The Wastelander

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The Wastelander Page 80

by Tipsy Wanderer

  Blackwater Base’s Academician Roste was perhaps the first great talent of the wastelands. He was able to uncover some of life’s mysteries. Through the use of medicines and outside catalysts, he could create something new from the old, galvanize mutations, and even fuse two different living things together. He was even able to combine beast and man so that the soldier kept both the intellect of humanity and the strength of an animal.

  In the eyes of the ordinary man, it was like a miracle. He was performing the impossible.

  However, Cloudhawk could not understand or accept giving up himself in the pursuit of power. If he was no longer himself, it didn’t matter how mighty he became… he had to escape this place!

  Cloudhawk sneaked a peek into Hellflower’s study. Since coming back, she’d spent all her time pouring over the data she’d pilfered.

  If he was going to escape, he couldn’t do it himself. The only way it was going to be possible was if he could convince Hellflower to help him. The problem was, why should she?

  Could he threaten her? If word got out that she stole from the Academician, it could land her in serious trouble. He had given the idea serious thought yesterday, but after seeing what she was capable of, he was having second thoughts. If he rushed to act, he would be the one to get into trouble, or even get killed.


  A young man knocked on the open door. He was clad in long robes with his face hidden beneath a deep cowl that concealed his features. Very mysterious.

  Cloudhawk was in a sour mood and had no patience. “You’re in the wrong place!”

  “Is this not Lady Hellflower’s home?” The young man presented Cloudhawk with a typed letter. “She requested a report on the most recent findings of our research. Please be sure to give this to her.”

  Cloudhawk took the paper with some interest. He looked it over front and back and saw that it was filled with complicated data – intelligence about the base and the most recent information gleaned from subject dissections. There were also some strange mechanical schematics.

  Things like this were very rare in the wastelands but were relatively mundane in Blackwater Base. They had wastelands scientists, ancient research technology, experimental biological material, and state-of-the-art research equipment. What was a typed sheet of paper compared to all of that?

  Cloudhawk pushed open the door to Hellflower’s room.

  She was leaning over her desk, absorbed in the scores of pages spread out before her. Mountains of reference material were scattered around her feet. His arrival didn’t even register with her as she peered through threads of silver hair, fully engrossed in whatever she was scribbling. From time to time, her brows would knit in contemplation and then relax as an answer came to her. Every expression was intense and appealing.

  Of all the women Cloudhawk had met, the Bloodsoaked Queen was undoubtedly the most beautiful. However, she didn’t have Hellflower’s air of maturity. The Queen was too young, too naïve. She didn’t have the unconscious grace of the older woman. In addition, Hellflower also lacked the underlying scorn that was always present in the Bloodsoaked Queen’s eyes.

  “Hey, someone brought you something. Do you wanna see it?”

  “I’m busy. Please don’t bother me!” To Hellflower, being interrupted in her research was like being bothered in the throes of passion. She lifted her head to glare at him, but upon seeing what was in his hands, her expression softened. She muttered, “He’s in such a rush… wait. Come here.”

  Hellflower looked it over and then used her pen to circle something on the report. It was a time and place – the place seemed to be a general store. She thought carefully for a moment as though she were measuring something.

  Suddenly, Cloudhawk understood. He thought this paper was a report, but it was actually a secret message! This woman was shady as hell, full of countless secrets!

  Hellflower rolled the paper up and set it on fire. As the flames lit her face, she spoke to Cloudhawk, “Come with me. I’m taking you to meet someone.”

  Her cryptic actions were making him nervous. “Who?”

  “Nervous? Don’t imagine I don’t know exactly what’s going through your mind. If you want to get out of here, come with me. Otherwise, you can figure it out on your own.”

  As she spoke, Hellflower slipped her belt and holsters onto her waist and left. Cloudhawk was not one to be timid, so he followed. Besides, if she’d wanted him dead, she could do it whenever she wanted.

  The two of them took a long circuit around the base before eventually arriving at a general store. It was a somewhat inhospitable-looking place. Hellflower rapped on the door in a specific rhythmic pattern, and a few seconds later, someone opened the door a crack. An affable-looking man saw who it was and opened the door the rest of the way. He greeted them with a smile. “Ah! Lady Hellflower! Are you here to pick up some research materials? Please come in, come in!”

  She answered with a small smile and a nod of her head. They followed him into the shop.

  The interior looked like any other store. There were guns and other weapon components, a hodge-podge of machinery, all haphazardly scattered around. Besides the boss, there were also his assistants. The friendly old caretaker led them towards the back where an inconspicuous rack of odds and ends occupied the wall. He gave the shelves a good shove, which forced it and the wall back a few inches. Another push and it revealed a hidden door.

  It had its own hidden sanctuary!

  Cloudhawk followed Hellflower into a large room with no illumination except well-lit candles. A dozen or so chairs were scattered around, each one occupied by an elder. Each of them was accompanied by a small entourage of well-armed fighters.

  On the highest set chair was a particularly ancient man flanked on either side by two very large warriors. One was covered in thick armor and bore a shield, and the other bore a pair of iron war hammers. Cloudhawk could tell at a glance that those two were the strongest of all the warriors here. While they were not at the same level as Hyena, they were certainly first-rate wastelanders.

  Cloudhawk inadvertently rested his hand on the shaft of his exorcist rod and scanned his surroundings out of habit. The secret room had three exits that stretched out in three different directions. The area felt safe from prying eyes. As they made their way in, the handful of old men sounded as though they were squabbling about something, but when they saw Cloudhawk and Hellflower enter, they shut their mouths and stood respectfully.

  Hellflower addressed them as she approached, “With things up in the air, it’s dangerous for all of you to gather. It’s unnecessarily risky. If the Academician were to find out, the losses would be tremendous.”

  “We’ve taken every precaution. How could he find out?” One of the white-haired gentlemen rose to his feet. “Has Lady Hellflower forgotten her promise? It was with our assistance that you were installed in such a high position within Blackwater Base. Now that you are in the Academician’s inner circle, have you gone back on your word?”

  She replied with a dismissive laugh, “How could I renege on my promises?”

  “Very good then. Iron Bear, Black Jackal, set a place of honor for Lady Hellflower.”

  The armored one called Iron Bear and the other called Black Jackal went to fetch a chair which they then set beside the eldest gentleman. Although Hellflower was less than pleased, she did not let it show. As naturally and gracefully as ever, she took her seat, folded her legs daintily, and continued, “Speak quickly. Tell me what you’re in such a hurry to say. This gathering is too dangerous, and I advise you all to be careful.”

  The oldest man drew his eyes over Cloudhawk, who was wearing his ghost mask and tattered cloak and had yet to say a word. Cautiously, he inquired, “Who is this?”

  “Don’t worry. He’s one of mine.”

  He furrowed his bushy white brows but said nothing. He knew that Hellflower was a smart and cautious woman. He stood before the others and proceeded with their business. “I suspect everyon
e’s already heard the news. A lot happened yesterday. First, we can confirm that the Academician has shut Hyena away. At least, for the time being, he will not cause us any problems. We have Lady Hellflower to thank for this!”

  Cheers of praise spread through the gathering.

  As the old man went on, his voice grew more excited. “What’s more, Hyena has lost his title as leader of Blackwater Base’s troops. That responsibility has now been passed to our honored Hellflower! This means that she can deploy whoever she pleases to guard the laboratories.”

  “Excellent!” Another of the elderly men couldn’t help but jump to his feet in excitement. “The Academician has lost his bodyguards and his strongest soldier. Now that Lady Hellflower can dismiss the guards at will, we should use this chance to finally overthrow that old dictator!”

  Cloudhawk looked on, speechless.

  “What are you so surprised about?” Hellflower asked him, “Did you think Blackwater Base was united? There’s no denying that we’ve grown fat under the Academician’s leadership, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a dangerous lunatic – an absolute tyrant. All of the base’s riches have been funneled into his research, starving the rest of the scientists. He’s made quite a few enemies because of this.”

  116 Roste's Snare

  Roste was both genius and madman. But whatever he was, the Academician was certainly paranoid.

  These twelve old men were influential and important. They hated Roste with a passion, jealous of his resources. It was this shared displeasure that made them create a group determined to see him brought low. Punishments under his rule were harsh and doled out often to the point where most of the Academician’s opponents had been executed in the early days after he came to power. These old scientists were wise enough to hide their mutiny behind false smiles while secretly meeting to plot this coup.

  They continued to exist to this day because they were cautious. However, recent events have made Roste vulnerable. At last, they had an opportunity to remove him from power.

  Hellflower was not a revolutionary even though she was their chosen agent.

  She hadn’t grown up in the base like the rest of them. Rather, she was a well-renowned wandering scholar and weapons master of the wastelands. Her intellect was known among the Seekers, as was her strength among the excavator crews. Ultimately, it was her wanderlust and thirst for knowledge that these old rebels used to convince her to join their cause.

  Hellflower was a superior talent on her own, but with the help of this secret coterie, she quickly caught the Academician Roste’s eye. Before long, she was one of his most treasured assistants, and her help greatly benefited the mad scientist’s research.

  With Cloudhawk’s help, she’d obtained the most important notes from the Academician’s work. With it in hand, there was nothing left in Blackwater Base to hold her interest. Like the young wastelander, she was also looking for her chance to get out from under Roste’s thumb. She could do this by helping these subversives in their quest. Once Roste was overthrown, new leadership could take root.

  Now, this white-haired elder… he’d go down in one hit.

  Once Academician Roste was out of the way, it wouldn’t be difficult to deal with the ancient scholar. It was the most logical way to take control of Blackwater Base. Hellflower had spent years with various Seeker groups, and over the years, she’d come to find that associating with them was the best way to gain knowledge. Eventually, she struck upon the idea of taking a base for herself, a place where she could establish her own laboratory.

  However, overthrowing the Academician wasn’t so easy.

  Roste’s rule of Blackwater Base spanned decades. His power was deeply entrenched, and he enjoyed great popularity among most of the base’s populace. Destroying him would require careful planning. And yet, these old fogeys were impatient! The big changes they cheered had occurred only yesterday, and they were already eager to act!

  They were wrinkled old men. Were they anxious to get things underway because they were afraid they would die before seeing Roste overthrown?

  That was fine with her!

  It would be a simple thing. Let them handle Roste. Then, with a little help, she could guide the rage of his supporters down on their liver-spotted heads. In a single stroke, she could deal with the madman and these petty rebels – two birds with one stone.

  Cloudhawk, on the other hand, didn’t need to ask to know this woman’s hunger and ambition. She wouldn’t balk at any method in pursuit of her goals.

  Good… this was good. The more turmoil, the more opportunities!

  Another one of the aging scientists rose and added his voice, “This is a chance delivered to us from on high. Most striking is the sudden schism between Roste and Hyena. But why? What could be the reason for his complete shift in loyalty? We must know the details of how it came to pass.”

  Hellflower sat among them, perfectly calm and revealing nothing on her face. When she spoke, she did so in even, almost languid tones. “For that, you must thank our young friend Cloudhawk. Without his sudden arrival, this break would have taken much longer to develop.”

  Most of the intelligent men present had already guessed who the young man was. He had to be the demon hunter Roste was so desperately searching for. But how did the issues between Hyena and Roste involve the young man?

  Hellflower lifted a cup of tea and took a dainty sip. “Cloudhawk, you explain.”

  He obliged, giving them an abridged version of events. “It’s like this. I was able to see behind his mask and see the real him. I ran before he could see me, but he found me by scent. He tried to kill me to keep me silent, but luckily, mistress Hellflower showed up in the nick of time and saved my life.”

  Now, they understood. So that’s how it happened…

  “Wait a moment!” After she heard his tale, Hellflower’s face suddenly changed without warning. She shot to her feet, her forgotten teacup shattering against the floor as she fixed her hard eyes on him. “You’re saying you witnessed Hyena in his beast form before daylight? Are you sure it wasn’t day? Are you sure you aren’t misremembering!?”

  “No doubt!”

  How the hell do you not know? Wasn’t I there at your request?

  “Impossible! That can’t be!” She stared at Cloudhawk’s face, at his expression of certainty. Standing before the others, a dire and serious expression painted her pretty features. “Hyena was an important person here, but he was no scientist. He was just a soldier. Even I couldn’t get into the labs without someone opening the door for me first. How could Hyena be in the labs before the doors were opened at the beginning of the day?”

  The gathered old men also considered this oddity with confused expressions. Indeed, it shouldn’t have been possible.

  “There is no logical explanation…” Hellflower ruminated to herself, brows knit tight. “Hyena might have turned into a creature, but he still thought like a man. Why would he eat the creatures here in the base? He had to know their mutations… he had to know the risks!”

  Everyone’s eyes fixed on Cloudhawk.

  It didn’t make sense. There were only two possibilities: one, Cloudhawk was lying, or two – that wasn’t Hyena he saw in the labs.

  When she spoke again, Hellflower’s voice was pointed and earnest. “Are you absolutely sure it was Hyena you saw and not someone else?”

  “Well… now that you mention it…” Suddenly, Cloudhawk looked troubled. “It was dark. I sort of guessed based on his size and shape. I can’t tell you for certain that it was Hyena.”

  Hellflower shut her eyes for a moment and sucked in a sharp breath. When they opened again, there was something in them that Cloudhawk hadn’t seen before. Panic. She ripped the guns from their holsters and hurriedly shouted to the others.

  “It’s a trap! Run!”


  All three doorways burst open at once.

  Followed by a gentle cough.

  A withered and emaciated figure
hobbled into the center of the gathering with the help of his cane. It was the Academician.

  Everyone’s face turned deathly pale.

  He was as fragile a sight as ever. Spindly white hair peppered his balding head, sprouting out from skin that seemed completely devoid of moisture. His wet and cloudy eyes peered through thick glasses perched on his oversized nose. He displayed a pale and solemn face. Although it seemed a stiff breeze would knock him over, the old scholar nonetheless filled the room with a dangerous aura.

  A dozen or so soldiers stood beside him like statues.

  These warriors were very different from typical bodyguards. None of them wore armor, and their chests were left bare, revealing layers of corded muscle that looked like they had been sculpted from iron. They saw all, and yet, their eyes were unsettlingly empty – like the eyes of ghosts peering emotionlessly from the abyss.

  Academician Roste kept himself on his feet with his right hand holding his staff tightly. His left pressed against his mouth as he shook with coughs. His rheumy eyes didn’t pay any of the elder scientists any mind. They swept over Cloudhawk for a moment before finally stopping on Hellflower. The old sage shook his head. “Did you think you could help this rabble remove me? Hellflower… here I thought you were an intelligent woman!”

  Hellflower’s guns were held tightly in her hands. “I thought the only thing in your mind was the research. You’re craftier than I expected. I underestimated you.”

  Ten mutated soldiers were a terrifying force to reckon with! However, the old man had made a fatal mistake, which was coming here himself. Strong as his bodyguards were, there were but ten of them. The other creaky scientists had twenty fighters among them. If they rushed at him, even if they couldn’t defeat all of his guards, the old man would certainly die.


  “Grab the Academician!”

  The eldest among the conspirators was the first to react and shouted the order. Twenty protectors surged forward. They were the handpicked chosen of the revolutionaries, uncommonly strong – especially Iron Bear and Black Jackal. Both of them were first-class warriors, and even fighting alone, they would make the transformed bodyguards pay.


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