Mr. Big Mistake (Kinda Cocky Book 2)

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Mr. Big Mistake (Kinda Cocky Book 2) Page 15

by J. P. Comeau

  I shrugged. “You dictated that only one of us had to file.”

  “So, you made her file all four weeks? You didn’t split the workload or anything?”

  I blinked. “I understand that I’m a selfish man. It’s why she wants out.”

  The judge held up the note. “I’ll read it out loud.”

  Kelly held out her hand. “You don’t have to do that, Your Honor.”

  He cleared his throat. “Judge Johnson. In light of the ruling you made four weeks ago, I can now say with full--.”

  I stood to my feet. “Your Honor, this sounds like it’s of a personal nature--.”

  The judge glared at me. “I want you to hear this.”

  I nodded. “And I understand that. But, it’s obvious to me that Miss Crown is embarrassed at having it read out loud. I won’t allow you to embarrass her. So, if I need to see it, I can read it of my own volition.”

  I felt Kelly’s eyes on me as the judge narrowed his eyes.

  “Let me remind you that you’re in my courtroom.”

  “I understand that, Your Honor. But, the requirement was to turn them in, like they’ve been turned in. There wasn’t a requirement of reading anything out loud.”

  Kelly spoke softly. “It’s okay. He can read it.”

  I looked over at her. “Are you sure about that? Because it doesn’t have to happen. I can call a lawyer within two seconds and have this entire thing--.”

  “Just let him read it so we can get out of here.”

  Her voice sounded so weak. So defeated. So hurt. And I wanted to strangle our judge. But, I stilled my anger long enough to look back at the man. Who, for some reason, was now grinning.

  “All right. What does it say?” I asked as I stared at her.

  He cleared his throat. “Judge Johnson. In light of the ruling you made four weeks ago, I can now say with full capacity that this marriage was a mistake. I thought maybe things could work, but after catching Mr. Brenden Hearthstone with another woman in a casino, I had to leave. I understand if you need to punish me for not living in Brenden’s place for the last week, but I just couldn't be in the same space as him. Not after falling for him and watching him be happy with someone else as if I didn’t exist. I just want to move on with my life after this, and try to find someone who enjoys me in the same way I enjoy them.”

  I didn't take my eyes off her. “Is that really how you feel?”

  She sniffled. “It is.”

  “I need you to look at me and say that.”

  She slowly turned her eyes toward me. “That’s how I feel Brenden.”

  And I saw the sincerity behind her eyes.

  “Care to add anything, Mr. Hearthstone?” Judge Johnson asked.

  I finally turned my attention to him. “I agree that we had something. I agree that your punishment was almost a blessing in disguise. But, I screwed things up. I made a poor choice, I took some wrong turns, and I can see that there’s no getting us back on track. So, if this annulment is what she wants, then I want her to have it. Because all I want is for Kelly to be happy.”

  “You do?” she asked.

  I couldn't stand to look at her. “Just grant us the annulment, Your Honor. This isn’t fair to either of us any longer.”

  He stared at me for a long time before he picked up his gavel.

  “A word of advice?” the judge asked.

  I nodded. “Of course, Your Honor.”

  He peeked over at Kelly. “Women are more understanding than many of us give them credit for. Learn to talk to them, above all else. I hereby grant the aforementioned annulment.”

  Then, his gavel hit the podium.

  I didn’t bother looking over at Kelly. I didn’t bother thanking the judge. All I did was gather my things and walk out. I didn’t give a shit about whatever came next. All I hoped was that Kelly was happy with it. That she found a man that was better than me and could love her more than I ever could.

  I walked mindlessly out of the courthouse and passed by my car. I kept walking down the street, crossing intersections while car horns blared at me. I meandered around, with no end destination, until I found myself standing at a bar.

  “What’ll it be?” the bartender asked.

  I blinked. “A margarita, on the rocks. Sugar on the rim.”

  Kelly’s favorite.

  “I figured I’d find you here.”

  I peered over my shoulder at Zane. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I was waiting outside of the courthouse for you since Karina wanted to come pick up Kelly. I saw you walk off, and I was yelling for you. But, I guess you didn’t hear me.”

  “Here you go,” the bartender said.

  I nodded. “Thanks.”

  Zane furrowed his brow. “I’ve never known you to drink tequila.”

  I took a small sip. “Kelly’s favorite.”

  He sighed. “Oh, boy.”

  I bellied up to the bar. “Want a drink? It’s on me.”

  Zane sat beside me. “Nope. It’s on me because I think you need to talk.”

  “Nothing to talk about.”

  “Whiskey, on the rocks, thanks,” Zane ordered. “Now, what’s this about having nothing to talk about even though you’re drinking Kelly’s favorite drink after your annulment with her?”

  Even the bartender whistled underneath his breath. You know, before he started making me another margarita to have on deck.

  I shrugged. “I did something stupid, Clint mocked me for it, and now the annulment is over.”

  Zane turned to face me. “By ‘something stupid,’ do you mean another woman?”

  “I didn’t sleep with another woman if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “That’s exactly what I was asking.”

  I smirked. “Does everyone see me like that? As some playboy who doesn’t have an emotional bone in his body?”

  “Easy to see when that’s all you portray.”

  I threw the rest of the drink back. “Well, there’s more to me. And Kelly saw that. She brought that out in me.”

  “Did you tell her that?”

  “I wanted to tell her more than that, Zane.”

  He sighed. “You got it bad, don’t you?”

  “If you mean I love her? Yeah, Zane. I love Kelly.”

  “Why didn’t you tell her, then?”

  “Because she caught me at a wedding reception with an ex-fling, and things got out of hand.”

  He paused. “I feel like that’s a hell of a story.”

  “It is.”

  “Care to tell it?”

  I reached for my second margarita. “I had lunch with Clint about a week ago and found myself in Lucky 8’s across the street. I just wanted to have a drink and play a few slots, but I had stumbled into a wedding reception before it had started. The bride and groom came in. I’m caught off-guard. Then, I go to leave, and LaShonda’s in my face.”

  “Wait, the LaShonda?”


  “The one that wanted to take the rubber ducky and--.”

  I nodded slowly. “Yyyy--ep. And the thing is, we weren’t even up to anything. I mean, she came onto me, but I didn’t accept her advances.”

  “You just stayed at the reception with her?”

  “She was drunk, Zane. I mean, completely plastered even before this thing started. And after I got her to stop hitting on me, she broke down. I mean, just sobbing. The girl was a wreck, Zane, and I didn’t want to just leave her alone like that. So, I sat with her at the bar. I kept ordering her waters to make sure she didn’t get too drunk.”

  “That’s all that happened?”

  I looked over at him. “I swear, that’s all that happened. I kept telling her I had to get her home, or at least make sure she was safe because I had plans that night. I told her all about Kelly, and she was so happy for me. But, I guess Kelly saw us because when I got home and saw she wasn’t there, I checked my phone and had this.”

  I unlocked my phone and showed him the text me
ssage before Zane threw the rest of his drink back.

  “I’m gonna need another,” he said.

  The bartender nodded and promptly got to work.

  “So, that’s all that happened,” Zane said.

  I nodded. “You have my word. That’s all that happened. She hit on me. I batted her off. I felt bad that she was drunk at her sister’s wedding reception because I know the feud those two have had their entire lives. So, I sobered her up and finally got her home around eight. I charged back to my place with flowers and a bottle of wine in the hopes to tell Kelly how much I loved her and how sorry I was for being so late. I texted her several times, but they were never delivered.”

  “Do you really love her, Brenden?”

  I sighed. “More than anything on this planet.”

  He placed his hand on my shoulder. “Well, if you love her--I mean, truly love her--then you have to tell her. No matter what her reaction might be.”

  “You think she’ll even listen to me?”

  “I don’t know. Worst case scenario, she shuts you out for good. But, if there’s a best-case scenario that might happen? You better be ready to commit for good. Because I know for a fact that girl is crazy about you.”

  I paused. “Really?”

  “Are you an idiot? Ever since college, asshole. That girl has had nothing but eyes for you since we were teenagers.”

  My back straightened. “I want her, Zane. More than anything. Even if I lose everything. If I’ve got Kelly in my life? Then, I’ve got the world.”

  He smiled. “Love looks good on you, Brenden. But, be ready for anything at this point. Okay?”

  And as I hugged my brother, I knew exactly what I had to do.

  Which is why a plan started forming in my mind immediately.



  One Month Later

  “Now, these are the outfits we’ve outlined for our spring arrivals next year. It comes off the heels of the fall line, and we’ve dragged some elements from our fall line out into the summer. For instance, these boots. While they’re muted tones in our fall line, these same boots have bright, fun-colored prints. Some of them are covered in glitter, while others are draped with flowers. What was a small accessory for the fall is now our biggest item for summer, so it cuts our costs and gives us a trademark piece.”

  Dad nodded. “Customizable boots.”

  I snapped my fingers. “Exactly. That’s what I want my fashion line to be known for. Dad, we’ve got removable, interchangeable heels on the market. There are purses whose outsides you can switch. Shirts that turn inside out. Ties with double sides. But, when it comes to boots? There’s nothing. It’s one shape, one form, one purpose, one color. Every time. I want to change that, and that’s why I’ve outlined two years' worth of fashion debuts. Because I want you to see how this boot evolves over time, the ideas I have for it, and--eventually--how we make them interchangeable and customizable.”

  “And what about that rental space you were talking about?”

  I flipped over the page of my presentation. “So, those numbers we ran earlier? All of the money I’d save on boot prints alone because of the customizable idea would cover my rent for a small business space for the next year. I’ve already got schematics drawn up for it, and it would be my personal office. But, could also double as a--.”

  “Storage facility. Or an advertisement space.”

  I smiled. “Or both.”

  He leaned forward. “If you want to do this boot thing, you’re going to have to come out of the gate doing that. Because if anyone in the business catches wind that it’s what you ‘eventually’ want to do, they’ll do it before you can even get it to manufacturing. You’ll have to scrap the idea.”

  “Which is why I’m actually coming to you for help.”

  He leaned back. “I figured this meeting was a bit off, especially since you wanted to do it yourself.”

  “I know we’ve butted heads in the past. I’m stubborn, but I’m not stupid. I wanted to show you everything that I have in the works because it’s all pinned down. The hard work is done. The clothes are being manufactured for a pop-up debut in a month. I’ve gotten really good deals on places where we can erect a runway for cheap and have modeling friends that I know in the area come walk my clothes for a small audience. Hopefully, filled with bloggers and fashion icons alike.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got this all planned out.”

  “But, for me to roll out these customizable boots from the beginning, I need upfront capital.”

  “Which you don’t have.”

  I went and sat down by my father.

  “I’m not asking for your permanent involvement. If you want, we can make this a loan. I’ll need twenty grand upfront to do the customizable fall and spring boots. I want to release the fall ones immediately and start advertising the spring line and taking preorders while getting a jump start on making that inventory.”

  He took my hand. “Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out, though, princess.”

  “A loan. Not a grant. Not something that’s forgivable. You’ll recoup your money, even if this tanks and I have to work as a waitress somewhere until I pay you back. It will get paid back.”

  He kissed the top of my hand. “From the second you called me and told me you needed my ear, I was already prepared to say ‘yes.’”

  I blinked. “You--you were?”

  “Yes, princess. Of course, I was. I’ve wanted to be in this with you from the beginning. But, I also understood the reasons why you wanted to do this yourself.”

  “You--you do?”

  He nodded with a smile. “I do, princess. You’re my little girl, and you always will be. But, to be part of your business like this? It’s one of the proudest moments of my life.”

  “Daddy, you’re going to make me cry. And you know how frustrated I get when I cry in front of people.”

  He snickered. “Then, consider me in. Twenty-five grand, no interest for the first two years, and one percent interest will kick in if its not paid off by then. Sound fair enough?”

  I threw my arms around his neck. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  He held me close, chuckling. “I’m so proud of you, Kelly.”

  I kissed his cheek. “I love you so much. Thank you seriously.”

  He cupped my cheek. “Anytime. And I mean that.”

  “I know you do, Daddy.”

  After nailing down hard and fast dates with my father on when things needed to be set in motion, I packed up my presentation. I tossed my things into the trunk of my car, then raced home to catch Roxy before she left again. I wanted to tell her the good news. I wanted to celebrate with someone. I wanted to at least have a glass of wine with her before she dashed out the door to spend time with whatever man she was entertaining that week.

  “Roxy! Roxy! Roxy! Guess what!?”

  I charged through the apartment door, and I found her standing in the living room with two glasses of wine in her hands.

  “Did you really think Dad would say ‘no’ to you?” she asked.

  I closed the door behind me. “I can’t believe it. We have release dates. In three months’ time, my fall line is going to be debuted. I can’t believe it!”

  We embraced as I plucked my wine from her hand. We clinked our glasses and chugged them back before I reached for the bottle on the coffee table. We both sat down on the couch as I refilled our glasses. Then, I slid my heels off and crossed my legs.

  “My God, I feel so much better,” I groaned.

  Roxy patted my knee. “It’s good to finally see you smiling about something.”

  I grinned. “Yeah. That Brenden thing was pretty fucked up.”

  “But, I know you well enough to know you’re not out of the woods yet. Are you?”

  “Do we really have to talk about this --?”

  “Oh, oh, oh! Hold on. Have you told Karina yet?”

  I shook my head. “No. Why?”

  “She’s calling. Hold--wait. Yeah. Okay. Just--hold on. One second. Okay?”

  I furrowed my brow. “Is everything all right?”

  Roxy held up her finger to me. “Hey there, Karina! Let me get into the kitchen.”

  I paused. “Wait, is Karina all right? Is it the baby!?”

  My sister waved me off. “She’s fine, just hold on!”

  I turned around and watched as my sister tucked herself into a dark corner of our small kitchen. I watched her set her glass of wine down, so I did as well. I slowly got up and tried to make my way toward her, but she scolded me with her eyes and held her hand up. Every once in awhile, though, she peeked over at me. And that’s how I knew they were talking about me.

  “You’re not very good at this, you know!” I exclaimed.

  Roxy quickly hung up the phone and came back into the living room.

  “Okay. So, that was Karina. She and Zane want to throw you a congratulatory party tonight at the club.”

  I blinked. “Seriously?”


  “Karina’s how many months pregnant? And she wants to do something at the club?”

  “It’s just something low-key. You, me, her, Zane.”

  “Is Brenden going to be there?”

  She shook her head. “Nope. I specifically told her that he wasn’t allowed to come. And she was just fine with that.”

  I paused. “Something about this feels off.”

  She took my hand. “Girl, all we wanna do is treat you to something. So, yeah. Sue me, if I told Karina this would all be fine. We’ve had this party in the works since you told me yesterday you were going to finally approach Dad. We just want to treat you to something nice. Let us do that, okay?”

  I really didn’t want to. But, I saw how much it meant to my sister. And I knew better than to tell a pregnant Karina ‘no.’

  “Give me ten minutes,” I murmured.

  Roxy clapped her hands. “Yes! All right! It’s time to party, girl. We’re going all out tonight.”

  I made my way into my bedroom and decided to get gussied up a bit. I mean, why not? It was my night of triumph, and I deserved it after everything I had been put through. I pulled my hair up and wore my best jewelry. I changed into a flowing dress with a sparkling belt around my waist. I slid into my best heels and threw on a bit of makeup, making sure my eyes sparkled and popped with a careful smoky eye.


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