3. These channels or tubes—according to the type of energy they carry—pass to certain areas of the body, via three main stations:
a. The seven major centres, of which you have heard much.
b. The twenty-one minor centres, which I outlined for you earlier. (A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume IV, pp 72-73)
c. The forty-nine focal points, scattered all over the body.
4. All these centres and focal points for the transmission of energy are connected each with each by larger channels than the mass of channels which constitute the etheric body as a whole, because many lesser channels and lines of force or energy merge and blend as they near a centre or a focal point. [152]
5. The mass of the smaller channels or the channelling tubes of energy eventually create in all forms that layer of corresponding nerves which are not yet recognised by medical science but which are like an intermediary web or network. These relate the etheric body as a whole to the entire two-fold nervous system (cerebro-spinal and the sympathetic nervous systems) which science does recognise. It is this system underlying the nerves which is the true response apparatus and which—via the brain—telegraphs information to the mind or, via the brain and the mind, keeps the soul informed. It is this system of nadis which is used in full consciousness by the initiate who has related the Spiritual Triad and the soul-infused personality, and has therefore seen the soul-body, the causal body or the egoic lotus totally disappear, being no longer of any true importance. There is a peculiar and at present inexplicable relation between this system of nadis and the antahkarana when it is in process of creation or is created.
6. The physical body, therefore, like so much else in nature, is itself triple in design. There is:
a. The etheric body.
b. The substantial nadis.
c. The dense physical body.
These form one unit and in incarnation are inseparable.
7. The centres in their totality and the many focal points of contact found in the etheric body are responsible for the creation and preservation of the endocrine glandular system in a form either limited and inadequate, or representative of the spiritual man and entirely adequate. The nadis, in their turn, [153] are responsible for the creation and precipitation of the twofold nervous system. This is a point most carefully to be borne in mind and is the clue to the problem of creativity.
8. The type of the etheric substance “substanding” any form is dependent upon two factors:
a. The kingdom of nature concerned. Basically the four kingdoms draw their pranic life each from one or other of the four levels of etheric substance, counting upwards from the lowest:
1. The mineral kingdom is sustained from plane 1.
2. The vegetable kingdom is sustained from plane 2.
3. The animal kingdom is sustained from plane 3.
4. The human kingdom is sustained from plane 4.
That was the original condition; but as evolution proceeded and there was an inter-acting emanation established between all the kingdoms, this automatically changed. It was this “esoteric emanating change” which, aeons ago, produced animal-man. I give this as an illustration and a key to a great mystery.
b. Curiously enough, in the human kingdom (and only in the human kingdom) the etheric body is now composed of all four types of etheric substance. The reason for this is that eventually (when mankind is spiritually developed) each of these four planes or types of etheric substance will be responsive to the [154] four higher levels of the cosmic physical plane—the etheric levels, to which we give the names: the logoic level, the monadic, the atmic level and the buddhic. This will happen as a result of conscious growth and initiation.
9. It must also be remembered that the substance of which these etheric channels or channelling tubes are composed is planetary prana, the life-giving, health-giving energy of the planet itself. Through these tubes, however, may flow all or any of the possible energies—emotional, mental, egoic, manasic, buddhic or atmic, according to the point in evolution which the man concerned has reached. This always means that several energies are pouring through these tubes, unless the point in evolution is exceedingly low or unless one is dealing with a cleavage; these various energies are fused and blended together but find their own focal points in the etheric body when entering directly within the circumference of the dense physical body. Just as it can be said of the soul or of the Deity, so it can be said of the energetic or vital etheric body or entity: “Having pervaded this whole universe with a fragment of myself, I remain.”
The word “prana” is almost as much misunderstood as are the words “etheric” or “astral.” It is this loose connotation which is responsible for the great ignorance prevalent in occult circles.
Prana might be defined as the life-essence of every plane in the sevenfold area which we call the cosmic physical plane. It is the LIFE of the planetary Logos, reduced within limits, animating, vivifying and correlating all the seven [155] planes (in reality the seven subplanes of the cosmic physical plane) and all that is to be found within and upon them. The cosmic sutratma or life-thread of the planetary Logos enters His manifestation on the highest of our planes (the logoic plane) and, through the instrumentality of the informing Lives to be found in Shamballa (which, I must remind you, is not the name of a locality) is brought into contact with, or is related to, the matter of which the manifested worlds are made—formless, as on the cosmic etheric planes (our highest four planes), or tangible and objective, as on the lower three planes. The fact that we call only that tangible which we can see or touch and contact through the medium of the five senses is entirely wrong. All is regarded as belonging to the world of form which is found on the physical plane, the astral plane and the levels of the lower mind. This lower mental plane, referred to above, includes the level on which the causal body is found—the plane in which “the lotus of love is floating,” as the Old Commentary puts it. All that lies above that on mental levels, and on up to the highest of the cosmic physical planes, is formless. These distinctions must be most carefully borne in mind.
There is within the human body a wonderful symbol of distinction between the higher etheric levels and the lower so-called physical levels. The diaphragm exists, separating that part of the body which contains the heart, throat and head, plus the lungs, from all the rest of the organs of the body; these are all of them of the utmost importance from the angle of LIFE, and that which is determined in the head, impulsed from the heart, sustained by the breath and expressed through the apparatus of the throat determines what the man IS.
Below the diaphragm are found organs whose use is far more objective even if of great importance; though each [156] of these lower organs has a life and purpose of its own, their existence and functioning is impulsed, determined and conditioned by the life and rhythm emanating from the higher part of the vehicle. This is not easy for the average man to comprehend, but any serious limitation or physical disease above the diaphragm has a compelling and serious effect on all that is found below the diaphragm. The reverse is not the case to the same extent.
This symbolises the potency and essentiality of the etheric body, both microcosmic and macrocosmic, and the macrocosmic expression of the fourfold Life conditions all living forms.
The Function of the Four Ethers Each of the four ethers, as they are sometimes called, is intended—as far as man is concerned—to be a channel or expression of the four cosmic ethers. At present this is very far from being the case. It can only truly be so when the antahkarana is built and acts, therefore, as a direct channel for the cosmic ethers to which we have given the names of universal life, monadic intensity, divine purpose and pure reason. Ponder for a while on these types of energy and creatively imagine their effect when, in due course of time and spiritual unfoldment, they can pour unrestrictedly into and through the etheric body of a human being. At present, the etheric body is responsive to energies from:
1. The physical world. These are not principles but are
the feeders and controllers of the animal appetites.
2. The astral world, determining the desires, emotions and aspirations which the man will express and go after upon the physical plane.
3. The lower mental plane, the lower mind, developing self-will, selfishness, separateness and the direction and trend of the life upon the physical plane. It is [157] this directive instinct which, when turned to higher matters, eventually opens the door to the higher cosmic etheric energies.
4. The soul, the principle of individualism, the reflection in the microcosm of the divine intention and—speaking symbolically—being to the entire monadic expression that which “stands at the midway point,” the instrument of true sensitivity, of responsive ability, the spiritual counterpart of the solar plexus centre which is found at the midway point between that which lies above the diaphragm and that which is found below it.
When the antahkarana is constructed and the higher three are directly related to the lower three, then the soul is no longer needed. Then, reflecting this event, the four etheric levels become simply the transmitters of the energy emanating from the four cosmic etheric levels. The channel is then direct, completed and unimpeded; the etheric network of light is then of great brilliance, and all the centres in the body are awakened and functioning in unison and rhythm. Then—corresponding to the directly related Monad and Personality—the head centre, the thousand-petalled lotus, the brahmarandra, is as directly related to the centre at the base of the spine. Thus complete dualism, in place of the previous triple nature of the divine manifestation, is established:
1. Monad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personality.
With the threefold soul no longer needed.
2. Head centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centre at base of spine.
With the intermediate five centres no longer required.
[158] The Old Commentary says, in this connection:
“Then the three that ranked as all that was, functioning as one and controlling all the seven, no longer are. The seven who responded to the three, responding to the One, no longer hear the triple call which determined all that was. Only the two remain to show the world the beauty of the living God, the wonder of the Will-to-Good, the Love which animates the Whole. These two are One, and thus the work, completed, stands. And then the Angels sing.” [159]
There is a factor bearing upon the etheric body to which very little reference has ever been made, the reason being that it would have been utterly useless information. Let me embody it in a tabulated statement, beginning with a few points earlier imparted but which should here be repeated for clarity and placed in proper sequence:
1. The planetary Logos works through the medium of the three major centres:
a. The Centre where the will of God is known: Shamballa.
b. The Centre where the love of God is manifest: the Hierarchy.
c. The Centre where the intelligence of God is producing the evolutionary process: Humanity.
2. The three major centres, both planetary and human, exist in etheric substance and they may or may not produce physical correspondences. All the Masters, for instance, do not work through a physical vehicle. They nevertheless have an etheric body composed of the substance of the cosmic etheric levels—buddhic, atmic, monadic and logoic levels—and these levels are the four cosmic ethers, the higher correspondence of our etheric planes; these higher levels are the four levels of the cosmic physical plane. Until They choose, at the sixth Initiation of Decision, one of the seven Paths of Ultimate Destiny, the Masters function in Their cosmic etheric bodies.
These three major energy centres are closely related to each other, and through his own individual major centres (the head, the heart and the throat) [160] the disciple is in relation with the three planetary centres. I would have you ponder on this statement for it has practical value.
3. The Monad, as you know, is to be found on the cosmic second etheric level, called the monadic plane. When the antahkarana has been built, then cosmic etheric substance can be slowly substituted for the ordinary and familiar etheric substance which “substands” the dense physical body of a man.
4. The ray upon which the Monad is to be found—one of the three major rays and, therefore, related to one of the three major centres—conditions:
a. The disciple’s absorption into one of the three departments of hierarchical work, i.e., a first ray soul will go normally into such an Ashram as that of the Master M. in the department of the Manu; a second ray disciple will pass into a second ray Ashram such as mine (D.K.) or that of the Master K.H. and therefore into the department of the Christ; a third ray soul will be absorbed into one of the Ashrams (and there are many) functioning under the Lord of Civilisation, the Master R.
b. All who come into incarnation upon one of the Rays of Attribute—the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh rays—find their way finally on to one of the three major Rays of Aspect. The changes of shifts in ray focus are made when the etheric body has in it an adequate measure of the substance of the lowest of the cosmic ethers, the buddhic substance; this is basic for all, on all the rays, for at the end of the age, when cosmic etheric substance [161] composes the etheric vehicles of the initiate, the three rays become the two rays, and later another absorption takes place into the second Ray of Love-Wisdom which is the ray of our present solar system.
You can see, therefore, what conditioning factors the various energies become when appropriated and used, and how their substance, or rather the presence of certain energies in the etheric body of the personality, are essential before certain initiations can be taken. The theme is too complex to be enlarged upon here, but I would ask you to consider with care the various statements I have made and then seek illumination within yourself.
The rays are the seven emanations from the “seven Spirits before the throne of God”; Their emanations come from the monadic level of awareness or from the second cosmic etheric plane. In a certain sense it could be said that these seven great and living Energies are in their totality the etheric vehicle of the planetary Logos. The evolutionary processes can equally well be stated to be those of eliminating the physical substance lying between the dense physical body and the astral sentient body, and substituting substance of the four highest planes, the four cosmic ethers. Physically speaking, it is this etheric substitution which enables a man successively to take the five initiations which make him a Master of the Wisdom.
The first initiation is purely the concern of the man’s own soul, and the moment that that initiation has been taken, a measure of buddhic energy can enter and the process of transference of the higher ethers and their substitution for the lower can go forward. This, as you may well imagine, produces conflict; the personality etheric body rejects the incoming higher ether, and thus crises are produced in the initiate’s life.
[162] Progress and initiation have been presented to us mainly in terms of character-building and of service to humanity. This approach most surely also produces conflict and the personality fights the soul. But paralleling this well known conflict, another battle goes on between the ethers composing the disciple’s etheric body and the downpouring higher ethers. Of this a man is not so conscious, but the battle is a very real one, affecting primarily the health of the physical body, and falls into five natural stages which we call initiations. The symbolism of the Rod of Initiation teaches us that (during the initiatory process) this Rod, directed by the Christ or by the Lord of the World, as the case may be, is used to stabilise the higher ethers within the personality by an access of applied energy which enables the initiate to retain that which is from above, in order that “as above, so below.”
There are three angles from which the etheric body must be considered:
1. As the mechanism which externalises itself through the nadis, or that fine system of related lines of force which, in their turn, externalise themselves through the physical system of nerves.
2. As a transmitter of many different types of energy, coming from many different sources; these energies run through or along (both words are equally true) the lines of force which underlie the nadis. A while ago I used the word “tubes,” thus inferring a network of tubes through which the transmitted energies can pour; here you have a case where words are wholly inadequate and even misleading.
3. These energies—according to their source, quality and purpose—create the seven major centres which condition the many smaller subsidiary centres [163] and finally externalise themselves through the seven major glands of the endocrine system.
I have said earlier that the intersecting energies in the etheric body of the planet are at this time a network of squares. When the creative process is complete and evolution has done its work, these squares will become a network of triangles. Necessarily this is a symbolic way of speaking. In the Book of Revelations which was dictated 1900 years ago by the disciple who is now known as the Master Hilarion, reference is made to the “city which stands four-square.” The etheric vehicle of the planet was inherited from a former solar system, with the purpose or intention in view of its transformation into a network of triangles in this solar system. In the next one of the triplicity of solar systems (the third or last) in which the will of God works out, the etheric body will begin as a network of triangles, but this will be resolved into a network of interlinked circles or of linked rings, indicating the fulfilment of interlocking relationships. In this present system, the result of evolution, as far as the etheric body is concerned, will be the contact established between all three points of each triangle, making a ninefold contact and a ninefold flow of energy; this is consistent with the fact that nine is the number of initiation, and by the time the destined number of disciples have taken the nine possible initiations, this triangular formation of the planetary etheric body will be complete.
Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle Page 15