the girls, see if one or several catch your eye. At ten o’clock, you’ll submit a proposal for any girl you wish to hire. The proposal will include the duties and requirements you need, as well as the price you’re willing to pay and duration of the contract. I’ll present each girl with her offers, and she’ll select which proposal she wants to accept. By midnight, all proposals will be accepted or rejected, and you’ll hopefully leave with the girl you selected.”

  It sounded so clinical, methodical. I couldn’t wrap my mind around this sort of transaction. “How much is the fee to attend this event?”

  “Five thousand dollars. Only the most prominent, wealthy vampires are invited to participate.”

  “No problem.” I reached in my pocket, withdrawing a wad of cash to pay the fee. “Anything else I need to know?”

  “Yes, you can’t drain any of the girls or cause them permanent harm, that means physically or mentally. Other than that, anything goes.” She accepted the money from me and placed it on the coffee table.

  I leaned forward, ready to get to my feet. “I’ll see you tomorrow evening. What time does the event start?”

  “The girls will be on display starting at eight o’clock.”

  “Very well, see you then.” I stood, causing her to rise gracefully beside me.

  “It was great seeing you again. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with B.I.T.-10’s services. I only wish I was available to fill your requirements myself, but alas, I’m booked solid for the next month. Maybe next time?” Her fingers wrapped around my bicep.

  I ignored her question. “Thank you for your help. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I shrugged off her hand.

  I walked out and wondered what sort of women would be available to select from and if any of them could possibly help me.



  I strolled through the park down the street as I argued with myself. My nerves were frayed. They’d already been dangling by a thread before I nearly ran over that perfect specimen of a man. His touch had done something to my mind and senses. I became a bumbling idiot, so unlike the girl who’d originally walked into the modern building a bit ago. I had all my courage worked up for the meeting. The unexpected delay gave me time to totally second-guess myself. And now I wasn’t sure if I could really go through with applying for a job at Bishop, Ingelheim and Thomas.

  I found an empty bench in a secluded corner where I could be alone with my tumultuous thoughts. I closed my eyes and thought back to the path which had led me here . . ..

  A few months ago, I never would’ve pictured myself here. My life was running smoothly. I was nearly finished with my degree. I
had some promising prospects for after college. I had a great relationship with my dad. I was content.

  Then everything in my life began to fall apart. Closing my eyes, I could still see the blinking computer screen. The message meant for me. The admittance. The apology. The goodbye. Tears filled my eyes. Dad was dead by his own hand because he’d been accused of embezzling millions from the company he served as an accountant for. Then Dad’s employer seized all our assets as repayment for the stolen money. I was given twenty-four hours’ notice to retrieve any personal belongings from our family home I wished to keep. I rushed to pack up all the personal papers in Dad’s office. I grabbed the family photos and a few keepsakes to remind me of Mom and Dad. The rest I had to leave. I didn’t have the time or space to take any more with me.

  After grabbing all that stuff, I headed back to my dorm only to find a letter saying the payment for my senior year’s tuition had been cancelled. Dad’s boss had emptied my college fund and all of Dad’s bank accounts. Thankfully, I had an account solely in my name. I had two days to pay the money to the college or I’d have to vacate the dorms and find somewhere else to stay. My bank account didn’t have nearly enough to cover my tuition. Then, my summer internship was cancelled due to the bad publicity my family name had received. Sadly, I understood. What kind of marketing company would want to hire someone who had nothing but bad press following her?

  With no hope of staying at school for the summer, I packed all my belongings and moved into my SUV. Having nothing but time on my hands, I began to scour through Dad’s papers. He had a lot of work papers, which was odd—he rarely brought his work home with him.

  My hunt through the papers caused me to ask a lot of questions. The papers clearly indicated Dad had discovered that a lot of money was missing from the company accounts. There was a list of names in his planner—some were marked out, and one was starred. One of those names was guilty of embezzling the money and framing my dad—and his death was on their hands.


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