Blooming Desire

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Blooming Desire Page 26

by S J Sanders et al.

  “Yes. Your directions were precise and I have an excellent memory.”

  “And where do you get the food?”

  “I go to Miranda down the lane and place my order tonight for pickup tomorrow,” I recited obediently.

  “That’s right and ask her for a bottle of the pink stuff. Too fruity in my opinion, but the ladies love it.”

  “I will,” I nodded.

  After that we got back to work. Dax took orders, while I cut fruit, bagging it as I went. The rillin was almost dry inside for a fruit, but still had enough moisture in it to get me slightly sticky as I worked. My species are non-shedders so there was no worry of getting fur everywhere, though I would definitely need to wash the sap off later.

  The rest of the day passed quickly as we worked. The East District of the colony was largely populated by humans and Dax introduced me to other colonists he thought I should meet, while I handled all the heavy work he needed. It was enjoyable. The market was noisy, people bustling about as they shopped. Late afternoon came and the traffic slowed as people headed for their homes. Dax and I began cleaning up and storing the uncut fruit.

  “Go on boy. I’ve got all this,” Dax said suddenly.

  “If you are certain?”

  “Course I am. Get going. You still gotta go see Miranda don’tcha?”

  “Yes. If you need my help again, I am willing,” I said with a nod.

  “Yeah, yeah. Now go on,” he grinned, shooing me away.

  My stop at Miranda’s booth was quick and easily accomplished. She helpfully suggested what should go into my picnic and I remembered to ask about the pink stuff Dax had mentioned. She smiled at that and assured me she would be sure to include a bottle. Afterwards, I headed home.

  The thought made me smile as I walked. Home, I considered Tessa’s home to be my own. I could not fail to secure Tessa’s affections. It would destroy me if she rejected my love. I walked faster, eager to be with my intended mate once more.

  The air was warm and deliciously scented with Tessa’s cooking when I opened the door. I could hear the chatter of people as they shared a meal nearby. I spied Tessa through the door of the dining room. She moved about, making sure everyone was taken care of and content. Looking up, she smiled at me as she came around the table.

  “Just in time Rin,” she said happily. “Come get some dinner, I made fried chicken.”

  “I will join you soon, but first I must wash,” I replied with a nod.

  “Okay, but don’t take too long. Everybody loves my chicken and it goes pretty fast,” she said teasingly, but I knew she’d save some for me. That was just how she was.

  “I look forward to it, my Tessa,” I said softly. She blushed, turning a charming shade of pink. I ducked down, giving her a quick nuzzle, then trotting up to the bathroom to clean up. Yes, my Tessa was perfect.



  Rin was practically bouncing around the house during breakfast. He wanted to leave for our picnic immediately. I laughed and told him he would have to wait. It might be Saturday, but I still had a few chores to handle. Determined to get me out the door faster, Rin insisted on helping. Of course, he got in the way more than he helped. At least he was enthusiastic about it.

  Finally, we finished up just before the lunch hour and he hurried me off to dress for our date. I changed into a loose, sleeveless, green sundress that fell to my knees and some cutesy sandals. A quick brush and braid tamed most of the frizz in my hair and I tied it off with a green ribbon. Rin was wearing a pair of dark shorts again, this time though, he wore a matching loose vest that opened down the front. He’d groomed his ruff and changed the silver chain in his ear to a gold one with stars hanging from the end. A gold cuff circled his right wrist and I admired the pretty engraving on it.

  Grinning like a fool, I let him herd me laughingly through the district. I knew several of the people who worked the market since I often shopped here for fresh ingredients to cook with and it embarrassed me just a little to see the perceptive grins on their faces as Rin led me to Miranda’s stall where he picked up a very obvious picnic basket. It was a good embarrassment though. I was happy to be out with Rin. He made me feel special. From there, we made our way to the South side of the colony and out into the woods.

  “Where are we going, Rin?” I asked as we walked.

  “Not far,” he replied with a sneaky grin.

  “Oh, so we’re playing that game huh?”

  “Dax said I should keep it a surprise. He told me you would like it more that way,” Rin stated.

  “Dax is the one giving you dating advice? Has he ever been married?” I knew Dax, but I’d never really talked to the older man. I just knew I’d never seen him with anyone and he always seemed borderline grumpy.

  “Dax spent fifty-eight cycles married to the galaxy’s sweetest, most beautiful woman,” Rin said, sounding like he was quoting the man. “But she died and left him a lonely, crotchety, old bastard with nothing but a bunch of stupid fruit trees to live for.”

  “Aw, poor guy. We should invite him to have dinner with us at the house,” I commented, feeling sorry for the old man. Rin smiled broadly and startled me by scooping his arm under my knees and lifting me up.

  “Rin!” I yelped, grabbing his shoulders. “What are you doing!?”

  “You said we,” he stated, nuzzling my neck. “That makes me happy.” I blushed and hid my face in the short ruff under his chin. This time I didn’t demand to be put down. In Rin’s arms, I felt delicate and cherished. I liked that, a lot. If the big sexy male wanted to carry me, I was okay with that.

  “We are here,” he said, stopping all too soon in my opinion. Lifting my head, I looked at our surroundings and gasped in delight. Rin chuckled and set me on my feet. The forest gave way to an enchanting, secluded glade. A tiny waterfall crowned the upper half of the clearing, the water forming a small pond, before trickling away in a pretty little stream. Wildflowers bloomed everywhere, forming a blanket of color.

  “Oh Rin, it’s beautiful,” I whispered, barely breathing.

  “Dax said this was the special spot he’d bring Daniella to when she was alive. He said it can be ours now, if you like it,” Rin replied, murmuring in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

  “I love it,” I said, turning to kiss his cheek. His eyes squinched happily and he squeezed me gently.

  “Come, let’s sit by the water and eat,” he suggested, picking up the basket again. Taking my hand, he led me down to the stream and laid out a blanket. Sitting on it, I watched as Rin pulled containers out of the basket and laid them on the blanket. It was all finger foods; ham and cheese sandwiches, fresh made chips, bright red strawberries, and a bottle of Miranda’s famous strawberry lemonade. She’d given us the regular version, but she also made some with a little kick to it for special occasions.

  We ate quietly, simply enjoying the view. Everything was so nice. Rin was sweet and attentive, passing me a drink, making me a plate. He watched me with those bright adoring eyes. He wore his heart in those eyes and I melted. I couldn’t think of a single time I’d been happier or felt more loved than I did right now.

  “This looks great Rin. Thank you for this,” I smiled, looking around again. It was quiet and breezy. The sun sparkled on the water. Birds sang in the trees. The flowers lent a lovely perfume to the air. I’d been in the colony three years and had no idea this was here. I never wanted to leave.

  “Anything to see you smile, Tessa,” he replied earnestly. Reaching out, he gently trailed his fingers down my cheek. I shivered pleasantly, cheeks heating as I blushed.


  Tessa was so beautiful sitting in front of me. A background of flowers surrounded her in a riot of color. The breeze teased at her hair, pulling wisps and curls free of her braid. Those hairs caught the sunshine and haloed around her head, making her look like a celestial being. Eyes twinkling with wonder, she smiled softly. I couldn’t resist touching her. Her face pinked under my fingers.
br />   Shifting closer, I leaned in and nuzzled her mouth, mimicking human kissing like I had in the cat room the other day. Her breath caught, a beautiful hitch of sound. Drifting lower, I licked her neck, tasting her. She tasted a little like salt and even sweetness. There was a drip of strawberry juice on her collarbone. Her hands slipped into the ruff at the back of my head, holding me close.

  Rolling to my knees, I gently eased her back to the blanket, bracing over her. Fingers still twined in my fur, she dragged her nails along the creases behind my ears and I shuddered, eyes rolling back a little. Tessa giggled at my groan of pleasure. Her soft plushy curves cradled me as I gathered her close, tucking my nose into her hair. She groaned a little, arching under me. I rose again to look at her.

  “Tessa, I…” A loud lowing sound interrupted me. Glancing up in surprise, I found myself nose to nose with…a nose. I jerked back with a startled yelp, pulling Tessa up with me and rolling to shove her behind me. She gave a startled laugh against my back.

  A huge, shaggy animal stared at us from the other side of the blanket. Drool hung in ropes from its mouth as it chewed something green between its flat teeth. Stepping onto the blanket with a massive hoof, it reached down and ate the last of the strawberries, drooling red with green now and leaving a trail of slobber on the fabric. I snarled a warning at it, teeth bared and my ruff standing up on the back of my neck. The beast’s eyes went white and it bellowed a frightened sound. Turning slowly, it lumbered away, leaving our picnic a ruined mess. Tessa chortled again, hiding her face in my shoulder.

  “What in Vren’s name was that thing?” I finally asked, turning to my female whose eyes danced with badly concealed mirth.

  “That was a sprika,” she said giggling. “One of the other traders brought them in from Kreeah. The colony uses them to keep the grass down. He must have been separated from the herd somehow. They’re harmless, but messy.”

  “I would not say it was harmless,” I protested, eyeing the disaster that had been my romantic date. Tessa hugged me, still laughing.

  “Aww, its ok sweetie. We can do this again another day. Hopefully without the interruption,” she assured me. It made me feel good that she saw us coming here again, but if I had to wait much longer to claim her as mine, I might damage myself from the unrelieved ache in my balls.

  Pouting, I helped pick up the remains of the picnic, packing it back into the basket. Hand in hand, we walked back to the market to return everything. Miranda laughed at my grumpy expression as Tessa explained the cause of the damage and offered to pay for it. Miranda simply waved her off, saying the humor was worth the loss. Then she laughed again when I huffed in disagreement.

  Tessa patted my arm, leaning into me reassuringly. Then we headed back to the boarding house together. It was only mid-afternoon. I had wanted to stay longer, watch the sunset even. Dax had said there was no better place to watch it from. Maybe next time, I sighed. I bumped into Tessa when she stopped short right inside the entry.

  “Why you little sneak!” She blurted.

  “What is it?” I asked, looking passed her. Pointing, she drew my attention to the door of the cat room. Dante hung from the inside of the door handle, eyeing us balefully. He kicked his legs, swinging his weight and causing the handle to dip, popping the door open. Dropping to the floor, he pushed at the bottom.

  “Oh no you don’t!” Tessa declared, darting across the room. She grabbed the kitten as he tried to slip out and scooped him up. Plopping him back inside, she closed the door and firmly turned the lock. “Well that answers that question.”

  “What question?”

  “I couldn’t figure out how they kept escaping. I didn’t know they could open the door,” she explained, sighing lightly.

  “Ah. Now we know and you can secure the door. Would you like to do something else tonight?” I asked hopefully. She smiled shyly.

  “I would. It’s Saturday, they have live music in the park?” She suggested easily.

  “I would enjoy that. Especially with you by my side,” I replied, eyeing her lush figure heatedly. Tessa blushed becomingly.

  “Okay, I need to change first though, I got a little dirty when you tried to save me from the sprika,” she teased. I huffed dramatically.

  “Very well,” I mumbled, failing to hide my grin. “I must groom my ruff again anyways, it’s all ruffled up now.”

  Tessa pecked a quick kiss on my cheek, then scampered off down the hall. Watching until she slipped into her room, I rumbled happily and headed up to my own room.



  I was standing in my closet, trying to pick a new dress when the shit hit the fan. There was a loud crash from out front, followed by an angry snarl. I yanked open my door and ran down the hall. Standing in the lounge was a sleek, white delvian female. Wearing only a short body wrap, she growled, sniffing the air as she eyed the room.

  “C…can I help you?” I asked uneasily. She did not look mentally stable, levelling a predatory stare at me. I kept the sofa between us, but knew it wouldn’t be enough if she decided to attack.

  “Where is he?” She demanded loudly. “Where is my mate?” Who was she talking about?

  “Uhh, I’m sorry, I don’t know who you’re talking abo-”

  “Where is Neirin!?” The female interrupted, throwing a side table into the wall.

  “Anira!” Rin snapped; voice laced with shock. He stood on the stairs, watching her warily. “What are you doing here Anira? I told you, I won’t be your mate.” Anira’s lip curled in a sinister, calculating smile.

  “You don’t have a choice,” she purred. “I am claiming you as my mate.” Anira ripped the wrap off her body, exposing her breasts and sex. She was breathing heavily, her eyes dilated. Moisture seeped through her fur from her genitals and even I could smell the musky odor. Anira was in heat, pumping pheromones into the air.

  Rin stumbled back, a groan escaping him as he stared at Anira in horror. I watched dumbstruck as he scented the air helplessly, breath stuttering in his chest. She was triggering his rut, soon he’d be a mindless beast in desperate need of a female to fuck and she’d have him trapped. A low growling purr started in his chest and Anira gave a satisfied sound, walking towards him. Poor Rin couldn’t even find the strength to move away from her.

  I couldn’t let her do that to him. I knew how much he detested her; I couldn’t let her take him against his wishes. I lunged into her path, stopping her short as her attention shifted to me. She snarled angrily.

  “You stop right there!” I ordered, pointing shakily. “ can’t have him.” She laughed evilly.

  “It’s too late, little human, he’s mine now. He won’t be able to resist the rut and once I have him, he’s never getting away again.”

  “I’m not going to let you near him. He hates you. How could you force this when he doesn’t want you!” Rin’s whined behind me, his purr getting louder, but I wouldn’t take my eyes off the bitch in front of me.

  “He will suffer without relief and who would give him that? You? Don’t make me laugh. What would he want with a fat, ugly human like you when he can have me?” She sneered. I struggled to say something, but Rin’s arms wrapped around me and he buried his face in my hair.

  “I would have you,” he growled against my neck. “I would have you. Don’t let her touch me Tessa. Please.” Anira snarled, ears flattening against her skull at his words.

  “What?” I said, startled. Rin uttered a pained groan, arms tightening. He panted in my ear. His hand crept up, palming my breast and drawing a gasp from me. The sensation sent a wave of desire through me, dampening my panties. Rin growled again, breathing in my arousal.

  “Be mine, Tessa,” he pleaded, kneading my breast again. “Be my mate, take me into your body and your heart, forever. Be mine.”

  “Me?” I asked incredulously. “You want me, Rin?”

  “Desperately,” he admitted, his dick twitched where it pressed into my back. I shivered at the heat in his voice.
  “Yes,” I whispered, my head falling back to his shoulder. “God yes.”

  “Run then.”


  “Run, for the woods. I must hunt my mate,” Rin’s voice was hard now. Harder than I’d ever heard him speak. He sounded feral, barely controlled as he shifted behind me. Forcing himself to let go, he stepped back. I looked up at him. His eyes were locked on me and I was left breathless at the intensity of the lust in his expression.

  “No!” Anira snarled. “Neirin is mine!” She lunged forward, claws reaching for me. Rin roared in anger, pushing me back and grabbing her by the arms. She smiled, thinking he would take her now. Instead, he threw her aside with a growl of disgust. Anira thudded into the wall, falling limply to the floor. She pushed herself to her knees unsteadily and watched him with wide disbelieving eyes. Rin chuffed once and turned his back on her.

  “Run my little human,” he growled. “Run for me.” He stalked towards me, that purring rumble in his chest again. The sound excited me, causing my pussy to clench and weep moisture.

  Eagerly I smiled, then turned and ran for the back door. Rin growled loudly and something hard crashed into the lounge wall. Laughing wildly, I bolted across the yard and headed for the woods at the end of the row.

  I would have preferred the streets be empty for this, but there were still quite a few people out and about. Several were already standing near the fence, drawn by the noise of the flying furniture, Anira’s screams of rage, and Rin’s loud growls.

  “Tessa! Is everything alright in there?” My neighbor asked as I ran by.

  “Yup!” I called back.

  “What’s going on?” Someone else yelled.

  “Delvian mate hunt,” I replied as I ran. “Gotta get to the woods guys, I’ll explain later.”


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