Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2)

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Cocky F*ck: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 2) Page 21

by Sheridan Anne

  I don’t know. I honestly shouldn’t even care. It was like one day of perfectness. One day where I thought I was going to have it all. One day where he treated me the way I’ve always wanted him to. Maybe I’m overthinking this whole thing.

  Colton breaks through the rain and when he finally pushes through the door, he doesn’t drop my ass in the closest chair like I’d assumed he would. He keeps his hand over my ass, holding me steady as he silently makes his way through the house. I’m not fooled though, his silence isn’t him being calm, it's him biting his tongue and forcing himself not to say what he really wants to say.

  “Where are you taking me, dickhead?” I demand, banging my fist against his back, desperately trying to break his silence, knowing damn well that when he does, he won’t be able to hold back. The words are going to spill from his mouth and they’re going to be exactly what I need to get all fired up. Maybe relaxing wasn’t what I needed after all, maybe I just really need to scream and let it all out. Fuck, that would be fun. Nothing gets me hotter than screaming at Colton Carrington and putting him in his place.

  His hand slaps down over my ass and fury burns within me. “Let me go.”


  A battle cry tears from the back of my throat and I lose my shit, slamming my hands down over him and trying to wriggle free, only his hold tightens and I’m locked over his shoulder. His hold is unbreakable and it’s as though he’s physically strapped me down, that is until he races up the stairs and slams through his bedroom door.

  He walks right into his bathroom and as he steps through to his shower, he grabs hold of me, pulling me off his shoulder and flipping me the right way up. My back is slammed against the tiles and he holds me still as his other hand twists the taps, sending water shooting down over both of us.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I demand, but as the hot water slams down over my skin, it becomes startlingly clear just how fucking cold I am. The water is warm but feels as though it’s burning my skin. I try to break free, but he holds me there, his eyes filled with an intensity that I’ve never seen before. He's filled with anger, but there’s also something else … something that I’m not quite sure of.

  The water quickly begins to warm me and I feel myself desperately needing more—more heat, more anger, more of him.

  Tears well up in my eyes, surprising the ever-loving shit out of me as an emotional overload begins to rock through me.

  What the hell is this? What’s happening?

  Colton just stares, watching me go through whatever the hell this is. He steps into me and my walls instantly shoot up, fearlessly trying to protect myself. My hand slams out, pressing against his chest and forcing him to keep a distance, but he grabs it and pushes it aside, relentless as he grows nearer.

  His hand flies to the back of my neck and within the blink of an eye, his warm lips are pressing down on mine. I kiss him back for all of three seconds before my senses come back to me. “No,” I demand, pushing against his chest.

  Colton shakes his head, his eyes wild with need, ignoring my pleas as though he knows what I need more than I could ever understand. His thumb rubs up and down my cold cheek and he moves back into me, this time not allowing me the chance to pull away.

  His lips come down on mine and my will power breaks as I melt into him. His large body presses mine against the cold tiles but I don't even notice it, all that matters are his lips on mine, completely devouring me and somehow making me forget the torturous world around me.

  Need slams through me and suddenly he’s not the guy who rejected me at the party, he’s not the guy who’s been driving me to the edge of insanity, but he’s the one who could offer a release. He could give me exactly what I need and I’ll be damned if I’m going to stop.

  I grab the hem of his shirt and tear it over his head, desperate to feel his skin beneath my fingers. He's so fucking warm—warmer than what is humanly possible. He’s superhuman, always filled with perfection, always so much more than what I was expecting.

  My drenched tank is pulled over my head and as his hands find my skin, everything comes to life within me. I need his touch more than I need to breathe.

  Colton’s lips come back to mine and we desperately peel each other out of our remaining clothes. We listen to the heavy rush of water spraying against our skin and the sound of our wet clothes dropping onto the shower floor while becoming lost to our most basic urges.

  Without another thought, I jump up into his arms, wrapping my legs around him as his arm curls around my waist, holding me steady against the shower wall. I feel his hard, veiny cock at my entrance and without hesitation, he slams it deep within me.

  My eyes roll to the back of my head. I don’t know how fucking long I’ve been craving that, needing it with every part of my being. “Holy shit,” I pant as a low, drawn-out “fucccck,” pulls from deep within his chest.

  My arms curl around his neck, holding myself up as I don’t doubt this is about to be a wild ride, one that I don’t want to fall off of. Colton’s fingers dig into my waist and I’m damn sure that it’s going to bruise but I welcome it with wide, open arms. I’d give anything to feel everything that he’s got.

  He starts to move, drawing himself back out of me before sliding back in. I groan low in the back of my throat, getting used to his incredible size as he fills me to the brim. He seats himself balls-deep inside me and it's as though he was made just for me. It’s so fucking right. Denying this for so damn long should be a crime.

  His lips come back to mine as he pulls back again, a little faster now, really starting to give us both what we’ve been needing since the day I first walked in here.

  Colton fucks me deep, hard, and wild, sending my world into a complete tailspin. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no prude. I've slept with my fair share of men, but I didn’t know it could be like this. It was incredible with Nic, but this is new level shit. Maybe it’s the intensity that comes along with it or maybe it’s just Colton, but all I know is that I’ve died and gone to heaven because nothing is better than this moment right now.

  Colton holds on to me, refusing to let me go. His body pressed up against mine and completely consuming me.

  I feel that familiar tingle building inside of me, burning and growing with need and I know this is going to be explosive. Hell, the library has nothing on this. Colton moves like a fucking God and damn it, I’m so close to getting on my hands and knees and worshipping him like one.

  Flames burst within me and I hold onto him, claiming everything I possibly can. He gives it to me just how I need it, as if reading my body like a book, satisfying every burning desire within me until stars are blurring my vision.

  Colton’s hand lowers to my ass, grabbing hold and squeezing firmly as his other slips between our bodies and wreaks havoc on my clit.

  In. Out. In. Out. It’s fucking torture.

  His low groan in my ear sends chills sweeping through my body as his heated skin against mine drives me to insanity. I love it—every little thing. The smell of his body, the feel of his touch, the sound of his need. I want everything he has to offer, and damn it, he gives it all to me.

  My orgasm builds until I physically can’t hold onto it any longer and everything shatters within me. Stars dance behind my eyes and I’m filled with euphoria. My nails dig into his sun-kissed skin and my head falls to his shoulder. “Fuck, Colton,” I groan as my orgasm completely overwhelms me.

  Colton keeps moving, letting me ride it out as I clench down around him but all too soon, he tears out of me. The need to scream pulses through me as he comes hard which is when I realize that we didn’t use a condom. Hell, I didn’t even think about it in my desperation to feel him inside of me.

  His rapid breaths slowly begin to return to normal as he holds me up in his arms. “Fuck, Jade.”

  My head falls back against the tiles and I meet his heated stare. “You can say that again,” I murmur, still panting from the rollercoaster of a ride he just took me on.
  A smirk pulls at his lips just moments before they’re back on mine and once again, I find myself melting into him. He pulls me off the confines of the shower tiles and holds me under the warm water. “I can’t say that I was expecting that,” I rumble as we finally pull away from each other.

  “Well, you better expect it from now on because I plan on doing that over and over again. Fuck the bullshit rules. I don’t want to hold back from you anymore.”

  I pull back a little more, feeling myself beginning to sober. “You mean that?”

  “Which part?”

  “The over and over again part? You and I both know that come tomorrow you’ll happily put the rules back in place, but the over and over again part, if you’re just fucking with me, that’s really going to suck.”

  “I’m not fucking with you, Jade.”

  “Good, because it's one thing to push me away altogether, but it's another expecting me to be here for a good fucking time whenever you don't have an audience.”

  “So,” he says, putting me back on my feet and holding onto me as my legs continue to shake. His arm slips around my waist and he pulls me in tight. “Are you saying that we have no other issues?”

  “You’d be a fool to assume we had no other issues,” I tell him. “There are some things a good fuck can’t fix, Colton, but you’re certainly heading in the right direction.”

  His brow arches as my hands roam over his strong shoulders. “Really?” he questions, reaching around me and turning off the water. “So, you’re saying that if I were to take you to my bed and do that all over again …?”

  “That I’d consider forgiving you for the party.”

  “Just consider, huh?” I nod and his lips press into a flat line. “And what about everything else?”

  “Everything else is going to have to come with time,” I tell him truthfully. “But stepping up and being the kind of man who shamelessly goes after what he wants, well that’s the kind of thing a woman won’t be able to resist.”

  “Well then,” he says, lifting me once again. “I think I have a few things to make up for.”

  Colton steps out of the shower, taking me with him and before a laugh can slip between my lips, he’s throwing me down on his bed and coming down on top of me with a promise not to stop until he’s earned every ounce of my forgiveness.

  Chapter 20

  My hands press against Colton’s chest as I stare down at him, desperately trying to catch my breath as his cock remains seated deep within me. What is it about being on top of a guy that always seems to make it plunge so much deeper? I could feel him in my throat for most of that, though luckily we remembered to wrap it up before I sank down onto it.

  “I could get used to this,” I tell him.

  A wide grin splits across his face and it blows me the fuck away. It’s absolutely breathtaking. If I had a camera right now, I’d be taking a photo to make sure this moment lasts forever.

  Colton catches my hand and pulls me down beside him until I’m curled into his side with my head against his wide chest. Contentment settles over me. I’m fucking home. I’ve never had this feeling with anyone, not even Nic, but with Colton, it just feels so damn right.

  I wonder if he feels the same …

  Does this mean something to him like it does to me, or is this his last shot at making Daddy Warbucks roll over in his grave? God knows that Charles would never approve of me and Colton together and all of Bellevue Springs would agree with him, apart from maybe Charlie but that’s probably because he was hoping for the same thing himself.

  Colton’s hand starts rubbing up and down my bare back and all those ridiculous thoughts fade from my mind. This has to be real. It feels so right, how could it not be? “You’re not running,” I comment, all too used to his usual routine of scrambling away from me anytime he gets too close.

  “I’m not,” he tells me. “Not anymore. The last few days with you pissed at me have sucked. I hated not being able to just kiss you whenever the fuck I wanted.”

  “To be fair, my mood never really stopped you from doing it before.”

  A low chuckle rumbles through the room. “That was different and you know it. After the party …”

  I let out a heavy sigh, knowing exactly what he’s referring to. Every time he has hurt me or tried to push me away, I’ve always bounced back. I was always ready for more, always ready to fight back, but during that goddamn party, he crossed the line and he didn't just hurt me, he completely shattered me.

  “I pulled away,” I whisper, finishing off his thought.

  “You did,” he murmurs, his voice trailing off into the room, sounding more like a distant thought. He clears his throat and holds me a little tighter. “I owe you an apology.” Colton’s low voice rumbles through the room, somehow waking the butterflies in my stomach as I feel the vibrations of his tone through his chest. His words hit deep and I find myself looking up and meeting his perfect hazel eyes.

  “You’re going to have to be a little more specific,” I murmur, unable to stop the smirk that pulls at my lips. “There are a few things …”

  His hand trails lower to my ass and he gives it a gentle squeeze, showing off just how perfectly the size of his hand fits around my ass. “For everything,” he tells me. “Since the day you arrived here, I’ve done nothing but try to tear you down and you just kept coming back, proving over and over again just how fucking strong you are. I thought you were going to be different, but I was so fucking wrong. I underestimated you, Jade, and that’s the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.”

  “You did,” I whisper, sliding my hand over his chest until it meets with his. Our fingers lace together and I find myself gently pressing my lips against his. “I’ve just never understood why. Why push me away like you did? What’s the purpose of being an ass the second I walked in here?”

  “Because you made me feel something and it scared the shit out of me. My whole life has been planned out for me. Every last detail since before I was born so when something unexpected comes along, it throws me off course, and fuck, Jade. You didn’t just throw me, you fucking launched me. Everything changed when you came along.”

  “You really mean that?” I question, feeling the emotions beginning to drown me.

  Colton nods ever so slightly and rolls us until he’s looking down at me. “I do,” he tells me. “I’m not going to lie to you, this thing between us still scares the shit out of me. I don’t know what it is, what it means, or where we even go from here, but I know that I’m never letting you go. I don’t give a damn what Nic or any of those friends of yours say, you’re mine now.”

  “Even in public?”

  He nods, “Even in public.”

  Well, shit. Today took a turn.

  “So,” I say, needing an escape from the overwhelming emotions that are running so deep that they’re starting to make me feel things I didn’t know I was capable of. “You think you can give me one award-winning speech and throw in a few apologies and suddenly claim me like property?”

  His eyes bug out of his head. “I … no. Fuck, Jade. I didn’t mean it like that. I ...”

  “I’m just teasing you,” I laugh as a blinding smile cuts across my face, absolute joy tearing through me.

  He stares at me blankly. “What’s the chick version of an asshole?”

  I shake my head. “I think it’s still an asshole, but I guess that means we now have something in common.”

  He watches me with his eyes shimmering with joy and everything inside of me warms. How is it possible for this to be so damn perfect? I always knew he had this power over me, but I never knew it could feel so pure, so strong, and filled with emotion.

  I better not be falling for this guy because when he realizes that I’m just an average girl from Breakers Flats and leaves me, it’s going to suck, like really fucking suck.

  “You’re going to be trouble, Oceania Munroe.”

  I raise my chin, brushing my lips gently across his and not even caring tha
t he used my full name. All that matters right here is us. “More than you could know.”

  Colton catches my lips in his and he kisses me deeply, sending my whole body into overdrive. My arms snake around his neck and I feel his heavy cock hardening against my thigh. He slips his hand down between us and within moments, he’s sliding back into me for the third time tonight.

  He starts to move and my eyes roll to the back of my head. How is it possible for him to hit it so good every damn time?

  Colton thrusts up into me and just as his hands lace through mine, a loud alarm tears through the mansion. His body stiffens and fear shines through his eyes. “Fuck,” he rushes out, tearing out of me and flying off the bed. “Get dressed.”

  “What?” I demand, calling over the noise as I sit up on the edge of the bed, feeling panic begin to rise within me, but why? “What’s going on?”

  Colton rushes into his closet and returns a second later, tossing a shirt and sweatpants at my chest while quickly pulling on clothes of his own.

  “Colton?” I demand, stepping into the sweatpants.

  He rushes over to me and practically shoves my head through the shirt before grabbing my hand and hauling ass out of his bedroom. “Colton,” I yell. “What the fuck is going on?”

  He looks back at me and the panic in his eyes is so much more. It’s not just fear but absolute terror and coming from a guy who so fearlessly stood up against my crew, that’s a big fucking call. “We have to get to the panic room.”

  “Panic room?” I shriek. “What for? What’s going on?”

  He shakes his head, his jaw clenching. “I don’t know, but my guess is the DeCarlo family is sick of waiting.”



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