Romancing the Recluse

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Romancing the Recluse Page 6

by Michelle M. Pillow

  “Sammy, darling, I’m not gay,” Fredrick protested, his voice nearing a pout. “Quit treating me like I’m delicate or something.”

  “Fredrick,” she warned.

  Viktor arched a brow. His body was tense and he was breathing hard. She tried to ignore her attraction to him, but it was hard.

  Fredrick sighed. “Good luck, Viktor. You’re going to need it.”

  “Thanks, Laurie.”

  “Ugh, I told you, stop calling me that. It’s Laurence.”

  Samantha made a loud noise of frustration. Laurence? Laurie? Fredrick? Who the hell had she been dating? It would seem she didn’t know her friend as well as she’d have liked to think.

  As if hearing her thoughts, Fredrick turned to her. “Dr. L. Fredrick. Laurence Fredrick. You never asked, darling. You just called me Fredrick like everyone else.”

  “I can’t even comment on that one right now,” Samantha said, holding up her hands, frustrated both sexually and mentally. “Just get out of here, all right? I’ll deal with you later. First, I have something to say to your little friend here.”

  “Little?” Viktor gasped as if offended. He looked down to his forming erection. “I am not little.”

  “Cousin,” Frederick offered, a smirk in his voice. “He’s my cousin.”

  “Whatever,” Samantha growled in frustration. Viktor looked mad, as if brimming over with jealousy. Fredrick just looked like Fredrick—boyish and charming yet mischievous at the same time. Pointing at her ex, she ordered, “You. Out. Now.”

  Fredrick bowed, the gesture gallant and teasing at the same time. Viktor didn’t move. Their eyes met and locked as the elevator dinged in the hallway.

  “You two kids try to play nice now, ya hear?” Fredrick yelled seconds before the sound of the elevator doors closing.

  Samantha glared at Viktor in challenge. Yeah, play nice indeed.

  Chapter 10

  They were alone.

  Samantha’s body felt like it was on fire. What was it about this man? Whenever he was near, passion overtook her, as hot as lava and as fierce as… How had Frederick put it? A dragon?

  Yes, as fierce as a dragon.

  Looking at Viktor now, she thought the word dragon a very suitable way to describe him. His body was tense, rigid to the point of demanding. He looked dominant, strong, virile. It wasn’t just his tight, muscled body either. It was in the way he carried himself. The way he moved, looked around and talked. Everything about him said, “I am in control and you will obey me”.

  Samantha didn’t want to obey. She wanted to tame him. Tame the dragon before her and the beastly nature she detected inside him. How could this be? He was a stranger, wasn’t he? Things like this, feelings like this just didn’t happen.

  I don’t believe in love at first sight.

  Love? When did I start confusing passion with love?

  She might not know him, but her body recognized him on a primal level. Her pussy knew it was made for his cock. Their lips were made to join in passionate kisses and their bodies were made to fit together. Even now, just staring at him was more arousing than anything she’d done with another. It didn’t take much to remember the feel of his tight body pressing into hers. Last time they’d been restricted by clothes, by the threat of someone happening upon their transgressions.

  There was no one to stop them now. The idea of him throwing her down and tearing her clothes from her body thrilled her to no end. What was it about him that made her want to be taken? To be ridden hard and long?

  “What do you think you were doing alone with him? Without a chaperone?” Viktor demanded, his chest heaving. She saw that his temper was hot. It shone from his narrowed eyes. “I saw you sitting together, closer than what propriety would allow.”

  Propriety? Chaperone?

  “What right do you have to be possessive?” Samantha yelled back. “And it’s not like we’re living in the eighteen hundreds. I don’t know how they do things where you come from, but I can be un-chaperoned as much as I want. I’m my own woman, Viktor. I don’t have to answer to anyone. So I ask again, by what right do you come barging in here acting all possessive?”

  “You know by what right.”

  As he said it, her eyes involuntarily traveled down to the thick bulge between his thighs. Samantha put her hands on her hips and quirked a brow. Her mouth went dry. Damn, she didn’t think it was possible but he’d gotten even sexier.

  “We will discuss you being alone with other men later. But first, it is time. You were meant for me and I have come here to lay claim to you, ma’ aphania. It is time for our joining and we both know it.”

  Unable to stop herself, Samantha strode across the room until she was standing before him. Torn between the natural urge to slap him for his highhanded treatment of her and the even more primal urge to jump his bones, she decided to do both. Swinging her hand, she slapped her open palm across his face. The loud smack gave her a momentary sense of deep satisfaction. A second later, she grabbed him and kissed him, drinking in the sweet taste of his mouth as she ravished him with her tongue. His kiss was just as she remembered—as addictive as a drug and as sweet as the most expensive Swiss chocolate.

  Keeping hold of his face, she felt the rough texture of the small growth of whiskers beneath her hands. Samantha thrust her body against his, liking the way he grabbed her hips and jerked her even closer to his hard cock. The thrill of him was in her blood, mingling with the euphoric taste of his kiss, the flavor of it a drug of complete passion.

  Samantha couldn’t stop, even as her breath died in her lungs, making her chest burn for air. Viktor became everything to her. When she touched him, nothing else existed outside of their embrace.

  Viktor, her mind screamed, yes, Viktor, yes. I am yours. Take me.

  When her lungs demanded she take air or pass out, she finally pulled back, gasping for breath as she tried to slow the frantic beating of her heart. “None of this makes sense. Who are you? What’s happening to me?”

  A low growl was her only answer. He reclaimed her mouth, taking over the kiss as he penetrated her with his tongue. Pleasure exploded over her body in continual waves, heating her until she forgot all her questions. Nothing had ever felt so right.

  Viktor massaged her lower back, dipping his hands over her ass before pulling her shirt up over her head. He tossed it aside, instantly moving to stroke her flesh. His hands were warm, heating her as he explored every inch he could reach. His lips trailed over her neck, causing her to shiver as he nibbled her ear. She heard him breathing hard against her as he thumbed her nipples into erect points, pulling them over the top edge of her lacy bra.

  There was an urgency to his touch, as if he tried to caress everywhere at once. Samantha pulled just as desperately at his clothes, clawing them in an effort to get them off. The sensations were too much. Her pussy ached to be filled, to have his stiff cock pounding into her, stretching her cunt wide as she knew he would. The feel of his erection pressing into her stomach left no room for mistakes. This man was incredibly well endowed.

  A sudden ripping sounded and she gasped as cool air caressed the backs of her thighs. Her slacks slid off her hips to the floor. Viktor had torn them off. She took a step back as he let go of her.

  Samantha stood before him in her red lace bra and panties, watching his fiery eyes swirl. The look excited her, even as fear of the unknown trickled in. Who was this man? She felt his power, knew in the back of her mind that he was more than human. Still, she couldn’t scream, couldn’t run, didn’t want to. Her body needed him to end the arduous torment.

  Viktor pulled off his shirt and threw it aside, revealing his rippled chest. Her eyes followed his hands to his waist. He pulled, jerking his pants free. Another rip sounded as he ignored the zipper. The material slid to the floor, unveiling his thick erection. Now free, his cock seemed to grow impossibly bigger, standing tall from the soft bed of hair between his thighs.

  Samantha clamped her thighs tight even as her pussy
released a torrent of cream in eager anticipation. Veins threaded the sides of his cock, leading her eyes to the impossibly thick tip of his powerful cock head moist with pre-cum. She licked her lips, automatically wanting to taste him, touch him, fuck him hard and long.

  “Take your undergarments off,” he demanded, his voice gruff.

  Samantha obeyed, not even thinking to question the order. Pulling the straps from her shoulders, she freed her large breasts. They spilled forward, the nipples two erect points begging for attention. Unable to resist, she pinched them, eliciting a moan from within.

  “Take the rest off,” he repeated, his tone more hoarse than before. “Now. Lest I tear your undergarment from you.”

  Samantha ran her hands to her hips. Viktor took a deep breath, as if he could smell her body’s desire for him. Eyeing the massive serpent between his thighs, she hoped he planned on taking it easy on her—at least at first. Her panties slid to the floor. Viktor moaned as he grabbed his cock and began pumping his fist over the turgid shaft. Following his lead, Samantha slipped a finger into her wet folds, parting them as she found her clit. The bud was hard and ready when she circled it with her finger.

  “Ah, yes, your pussy smells so good.” Viktor stepped to her, letting go as he pulled her close. The first shock of his naked flesh sent a ripple so intense over her that it took her breath away. She gasped, engulfed within the smell of him, the seductive fragrance of his body. Her pussy tightened in anticipation. He shifted his hips until his cock wedged next to her, hot and so very alive. She shivered. “By the time I finish fucking you, your cunt’s going to be molded to fit only me.”

  Samantha needed to feel him inside her now and tried to pull him back toward the bedroom with her. His massive body resisted. “Viktor?”

  Why was he hesitating? They were both ready.

  Viktor was breathing hard. He grabbed her face, holding her steady. “This cannot be undone. You must want it. Do you understand?”

  Samantha could tell by his tone that there was more to his statement than just asking for permission to have sex with her. Nodding, she answered softly, “Yes, I want this to happen.”

  Viktor took a step forward, pushing her up against her couch. He kissed her neck, running his hot tongue over her pulse. Cream practically dripped from her thighs, making her squirm. She parted her legs, opening herself to him in offering. His nostrils flared and a low growl sounded in the back of his throat.

  Swiftly turning her around, Viktor pushed her over. Samantha’s hands sunk into the thick cushion. Hands glided over her flesh, kneading her ass, spreading her cheeks. The texture of his palms changed slightly, becoming rougher. She tried to turn to look at him, but he placed his hand on her back and held her down. Nails scratched against her spine, not hurting but definitely erotic. He slipped a finger around her hip to her pussy, finding the bud hidden in the moist folds.

  His cock probed her from behind, spreading her pussy wide as he continued to stroke her clit in small circles. He eased himself in, working back and forth near her opening so just the thick tip of him entered her.

  “You’re so tight, this might hurt.” There was a gruffness to his tone, a gravelly quality it hadn’t held before. “Oh, yes, you’re so beautiful, your cunt so wet. This is going to feel so good.”

  The friction along her opening built, as if he’d magically slipped on a French Tickler to add a bumpy texture to his erection. With each push he went a little further, holding her open as he stretched her out to fit him. All she could do was hold onto the couch and enjoy the ride.

  Samantha’s mouth fell open, her body tense as she waited for that first deep thrust. It came, swift and sure. He was so thick, fitted so tight, it was like he was breaking her open to him. She was hardly a virgin, but Viktor made her feel like one in so many ways. He kept himself buried deep and his cry of pleasure-pain joined hers. His thick mass stretched her open, hitting all the sensitive nerve endings at once.

  “Aphanio,” he whispered, pulling back only to pump into her. He moaned, riding her from behind. She was trapped beneath him. He drove hard, picking up the pace as he drew pleasure from her. Samantha was helpless beneath him as he rode her. She didn’t care. In that moment, she belonged to him. Tension pooled in her hips, driving her to the brink of perfect madness.

  “Viktor,” she gasped, digging her fingers into the cushion. It felt too good. Her body began to shake as her climax hit her. He kept going, his primal grunts echoing around her. His nails raked her skin before his hands tightened on her hips.

  When he came, she could feel his seed entering her. Energy pulsed from where they were joined, spreading over her entire length, filling her with warmth and intense pleasure. Her vision blurred and it felt like her heart stopped in her chest. An eternity passed in mere seconds, punctuated by their harsh breathing.

  Slowly, he pulled from her. Samantha heard him drop. Turning, she saw him on his knees—beautiful and naked. He was breathing hard as he looked up at her. His cock was still partially erect, as if it would rise with little provocation.

  “I apologize, Samantha,” he said, his eyes narrowing almost sorrowfully. “I did not mean…”

  Samantha turned, kneeling next to him on the floor. Then, noticing her front door was still broken and hanging open, her face heated in embarrassment. It was a good thing no one had walked in on them.

  “I don’t blame you for being mad,” he said. “It’s been awhile for me. I know that doesn’t excuse my behavior and I can only plead for your forgiveness.”

  She was completely sated, so much so that she could but stare at the opened door as she tried to find the strength to stand. Why was he apologizing for giving her the biggest and most gratifying orgasm in her life? Her legs shaking, she stood. “Don’t apologize. You have nothing to be sorry for.”

  Then an idea occurred to her.

  “Oh, goodness, you’re right. We should have been more careful.” Samantha ran her hand over her stomach. They hadn’t used protection. “I mean, I’m not on the Pill or anything and…”

  Somehow, the idea of having a baby didn’t sound so horrible. It wasn’t like she couldn’t afford it. Instantly, she determined that if it came to that, she’d keep the child and raise it as her own. A small smile started to form on her face.

  “We’ll just have to be more careful, you know, if this happens again.” Halfheartedly she added, “We don’t need to get me pregnant. Not to mention dis—”

  Before she could get the word “diseases” out, he interrupted her. “I promise I will make it up to you.”

  Viktor steadily held her eyes with his and he too stood. His naked body towered over hers. Samantha took a step back, wanting to feel his possession once again despite the soreness in her stomach from his tight fit. She slowly made her way toward the bedroom, glancing at the door to the closed elevator beyond in the hall. It was empty.

  Thank goodness!

  Viktor followed her movements with his eyes before gradually walking toward her. Samantha was heady with the pleasure of their last coupling. That, combined with the sense of freedom she felt at standing naked before him, made her giddy.

  Turning, she strode into the bedroom. The lights were dim, her curtains drawn to give a soft red glow. Her large bed was the centerpiece of the oversized room. The tan and gold comforter was embroidered with stylized leaves. Matching pillows were strewn all over it. She’d been resting on the bed earlier daydreaming of Viktor in this very room. Now that he was here, she could hardly believe it.

  She crawled onto the high mattress, giving Viktor a clear view of her ass. His breath caught audibly in his throat. Knowing that he was looking at her in such a wanton position turned her on. Her pussy became damp, the moisture building in readiness for him. What was it about Viktor that made her mad with lust? Made her forget everything but him?

  Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she looked back at him and gave him her most provocative smile. His interest wasn’t lost on her when she saw his larg
e cock rising to attention. The thick shaft bobbed as he drew closer.

  “It is good that you are not upset with me,” he said, nodding. “And now that we are man and wife, I promise to make up for my first rough handling.”

  Rough handling? Who talks like that?

  Must be the English as a second language thing he has going. Mm, but the accent is cute.

  Hold on a minute. Man and wife?!

  “Man and wife?” Samantha laughed. “You really are old-fashioned, aren’t you?”

  It was a rhetorical question and she giggled louder when he nodded.

  “I do like it and the sentiment is sweet and all, but don’t you think you’re jumping the gun a little? Or it is possible you’re mistranslating the phrase ‘man and wife’.”

  His look of confusion answered her. “I know what man and wife means. I have no problems with the translation.”

  “Oh, okay then, I didn’t mean any offense. I mean, it’s really too soon to tell if I am pregnant and definitely too soon to dwell on it. If I am, I’ll deal with it when the time comes. There is no reason to go proposing marriage until then. We’ll just be more careful in the future and go from there. Okay?”

  “What do you mean ‘deal with it’?” he demanded, hands on hips. The authoritative pose was all the more seductive. He took a bold step forward.

  “You know, the usual stuff.” Samantha sat down, tugging on the covers to hide her nudity. She got a strange vibe off him, almost as if she could sense his emotions and right now he was none too happy. What was wrong with him?

  “No, explain it to me.”

  “Um, well, there’s the marriage thing like you said, abortion, adoption—”

  He was across the room before the last word was even out of her mouth. “You would dare to rid us of our child?!”

  Fury poured from him as he grabbed her roughly by the arms and jerked her up. “Listen to me, wife, I will not—”


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