In White Raiment

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In White Raiment Page 34

by William Le Queux

room, with its greatmirror draped with silk, and its silver toilet-set catching the palelight, was empty! The window stood open, and, springing towards it, Isaw to my dismay a rope-ladder reaching to the ground. Both La Gioiaand my well-beloved had disappeared.

  I looked out, but all was dark across the park. The night wind rustledin the trees, and a dog was howling dismally in the kennels. CouldBeryl have been awaiting La Gioia, and have left in her company? Thediscovery utterly dismayed me.

  I ran to my room, obtained a cap and boots, and, returning, passedthrough the open window, descending by the ladder to the terrace.Around the house I dashed like a madman, and down the drive towards thelodge-gates, halting suddenly now and then with my ear to the wind,eager to distinguish any sound of movement. I was utterly without clueto guide me as to the direction the fugitives had taken. Four or fiveroads and paths led from the house, in various directions, to Atworthvillage, to Corsham, and to Lacock, while one byway through the wood ledout upon the old high-road to, Bath. The latter went straight into adark copse at the rear of the house, and would afford ample concealmentfor any one wishing to get away unobserved. All the other roads cutacross the park, and any one travelling along them would be visible forsome distance. Therefore, I started down the byway in question,entering the wood and traversing it as noiselessly as I could, andemerged at last into the broad, white high-road which I knew so well,having cycled and driven over it dozens of times.

  I calculated that the fugitives had about ten to twelve minutes' start,and if they had really taken the road, I must be close upon them. Theroad ascended steadily all the way from the Wormwood Farm to Kingsdown,yet I slackened not my pace until I gained the crest of the hill. Themoon had come out from behind the clouds, and the night was so lightthat any object upon that white open road could be seen for a longdistance. Having gained the hilltop at the junction of the road toWraxall, I stood and strained my eyes down both highways, but to mydisappointment saw no one. Either I had passed them while they hadhidden themselves in the wood, or I had mistaken the direction they hadtaken.

  The presence in the house of that sinister woman in black, her mode ofexit, and the startling fact that Beryl was missing, had, I think,unnerved me. As I stood reflecting I regretted that I had relied toomuch upon my own strategy, and had not aroused the household. In myconstant efforts to preserve the secret of my well-beloved I had made afatal mistake.

  My mind had become confused by these constantly recurring mysteries. Asa medical man I knew that all mental troubles involve diseases of thebrain. The more complex troubles, such as my own at that moment, arestill wrapped in obscurity. To the psychologist there are, of course,certain guiding principles through the maze of facts which constitutethe science of the mind; but, after all, he knows practically nothingabout the laws which govern the influence of mind over body. I hadacted foolishly and impulsively. Both the women had fled.

  I took the road down the hill to Wraxall, and thence, by a circularroute by way of Ganbrook Farm and the old church at Atworth, back to theHall. I hoped that they might take that road to Bath, but, although Iwalked for more than an hour, I met not a soul. A church clock chimedthree as I came down the hill from Kingsdown, and it was already growinglight ere I gained the terrace of the Hall again. I climbed back intoBeryl's room by the ladder still suspended there. Her absence was asyet undiscovered. Everything was just as I had left it an hour and ahalf before. I was undecided, at that moment, whether to alarm thehousehold or to affect ignorance of the whole thing and awaitdevelopments of the strange affair. Judged from all points the lattercourse seemed the best; therefore, still in indecision, I crept back tomy room, and, entering there, closed the door.

  I sank into a chair, exhausted after my walk, when a sudden pain shotthrough me from head to foot, causing me to utter an involuntary cry.The next instant the same sensation of being frozen crept over me, as ithad done outside that room in Gloucester Square, and again on theprevious night when dancing with my beloved. The same rigidity of mymuscles, the same aphasia and amnesia, the same complex symptoms that Ihad before experienced, and so well remembered, were again upon me. Mylower limbs seemed frozen and lifeless, my heart was beating so faintlythat it seemed almost imperceptible, and my senses seemed so utterlydulled that I was unable either to cry out or to move.

  If I had but a little of that curious liquid which Hoefer had injected!I blamed myself for not asking him to give me some in case of emergency.The unknown woman in black had left again behind her the curious unseeninfluence that so puzzled the greatest known medico-legist.

  The sensation was much sharper, and of far longer duration, than thatwhich had so suddenly fallen upon me when dancing. Reader, I can onlydescribe it, even now, I sit recounting to you the curious story, as theicy touch of the grim Avenger. The hand of Death was actually upon me.

  I think that the automatic processes of my brain must have ceased.Without entering into a long description, which the majority of thelaity would not properly understand, it is but necessary to say that thelowest, or "third level" of the brain includes all the functions whichthe spinal cord and its upper termination, which we call the "medulla,"are able to perform alone--that is, without involving necessarily theactivity of the nervous centres and brain areas which lie above them.The "third level" functions are those of life-sustaining processesgenerally--breathing, heart-beat and vaso-motor action--which secure thecirculation of the blood. It was this portion of the brain, controllingthe automatic processes, which had become paralysed. I needed, I knew,an artificial stimulation--some agent by which the physiologicalprocesses might be started again. What if they would not start againnormally!

  I sat in my chair, rigid as a corpse, unable to move or to utter asound--cold, stiff, and as I well knew, resembling in every way a personlifeless. Slight consciousness remained to me, but, after a while, eventhat faded, and I knew not then what followed.

  The period of blank unconsciousness appeared to me but a few minutes,but it must have been hours, for when I awoke the morning sun was highand was shining full in my face as I sat there. My limbs were crampedand my head was heavy, but there was no pain with my returningsensibility, as is generally the case after a period of insensibility.I rose with difficulty, and, staggering unevenly to the window, lookedout. Upon the terrace two men were idly strolling as was the habit ofthose who came down early, awaiting the breakfast bell. I glanced atthe timepiece and saw that it was about nine o'clock.

  Had Beryl's absence yet been discovered?

  I glanced over to my bed, and then recollected that I had not undressed.Truly that night had been an eventful one. La Gioia had actually beenin that room. In an instant, recollections of my midnight vigil and mychase crowded upon me. Surely, if that rope-ladder were still suspendedfrom the window of the room occupied by my love, those two men strollingthere must have noticed it!

  I opened my own window and leaned out to look. No, it had been removed.My loved one's absence had been discovered.

  The breakfast bell rang and aroused me to a sense of responsibility. Iknew of the secret visit of La Gioia, and it was my duty to reveal it sothat the truth might be ascertained. Therefore, I shaved quickly,changed my clothes, and tossed about my bed so that the maids should notsuspect my wakefulness.

  There was merry chatter outside in the corridor as the guests descended,but, although I listened, I could hear no mention of Beryl'sdisappearance. On completion of my toilet I opened my door and followedthem down. Yet scarcely had I got to the head of the stairs when thatsame now-familiar sensation came upon me, like the touch of an icy hand.I gripped the old oaken banisters and stood cold and dumb. The samephenomena had occurred in my room as in that room of mystery atGloucester Square. The thing utterly staggered belief.

  Nevertheless, almost as swiftly as the hand of Death touched me was itwithdrawn, and, walking somewhat unsteadily, I went down and along thecorridor to the breakfast room.

  The chatter was general bef
ore I entered, but there was a sudden silenceas I opened the door.

  "Why, Doctor Colkirk?" cried a voice, "this isn't like you to be late.You're an awful sluggard this morning!"

  I glanced quickly across at the speaker and held my breath in amazement.It was Beryl! She was sitting there, in her usual place looking freshin her pale blue cotton blouse, the merriest and happiest of the party.

  What response I made I have no idea; I only know that I saluted myhostess mechanically and then walked to my chair like a man in a dream.



  Personally, I am one of those who pay no tribute of grateful admirationto those who have oppressed mankind with the dubious blessings of thepenny post. Just as no household, which is adorned with the presence ofpen-propelling young ladies, is ever without its due quantity of morningletters, so no breakfast table is quite complete if the post-bag hasbeen drawn blank. The urn

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