Nothing Personal

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Nothing Personal Page 3

by Jaci Burton

  Jaci Burton

  and laid the necklace against her collarbone, lightly brushing the tiny swell of her breasts with the sides of his hands. As he pulled the necklace up and fastened it, she took a quick breath and shivered.

  Instead of removing his hands after the necklace was fastened, Ryan rested them lightly on the tops of her shoulders, pressing his fingers into her flesh. Faith was certain he could hear her heart pounding, its rapid thrums echoing in her ears like thunder.

  "There." He stepped away to examine her. "That's better."

  Her hand crept to the diamonds sparkling at her throat. This couldn't be happening to her. It was someone else standing in front of the mirror, looking like a princess in a gorgeous wedding gown and glittering diamonds. If she didn't know better, she would think it was her real wedding day and she was a woman with the blush of love tingeing her cheeks. But she did know better.

  "Thank you," she said to Ryan as she turned away from the mirror to face him. "The necklace is lovely, the dress is beautiful and I feel like Cinderella."

  The trace of a smile on his generous lips disappeared. He stepped away from her. "It's not a fairy tale, Faith. This is business. Don't put your heart in it or you'll end up getting hurt."

  Too late. She hurt already from the bite of his words. But they were also true. This wasn't her fairy tale wedding, and Ryan McKay certainly wasn't her Prince Charming.

  "I'll be right outside the suite. Come out when you're ready," he said and then exited the room.

  Just business. That's all it would ever be. They weren't two people in love making the commitment of their lives today. They were coworkers about to close a business deal.

  She couldn't help but want it to be more. This was, after all, her first wedding. And even if it was a farce, she was going to enjoy it as if it were real.


  Nothing Personal

  They took the elevator downstairs. Whispers and well wishes were directed their way as they wound around the intricate maze through the casino and towards the lobby. Faith smiled shyly at all the people who stopped to offer congratulations. She'd never been noticed before, and to have this kind of attention was overwhelming. It had to be the dress and sparkling diamonds at her throat. Even the dullest mannequin would be noticed when a designer dress and jewels worth a fortune were draped over it.

  The lobby bustled with activity. It was Friday night and the weekend gamblers filled the hotel and casino. Faith loved this hotel, with its alabaster figurines and golden draperies perfectly complementing the stunning gold and white marble floor. For the first time she felt like she belonged here. She sailed across the lobby, the heels of her white satin shoes tapping in time to the frantic beat of her heart.

  Ryan stopped at the concierge's desk and whispered to the young gentleman on duty. The man nodded at Ryan's orders and wished them both luck.

  They entered a second set of elevators that would take them to the chapel. What was Ryan thinking about all this? This moment was so special to her, and she wanted to remember this evening as if it were in actuality the wedding of her dreams. It was quite possibly the only wedding she'd ever have. But what about him? Did he dread the moment when he would be bound to her for the next year?

  The elevator opened into a lobby of dark, polished wood and solid brass. Huge double doors greeted them with the words Chalet Wedding Chapel emblazoned in gold letters across the top of the archway. Ryan led her through the doors, the last time she'd enter a room as a single woman. For the next year, anyway.

  A petite woman with short dark hair rushed over to them. Miriam Snelling was the Chalet Chapel's efficient and no-nonsense wedding coordinator.

  "Mr. McKay," she gushed with enthusiasm as she shook Ryan's hand, "I'm so pleased you decided to have your wedding with us." The 25

  Jaci Burton

  woman's eyebrows arched in surprise when she saw Faith, but other than a polite greeting, the woman didn't voice whatever opinion she harbored about Ryan's choice of a bride.

  Faith knew what the woman thought.

  "Thank you, Miss Snelling," he replied. "We're running short of time.

  Is everything ready?"

  "Yes, of course." Miss Snelling ushered them into a waiting room.

  "The minister will be in shortly to fill out the forms and then we can get started."

  They waited in awkward silence for the minister. Faith threaded her fingers together, her gaze traveling to her left hand.

  No rings.

  "Ryan, we don't have wedding rings."

  "It's all taken care of," he replied. "Don't worry."

  She should have known he'd see to every detail. A gentleman arrived carrying a brown leather case. Faith recognized him as Bradley Peters, the manager of Lucy's Diamonds, an upscale jewelry store at the hotel.

  Ryan instructed him to put the case on the minister's desk and beckoned Faith to come over.

  "Mr. McKay would like you to select rings," Bradley said as he opened the case to reveal dozens of diamond wedding rings.

  Faith looked at Ryan.

  "Go ahead, pick something out that you like. But be quick about it,"

  he said.

  She peered into the case and examined the men's rings. It didn't take her long to find one she liked, a simple yellow and white gold band with love knots woven throughout and two small diamonds nestled inside the loops of an infinity circle.

  "I like this one," she said as she held it up for Ryan's inspection. "Do you?"

  He shrugged. "Whichever one you like is fine with me."


  Nothing Personal

  "Please, at least look at it. Try it on to make sure it fits." His approval of her selection meant something, even if the exchange of rings to signify a forever bond was as fake as his feelings for her.

  Ryan sighed and took the ring from her fingers. It fit him perfectly and looked just like Faith imagined it would. Masculine, yet not too frail or garish.

  "It's very nice," he said as he took the ring off and handed it back to the jeweler. "Now, pick one for yourself."

  "For me? I couldn't possibly. You do it."

  He glared at her, but she resisted. She absolutely wasn't going to be able to choose her own ring. Finally, he bent over the jewelry case. Faith was surprised he didn't choose the first ring his hand grasped, considering they had about a half hour left before the deadline, coupled with his complete lack of interest. But he examined all of them, then took her hand in his to examine her fingers. After perusing several, he selected one.

  "Do you like this one?"

  What wasn't there to like? She was astounded that he had picked the same one that had caught her eye. The gold band matched the ring she'd selected for him, except the love knots encircled a huge marquise-shaped diamond that had to be over two carats. Faith would have never selected a ring like that for herself, even if it was the most beautiful one in the case.

  "It's breathtaking. Of course, I like it. But isn't it a bit expensive?"

  Mr. Peters stifled a cough and Ryan just smiled. "We'll take these two, Bradley."

  "Yes, sir." The jeweler produced two black boxes, slipped their rings inside and handed them to Ryan. Then he quickly made his exit as the minister entered.

  "Hello, Ryan," Reverend Dodd said in a friendly voice as he turned to Faith. "And you must be...oh. Miss Lewis."

  Obviously, the minister expected Erica, and was quite surprised to find Faith standing there. 27

  Jaci Burton

  "Reverend, there's been a slight change in brides." Ryan's tone brooked no further conversation.

  "Well. I can see that," he said with a smile.

  Right, Faith thought. Erica, the big star, couldn't make the performance so Faith, the understudy, had stepped in.

  They finished the paperwork in minutes, Faith barely able to give he
r full name to Reverend Dodd, let alone remember her date of birth. She only heard bits and pieces of the minister's spiel on how the ceremony would proceed, her thoughts focusing primarily on this decision and what she'd just gotten herself into.

  After Reverend Dodd left with Ryan, Miriam appeared.

  "Well, dear," Miriam said upon her return. "May I say you are absolutely stunning this evening. You make a gorgeous bride and I'm sure you and Mr. McKay will be very happy together."

  Faith tried a smile, but her lips quivered as reality hit her. She was getting married. Not to the man she'd desired for so long, but to the man who was her boss.

  Miriam handed her a bouquet of white roses. With shaky hands Faith lifted them to her nose. Their sweet fragrance brought tears to her eyes for so many different reasons. She wished this was a marriage based on love and lifetime commitment instead of the contract she had signed.

  Someday, maybe her fairy tale dreams would come true.

  The chapel was decorated in soft white and pastel blue. White lilies attached to trailing blue satin ribbons adorned each row. Faith couldn't have picked a more beautiful place for her wedding.

  She hoped she wouldn't collapse in a dead faint, throw up or turn tail and run screaming from the room. Instead, she held a death grip on the quivering rose bouquet, managed a tremulous smile and headed down the aisle toward her intended husband.

  The minister smiled indulgently, Ryan looked impatient and Faith was trying to remember how to breathe. Flashbulbs blinded her progress as the photographer followed her every move, snapping shots by the second. She hated being photographed, but she knew from having made 28

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  the arrangements that this entire shebang, from the dress and Ryan's tux to the chapel and photographs, was all about PR. It would be good for the company, and that's what mattered. She tried to smile and not look sick.

  It was the longest walk of her life. When she finally reached the altar, Ryan took her shaking hand and placed it in the crook of his left arm.

  This was it.

  The minister spoke about love, honor, commitment and everlasting fidelity. She tried to focus on the words and their meaning, but she was distracted by Ryan's warm hand covering hers, his thumb tracing lazy circles over the top of her hand. His nearness unnerved her and all he was doing was standing next to her. How was she going to handle living with him? Sleeping with him?

  She forced her mind back to the here and now. Reverend Dodd said a few words about the sanctity of their marriage, and then...

  "By the power vested in me by the State of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. McKay, you may kiss your bride."

  That was it? They were married?

  Ryan turned to Faith and she forced herself to meet his gaze. He graced her with a generous smile and leaned towards her.

  She was supposed to kiss him. The man she'd worked side by side with for the past five years and had barely shaken hands with, and she was supposed to kiss him. Her boss. Her drop-dead gorgeous, sexy, virile boss. Who also happened to now be her husband. Surely he'd give her a quick peck on the lips and that would be all.

  She was wrong.

  He slid his arms around her and drew her against his chest, effectively cutting off what remaining oxygen fueled her numb brain. His gray eyes darkened at the same time he pressed his lips against hers.

  Her breath caught on a sigh as his soft lips caressed her trembling mouth before capturing it in a firm kiss that shocked Faith to her toes.

  Lightning struck her heart, electricity arcing through her as his tongue entered her mouth and boldly twined with hers. 29

  Jaci Burton

  It was a promise of delicious things to come. Things Faith wanted right this moment, yet also feared more than nightmares in the dark.

  This had to be the most passionate kiss Faith had ever received.

  As soon as it began, it was over. Yet that brief kiss had seemed to last an eternity. Ryan released her and stepped back, appearing unaffected by their kiss as he turned away.

  It was as if they had kissed a thousand times instead of this being their first. Faith, on the other hand, stood like a statue, completely stunned by the entire ceremony and the resulting kiss.

  "Are you all right?" Ryan asked.

  Her lips still burned, but she managed a nod. "Yes, I'm fine. This is all kind of overwhelming."

  "It's been an eventful day for you."

  "That's an understatement."

  "Well, it's over now. Let's go."

  Faith stopped him. "Where are we going?"

  "To my house."

  "What about the things at my apartment?"

  "I've already made arrangements for them to be packed up and moved to the house. You'll have them by morning."

  "But, I have nothing to wear other than the clothes I worked in today and this dress. I don't have a toothbrush, comb, shampoo--"

  "Relax, Faith," he interrupted as he grabbed her hand and headed toward the door. "I've already anticipated the things you'll need and they'll be at the house when we arrive."

  Ryan's attorney stood outside the chapel, smiling brightly.

  "Looks like you made the deadline, Ryan. Barely."

  "Yes, it's done, Stan, and the terms of the will are met."

  Stan nodded. "So far so good. But there's still more to come in order to complete the mandates."


  Nothing Personal

  "I'm fully aware of that," Ryan said crisply. "Now if you don't mind, it's been a long damn day and I'd like to get out of here."

  "Of course," Stan said and turned to Faith. "Congratulations, Mrs.

  McKay, and I wish you the best of luck in your marriage." He quickly made his exit from the room.

  Mrs. McKay. Reality struck home. She was married. To Ryan McKay.

  And now she was going home with him to begin a year filled with uncertainty.

  Why had she done this? To help her boss? Or because deep down she had yearned for this, hoped someone, someday would ask her to marry him?

  It didn't matter now. The deed was done. She hoped she'd made the right decision, because her entire life had just changed dramatically. 31

  Jaci Burton

  Chapter Three

  No doubt about it, Faith had transformed from a working girl into a princess right before his eyes. Ryan watched the sway of her full skirt as she headed down the hallway towards the elevators. She walked with a natural, sexy little swish of her hips and that dress accentuated it.

  What was he doing? Already salivating behind his new wife and they hadn't even been married an hour. He forced his eyes away from her backside and thought about the upcoming business deal he'd had to put off because of this ridiculous wedding charade. That's what he needed to concentrate on. Business was his only driving desire. Not some attractive brunette's rear end.

  But it was such a nice rear end. Even covered in all that white and lacy wedding dress stuff. Or when she hid it under long granny skirts and suit jackets too big for her petite frame. Ryan had a keen eye and a very vivid imagination. An imagination that already had Faith undressed and waiting for him on his bed.

  If he were honest with himself, he'd admit she had knocked him off his feet when he walked into the bedroom of the penthouse to find her standing there in her wedding gown. He'd never bothered to ask her why she hid her beauty under thick glasses that didn't fit her face, or kept her hair severely pulled back into an ugly roll.

  He would never ask. That would be personal, and Ryan never got personal.

  But despite her best efforts at camouflage, she was incapable of hiding her natural beauty. And the wedding dress had somehow transformed her. Her eyes shined like a sunlit ocean and her cheeks glowed with a natural blush that had nothing to do with makeup. She 32


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  even looked happy. A ridiculous notion since theirs was nothing but a business marriage.

  When he'd caught her reflection in the mirror at the suite, Ryan had felt like he was the man she was destined to be with. The one whose touch would flame her desire. Like she had flamed his. He felt like today was his real wedding day and Faith was his real wife. And tonight was his wedding night.

  The tightening in his tux trousers annoyed him more than his errant thoughts. He never had more than a fleeting interest in a woman. To give more than random attention meant emotional involvement, and he'd learned well from his parents and grandfather that emotion led to hurt.

  Where would he ever have learned to care for someone? His mother was a socialite with no use for a child, his father a workaholic who'd driven himself into an early grave, and his grandfather lacked even a rudimentary knowledge of warmth and love. He'd had no role models, so where would he have learned how to give his heart?

  Women were for physical release or to grace his arm at a social or business function. And that was it. Females like that were available in ample abundance in Las Vegas. They never occupied his thoughts for longer than the time necessary to deal with them. Then they were gone.

  They got what they wanted out of the relationship, and so did he, and no one got hurt.

  Except Faith was different. She wasn't going to go away. And apparently wasn't going to leave his thoughts either, despite his efforts to direct his mind to business instead of imagining what she wore under her wedding dress.

  Why now? She'd been with him for five years, day in and day out.

  He'd hired her because she came recommended right out of college, graduating at the top of her class from the University of Las Vegas. She was sharp, unassuming and didn't show interest in him at all. In fact, she avoided even incidental personal contact like the plague.

  Just what he needed in an executive assistant. Business only. 33

  Jaci Burton

  But underneath her capable exterior was an innocence he'd been unaware of. And that intrigued him.

  Why was Faith still a virgin? And why did the thought of sex terrify her?

  That, he definitely wanted to change.


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