Cowboy Bikers MC: Werewolves

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Cowboy Bikers MC: Werewolves Page 7

by Esther E. Schmidt

  Like me.

  I don’t have time to think about this right now. And the scent of my woman grows stronger as I instinctively know she just entered the room. Without breaking eye contact with the most dangerous one in the room–her father–I stretch my arm out.

  She steps closer and curls herself against my side, whispering, “Ash is outside with the others. I tried to calm them down and let them know you had this under control but Ash asked if you could tell the pack to stand down.”

  Jagger leans forward. “Little niece, why are you whispering.”

  She shoots him a glare.

  I place a kiss on the top of her head. “I’ll handle it. Are you okay?”

  The tiny smile tugging her lips hits me straight in the chest. “I’ll try not to shift again.”

  Now it’s my turn to smile. “No restrictions, love. Our ranch, our rules. Just don’t scare the livestock.”

  “Aw, they’re so sweet together,” her mother gushes.

  Opal’s cheeks heat.

  “I’ll be right back.” I head for the door and close it behind me before facing almost my entire pack.

  “Alpha, how do you want to handle this?” Ash questions.

  Alpha. My VP calls me Alpha because this is not ranch business; supernatural danger is pack business.

  “I am handling this,” I grunt and glance around at everyone else. “I might as well get this over with. I was going to announce it tomorrow morning in church but seeing most of you are here and can sense all the supernaturals inside my home, it’s easier to explain now. Opal is my mate. I claimed her earlier but her parents were triggered somehow and thought she needed to be rescued.”

  “Why a dragon? Hellhounds, a vampire? The scents are a large mixture. Who is your old lady connected with?” Ozzy questions.

  “With all of them,” I simply say. “Ophelia is the daughter of Alastair, the president of Death by Reaper MC, Hellhounds chapter.”

  “Holy shit,” Kye gasps. “It’s the chapter with all the sisters mated with presidents of different chapters, right? Those sisters are a mixture of supernaturals. So, all her aunts and uncles have mixed powers. Prez, you have one hell of a connection through your mate. Damn, no one would mess with us before this, but now?”

  “Touch us and die.” Ozzy chuckles.

  I shake my head while everyone is smiling and surrounding me to give slaps on my back and congratulate me on my mating.

  “Yeah, yeah,” I mutter. “We’ll celebrate later this week with a barbeque, but I have to go handle the in-laws right now.”

  “Howl if you need anything,” Ash says.

  I lift my chin and head back into the house where I find Alastair waiting for me.

  “My wife demanded I apologize for being a dick,” Alastair grumbles.

  “I’m not hearing you apologize, and to be honest, I don’t need one either. You might not have handled it well, but she’s your daughter. Emotions muddle actions when shit gets close to the heart.”

  He nods at my words. “She can shift.”

  “She sure can.” I grin.

  He holds out his hand and I reckon this is as far as his attempt to apologize goes. Giving him a firm shake, he slaps my shoulder and the both of us head for the living room. Most are seated and have drinks while Opal is in the kitchen with the other women.

  A prickle of awareness hits me and instantly puts me on edge. The sudden change in the air is enough for everyone to jolt into action. Blood. Fresh blood is entering my nose with every inhale of breath. It’s faint, but it’s there. The women come rushing out of the kitchen.

  “What’s going on?” Eliana questions.

  “I don’t know, but I’m about to find out,” I state and head for the door.

  “We’re coming with you,” Alastair grunts and Opal’s uncles and aunts, along with herself, fall in step behind me.

  Members from my pack come rushing from all sides.

  “The fucker is here. I can fucking smell him. It’s faint, but there. Fuck,” Ash growls.

  I spin around to face Alastair. “Are you still itching to kill a werewolf? Because we would welcome the help.”

  “Hell yeah,” Jagger snaps and Opal’s uncles gather around along with the rest of my brothers.

  “Inhale deep. The blood I recognize as the scent of one of my prospects. I ordered him to keep an eye on a house we tracked a werewolf to who kills humans when he’s done with having them work for him to gather enough cash so he can move on to the next one. Opal cloaked the prospect’s scent but he must have sensed or made him. Fuck, he might have noticed he was being watched when he left the diner earlier, or maybe he isn’t working alone, whatever. But if you filter the air, you’ll notice a hint of the stench of a killer.”

  All of them inhale deep. The scent is distinctive. When a supernatural kills a human–without it being self-defense or a necessity–a stench of decay attaches to him.

  “I got his trail, I’ll give my mate my findings from the air if I spot him,” Vaughn rumbles as he runs off, shifts into a large dragon and spreads his wings to take him higher up into the air.

  “This is the werewolf gone rogue from the case Opal was working on,” Alastair states.

  I nod and he simply mimics the movement.

  “Spread out in teams. Like I said, I don’t know if this is only one werewolf or if the fucker has someone working with him or a small pack for that matter. Our findings show it’s only one werewolf but be prepared for anything.” Everyone jumps into action at my words.

  Seeing there aren’t any humans around and our ranch is fairly remote, half of my pack instantly shifts and runs off to find out if the werewolf is still close.

  “Aw, that’s nasty.” Jagger winces and when I follow his line of sight, I notice the heap of body parts near the gate.

  “He’s still here,” Vike mutters.

  “Stupid fuck probably didn’t expect the pack to be up at this time. And for sure didn’t expect you guys to have visitors from different Death by Reaper MC chapters. Let’s go fucking hunting, boys,” Alastair says with a scary grin on his face as he shifts into a large hellhound, red flames dancing around his thick, black fur.

  He looks like an extremely large wolf, with two heads instead of one. With him being a president gives him the distinction of an extra head. And this fucker has an extra head at the end of his tail from the mating with his wife, her being a combination of strong supernaturals. The urge to shift drenches the air and I give in right before I see my woman fall to her knees.

  There’s a split-second hesitation to stay with her but shifting for the third time is even faster than the previous two times. Pride surges through me when she jolts forward to follow right next to me.

  The stench of the killer is easy to trail and it doesn’t take long before it becomes stronger.

  Like Alastair said, the idiot must have underestimated us. The ranch giving him the impression we were either a mixture of humans and werewolves or a small pack laying low. His mistake was thinking he could handle us. Ignorant asshole going in alone because I don’t sense anyone else in our near proximity.

  My thoughts cloud my senses and it’s the very reason I only notice the threat right before it strikes. Hearing Opal yelp and grunt is bone-shattering but seeing her being thrown to the ground while a wolf has her by the throat–ready to rip her head off–is a blow to my chest which almost makes me falter.

  The fucker is surrounded by my pack and Opal’s family. He has nothing to gain and nothing to lose. He has no other option but death and it’s the very reason this fucked-up situation is dangerous. Because if he has enough strength, he could rip her head off and instantly kill her. We might be immortal but there is no coming back from losing your head.

  He growls low in his throat. The fucker isn’t part of my pack and isn’t able to communicate through a telepathic connection, like the one I have with every single one of my pack members. His eyes bounce all over the place, a glowing yellow, as he regrips Opal
’s neck, digging his teeth into her skin.

  He’s hurting. There aren’t any words necessary but I can see it in his eyes and the way he keeps biting and regripping. Opal’s blue flames crackling around her skin are burning the fucker. He picked the wrong woman, thinking she’s a weak link.

  Anger swirls in Opal’s eyes and before anyone can act, there’s a blinding light. A bubble of an explosion surrounds Opal before it vanishes. During the blast she shifted to her human form, blood is dripping down her throat. The werewolf who had her by the throat lies a few yards away.

  Her uncles jump forward, ripping the werewolf to shreds–whose howls fade into the night as does his existence. Shifting, I rush toward Opal and take her head in my hands, guiding it to the side to check out her wounds but find them already healing.

  “Don’t ever fuck with a woman who is more than the outer appearance of a wolf. What an idiot. Good job, baby girl,” Eliana says and places a kiss on the top of her daughter’s head.

  “Now you know why your father had issues with you bringing a werewolf into the family,” Vike states. “We’ll see if this pack of muds are the odd ones out. I have to admit, I kinda like them.”

  “You’re just relishing in the afterglow of another job solved,” Jagger mutters. “But they handled it well. From what Opal said, this pack jumped right into the fight when she realized it was a werewolf who was doing the killing.”

  I glance at the heap of blood and bones.

  Ignoring their discussions–I couldn’t care less what they think, Opal is mine and her family can kiss my ass and leave, since the job is done–I grumble, “What are we going to do with that shit? I don’t like having any evidence linking us to this on my property.”

  “Take my daughter inside and let your men go home. We will handle the cleanup,” Alastair states.

  “There’s an FBI agent coming in the morning.” I sigh and pull Opal closer.

  “I said we’ll handle it,” Alastair snaps.

  Eliana sighs. “What he means is the fact I will use my magic to make the FBI agent think he solved the case. The body–” She glances in the direction of the heap of blood and bones and wrinkles her nose. “I’ll make sure he has a body to close the case. All good and taken care of.”

  “Thank you,” I tell her in all sincerity.

  “You’re welcome. Oh, and this Sunday. Dinner. Six sharp.” I receive a stern look before she turns on her heel and heads for the dead guy.

  I guide Opal toward our home. What a fucked-up night, and it started so damn well. I do hope we get to enjoy some quiet time, but with a family as crazy as hers? I’m doubting things will ever settle down from here on out. But at least we’re together, and the thought warms my heart.


  – OPAL –

  “I’ll catch you, woman.” His voice flows through the wind whipping around us due to the speed while we race on our horses through the pasture.

  Liberating. Both driven by the same passion for horses and everything surrounding the normality of ranch life. We might be supernaturals, but the whole “work hard, play hard,” is something we live by.

  Figor works hard on his ranch, along with everyone in his pack, while I take jobs as a bounty hunter. Though there haven’t been many jobs for me to take lately since I also love helping around at the ranch.

  Over the last few weeks we’ve grown closer. As a couple but also united in handling ranch issues. There’s always something in need of Figor’s attention and though Ash is an amazing second in command, it’s also easy to jump in when needed and to be respected by every single one in this pack.

  Even Bevin has shown improvement. Part of his punishment was making amends, which involved guiding Tobias. He and Tobias have developed a friendship where Bevin manages to calmly explain certain tasks Tobias has to do, and without any complaint he repeats it over and over until Tobias fully understands.

  Spurring Luna on, she easily outruns Night and it makes a huge smile spread my face. Risking a quick glance over my shoulder, it lets me know Figor is anything but happy. He’s very competitive but it’s also the control angle. He isn’t riding up front and ready for any danger coming our way.

  Silly, the both of us know it, but it’s just who he is; wanting to keep his woman safe. It’s for this reason I lean slightly back and slow her down. Figor appears beside me and the both of us come to a stop.

  He leans his forearms on the horn of his saddle and I greedily take in the visual of my man sitting on a gorgeous horse. His head tilts slightly back to stare at me from underneath his Stetson. Damn, this man gets my girly parts begging for him each and every time.

  “Wanna go for a run?” The huskiness implies he has other thoughts than the need for speed.

  “Me and Luna beating you just now isn’t enough?” I taunt.

  A smirk crosses his face. “I had to hold Night back, you know how much he loves the chase instead of being the one to lead.”

  A snort leaves my body while he chuckles.

  “Come on.” Figor dismounts and opens the gate to a nearby pasture. “This pasture is empty.”

  We guide the horses inside and unsaddle. Watching how the both of them push their hooves into the grass to move their graceful bodies at full speed into the freedom of the pasture is captivating.

  “I’ll never grow tired of that view.” I swing my gaze in Figor’s direction.

  His eyes are locked on mine as he reaches out, curls his arm around my waist and pulls me close. “I’ll never grow tired of the view, of breeding and riding horses, of life on the ranch, my pack, and sharing it all with you.”

  He turns me so my back is plastered to his front. I feel his lips on the top of my head. Though the huskiness and the request to let our horses run free in the pasture gave the intention of having sex, he doesn’t seem in a hurry to get inside my panties.

  When push comes to shove it’s all about being together. Enjoying the moment and each other in any way possible. I guess even in bad times it’s easier to withstand a storm when you have a rock standing strong beside you. And that’s just it, we’re in no hurry to inhale life as it comes to us.

  “Please tell me we’re not having another Sunday dinner at your parents’ house,” Figor suddenly grumbles.

  Laughter escapes me and I have to say, “Yes, she called this morning. She even invited Ash to join us again.”

  Now it’s Figor’s time to laugh. “Your mother is a damn matchmaker and likes to torment her man. Is she really set on hitching her daughter up with a werewolf?”

  “Reeta was all over him the last time, and I didn’t hear Ash complaining either.” I snicker.

  Figor’s lips brush the top of my head again. “Ash actually asked me this afternoon if he could join us the next time. Your mother’s meddling is unnecessary, I think those two can manage on their own.”

  “My father is going to flip,” I tell him with a smile in my voice. “It’s the first time I’ve seen Reeta focused on something other than her job. She’s a workaholic and seeing her smile and spend time with Ash was a welcome change. I think it’s also the reason why my mother is trying to get those two together.”

  “I thought it was because she wants grandkids.”

  I tip my head back and glance right at him while I gasp, “What?”

  “And this is the reason why we’re still dressed, Ophelia,” he murmurs huskily.

  Realization sets in. A werewolf is able to smell the change in his mate.

  “Are you saying–” I swallow the rest of my words because I haven’t thought about kids yet.

  “Breathe, love. Remember how you wanted to go slow? We might have fast forwarded some parts when we first got together, because neither of us could resist the attraction, but this part we can manage.” He pulls something from his jeans and the laughter comes once again.

  “Condoms, huh?” I question.

  “Condoms for a few weeks while you’re in heat.” His grin along with the love radiating from his
blue eyes makes me emotional.

  We’re together, our future is one path we’re taking together and still he heeds my request from when we met, where I asked if we could take it slow.

  “I think the condoms is more of a question we need answered in the sense of being ready to bring kids into this adventure with us.”

  The corner of his mouth twitches. “If the only thing we have to deal with is the eternal question of your father asking me if I know any rogue werewolves for him to kill, I’d say we knock you up and give ’em some grandkids to worry about instead. The more the merrier, and there’s always work to be done here. So, an extra pair of hands would be welcome.”

  I smack his chest and shake my head. “Use the condoms for now. I’m not sure I want kids until you find the right reasons to expand our family.”

  “Woman,” he growls as he pulls me closer. “Expanding our love is always a right reason.”

  Expanding our love. “Did you just take a long road around it instead of telling me you love me?”

  “Caught that, didn’t you?” He leans in and brushes his lips against mine. “You love me.”

  “I love you,” I automatically reply before I realize what he just did–not saying he loves me, but stating I love him–I pull back and glare at the annoying man.

  Laughter ripples through his chest and the way his eyes glow a magical blue I can’t keep hold of my annoyance.

  Even more when he says, “I have loved the woman destined to be mine since the moment my parents told stories of an eternal mate. I’ve always known you were mine and how our paths would cross at some point. But I didn’t once dare to dream you would be as gorgeous, loving, caring, all fucking perfect, and all mine. But the moment I smelled those raspberries teasing my nose along with your scent, I knew my life would forever change. Because you make me stronger, focused, and both eyes set on a shared future. I fucking love the hell out of you. Today, tomorrow, every second, and year after year. Even if I have to wear a condom when all I want is to start expanding our love in every way possible, right this fucking second.”


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