Pleasing Josie (Surrender Book 5)

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Pleasing Josie (Surrender Book 5) Page 2

by Becca Jameson

  Sabine beams. She’s far too excited. “The easiest thing to do is get in the tub, set one foot on the edge, and then apply the gel. It needs to sit for a few minutes, and then you rinse it off.”

  I feel weird climbing into Sabine’s tub. I’m naked in her bathroom and she and Lucy no longer are. On the other hand, I’m not sure who looks sillier since they both have on a childish one-piece swimsuit.

  After I apply the gel liberally from the front all the way to my tight hole, I rinse my hand off and then stand there, awkwardly waiting, legs spread.

  Lucy sits back on the toilet seat. “It might feel odd at first if you’ve never gotten a Brazilian, but I love it now. Master Roman insists little girls don’t have public hair, so it’s a hard rule in his house. It’s been five years. I can’t even remember what it felt like to have hair, but it heightens every sensation when you don’t.”

  Sabine agrees. “Master Kellen says the same thing. And in my case, I gravitate toward a younger age than Lucy, so definitely no hair.”

  I change the subject. “Do either of you ever wear a bra? Not that you need one. You’re both more proportionate than me. Just curious.” I cross my arms, feeling self-conscious about my breasts for no reason. It’s not that they’re huge. It’s just that they’re kind of big for my small frame. Lucy and Sabine both have small, pert breasts. They hardly need a bra anyway.

  Sabine shakes her head. “Never. Not in the two months since I moved in. But that’s because I’m little nearly twenty-four seven. At some point I assume we’ll go somewhere that’ll require me to dress as an adult and wear a bra, but it’ll never happen in the house.”

  Lucy nods agreement. “I wear one during the day but only because I work in an office. I pretend to be an adult when I go to work.” She giggles. “I’ve been Master Roman’s little for so long that I actually feel like the times I’m in grownup clothing are the pretend times and the rest of the day when I’m a little, that’s what I consider real.”

  I smile at her, trying to understand. It’s complicated. Anything twenty-four seven is complicated. It’s the reason I work for Master Kellen. I moved in with Master Grayson a year ago. Soon after that, the company I worked for downsized and I lost my job as their receptionist. Master Kellen insisted he didn’t mind me not having a job, and we fell into a routine where I basically took care of all the household duties and he worked.

  After several months of living exclusively as his submissive, I knew I needed more. I needed a break from the intensity that is my private life. It worked out perfectly that Master Kellen needed an assistant, and I was qualified. “I think I would be self-conscious if I wasn’t wearing a bra.”

  Lucy rolls her eyes. “Girl, you have no idea. I was so sheltered and modest when I met Master Roman that I couldn’t get used to it. I never fully did. Even after five years, I still fidget when my nipples brush against my clothes.”

  At least I’m not the only one. “Does it, uh, arouse you?”

  She smiles. “All the time.”

  I chuckle as Sabine turns on the water and tests it until it gets warm. I sit down in her tub and use a cup to rinse off the gel, watching as my hair runs down the drain. It feels weird, but titillating at the same time.

  I hurry to dry off and get my suit on.

  “Do you want to borrow some of my hair bands?” Sabine asks. “We could put it up for you or braid it if you’d like.”

  I glance at myself in the mirror and decide what the hell. If I’m going all out pretending to be like my companions, why not add my hairstyle to the mix? “Sure.”

  Sabine pulls a stool out from under the vanity, and I lower onto it. She and Lucy each take a side, and in less than two minutes, my long straight black hair is in two braids. I smile as I look in the mirror again. Except for my size and my breasts, I look young. It’s kind of fun. Freeing, maybe.

  I feel light as I follow the two of them out of the bathroom and downstairs.

  Chapter 2

  Master Grayson

  “Have I caught you at a bad time?” Kellen asks me over the phone.

  “No. Not at all. I’m driving to my meeting. Is everything okay? Sorry to leave Josie with you all evening.”

  “No problem at all. You know that. She’s welcome here any time.”

  “I’m sure she’s pissed that I don’t let her drive herself. I’ll probably hear about it all evening.” We have a dynamic that has fallen into place over the past year. It includes me driving her to work and picking her up. I like the fact that we begin and end our days together in the car. It’s especially nice to talk about our days before we arrive home. As soon as we’re in the house, we gravitate to our mutually agreed-upon roles.

  Even though Josie works full-time, she still manages most of the household tasks, and a lot of that happens while I work a few more hours after we get home.

  Kellen chuckles. “Knowing you, somehow I don’t think that’ll work out in her best interest.”

  I laugh in return. “Nope. Not at all. I think she likes to needle me sometimes because she enjoys the punishment.” I grin as I picture her tied to our bed later tonight, me tormenting her with a feather. Josie squirming for release. “I’m sure that’s not why you called.”

  “You’re right. Listen, I hope you don’t mind. I let her borrow one of Sabine’s swimsuits. Lucy is here this evening, too. I had promised them they could swim before dinner. I didn’t want to leave Josie out.”

  “Of course. That’s fine.” I’m not sure why he thinks I would care if he lets my submissive swim.

  “What I mean is that she’s dressed as a little girl. That’s the only kind of suit I have here. The three of them are in the pool now, and Lucy and Sabine even braided her hair. I think she’s curious about their lifestyle.”

  “Ah, I see.” I try to picture Josie as a little and can’t. Interesting.

  “Hope I haven’t overstepped. It all happened kind of fast.”

  “It’s fine. Really. No worries. If she’s having fun, let her experiment.”

  “You don’t mind then if she borrows some of Sabine’s clothes when they get out of the pool?”

  “Not at all.” Do I? I shouldn’t. Josie has her own personality. Her own likes and dislikes. I would never want to hold her back if she had an interest in another aspect of the lifestyle.

  “I’ll follow her lead, of course. If she wants to put her own clothes back on, I won’t say another word. I simply thought I would offer if she wants to borrow something of Sabine’s.”

  “Do it. I can’t wait to hear how it goes. I’ll probably be there by about eight. Not sure how long this meeting will go.”

  “Don’t worry. Take your time. Everything is fine here.”

  “Thanks. I owe you one.”

  “No you don’t,” he reassures me. “See you later.”

  As he disconnects, I try again to picture Josie as a little. Has she been curious and I’ve been ignoring her needs? She hasn’t said anything. I know things between us are a bit rocky right now, but I hope we’re just going through a rough patch. I don’t think it’s serious.

  What if she decides she needs something I can’t give her? I’m a pretty firm Dom, but I’m not cut out to be a Daddy. It’s not something I’ve ever considered. I wouldn’t know the first thing about how to manage that.

  It probably doesn’t matter anyway. Just because Josie borrowed a swimsuit doesn’t mean I’ll find her in a frilly dress when I arrive. She’s not that kind of submissive.

  I shake my concern from my head and focus on my meeting. No sense worrying about something that isn’t likely to happen.

  Chapter 3


  It was strange at first when we came outside. Master Kellen put sunscreen on Sabine while Lucy and I applied it to ourselves and then each other’s backs. I felt awkward. I wasn’t watching this today. I was participating. I’ve seen Master Kellen take Sabine outside to swim several times during lunch or in the afternoons, but I’m always on the clock. I
don’t stop to join her.

  “Stay in the shallow end,” he warns us as we pad over to the steps. He leans back in a chair under the covered section of the patio and pulls out his phone.

  There’s a flutter in my belly as I enter the water. My braids float at my sides. My suit clings to my body when it gets wet. My nipples are hard points, visible through the thin yellow material. Of course, I realize it’s a swimsuit, but I haven’t worn a one-piece in years, nor have I worn anything without some support and padding. Nothing made for adults would be this thin and revealing.

  I duck under the water as I absorb the sensations assaulting me. My hair, my nipples, my shaved pussy. When I pop back up, Lucy and Sabine are giggling and tossing a beach ball back and forth. I can’t help but fall under their spell and join them, laughing and letting the world melt away as if I have no worries.

  I’m starting to grasp the appeal here. Neither of these women worries about anything. Roman and Kellen manage their lives. In a way, it’s refreshing. I decide to pretend I don’t have any worries, either. What would it be like if all I had to do was obey a Daddy figure?

  I think of Master Grayson. He has never insinuated he could fill that kind of role. We’ve never discussed such a thing. He has rules, but not like Roman and Kellen do. Master Grayson dominates me in the bedroom, and he does so deliciously. Most of our play involves bondage, and I get off on it just as much today as the day we met.

  I think back on the night I first scened with him at Surrender. I’d been mesmerized by his fluid ability to take a length of rope and restrain a submissive with such precision that she was breathless with need before he finished. I’d wanted a turn, and the moment he had me bound, I thought I would come.

  Master Grayson easily recognized my arousal, but he didn’t take advantage of it that night. He waited until the next time I saw him to approach me and ask if I might like to play with him in a private room. I’d been so excited that I could only stammer out my affirmative response.

  He made me come three times that night, and a week later we took our relationship outside of the club. Two months after that, I moved in with him. To this day, my heart pounds the moment he pulls out his ropes.

  As I float in the water, I think about how different my relationship is from these two women. In the home I share with Master Grayson, I do most of the cooking and cleaning. It’s a routine we fell into when I got laid off, and it stuck even after I started working for Master Kellen.

  The reality is that I work fewer hours and don’t bring my work home with me. It’s fulfilling and I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I’m glad I get to leave my work at the end of the day. It relaxes me to step into the kitchen and prepare dinner while Master Grayson continues to stress over clients and upcoming court cases.

  In the evenings, we usually watch tv in the family room, a time I often spend on my knees in front of Master Grayson. What I really like to do is rest my cheek on his thigh, rubbing against his erection subtly until he commands me to take it out and suck him off. There’s something oddly powerful about knowing how strongly he reacts to me. It gives some balance to the fact that he nearly always spends the rest of the night worshipping my body.

  I don’t think Sabine has a relationship that looks anything like that. And I’m pretty sure Lucy doesn’t, either.

  Eventually, the three of us grab noodles to sit on, tucking them under our butts so that we float in a triangle together. After glancing at Master Kellen, I decide to ask them some questions. “Do either of you cook?” I hope I don’t sound rude.

  They both shake their heads. Lucy giggles. “Master Roman has a cook. She lives with us. She sometimes lets me help her in the kitchen, but I’m not permitted to use the stove alone.”

  “Me neither,” Sabine adds. “Master Kellen does all the cooking. He usually straps me in my booster seat while he works so I can keep him company.”

  I try to wrap my mind around that. It’s a dynamic I’m not used to. “Do you do any cleaning?”

  Sabine shakes her head again. “Master Kellen has a cleaning lady who comes once a week. I have chores though,” she says proudly. “I have to put my toys away and make my bed and keep my bathroom clean and make sure my clothes are in the hamper.”

  “Me too,” Lucy says. “What about you?”

  “I like to take care of Master Grayson. I do most of the cooking and cleaning at home.”

  Sabine shrugs. “We all have our preferred lifestyles. Nothing wrong with that.”

  Master Kellen’s shadow looms over us. “You girls ready to get out and have dinner?”

  Sabine groans. “Already?”

  Master Kellen lifts a brow.

  “We’ve only been in here a few minutes. Can’t we stay longer?”

  We’ve been out here more than an hour. I’m certain of that. But I’ve witnessed this dynamic between the two of them many times in the past few months. Sabine has a naughty streak. She’s gotten better as the weeks have gone by, but she still likes to needle Master Kellen.

  Master Kellen reaches out with one hand. “Sabine. Now.”

  Her shoulders drop and she lowers her head as she climbs the stairs. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “I’m sure you are, but not sorry enough to stop yourself from backtalking me. Not sorry enough to avoid getting spanked in front of your friends.”

  I climb out behind her alongside Lucy, watching in fascination as Master Kellen leads her by the hand to the chair he was sitting on. He hands both of us a towel and then proceeds to strip Sabine of her suit, tugging it down her body without a word. After patting her dry with a third towel, he angles her naked body to one side and lowers her over his lap.

  I can’t take my gaze off them. Master Grayson doesn’t spank me. It’s not something I’ve experienced. It’s fascinating because Sabine clearly has a love/hate relationship with Master Kellen’s palm. She obviously gets something out of it because she provokes him often.

  He clasps her wrists at her lower back, smooths his hand over her bottom, and then spanks her several times.

  I watch as her skin turns pink. She finches and whimpers, but she doesn’t fight him.

  “Legs wider, Sabine,” he admonishes.

  She spreads her thighs.

  I can see her bare pussy. I’ve seen it many times. It’s not unusual. But I’ve never watched like this. I’ve never been in the role of a little participating in a way that would permit me to watch.

  When he finally finishes, he thrusts his fingers through her folds and rubs her for no more than a heartbeat. A second later, he releases her wrists and stands her on her feet. He grips her hips and meets her gaze between his legs. “What do you have to say, Sabine?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I shouldn’t have talked back and whined when you told us to get out of the pool.” She sniffles. Her nipples are stiff points, and I wonder if it’s from the chill or from getting partially fingered. I’ve seen him do this, too. At least out of my peripheral vision on a few occasions. I’m pretty sure he likes to end her punishment by making sure she is left aroused and unfulfilled.

  I know for a fact that I am currently in the same state—aroused and unfulfilled just from watching. My suit is still wet from the pool of course, but if it weren’t, it would be soaked from my own juices.

  “Take your friends upstairs and get dressed while I fix dinner.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she murmurs.

  Master Kellen turns to me. “I spoke to Master Grayson earlier. You’re welcome to borrow some of Sabine’s clothes if you would like. It’s up to you. I don’t want you to feel pressured either way, but if you want to continue to play in their world this evening, the option is there.”

  I swallow and force myself to nod. “Thank you, Sir.” As I follow Lucy and Sabine into the house and through the great room toward the ornate stairs at the front, I consider Master Kellen’s offer. I’m intrigued. What would it feel like to dress as a little? Not just a swimsuit but a full outfit.

has wiped her tears away by the time we reach her bathroom. Her cheeks are splotchy, but she has recovered.

  Lucy is already stripping out of her suit and reaching for her panties.

  “Do you want to borrow some of my clothes? We’re almost the same size. I’m sure they’ll fit you,” Sabine says.

  I inhale slowly. Should I? This feels like a huge decision. I’m still not sure what Master Grayson is going to say about all this. What if he comes to pick me up and I’m dressed as a little? On the other hand, when will I ever have an opportunity like this again? “Sure,” I force myself to say. “I think I’d like that.”

  Sabine claps her hands together. She’s wearing only her panties so far, but she rushes into the bedroom and points to the dresser. “You have to choose an age. Any age you want. But you can’t peek into the other drawers. Master Kellen doesn’t let me do that.” Her voice is babyish and excited.

  I stare at the dresser. “You’re sure you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. I don’t even know what’s in there. Daddy replaces them all the time.”

  If I’m going to do this, there’s no reason to go half-ass. Might as well go all in. I’m not prepared to aim for age two, and Sabine is nearly always wearing age four, so I decide on six. I inch forward and slowly pull the drawer open, feeling both women behind me.

  I hold my breath as I take in the contents. It hadn’t occurred to me there would only be one outfit in there. “Does he replace them every day?”

  “Yep.” Sabine sets her hands on the sides of the drawer. “Oh, I love this dress. I’ve worn it a few times.” She pulls it out. “Grab the rest.”

  I lift out the shoes and socks and panties, trying not to hyperventilate. I have no idea if I’m doing the right thing here. I follow my two new friends back to the bathroom, set the items on the counter, and then remove my swimsuit. After draping it over the edge of the tub to dry alongside Lucy’s, I pick up the panties.


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