Silent Sons MC Box Set

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Silent Sons MC Box Set Page 49

by Ambere Sabo

  She’d been at the compound long enough to see two of our sisters killed for the exact same thing. It is a crime to the Infierno cartel to have girls. I’d love to explain that it's their damn fault if it’s a girl and not a boy. It has nothing to do with the woman carrying the child but their damn “soldiers”.

  Rose told me about Evaristo, I knew it was him meeting with Enterrador just by the way he looked. I think there's a part of her that loves him. They grew to understand one another. She told me he feared for her and their daughter after she was born. Girls are either sold on the black market or sent away to grow up and be used in the cells.

  Evaristo is high ranked enough that he convinced them it would hurt Rose to lose her. That she’d be more likely to give them more boys if she was allowed to keep her little girl. Now that she’s gone no one knows where Olivia is. G and the task force don’t think she’s been sold though so at least there's that.

  Rose barely spoke to anyone when she got here. She has a special bond with Maribel both understanding what the other has been through. They share a room at Ma’s, but when I was home nine times out of ten she was with me. I was barely a kid when she was sold and hardly remember her but she says I look like my Ma did when she was small and for some reason that made her settle.

  Most of the time she spent at the compound was done in her apartment. Evaristo took her within a week of her arrival later telling her, her beauty took his breath away. In the beginning, there were a few who tried to take her from him. Steal her away and make her theirs. She said that it terrified her to the point she stopped leaving the apartment for anything.

  Until you are with child anyone may claim you as theirs. In the beginning, she felt like nothing more than a sex slave. Though he wasn’t rough with her. Rough or not, rape is rape. After she became pregnant she was officially his and no one could touch her. Still, she didn’t trust them and stayed home.

  She said until Emily came to live with them she hadn’t spoken to another soul aside from Evaristo and her children in nearly two years. No matter how much she wants her children back she would never do that to me, never.

  There's a knock on the door as Gunner pushes it open to enter.

  “It's your room you don’t need to knock,” I huff.

  Walking over he grabs my hands from my lap. Kneeling in front of me as I sit on his bed, “It's our room now baby girl. I'm sorry for upsetting you in church. I… I just can't lose you,” he says lowering his head with a shake.

  Pulling my hands from his grasp, I look down at him, “Rose would never hurt me like that. And I never thought you could either.”

  Looking up into my eyes, I can see the hurt there and it takes me back. “You left me, Lilly. You ran with no explanation with no calls nothing. I cannot lose you again. The thought of having to go through it another time literally guts me. I would rather lose my life than go through that again.” Standing he begins to pace the room.

  “Now they’re saying someones here. Someones been helping this fucker for god knows how long. And Mythic,” he hollers throwing his hands in the air. “She has some crazy ass plan that everyone is just good to follow along with. While we know nothing, not a god damned thing about her. Well aside from the fact that Diablo wants her. The fucking head of that damned cartel wants her. Why the fuck for?”

  “I don’t know Gunner I really don’t but if it gets me out of this mess, I'm willing to trust her.”

  “When it comes to your safety Baby Girl I don’t trust anyone but me,” he says with a huff before walking out of our room, slamming the door behind him.

  Jesus, this is not how I expected the day to go.

  I need him to trust her. I need him to understand that Mythic wouldn’t do anything to put me in harm's way. But this plan… I need to know what she's thinking.

  Leaving my room I wander downstairs looking for the woman in question. She's not in the main room not that I thought she would be in the first place. As usual shes in Snoopy's lair. I make the mistake of not knocking and walk in on her in Snoopy's arms as she cries.

  Looking up at me when I step into the room he gives a small shake of his head.

  “You don’t know what will happen Mythic. There's no way to know Enterrador will even know who you are, let alone Diablo,” he tells her as he rubs her back.

  “Enterrador will know. I have no doubt about that,” she says with a sniffle.

  “Who are you to them Mythic?” I ask. “This can't just be about the Amijos if Enterrador will know you. You weren't even home when he came for them.”

  Turning to look at me she wipes her nose on her arm. With a sniffle, she says, “The Armijos are known to run the Asesino but that’s not true. I know more about the Infierno cartel and Asesino than is healthy for any one person to know. Diablo has wanted my head on a platter since I was sixteen.”

  “You told me once that Jesus was targeted as a way to get to you. Why?” I ask tilting my head to the side.

  “Jesus didn’t order the kill on Enterradors wife. But if it was blamed on him the Infierno would have a reason to go after the family without repercussions. Something Diablo had been waiting for, for almost ten years. I don’t think he expected Enterrador to take out the family on his own though. It put a kink in his plans and gave me a chance to run. And I did. I ran as far and fast as I could.”

  “You ran< I already know this. But you have yet to tell me why you would need to run from Diablo. Jesus hid you for what eight, ten years? Why?”

  Mythics face transforms from sadness to pure rage and within an instant shes in my bubble. “There are things you have no right knowing about me Lilly. Things I don’t and won't talk about. Jesus hid me because my daughter was his niece. A baby born out of the continued rape I suffered at the hands of his brother. That is all you need to know. I didn’t even get to bury my baby girl Lilly. I haven't been able to go and talk to her or see her headstone. Nothing,” she exclaims. “ She was taken from me for simply being born. Do you know what guilt I carry because of that?” she screams in my face.

  “Back up, Mythic.” Gunner growls from behind me. I didn’t even hear him come. The door is cracked behind me. I didn’t shut it when I walked in and looking past Gunner now there's a small crowd in the hallway. Angel has tears running down her cheeks and Cessy clutches Phoenix to her chest.

  “I'm sorry for what you’ve been through,” Angel says quietly.

  Pushing the door open so everyone can see her, “ I understand you don’t know me. I understand that what I'm asking might seem crazy but believe me no one, no one in this clubhouse wants to come face to face with these people less than me.”

  Looking at me she asks with a bite, “So are you going to trust me to take care of this Lilly or do you want to keep running?”

  Chapter 25


  “There will be a BBQ here this weekend, Sir. Everyone will be at Blue Bells to celebrate Lilly going to work for Doc,” she rushes out.

  “And how exactly do you expect me to be able to take her if everyone is there with her you stupid woman,” I ask sharply.

  “The girls will all be at Blue Bells before the BBQ to decorate and set up. There will be some members with them, as usual, but it won't be the full force of the club,” she explains.

  “Those women can be just as bad as the men,” I snap. Pulling my hand to my chin, “Maybe we can find a way to make this work. It has to be easier than the clubhouse. Find a way to be there. You can let us know how many people we’ll be up against.”

  “Yes, Sir. Whatever you need,” she says excitedly.

  “We’ll be in Austin tonight. Don’t fuck this up, I won't give you another chance.”

  “ye.. yes, sir,” she stumbles before I hang up on her.

  “Evaristo,” I yell from my office chair.

  In a moment he’s in the door, “Yes, sir?”

  “I want blueprints of the new Blue Bells. We need to know every possible entrance to that bar. Do whatever you have to to
get it. We leave for Austin today.”

  With a nod, he leaves. Pulling out the top drawer of my desk I grab a surveillance picture of Lilly. Running my finger over her beautiful blonde hair I tell her, “Soon my beauty you will be here with me and this cat and mouse game will be over.”

  The first thing I'm doing when she gets here is having someone fix her hair. If she thought changing her yellow strands for that god awful red would change my mind about her she was mistaken. But I won't allow it to remain red once she’s here. I wanted to strangle that damned woman, Kat, for doing it when I got the first picture of her after the change. I burned the pictures my man sent for weeks after. Unable to look at my beauty with the damage she’d done.

  Looking back down, I whisper, “In three days time you will be mine Lilly, and I will show you the life you deserve.”

  Chapter 26


  “I trust you.” My baby Girl uttered those three little words and my life has been chaos since. Tomorrow we use her as bait to catch the monster who haunts her. My mind is a swirling mess of what ifs. What if he grabs her before she arrives at Blue Bells. What if he doesn’t give a damn about Mythic and still takes Lilly? He’ll whose to say he won't take them both?

  Snoopy assures me they found the footage Mythic said will rock Enterradors world. Change everything he thinks he knows. But what if they're wrong. What could they possibly show to that fucker to make him stop his hunt for my Baby Girl?

  I trust Snoop he’s been my brother, my family for years. I'm trying to see through my hate for Mythic and trust in him but it’s a lot fucking harder than I thought it would be.

  We know Enterrador took the bait, hell he’s in Austin right fucking now. All I want to do is find the bastard and put a bullet in his head. The brothers weren't quite on board with that. We’d cut the head off the snake but another if not two would grow it's in place as we dealt with the blowback and Diablos wrath. No one, not even the Silent Sons can kill a General in any cartel and get away with it.

  Everyone is tense today anticipating what will happen tomorrow. Lilly lost her shit on Cessy earlier when she told her she needed to prepare herself for the possibility that Rose could be the mole.

  We spread two different stories about the BBQ. Where it would be what it was for that kind of shit. Rose was one of those told it was at Blue Bells to celebrate her new job with Doc. She just can’t imagine her own sister would do that to her. I pray to god she’s right.

  My Baby Girl is strong as shit. She’s come through all the crazy with this bastard and still managed to make it to the other side. I just don’t think she can take it if it’s Rose that helped him.

  “What ya thinkin’ about over there?” Lilly questions as she stretches on our bed from her nap.

  I’ve been watching her sleep for the last two hours. Sitting in the recliner across the room with my elbows on my knees and head in my hands. Running every scenario that could happen tomorrow through my head. Taking in every feature of her face in case it’s the last day I have with her. Making myself damn near sick with worry. I think I've finally lost my fucking mind.

  “Just about how much you mean to me Baby Girl,” I tell her with a half smile.

  Patting the bed next to her, “Oh yeah, why don’t you come over here and show me then?” she asks with a twinkle in her eye.

  I can't believe I’m about to say this, but… “How can you even think about sex at a time like this?” I ask in shock.

  With a giggle, she asks, “ Isn’t that usually the girl's line?”

  With a raise of my brow, “ Really Baby Girl?”

  Sitting up, she huffs out a breath, bending at the waist to sit up she hugs her knees. “We’ve lived the last how many months waiting for this man to come for me? Always looking over my shoulder. Always watching. Tomorrow it ends…” With a pause, she throws her legs over the side of the bed and is on her feet. Kneeling in front of me she takes my hands in hers. Looking up at me she says, “Am I scared it won't go right? Of course! But one way or another it finally ends. I want to spend the night in your arms Gunner, not worrying about anything. Just being with you. I want to have a family breakfast tomorrow morning with bacon and waffles. I want what used to be our normal just in case this my last chance to have it. Not all this damn crazy bullshit and worrying. Can you do that for me?”

  Looking down into her bright blue eyes, I can't deny her this. How could I? So with a nod of my head, I let her pull me to my feet and lead me to the bed.

  Without a word, she turns to me and nudges my shoulders until I'm seated on the end of the bed. Trailing her hands down my legs her body follows as she moves to slip my socks from my feet. Lifting each foot as she hooks her finger at my heel.

  Running her fingers back up my body until she places her hands on my shoulders and pushes me onto my back. Bringing her hands down she slides my shorts from my waist waiting at my hips for me to raise up just enough for her to get them past before they meet my socks in a pile next to my feet.

  “Scoot up the bed,” she whispers.

  I do as she asks laying dead center in my California king. If she wants control tonight she can have it.

  My baby girl climbs onto the bed pulling her sleep shirt over her head as she goes revealing her naked body beneath. Crawling up the bed to my side she swings one leg over my waist and sits placing her ass just above my now rock hard dick. With one hand she pulls at the hem of my shirt. Propping up on my elbows I look her in the eye as she pulls it up to armpits. Lifting my left arm and then my left she works it up and over my head.

  Once I'm back flat on my back with my arms still above my head she leans up reaching for something. I should pay more attention but with her nipples that close to my mouth I can't help but take one in. Sucking it into my mouth as she moans. Just as I'm about to take the other peak I feel the metal encircle my wrist.

  Looking up in shock I see shes used the cuffs attached to the center bar to immobilize my right arm. “What are you doing baby girl?”

  Leaning down she whispers in my ear, “Whatever I want,” before closing the cuff on left wrist.

  No ones ever dared try to tie me up. Not a single woman that’s shared my bed before her. Before I can even voice my discontent she up on her knees positioning herself to take me at her core.

  “Now Baby girl…” I start as she sits down taking my dick to the hilt. I can t help but groan out as she begins to move slowly up and down my shaft. When she starts rotating her hips as she goes I know this woman will be the fucking death of me.

  I want nothing more than to reach for her hips and take control. To make her move faster. To reach up and grab her beautiful tits as they bounce with her movements but instead I can only pull against the metal keeping my hands in place. If we make it through the next twenty-four hours mark my words I will show my baby girl just what it means to be tied up.

  Finally, she picks up the pace. Moving faster and faster, coming closer to her release. “Touch yourself Baby Girl. Reach down and play with your clit. I need you to come,” I demand.

  She may be in control but she still does as I ask. I can feel her pussy squeeze down on my dick just moments later and that’s all it takes. I come inside her, the force of it setting off her own climax. Collapsing on my chest her breaths pant out of her as her body quivers. I want nothing more than to hold her but until she can fully control her limbs there's not a damn thing I can do.

  When she finally seems to no longer be shaking I ask into her hair, “Can you please undo these now? I want to hold you, Baby Girl.”

  With slightly shaking limbs she finds the key on my headboard and lets my hands-free. “As soon as I'm able I roll her to her back, “One day soon I'll get you back for that Baby Girl,” I tell her before crushing my lips to hers.

  Chapter 27


  The spread before me is insane. Gunner took my breakfast request to a whole other level and yet I can't find it in me to eat anything on my plate. The only oth
er person who seems to have the same problem is Mythic. She too picks at the plate before her. The brothers? They stuff their mouths full of Waffles shaped like Texas, Eggs Benedict, breakfast potatoes, sausage, and bacon.

  Gunner pulled out all the stops to let me have my wish for a family breakfast. And I feel awful not partaking with everyone else but I can't get my stomach to settle. I have what Havoc would call bubble guts. Pure fear has stolen my appetite today.

  In less than two hours we will all head to Blue Bells. Cessy, Angel, Mythic and me with only Gunner and Dash to keep us safe. If he ambushes us on the way well be totally fucked. The rest of the brothers of the Silents Sons and the Reapers will be waiting for Gunners signal to storm the castle that is Blue Bells.

  The cells are a horrible thing that we've all vowed to obliterate but… The option of an underground entrance was one we had to admit was a smart one. There's a large warehouse behind Blue Bells. From the looks of it, it only holds necessities for the club and other odds and ends the Reapers have decided they didn’t need at their club.

  But underneath it. That’s a different story. They have a full on armory hidden below with a tunnel leading right into the stock room of Blue Bells. Giving the Reapers access to their club should they need it for any reason. It can also act as an escape if something goes down or they get raided.

  If Enterrador waits til were at Blue Bells no matter how much manpower he brings with him he’ll have a fight on his hands he wasn’t expecting. We know he asked for the blueprints of the club but luckily in a small town with the right amount of money you can keep just about anything off of legal documents. Wraith was smart to have it not included.

  The ride to Blue bells though? Its less than ten minutes but well be open to attack in more than one place. We can't bring too many brothers with us if we're trying to give the appearance of letting our guards down. I understand the need for it but I'll never forgive myself if something happens to the women I look at as sisters because of me.


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