Pleasing Josie (Surrender Book 5)

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Pleasing Josie (Surrender Book 5) Page 4

by Becca Jameson

  I’ve only spoken to Grayson a handful of times, and most of those in passing, so it’s been a while since he’s looked me in the eye. There’s no denying the man is sexy. Dirty blond hair, green eyes. I’m pretty sure he’s a lawyer, and I wonder what he looks like when he’s in a suit and tie. He’s also dressed down tonight in jeans and a polo.

  I turn my attention to Josie. “What about you Josie?” I look into her deep brown eyes. “Do you sense the disconnect?”

  She sits up taller and lifts her gaze, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m probably causing the disconnect.”

  “Ah, come on, babe. You know that’s not true,” Grayson interrupts. He’s incredibly attentive and kind. He even leans over and kisses her forehead.

  “Well, I’m the one dabbling in other types of kink we didn’t agree upon.”

  We’re onto something here, and sooner than I’d expected. “What have you been dabbling in?” I hate that I’m curious on a personal level. I’ve seen her submitting to Grayson many times. They do some amazing shibari together. I cross my legs as my cock jumps to attention.

  “I work for Master Kellen. Do you know him?” she asks.

  I nod. “Yes. I’ve known him for years.” He’s a Daddy Dom. I swallow. Where is she going with this? I shouldn’t be this excited.

  She licks her full lips adorably, and for the first time since I stepped into the room, I realize she definitely exhibits several tendencies that might indicate she’s a little. “Well, he recently entered a relationship with a little, and I’ve found myself staring in curiosity. Maybe it’s just a phase, but I played in Sabine’s world for a while the other night, and it appealed to me.”

  “And does that bother you, Grayson?” I ask, hoping my voice is steady.

  He shakes his head. “Not at all. I mean, I want Josie to be true to herself. If she needs something I can’t give her, we need to figure that out.”

  Josie starts to silently cry, slow tears running down her cheeks. She swipes at them. Her voice catches when she responds. “I don’t want us to break up over this. I just need to find a way to let it go so we can go back to how we were.”

  Grayson extricates her hand from his biceps and wraps his arm around her, pulling her close. He closes his eyes for a moment and then speaks again. “As much as I hate to say this, I think we have no options here. She needs to explore this kink further with someone who can guide her. I’m not that man. I’m not a Daddy.”

  But, I am. I push that thought down as far as I can. What I want to do is pick Josie up, set her on my knee, and wipe away her tears.

  Instead, I force a professional response. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I can tell you both care about each other very much. You’ve hit a snag, but I don’t think you need to throw in the towel yet. There’s a possibility you could find common ground and work things out so that both of you are satisfied.”

  Josie dabs at her eyes with her fingers. “That’s my hope, too.” She snuggles into Grayson’s side like a young girl. I wonder if he can’t see that he’s totally caring for her in a way he verbally seems to think he isn’t capable of.

  “What does your current dynamic look like? Is your arrangement twenty-four seven?”

  Grayson shakes his head. “Not really. We both work. When we get home, we fall into a comfortable pattern. I usually need to work a few more hours, and Josie handles most of the household chores while I finish, most of the cooking and cleaning. When we’re both done, we play.”

  “Josie, tell me what that looks like from your perspective? What do you do when you get home?”

  She purses her lips and then releases them after thinking for a moment. “I usually cook dinner and clean the kitchen and then we watch TV together before heading for the bedroom.”

  “So, the bedroom, is this where you generally scene?”

  Grayson nods. “Yes. I take control when we enter the bedroom, though sometimes I might have subtly been building up to it throughout the evening with little demands to set the mood.”

  “Give me some examples,” I enquire.

  “Like requesting that she change into something sexy when we get home or that she serves dinner nude. That kind of thing.”

  Josie smiles. “It’s playful. I enjoy the unexpected. Foreplay, I’d say.”

  “Do you snuggle on the couch then?” I’m trying to picture their dynamic. If Josie has been craving the life of a little, some of her needs are not being met. Not that anyone is to blame. Just an observation.

  Josie giggles, the tinkle of her voice grabbing my attention. “Usually I kneel on the floor. I like to lean my cheek against his thigh.”

  Grayson smooths his hand up and down her arm.

  I smile at them. “So, generally speaking, things run smoothly.”

  Grayson nods. “Yes, but something is off. I’m worried Josie needs more than I give her.”

  She draws in a breath. “And I hate feeling that way. Our world would be picture perfect to anyone at a glance.”

  “To be honest,” Grayson admits, “it’s not just her. I feel the friction, too. When we scene together, it’s smoking hot. We do it often. Several nights a week. But when I watch other couples, I feel like they have some kind of vibe between them we lack.” He cringes and squeezes her arm as if to soften the blow of his words.

  “When you watch other couples? You mean like at Surrender?”

  Grayson shrugs. “Yes.”

  I nod slowly as things click into place. I’ve seen Grayson watch other couples. I’ve seen him watch me in particular. When Grayson is at the club, I’m usually aware of him. There have been times when it was hard for me to continue to focus on the sub I was dominating because my mind was on Grayson. He makes my heart rate kick up a notch, though I’ve never told anyone.

  There’s a longing in his expression every time he watches me, too. So, I’m not surprised there’s something he’s not getting that’s making him feel disconnected. Furthermore, I’d even go so far as to venture a guess as to what that something is. The question is whether or not he’s ready to admit it.

  I watch them for a few moments while a ridiculous idea forms in my head. They’re so cute together. And they care about each other deeply. I’m not sure I can salvage things for them if they can’t meet somewhere in the middle, but I feel confident that without the right guidance, they will end up going their separate ways. The frustration will continue to grow, and neither of them is confrontational about it.

  My idea is stupid and irresponsible, and I should definitely keep it to myself and stuff it in my mental trash bin. But, that’s not what I do. “I have a proposal.”

  They both look at me.

  Too late to take it back now. The floodgates are open. I lean forward, elbows on my knees. I’ve taken leave of my senses. Nothing I’m considering is professional. “Is there any chance you two could spend this coming weekend at my home? I’d like to work with you. Help you figure out this new dynamic.” There. I’ve said it.

  They glance at each other. Both sets of eyes widen.

  “You’d do that for us?” Josie asks. “Why? I thought this was just an hour of your time to give us some direction.”

  I draw in a breath. “I’ve made similar arrangements before. I enjoy helping couples grow. It gives me great satisfaction. And since I don’t have a submissive of my own right now, it’s easy enough to invite others into my home.” I smile warmly. “I think there’s something salvageable between you, and it seems like you don’t have the skill set to straighten things out on your own.”

  “Wow,” Grayson stated. “That’s above and beyond.”

  I shrug. “You clearly care for each other. I can’t guarantee I can get you through this, but I can try.” I’m kicking myself now because dammit, my motives are absolutely personal. It’s not so much that I intend to hit on one of them. It’s more like I’m attracted to them both, and I want to watch them together. It would make my cock hard to examine their dynamic up close,
though. I’m half-hard right now just thinking about it. No sense denying that to myself. I’ve officially lost a few brain cells.

  They look back at each other, and I stand. “I’ll give you two some time to discuss the idea.” I step out into the hallway and shut the door. The moment I’m alone, I groan. What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve never let my personal feelings interfere with my job before. And this isn’t a small thing I’m dealing with.

  Josie’s like a new lamb. The girl is itching to have someone care for her. Perhaps her desire to dabble in the world of littles stems from watching Kellen’s little, Sabine, but she squirms and frets with the posture of a little already. Plus, if she’s been managing most of the domestic chores around the house, it’s possible she may crave the idea of having someone take care of her instead.

  It’s been a while since I worked with a little, and a couple years since I had one of my own, but something about Josie calls to me. That feeling is rare. It’s the reason I haven’t had a full-time submissive for a long while. I’m particular. I haven’t matched perfectly enough with anyone I’ve played with at Surrender.

  And then there’s Grayson. Fuck. I was interested in that man from the moment I started noticing him watching my scenes. I can’t possibly guess what’s deep inside him, but if I go out on a limb, I’m going to say he’s a bit repressed. He probably thinks men should be Doms and women submissives. He probably thinks it wouldn’t be manly for him to be submissive.

  As I told him a year ago, and have observed from him since then, I believe he’s a switch. He isn’t just watching other scenes to gather information. He’s jealous. I practically rub my hands together with the desire to show him the other side.

  I need to screw my head on straight. This isn’t about me. I need to be careful. This is a dangerous game. Hopefully, I can help them figure out a new dynamic without them realizing I’m turned on by watching them interact like little birds who haven’t left the nest.

  They aren’t that young or inexperienced. I presume Grayson to be in his early thirties and Josie in her mid-twenties. Compared to me though… I’m forty-five. At least two decades older than Josie. The woman wasn’t even born when I had my first kink experience.

  I swipe my hand down my face and lean against the wall. Maybe they will turn me down, and I won’t have to fret over this any longer.

  But what if they don’t? I think about my upcoming schedule. I have a book releasing next week. Starting Tuesday, I’ll have to travel a few days every week for my book tour. At the same time, I have a full docket of clients to see. It’s going to be a long time before I’ll be able to take days off work again, so taking a weekend right now would be perfect. And I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than mentor these two adorable submissives.

  I chuckle inside at my thought. Grayson can insist he’s not submissive, but I think he’s kidding himself. I always have. Not that he isn’t also Dominant. He’s a solid Dom in his own right. I’ve seen him do amazing bondage scenes with Josie. Obviously, he’s lived an entire year as a Dom to Josie, but what the man doesn’t seem to grasp is that he can be both. Even at the same time.

  The door opens, and I shove off the wall and head back into the room, following Grayson. He resumes his spot next to Josie and holds her hand in his lap. “We’d like to take you up on your offer.”

  “Excellent. I’ll make sure my schedule is clear.” I reach into my pocket, pull out a business card, and reach across the distance to hand it to Grayson. “My address is on the back. Why don’t you come Friday evening at about seven and we’ll get started?”

  “Sounds good.” Grayson flips the card over in his hand.

  Josie fidgets next to him, her cheeks flushed. She’s either nervous, excited, or both.

  I’m a complete wreck inside. Half of me is doing a silent jig of excitement. The other half is admonishing me for being such an idiot. This could go very badly for all of us if I’m not careful.

  Chapter 6


  I’m quiet in the car on the drive home. Pensive, I suppose one would say. In three days we’re going to embark on something totally out of my comfort zone. I hope it’s not the worst decision I’ve ever made.

  I know Master Grayson is trying really hard to help me find myself, and I really appreciate his effort. I do. But I’m also nervous.

  When we arrive home, he opens the door and then stops me with a grip on my shoulders. From behind, he slides a blindfold over my eyes. His lips come to my ear. “You’re tense. I’m going to make that go away.”

  I smile and nod. “Thank you, Sir.” Already I shiver from the blindfold alone. The suggestive nature of the rest of our evening doesn’t hurt, either. I love it when he takes control of me like this and makes the world disappear.

  Master Grayson walks me across the kitchen and then surprises me by stopping. I assumed he would lead me to the bedroom. That’s not what happens. “Don’t move from this spot,” he commands as he releases me. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. While I’m gone, take off all your clothes. Leave only the blindfold.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Instantly I’m wet from this game. He’s so unbelievably good at dominating me like this. Every time. And I’m often shocked by the way he can come up with something totally new.

  I hear him shuffle from the room, but I can’t be sure he really has left. He might be in the room still, watching me. I kick off my shoes and then pull my shirt over my head, careful not to dislodge the blindfold. I try to listen for any sign that Master Grayson is in the room while I pop the button on my jeans, lower the zipper, and then shrug out of them.

  When I’m down to my bra and panties, I draw in a slow breath. Is he watching? Not knowing is killing me. I finally pop the clasp behind my back and lower the straps of my bra, dropping it on the floor with the rest of my discarded clothes. Lastly, I hook my fingers in my panties and slide them down my legs.

  I feel more naked than usual. Master Grayson has seen every inch of me hundreds of times, but my senses are always heightened when he blindfolds me.

  Goosebumps rise on my skin and I shiver before crossing my arms under my breasts instinctively.

  “When have I ever let you cover yourself like that?” his deep voice asks from a few feet away.

  I jump in my spot and drop my arms. Perhaps he’s been there the entire time. “Sorry, Sir.”

  “That’s better. Shoulders back.” He steps closer. I can hear his feet shuffling and his voice growing near. Something soft touches one of my nipples, and I flinch.

  “Part your legs, Josie.”

  I spread my feet wider, my heartrate picking up.

  Whatever touched my nipple is now sliding down my belly. A feather?

  “Hands behind your head.”

  I lift my arms and clasp my fingers at the back of my head the way he likes, elbows back, chest high.

  The next thing I hear is the refrigerator door, or maybe it’s the freezer. The latter is confirmed when an ice cube touches my nipple. I yelp and jump in my spot.

  “Stay still. Don’t move.”

  He taps my other nipple next, and I shiver, biting into my lower lip. As he slides the freezing cold cube down between my breasts and dips it into my belly button, I whimper.

  The clank of the cube hitting the sink suggests he tossed it away. And then his hands are on my hips and he’s lifting me off the ground.

  I drop my hands and grab his shoulders, but seconds later, he sets me on the end of the island. I try to visualize if we’ve left anything on the island, and come up with nothing.

  “Lie back. Arms above your head.”

  God, I love this. I love how this man controls me. It’s so damn hot. Even after a year, I still get hornier than ever when he dominates me like this. As soon as I’m on my back, he grabs my wrists and wraps soft bondage rope around them. So, he probably did leave the room, at least for a few seconds. Or maybe he’d stashed the rope in the kitchen.

  I gasp when my arms are pulled tight
er as he secures the rope to something behind me. I try to imagine what. The oven door?

  The feather dances over my nipples again, making me arch and moan at the same time.

  “Are you aroused, Josie?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Let me see. Spread your legs.”

  I part my thighs.

  “Wider. Hook your knees over the corners of the island. I know you can.”

  He’s right. I’ve proven I’m limber enough to almost do the splits. I feel extremely exposed with my legs parted like this though. Between the blindfold and the bright kitchen lights, I’m certain my Master has an amazing view of my naked pussy.

  I’m surprised once again when Master Grayson reaches for one of my ankles and ties another rope around it. When he rounds behind my head and then secures the other ankle, I realize he’s used the island itself to restrain me.

  “I love when you’re spread open for me like this.” His voice is deep, sexual. He leans in close to my ear. I can feel his breath. “You love it, too.”

  “Yes, Sir.” I’m panting. Wetness is running out of my channel.

  The freezer opens again, and then his hands are on my thighs and his mouth is on my pussy. His lips are cold, but that’s nothing compared to the chill I feel when I realize he has another ice cube between his teeth. He drags it over my lower lips and then flicks my clit.

  I moan, lifting my hips off the island. I can only move a few centimeters in any direction though. He’s that good with rope.

  He drags the ice up my belly and circles a nipple.

  I moan again. I’m so damn aroused. I’m going to come, possibly from the nipple play at this rate. But he knows that, so he stops tormenting me with the ice. After it clatters into the sink, he grips both my breasts and pinches my distended nipples. “I love these so much,” he informs me. Something I’m well aware of.


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