Savage Kings MC Box Set 2

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Savage Kings MC Box Set 2 Page 6

by Lane Hart

  If I’m honest with myself, I want her for more than one night.

  So, while I’m clueless when it comes to dating, I think I can agree that maybe I’m looking for more too.

  Chapter Ten


  I’m not sure if I just made the smartest or stupidest decision in my life.

  Reece wanted me.

  I’ve never actually seen him with a woman in all these years, but he wanted me. I felt the hard, solid proof in the front of his jeans when we kissed.

  The man somehow had my husband thrown in prison three years ago and I had no idea. Finding out that Kirk couldn’t track me down and hurt me again felt like a tidal wave of relief washing over me. It may have been the happiest moment of my life, not just learning that I’m safe but realizing that Reece was worried so much about me when we first met that he went above and beyond, not just giving me a new identity but helping me in such an incredible way.

  And I turned him down because I want a few dates.

  While what he did was…sweet in a strange, tough-guy protective way, I don’t know how to feel about it now. Does it mean he cares about me? Or would he have done that for any woman?

  The man is so frustratingly complicated!

  But one thing I do know about Reece is that the Savage Kings do not date. It’s the reason I tried to leave the club life behind me and move on to find something with a man who wants the same things I do. So, why would I think for even a second that Reece would step foot out of his dungeon for me, of all people?

  It was stupid.

  And walking away from him may have been the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

  I’m also a little proud of myself for not giving in to lust in a moment of weakness when every cell in my body wanted to be with him, to thank him for what he did.

  But I’m better than a quick fuck, dammit! And one of these days, I’ll find a man who does sweet things for me and thinks I’m worth more than a good time too. One who won’t raise a hand to hurt me or put me down.

  Until then, I just need to be patient.

  Which is easier said than done.



  For the next half hour, I nurse my beer while keeping an eye on the back of Cynthia’s head. She’s been sitting a few tables up from me with Maddox and Audrey. At first, I was relieved she stayed, but then I realized that she probably had no choice since her date left her stranded. It was fucked up to ruin her night, but I already feel better knowing that she won’t be going home with someone else tonight. I’m going to give her a ride home whether she likes it or not. Although, it would be easier to get her in my Jeep if I knew how to make things right with her.

  I hate to admit it, but I think I’m going to have to ask someone for advice.

  Which means I have to be careful in my choice or the whole MC will find out.

  That’s why I wait until our newest, youngest member, Maddox, gets up from his table and heads to the bar for another round. The kid is still scared enough of me to never utter a word about the conversation we’re about to have.


  “You got a second?” I ask Maddox when I squeeze in beside of him at the bar.

  After he does a double-take at me, the kid says, “You’re still here? I thought you would’ve turned into a pumpkin by now.”

  “Not until midnight,” I respond.

  “Whoa!” Maddox says, turning sideways to completely face me. “Was that a joke? The world must be ending when you leave the city for a night out and made a joke at the same time.”

  “I need some advice,” I say, cutting to the chase.

  “Advice?” Maddox repeats. He looks over his shoulder at the crowd behind him and then says, “From me? What on god’s green earth could I give you advice on?”

  “Dating,” I begrudgingly mutter.

  “Dating? Like a woman?” Maddox asks before a grin splits his face. “Cynthia? Is that why you suggested we all come here tonight? You knew she would be here with a date?”


  “If you want advice, then you need to give me more info,” he says.

  “Fine, yes, I need advice on how to date…Cynthia,” I say with a heavy sigh. “What the hell do women want to do on them nowadays?”

  “Nowadays? As opposed to the good ole days?” he teases with a smirk.

  “I haven’t dated a woman since the nineties,” I admit. “You were still in diapers back then, so yeah, I expect things are a little different now.”

  “Again, why do you think I can give you advice? I never dated. I went to a military school. You know all that from your background search.”

  “Yeah, but you managed to convince Audrey to stick around. How?”

  “That wasn’t really a decision,” Maddox explains. “After we were together, I couldn’t stay away from her even after I found out she was War’s sister. I think she must feel the same, because she hasn’t kicked me out of her apartment yet,” he says with a goofy ass grin.

  “You slept with her and got pussy-whipped. Is that what you’re telling me?” I ask impatiently.

  “Yes,” he answers without hesitation or shame.

  “Then you’re no help to me,” I huff. “Cynthia is insisting she wants to date before she’ll sleep with me.”

  “The same Cynthia that I’ve seen Dalton fuck on the pool table in front of a room of guys is making you take her on a date?” he asks. My glare and the sound of my teeth grinding together so hard he can probably hear it over the music has him backpedaling. “I mean, good for her. That’s how women should be treated, right?”

  “Not just one date but ten.”

  “Ten?” Maddox says.

  “Yeah. How am I supposed to figure out where to take her on ten dates and keep my hands off of her the whole time? Three years of abstaining didn’t seem like shit until she kissed me tonight. Now I don’t know if I can be around her for three minutes without touching her again.”

  “Well, maybe you could do…other things until the tenth date?” Maddox suggests, which I admit does give me a little bit of hope. I can be a patient man, but it’s been way too long since I was with a woman. And the idea of being around Cynthia’s sexy body, teasing the fuck out of me during ten dates could be considered torture. But if we can do other things, then it’s possible that I could endure all the dates she wants to prove I want more too.

  “So, how do I date her?” I ask Maddox.

  “No clue,” he answers ever so helpfully. “I think people my age are all about Netflix and chill, but I don’t know what your generation does on dates.”

  “You’re worthless,” I tell him.

  “Hey, I warned you I don’t know shit about this subject,” he replies with a chuckle. “Just…take her out to somewhere she wants to go. Anywhere that’s not the clubhouse would probably suffice.”

  “I hate leaving,” I grumble.

  “You need to get out more, man. That basement life isn’t good for you,” he says. “Besides, you’re out now.”

  “I don’t even know what she likes,” I huff rather than inform him that I’m only comfortable here because the bouncers do a weapons check on all patrons when they enter, and the bar hasn’t ever had a violent incident reported. I know because I did my research.

  “Then ask her what she likes. Talk to her. Find out if you have things in common…” Maddox trails off. “That’s unlikely unless she’s also a peeping Tom with IT skills, so find out what she’s into. I don’t think women care about fancy expensive shit either. All they want is for you to show them that you care about them. And if she wants dates, then she wants you to prove that you’re after more than a few fucks from her.”

  “What if that’s all I want?” I ask in concern. I’m pretty sure I want more, but I haven’t had time to fully examine all the reasons I haven’t been able to stop inserting myself in her life.

  “Then you wouldn’t be having this ridiculous conversation with me,” Maddox points out. “You wou
ld go home and screw one of the club sluts. Any of them would give it up to you however many times you want it. You know that, but you never take them up on it.”

  “I would never share my woman,” I grumble. Maddox opens his mouth to respond. “Don’t even fucking say it,” I warn him. I’m pretty sure I know what he was going to point out, that Cynthia has already been shared by several of my brothers, more times than I care to think about.

  “If Abe and Dalton can decide to settle down with one person, then why shouldn’t she be able to do the same without anyone’s judgment?” Maddox asks. “You’ve got to let that shit go, though, if you’re serious about dating her. If you get pissed at her about her past, then there definitely won’t be a future.”

  I don’t tell the kid that he’s wise beyond his years like his father Deacon. Can’t have him getting an ego.

  “And since her date left, now is as good of a time as any to go talk to her,” he points out. “She’s sitting with Audrey and me.”

  “Yeah, okay,” I agree. “But I think she’s pretty pissed at me for ruining her date.”

  “I’ll pull Audrey away, and then you can take her a drink and ask her to dance to make it up to her,” Maddox suggests.

  “I don’t dance.”

  “Then you’re gonna be pissed when someone else asks her and she says yes,” he remarks.

  Fuck, he’s right again.

  And it is time for me to let go of the past, Cynthia’s and my own.

  For years I didn’t think I could ever let myself trust another woman again; yet here I am, trying to figure out how to go about impressing one. I’m way out of my element, literally.

  Still, there’s something in my gut that tells me I won’t regret taking the leap with Cynthia.

  And my instincts are never wrong.

  Chapter Eleven


  “This seat taken?” a deep masculine voice asks. The voice of the man intent on running off my dates while insisting he doesn’t want me.

  “Yes,” I huff without looking in his direction.

  “You’re right. Now it is,” he says before he pulls it out and then sits down in it backwards.

  “It wasn’t enough to ruin my date, now you’re going to babysit me all night long too?” I grumble.

  A glass of red slides in front of me before he responds. “Not babysitting. Dating.”

  “What?” I ask when I turn to face him, wondering if it’s really Reece talking to me.

  It is.

  His arms are crossed casually over the top of the chair, stern face giving nothing away.

  “We’re out in public together, I’ve bought you a drink. I’m going to dance with you, and then I’m going to drive you home. That meets the definition of a date, right?” he asks.


  “It’s a yes or no question.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t date, especially women who had been shared,” I point out.

  “I won’t share you,” he says firmly. “Not while we’re together.”

  “Seeing as how you’ve run off the only two men who were interested, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “I need a guarantee,” Reece replies. “If we’re going to do this, then you’re mine and no one else’s until it’s over.”

  “Fine. I won’t date anyone else,” I agree. “But I’m dead serious about no sex for ten dates.”

  “I’ve waited three years, so ten dates are nothing,” he leans closer to tell me. Reaching up to slip a strand of hair behind my ear so that his knuckles brush along the skin of my neck, he adds, “Or so I thought before you kissed me. Now it may take all the restraint I possess to keep my hands off of you.”

  “I never said you couldn’t touch me,” I respond. “And I call bullshit on you waiting three years…”

  “Come by the clubhouse tomorrow and I’ll prove that I’ve wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you.”

  “Prove it how?” I ask him in disbelief.

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” he responds, moving his big palm to the top of my thigh. “I’ll follow it up with our second date.”

  “You’re serious about this,” I say when it hits me for the first time that he’s making plans for us.

  “I am.”

  “Why me?” I ask.

  “Because you’re irresistible. And I’m tired of fighting something that could be amazing if I can just figure out how to let go of the past.”

  “Okay,” I say, knowing he’s telling the truth and not just giving me a line. Reece is strange, but he’s honest to his core. He doesn’t like that I’ve been with his brothers, but he’s willing to try to push that aside to take a chance.

  “Now, while there’s a slow song playing, and the chance of me stepping on your feet is lower, how about a dance?” he asks, holding out his hand, palm up.

  “I would love to,” I tell him, taking his hand with a broad smile. Most men wouldn’t ask me to dance, and I can’t imagine that any of the other Kings would even attempt such a thing. But I’m starting to realize that Reece is not like any other man.

  Chapter Twelve


  “So, you’re taking Cynthia home, huh?” Miles asks when he comes up to the bar as I’m paying out my tab, ready to get out of here as soon as she gets out of the bathroom.


  “She’s looking mighty fine tonight. Fuck knows I’ve missed her mouth,” he replies. “Send her over to my room when you’re done with her, will ya?”

  “No,” I grit out from between clenched teeth.

  “Now don’t be greedy. She’s had Abe and Dalton at the same time before. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind doing us both in one night –”

  “Get the fuck out of my face before I knock your ass out,” I warn him as I straighten to my full height to face him.

  “That red hot pussy is community property, brother. I know you don’t partake of the club girls very often, but what’s yours is also mine,” he says, stepping up so close that the toes of our boots are nearly touching. “So, unless she refuses me, and sweet Cynthia with her eager mouth never has before, you don’t really get a say in the matter.”

  That’s it. I fucking snap. I slam my palms against his chest and push him so hard he stumbles backward into a group of people before he catches his balance.

  “What the hell, man?” Miles asks when he straightens, squaring himself up as he stomps back towards me. “Are you fucking drunk? You want to lay hands on me over a club slut?”

  He looks confused as I stalk towards him, half-heartedly shoving my shoulder to push me back when I’m almost close enough to smash his filthy mouth.

  “You really want to throw hands with me over a bitch?” he spits as I close back in on him. I can feel my face reddening with my rage, but I keep it in check. Miles is the same size as me and he’s one of the few guys in the club that I didn’t have to teach how to fight. He was already a killer when he joined us.

  He thinks I’m just trying to get in his face when I stand toe-to-toe with him and is just opening his mouth to say something when I whip forward, my forehead crashing into the center of his face. He staggers back a step in wide-eyed shock, his eyes crossing as he tries to look down at his broken nose.

  The expression on his face is one of surprise more than pain, and before he can register what just happened, I follow up with a right hook to his jaw, rocking his head back so violently a line of blood from his leaking nose splatters several people nearby. My left fist comes in low as Miles raises his fists and lunges towards me, leaving himself open for me to pound him low on his side, right in the liver.

  He gags and bends forward as the air explodes from his lungs, giving me the perfect angle to bring my knee up and slam it into his already broken nose. He flails at me uselessly as he staggers to the side, crashing into a small round table and taking it to the floor with him as he collapses.

  If I thought that was going to be enough to put him down, I was badl
y mistaken. Miles stares at me in shock for only a moment before his face turns almost purple, then he leaps to his feet and rushes at me. I brace myself, expecting him to use his weight to try and tackle me to the ground, but he catches me off guard when he pulls up short and his fist smashes right into my teeth.

  I grab the back of his bald head and pull him to me as I smash my free fist into the side of his face, hitting him right in the ear. Miles tries to return the favor, striking a glancing blow across my chin as I twist my head away and then wrapping his arms around my waist to try and pick me up. We’re both roaring wordlessly at each other, so lost in the moment that we don’t realize that more hands are suddenly thrust into our fight.

  “Enough!” Torin yells as he and some of the other guys jump between us to split us apart. Looking between us, our president’s face is seething with anger when he says, “What the fuck are you idiots doing? This ain’t how we handle shit in public! Get your asses out of here now before they call the cops, and I’ll see you both at the clubhouse in an hour!”

  Reaching up to drag my fingertips over my lip to see if it’s bleeding, and it is, I tell him, “I have to take Cynthia home first.”

  “Fine, but you better hurry your ass up,” he mutters through gritted teeth.

  “Reece, are you okay? What’s going on?” Cynthia asks when she pushes her way through the gathering crowd to get to me.

  “Let’s go,” I tell her, since I can already hear the wailing of sirens in the distance. The last thing I want is to get my ass thrown in jail tonight. Torin is pissed enough as it is.

  Guiding Cynthia to the door with my hand on her lower back, we make it out into the cool night air and then hurry across the street to the parking lot where my Jeep is waiting.

  “Reece?” she tries to ask me again while we walk, but my main focus is to get the hell out of here fast. A few other people are leaving too, probably Kings, so my Jeep won’t stand out if they’re looking for me.


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