Elusive Prey

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Elusive Prey Page 23

by Cheek, Jason

  “She doesn’t look very horse-like from this angle,” SBC commented thoughtfully, as he neared Fylreh’s backside. While behind him, Gar waved Val’s concern away as he climbed to his hands and knees with half of his face ripped off.

  “So, what you’re saying, SBC,” Benji called out from where he was healing himself up, “is that you’re a horse-fucker.”

  “He likes horse-butts and he cannot lie-” Val began to rap out off-key, as Heik busted out laughing.

  “Screw you guys,” SBC said, sounding like Cartman from South Park as he flipped Benji off, before turning to Val and Heik as they were climbing to their feet. “That goes for you too, Sir Horse-a-Lot and Mr. I-want-to-get-a-screenshot-with-my-dick-between-her-horse-titties-”

  SBC didn’t get a chance to finish whatever else he was going to say as Fylreh’s hand shot forward to snatch up her bow, while her other hand reached for her quiver. The move caught the Ranger completely by surprise. The horse-bitch should’ve been down for another fifteen more seconds, SBC urgently thought. He was just opening his mouth to shout out a warning to his teammates as he brought a hand up to blast the Centaur with another lightning bolt, when Fylreh’s hind leg lashed out to crack him in the family jewels.

  Everyone’s heads whipped around in shock as a strangled “Hurgurgle!” was ripped from SBC’s throat. The look of absolute agony on his face as his testicles ruptured brought everyone up short. That’s also when they realized to their horror that the Centaur had thrown off the stun quicker than any of them had thought possible. Before anyone could react, twenty arrows thudded into their teammate’s chest like a machine gun at point blank range as Fylreh’s rage-filled voice rang throughout the clearing.

  “Call me a horse-bitch again, and I’ll shove my fore-hoof so far up your ass that you’ll be tasting shit for a week!” Not that she’d stopped shooting to yell. Before SBC had even hit the ground, Fylreh had already turned her attention to her next target.

  “Gah!” Benji wordlessly shrieked, as another twenty arrows pierced his heavy robes like tissue paper. Val and Heik would have laughed at their friends' jerky-dance if the situation wasn’t so serious. That, and if the last arrow hadn’t been aimed at the warrior. They were both just starting to dive for cover, when the arrow grew into ten as the horse-bitch’s Enhanced Multi-Shot punched through the Warrior’s bent breastplate.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Val roared in confusion, as arrows sniped him through the bushes. Enough made it through to pierce his chest and side before he got behind a tree that his health dropped down into the triple digits. “I thought she was stunned.”

  “It must be because she’s a freaking monster,” Heik shouted back, as he urgently downed a health potion. “Try blasting her again!” He shouted, before ducking from undercover to blast the Centaur with a lightning bolt. “Gah!” The Warrior cried out, immediately ducking back behind the tree again as another volley of arrows nearly caught him in the face.

  “Get off of me, you crazy bitch!” Gar’s frantic cries rang out around the clearing, as Fylreh chased him down. “Fuck, she can see through Stealth!”

  “If she can talk,” Val said with his back pressed against the tree, “then how can she be a monster?”

  “Dude,” Heik exclaimed in annoyance, “less questions and more blasting!” Holding out his hand, the Warrior started counting down from three as Gar’s screams became more urgent.

  “Gah, she’s killing me!”

  Fylreh knew that these newfar she was fighting were no joke and that she should really be trying to escape, but the rage surging through her veins drove her on against her better senses. That, and the three remaining newfar were so near death. If she were being honest with herself, a part of that would also be because she was still of the mindset to end her life to stop her pain. Even if, in her heart, she knew that she now had the means to help Star and the rest of the raid.

  The Rogue she was hunting down was nearly dead, when Heik slid out from cover on his knees with his two-handed sword held before his torso like a shield and his free hand ready to cast. Fylreh had been expecting a move something like that as she retargeted her next volley at the DPS Warrior. Unfortunately, that gave the other Rogue the time he needed to step out from behind cover and begin casting his own lightning bolt spell.

  Fylreh’s first two Enhanced Multi-Shots dropped the DPS Warrior’s hit points into the flashing red as she hurriedly retargeted the casting Rogue. While that left Heik free to get within melee range, she figured it wouldn’t be a problem with his health so low. As the third and fourth arrows took flight within a second of one another and multiplied into twenty separate missiles, a thunderous report rang throughout the clearing as a bolt of crackling energy blew the Centauride off her hooves once again.

  Pain filled Fylreh’s body as she writhed on the ground with her muscles locking up from the coruscating ribbons of pure energy that pierced her thick hide, eyes, and mouth. The seconds seemed to last for an eternity as they ticked by while she howled in agony. Although it hurt like nothing else she’d ever felt before, a part of her knew she wasn’t in too great of danger. After all, these newfar were only two-legs. As soon as the attack was over, the stun effect would be reduced to seven and a half seconds and then less than four seconds, before she’d be temporarily invulnerable to its effects. She might be critically wounded, but she was confident that she’d be able to endure this fight, even as the Warrior slid to a stop in front of her and blasted her at point blank range.

  “Holy shit, this horse-bitch has as many hit points as a level 40 mini-boss!” Heik hollered to his teammates. “Hammer her with everything you’ve got!”

  Crawling back into the clearing, Gar attacked next, adding his limited mana pool to the fight. While none of the Chaos Storm melee classes had a shit ton of mana, they had enough to at least put a hurting down if they used everything they had. To their horror, the monster-girl resisted the spell’s stun effect again as she began struggling to climb to her hooves. In a last ditch effort, Heik, Gar, and Val used the last of their mana to inflict as much damage as possible.

  Fylreh’s gamble would’ve worked if she hadn’t already been beaten down below half health from her attack runs against the enemy’s main raid. She knew she was in trouble as her legs began to shake and her hit point bar began to flash red in warning of her impending death. Taking a wobbling step forward, Fylreh barely blocked the DPS Warrior’s Super Jump combined with his two-handed Power Attack, but she was too weakened to do anything about the Disarm Target skill that the man used. As her bow went flying, Heik bowled her to the ground with another special attack, Knock-Down.

  “Get over here and hold her down while I strip off her breast plate!” Heik yelled, as he continued pummeling the horse-bitch about the head and shoulders. As far as he was concerned, the Centaur was just a monster and a means of forcing Starfairy to stand and fight.

  Immediately, Gar and Val hurried over to manhandle the nearly dead female onto her back as Heik stabbed his great two-handed blade into the ground. As the Warrior’s teammates held the bloody and beaten centauride down, he hurriedly began yanking loose the straps of the thick-leather breastplate that covered the prize he was after. As he began yanking the armor away, Gar uncomfortably looked at his two teammates.

  “Yo, this is some fucked up shit, guys,” Gar said, as he held the weakly struggling woman’s arm down while Val wrestled with the other. Even near dead, the Centauride was too strong for them to hold down even one of her arms without using their entire body.

  “What is your problem now, Gar?” Heik fumed, as he smashed his gauntleted fist a few times into the moaning woman’s face to make her more manageable. Even Val seemed somewhat unnerved by the over the top brutality of it all. With the added Concussion debuff to stop the monster-girl’s struggles, Heik was finally able to rip the leather breastplate from her upper torso.

  “It’s a little bit too much like … I don’t know,” Gar said visibly upset, “raping a
n actual woman.”

  “Stop being such a wussy!” Heik aggressively snarled, cuffing the Rogue in the head. “She’s a fucking monster!”

  “What she has is some nice fucking tits,” Val said, reaching out to maul the woman’s chest.

  The filly glared at the Humans hatefully as she watched the countdown timer tick down. Although she wanted to rip the Human’s arm off and beat him to death with his own limb, she couldn’t defend herself due to her terrible injuries and the Concussion debuff that had left her helpless. The humiliation of it all made her rage as she struggled to no avail to get control over her body.

  “Dude, it’s like you’re molesting a fucking corpse,” Gar gagged, looking away from his two teammates as the Warrior started stripping off his armor and clothing. As Heik pulled down his pants, Val noisily gagged.

  “Come on, man,” Val snapped in annoyance, as he exaggeratedly looked away. “Warn us ahead of time if you’re taking off your pants. None of us wants to see your junk.”

  “Don’t be upset if I’m more of a man than you,” Heik joked, not even bothering to look at his teammates as he focused on his prize. While it was true he was doing this to piss Starfairy off and get the little bitch to stand his ground, in truth, he’d been dying to get his hands on the Centauride’s tits ever since he’d seen them on the Twitch Stream. Hurriedly kicking off his boots so he could hop out of his pants’ legs, Heik straddled Fylreh’s torso and reached for those glorious mounds, when a fanged maw bit into his face.

  “Gah!” Heik let out a muffled scream, as he was bodily snatched off the Centauride’s chest by his face. A savage snarling filled his ears as he screamed and blindly flailed about trying to fight the monster that was chewing his head, only to be shaken like a rat caught in a Pit Bull’s jaws. Within seconds, his neck snapped and his arms had gone limp as his skull began making horrible cracking noises as if the bones were being crushed.

  Heik never even noticed his hit point bar as it dropped below a hundred and started flashing red. He was too caught up in the moment. Being at fifty percent realism, it wasn’t the pain so much as the psychological terror of having your face being eaten off by a feral beast. It was like being the victim in your very own slasher movie. Saliva and blood covered his face as his eyes began popping out of their sockets. The Chaos Storm Warrior belatedly realized his horrific fate a second before his head exploded like an overripe watermelon.

  Gar never even knew what hit him. One second he was struggling with the morality of his teammates doing some fucked up shit that he knew was wrong whether or not the Centaur was a monster, NPC, or a real person and the next he was dead. Because his health was still so low from the earlier fight, the double Sneak Attack that skewered him, killed him instantly. Before his body had a chance to crumple to the ground, his attacker had made their way behind a stunned Val’s back.

  Stunned might not be the correct term since black gunk was already oozing out of the pores of his body and running from his eyes as Val fearfully watched the massive Silver Dire Wolf rend Heik’s corpse limb from limb. Whatever the magic attack was affecting his body, it had inflicted him with a severe debuff that made it very difficult for him to move. Nonetheless, he was struggling to raise his hand to blast the giant wolf, when Gar’s icon suddenly turned gray and a weight settled across his back.

  The terrified Rogue caught a glimpse of black claws and green skin as a slim arm snaked around his vulnerable throat. An instant later, pain shot through his chest as a dagger was slowly shoved to the hilt into the far side of his neck. Why the enemy just hadn’t simply killed him with his low hit points by a Sneak Attack or Backstab was partly answered a moment later as a second dagger was shoved up his ass.

  For a second that felt like an eternity, Val froze except for his mouth that was soundlessly opening and closing like a fish out of water. Never before in his life had he felt so violated. Due to the dulled pain threshold settings it made him feel like he was being raped without having removed his clothing. Without even realizing that he was doing it, a high-pitched whine began coming from deep in his throat as soft lips and pointy teeth pressed against his ear.

  “I see you like to torture helpless women,” a voice filled with savage glee breathlessly said into his ear, “just like I love to torture bad males. It’s so exciting to see that we have so much in common.” Val couldn’t help the cold shiver that ran down his spine as the words sank into his consciousness. He didn’t know who this green-skinned woman was, but she scared the bejesus out of him.

  “Ooh, look at these beautiful daggers on your hip. Are these matching Serrated Long Daggers of Leeching?” the woman said, purring into his ears. “How about you gift them to me?” Feeling that he was hesitating at her request, she slowly pumped the dagger in and out of the enlarged hole that she’d made in his rectum while rotating the blade back and forth. The emasculating feeling of being torn apart made tears come to his eyes as he hurriedly followed her directions to drop his precious daggers on the ground in front of him.

  “What a good boy you are,” the woman mockingly said, as her grip tightened on the hilts of both weapons. Their one-sided discussion was abruptly interrupted as a massive Silver Dire Wolf came to a stop in front of his terrified face. The beast’s muzzle was bigger than his entire head and covered in blood and gore from where it had devoured his teammate and friend, Heik. As he froze in place like a mouse cornered by a fat cat, the woman’s voice continued sweetly in his ear.

  “While I really wanted to make you suffer more than necessary,” Val could almost picture the woman’s pouting face, “it looks like our time is up.” With that said, the dagger at Val’s throat sliced his neck from side-to-side as the dagger in his bowels was forced through the front of his pelvis. The rectal assault made him feel like his insides were being ripped out as his hit points dropped to zero and he was instantly sent to the graveyard.

  Pushing the dead newfar’s corpse to the ground, Helgath eagerly scooped up her new toys as she immediately changed out her old daggers for the new ones. Giving Neysa’s gory muzzle a happy pat, she turned back to the Centauride that was on the edge of death. The whites of Fylreh’s eyes widened in fear as she watched the Half-Orc approach. Nonchalantly straddling the filly’s torso, Helgath sat down on her haunches, making herself comfortable on the filly’s immense bare chest and look her in the eyes. At the same time, Neysa came around to stand at the top of Fylreh’s head to look her in the face.

  “Is this the ignoble death that you were seeking?” Helgath mockingly asked, as she ran the tip of a black claw down the side of the Centauride’s battered and bruised face. “Should I tell Star this is how the great chieftain’s daughter of Clan Ilyrall stupidly met her death?”

  “Of course a Half-Orc would show their true colors at a time like this,” Fylreh weakly snarled, as her hit points fluttered between ten and twelve points of life. She was stuck on the edge of death, unable to completely pass over and yet unable to heal further due to her terrible injuries. “Slaughter me like the Chofe-ka you are and be done with it, Half-Orc.”

  “I’m the Chofe-ka?” Helgath’s clear laugh rang throughout the clearing, as Neysa chuffed along with her. “Who is the one seeking any means of death to escape the blood oath they swore to serve their Liege Lord?” Turning suddenly serious, the Half-Orc’s yellow cat-eyes glinted dangerously. “The question that Neysa and I have is why would either of us want to help you live to serve Star?” Seeing the sudden confusion in Fylreh’s eyes, a cruel grin came to Helgath’s lips.

  “Oh come now, we both know that you seek a coward’s death just like your dead father. The great Chieftain of Ilyrall who wasn’t smart enough to retreat to save his people’s lives, and nearly wiped out his entire clan due to his pride,” Helgath mockingly said, as she carefully judged the filly’s reaction to her words. “With both of you fools out of Tavon’s life, maybe Star will have a chance at making the young stallion a true Clan Leader worthy of the title Chieftain.”

p; “How dare you speak to me of honor, Half-Orc,” Fylreh gasped out, as her sides heaved from the strain it put on her body.

  “I’m not the one betraying my War Leader by ignoring my oath and disregarding his commands,” Helgath snarled back in outrage. Their argument was momentarily put on hold as Tengsly suddenly came flapping up to settle on Neysa’s back. Instantly, Star’s voice sounded in her head.

  ‘Helgath, I’m afraid Fylreh is doing her own thing and is trying get a portion of the raid to follow her away from the rest of us in trade for her own life. While it’s a decent plan, it currently has no chance of success. Evil Sandra knows I’m with the main raid, roughly where we are, and has probably figured out our general exit strategy, which is why I need all three of you to follow the original plan. Head back to the main raid as soon as possible. While you and Neysa will respawn in an hour, Fylreh will not. I’ll need all three of you working as scouts for us to escape this mess, so no needlessly dying to these asshats. If you find Fylreh, kick her ass until you get it through her thick head that I need her alive. Alright, I’m heading back to offer what support I can. Maybe, I can offer myself up as bait so that everyone else can escape. Take care of yourselves and be safe.’ As the message came to an end, the Half-Orc’s eyes flared in outrage.

  “This is all your fault!” Helgath accused the Centauride.

  “Why would he come back for me but not you?” Fylreh asked in obvious confusion, as she finished listening to the end of her own message. “Why would he risk everything when he doesn’t want me anymore?”

  “You’re such an idiot,” Helgath spat, poking the filly firmly between the eyes with a black claw. It was the sole consolation she allowed herself to express her rage. Otherwise, the Half-Orc half feared she’d rip the other female’s throat out from her growing fury. Reminding herself that she’d promised to serve her War Leader faithfully, she choked down her anger and tried to talk sense into the big breasted cow.


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