A Hurt So Sweet Volume One: A Dark High School Bully Romance

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A Hurt So Sweet Volume One: A Dark High School Bully Romance Page 4

by Rosewood, Betti

  The kind of father who has his son beat his flesh and blood for the first time the day she arrives back at his estate, I remember bitterly.

  I've only been back a week, and I've already tasted the nasty punishments my father is so keen on doling out.

  "What should we have her do?" Hawthorne grins at me before turning to his son. "What do you think, Steven?"

  The boy, who can't be much older than I am, leers in my direction. I look back down at the ground after our eyes meet. I will not be shamed more than I've already been. My blood boils, thoughts of taking my frustrations out on the trio the only reason I'm still managing to control myself.

  "I think she should apologize by kissing your shoes," Steven suggests.

  Hatred flows through every vein in my body, and my hands form fists at my sides as I stare at the trampled grass beneath me.

  "What a grand idea," the older Hawthorne shrills, pushing out his foot on the ground without even waiting for my father's approval. "Go ahead, daughter. Give them a little kiss."

  I fight against the bile rising in my stomach, forcing myself to lean down and press my lips against the shiny black leather of his shoes.

  "Ah ah ah," Hawthorne says in a sing-song voice, and I glance up, glaring at the goddamn bastard. "Stay in that position for a few seconds, let us get a better look at you."

  I make myself stay bent down, with my mouth pressed against his shoe and my eyes closed firmly. Finally, he nudges me with his shoe, and I take it as a sign to get up. Just as I'm about to pull myself off the ground, I hear another familiar voice and it sends chills down my spine.

  "I see you're having some fun with the guest of honor."

  I get up, dusting off my dress and glaring at Dexter who has materialized next to my father, champagne flute in hand. Never mind the fact that he's not old enough to be drinking – nobody comments on it as he takes a swig from his glass.

  There’s a certain tension between my father and Dexter. When they look at one another, an understanding passes between them not to speak of it, but I noticed it right away. I wonder what that’s about.

  Still, they seem to treat one another with respect. They are equals – my father and Dexter’s father owned this town, which means half of it is now my husband-to-be’s.

  "What do you think of her, Booth?" Hawthorne gestures to me, regarding Dexter with a look of admiration.

  It seems unnatural that a grown man would be acting this way around a teenager. But that's the treatment Firstborns get in Eden Falls. All of them, except for the outcast – me.

  "Deathly plain," Dexter shrugs, sending waves of uncomfortable heat through my body. "But I'm sure she can find a way to make herself useful. She's got great cock-sucking lips. I'll have to put those to the test soon."

  His vulgar words hit me like shockwaves, making me blush and glance away from the entertained group. Neither my father nor the Hawthornes offer a response to what Dexter has said apart from a sneer or two. I guess this is considered repartee around these parts. They fucking disgust me.

  “Don’t forget, Booth,” my father says coolly. “She needs to be a virgin until your wedding day if she wants to have the same privileges as the other Firstborns.”

  “Of course,” Dex replies with a smirk.

  I catch myself giving him a nickname in my head, furrowing my brows. Why the hell is that name in my head now? It suits him. It’s less formal, but still intimidating. But I still hate him, I remind myself. Hate him more than ever.

  "Do let us know how she does on that front," Steven addresses my fiancé. "And if you'd let us borrow her to see for ourselves."

  Dexter's knuckles turn white as he grips the glass in his hand. For a second, I'm convinced he's going to break it, but a moment later, the blood seeps back into his fists again and he grins at the younger Hawthorne without offering a reply.

  "I hope you'll be having your fun at prep school this year." My father slaps Dexter on the back. "Don't let the fact that you're engaged hold you back, old sport. I sure didn't."

  And look how well that's worked out for you. Married to your second wife, while the first one left you, leaving a trail of smoke behind as she ran away as fast as she could. It didn't take her long to realize how fucked up you and this town are.

  Thinking about my biological mother makes my head and my heart hurt. As far as I know, she disappeared after divorcing my father, after she found out about his affair with Bryony. She wants nothing to do with me. But still, my curiosity will get the better of me one day. I need to know how she could just abandon her flesh and blood.

  "Oh, I will," Dexter offers up as a reply, emptying his glass of the fizzy champagne as I stare at the ground.

  I want to get away, but I'm sure they won't let me go even if I try to come up with an excuse.

  "I'm not going to let her hold me back. She can make herself useful somehow though, I hope."

  His cruel smirk makes it clear what he has in mind, and my father laughs along with his business associates.

  "She has a name," I cut in, finally having had enough. "And she would appreciate it if you treated her the same way you're treating this sorry excuse for a man."

  My eyes drill into Dexter. "In fact, I–"

  "Another word and I'll make sure you can't sit for a fucking week," he snarls, and I shrink back in terror, watching him laugh at me. "What, you thought you'd get special treatment around here? What exactly have you done to deserve that?"

  "Well, she is your fiancé, Booth," Hawthorne says, giving me a look filled with pity.

  Of all the monsters here, he's the most unlikely one to come to my rescue, and yet he's the only one who dares speak up.

  My father is just standing there, regarding me with a look that's bored of my predicament.

  "I'd appreciate it if you didn't question me," Dexter retorts, and his tone is cool enough to stop Hawthorne in his tracks.

  The man merely nods at my fiancé’s words, motioning for his son to walk away with him. They leave me sprawled out on the floor with Dexter and my father watching me. None of the other guests have taken notice, which makes me wonder whether this kind of family dispute is a normal thing at these gatherings. It makes me fucking sick.

  "Now,” my father speaks up again. "I'd suggest you learn how to treat my associates. My word is law here, and I will always be above you. I thought you'd learned your lesson, but it seems to me like you're so dead-set on being a little brat you're forgetting who owns this town – and not only that, but your ass, too. So, learn to be a goddamn lady, or get the hell out of my sight."

  Dexter is silent, regarding me coolly. Then, he wipes his palm on his suit trousers as if he's somehow dirtied it by getting his hands on me when he slapped me to the ground.

  "Shall we, Oakes?"

  My father nods, throwing me one last pitying look before walking away with my fiancé in tow.

  I try to pick myself up. Nobody comes to my aid. My knees are buckling beneath me, and I feel crippled by fear as I stumble, falling back down yet again.

  Then, the pretty blonde appears out of nowhere, wearing the staff's sky-blue-and-white uniform and a warm expression on her face.

  “Are you okay, miss?”

  She sounds almost apologetic, as if it’s her fault my own father is such a piece of shit. I’ve seen her around the house – she and her mother work for us.

  "Let me help you get up."

  I accept her help wordlessly, but gratefully, and let her lift me to my feet. She busies herself by dusting off my dress, offering me a shy smile as she lifts herself up to stand by me. She's taller than me by at least a foot. Tall, slender and willowy, reminding me of a fairytale creature. She is heart-stoppingly beautiful, and it sends a pang of jealousy through my body as we exchange glances, and her cheeks color in a pretty rose blush.

  But when I take another look, I soon realize there's a stark difference between us. She's part of the staff, meaning she's got it worse than I ever will at Oakes Estate.

>   "Thanks," I mutter.

  I was taught not to interact with the staff. Even the thank you I've offered her is considered being friendly, which I'm under strict instructions not to be. There's a hierarchy in Eden Falls, and my father has made it very clear I'm to adhere to these social rules at all times.

  As if she's just realized this herself, the girl looks down, bowing slightly in front of me before scampering away. I keep my eyes focused on her, watching her pick up a tray of champagne and carry it from guest to guest. They all treat her like an object. The women regard her with cool jealousy while the men don't hesitate from copping a feel of her gorgeous figure.

  There’s only one person who never takes his eyes off her.

  My brother, Brazen.

  His gaze is stuck to the pretty creature, following her every step while his fingers clutch the glass he’s holding, his knuckles turning white.

  Interesting. I make a mental note of it. Perhaps I can use it against Brazen.

  I watch as the men ogle the girl, getting almost as upset as my brother when I watch them fondle her.

  At least my life is less fucked up than hers, I tell myself, struggling to believe my own lies.



  I watch my fiancée out of the corner of my eye. Even though she's pretty fucking plain, there's something about her that pulls me in like a goddamn magnet.

  "See something you like, Booth?" Caspian winks at me and I groan, shaking my head. "Thought you weren't interested in the new girl."

  "I don't really have a choice, do I?" I grind out, rubbing my temples.

  I take a swig of brandy from the tumbler in my glass, relishing the burning sensation it leaves in my throat. The Firstborns have gathered in the corner of the garden next to the Estate. My gaze wanders over the people there. Guys I've known my whole life, girls I've copped a feel of at the very least.

  "Hey, why don't you have some fun with her?" Lai motions to the side, where some girls from the school are standing, casting us longing looks.

  Of course, they’re nothing compared to us. We came first. They’re second, if not thirdborn.

  "I'm sure Audra would love another taste of the Booth... fortune."

  Lai raises his brows at me.

  I smirk, shaking my head. "I don't really feel like it."

  "Trust me, it will make you feel better." Lai claps my back. "I might find one to warm my cock, too. And you know they're more than willing."

  I follow his gaze to the group of Eden Falls Prep girls who are eyeing us, not even pretending they're doing something else. Audra, the blonde I've made a habit of coming on and in, returns my gaze and smiles shyly as I regard her.

  "Unless there's someone else on your mind?" Lai raises his eyebrows at me. "Don't tell me you've got a hard-on for the new girl?"

  "No," I grind out, knowing I've reacted too fast.

  I need to regain the upper hand. I can't let anyone think I want to be inside Pandora's pussy instead of some random hotties from Prep. We may be engaged, but I don’t get to control her completely just yet.

  I can't look weak in front of the guys. Besides, the moment I show my interest in Pandora, they're going to be all over her. And she's tempting enough for them to break their alliance to the Booth family. Nobody wants another war on our hands.

  "Come on." Lai grabs my arm and pulls me in the direction of the girls. "We're gonna pick out a flavor of the day for you."

  He walks me over to the group, and I take another sip of my drink. The girls go quiet when we approach them, all wide eyes and pretty smiles. Any other day, I would've been tempted. Today though, my mind is somewhere fucking else.

  "Hello, ladies," Lai says, regarding a pretty redhead with hungry eyes. "Looking mighty fine tonight. Any of you up for some fun?"

  "Of course," the redhead purrs, and the others nod eagerly.

  My cock jumps to attention at the sound of the words, pulsing painfully between my legs. But it's not Audra's mouth it wants. Oh no. My dick has set his sights on the girl I can't have for another few weeks - Pandora. The bitch I hate with every fiber of my being. My dick is even pointing at her, for fuck's sake.

  "Why don't you give Dex some attention?" Lai smirks at Audra, tugging on her blonde locks. "Look how his fiancée is neglecting him. Don't you want to make him feel better?"

  I look at Audra, finding her staring at me intensely, her grip on the flute of champagne so firm her knuckles have turned completely white.

  "Let's see, which one do I want?" Lai taps his chin thoughtfully, inspecting the crowd until his gaze fixates on the one girl that doesn't seem to be enjoying our attention. "You. Come with me."

  The girl hesitates. I watch her closely, seeing the tears welling in her eyes. She's ripe, of age, but she doesn't seem to be too thrilled about this, which is a crime in of itself. If her parents knew she'd declined a Firstborn, she'd be as good as fucking done in this town.

  "Aw, don't tell me you're shy." Lai smirks at her.

  He's loving this. The harder they are to get, the better. He grabs the girl's elbow and she chokes out a sob as he pulls her to his side.

  "Have fun, Booth." My friend winks at me before leaving with the reluctant brunette.

  I shift uncomfortably, staring at the rest of the girls who are waiting with bated breath for my decision.

  "Audra," I grind out.

  She steps forward, standing up straight. She looks fucking triumphant, as she should. She's had my attention for a while now.

  "Come on," I motion. "We're going."

  The rest of the girls visibly deflate as Audra follows behind me like the meek bitch she is. We walk over to a quieter corner of the garden, one where I can still see Pandora, but she can’t see me.

  She wants me. She's always had a crush on me, and like the dick I am, I've made good use of it, using and abusing her at any given opportunity.

  "Is there anything I can do?" she breathes, her voice shaky, her body ready to be mine as she catches up with me.

  "Kneel," I grind out. "Right the fuck now."

  She doesn't need to be told twice, dropping to her knees the next instant. She looks up at me, her eyes wide with expectation. I don't feel like being nice to her. I just want to hurt something pretty.

  I lower my hand to her lips, my thumb opening her mouth and forcing its way into her wet little hole. I explore her mouth while she stares up at me, the adoration in her eyes unmistakable.

  "What are you going to do for me, Audra?" I ask her.

  "Anything." Her voice is so fucking desperate. "I'll do anything you want, Sir."

  My gaze wanders around the garden, wondering whether Pandora's close by so she can watch me take advantage of the blonde. But she's nowhere to be seen, and it only pisses me off more.

  "Open your mouth," I growl at Audra, and she parts her lips willingly, showing me her empty throat.

  I toy with the buckle of my belt, watching her swallow in expectation, already so fucking ready for whatever's to come next.

  "Don't swallow." I narrow my eyes at her. "Let it drip down your chin."

  She gives a barely perceptible nod, shivering under my scrutinous gaze as I pull my cock free from my pants. Her eyes widen even further, like they always do when she gets a good look at me. I press the tip against her lips, and she accepts it gratefully. I don't stop until I'm all the way down in her throat. I'm not going to be merciful today. I lost the ability to feel sorry for Audra the first time she swallowed my cum, already begging for more the next second.

  "Fucking take it," I order her, and her throat expands to allow me to penetrate her deeper.

  The guests at the party wander the grounds without paying any attention to me or what I'm doing to this girl. Nobody gives a shit, because I'm a Firstborn, and I can do whatever the fuck I want.

  My gaze wanders the garden again, settling on a figure in a ripped dress. Pandora. My cock gets harder in Audra’s mouth. I’m close.

  I start thrusting into her mou
th, long, angry motions that make her sputter and choke on my dick. My free hand wraps in her long blonde hair, the other bringing my drink closer to my lips and taking a long, burning sip of brandy while I stare at Pandora.

  I set the glass down on a passing waiter's tray and wrap the other hand in Audra's hair as well. I push her down on my dick, enjoying the feeling of her struggling and fighting her own instincts desperately, because she's so damn eager to please me at any fucking cost.

  "Actually, I changed my mind. You're going to swallow everything, you understand?"

  She nods, not even moving an inch as I start to pulse in her mouth. I let her come up for air once because she's looking a bit too close to passing out, and I want her to keep fucking sucking. She breathes, ragged and panicked, her chest heaving for precious seconds before I ram my cock back into her mouth.

  Despite my best intentions, images of Pandora fill my mind making me grit my teeth in anger. I really don't want to be thinking about her right now. Or at any other time, really. She's a spoiled, angst-filled little bitch that doesn't know her place yet, but I'm eager to show her how good girls serve men like me. There's only one place for her, and it's on her goddamn knees.

  My eyes close as I force my dick into Audra's mouth again and again. She isn't much better than a blow-up doll, though at least she sucks on my cock while I fuck her willing mouth. But it's better with my eyes closed. It's better because I don't have to look at the girl before me, and I can picture somebody else in her place.

  Images of Lily Anna float before me, and I push them aside. It's too painful to think about her. To imagine what our lives could have - should have - been like.

  Audra stops for a split second, and I smack her face, making her whimper in frustration.

  "Keep fucking sucking," I roar at her. "I'm not going to warn you again, Pandora."

  She pulls free of my cock and narrows her eyes at me. "What did you just call me?"

  I realize my mistake a moment too late and can feel the color draining from my cheeks. Holy shit. She's really stuck on my mind.


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