Savage Kings MC Box Set 2

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Savage Kings MC Box Set 2 Page 32

by Lane Hart

  No, I like when he’s deep inside of me from behind.

  Who am I kidding? How can I pick when every time I’m with Miles it just feels fucking incredible?

  “Jesus, you’re fucking me so good,” he says from underneath me, his hands still pinned down by mine.

  He’s so sexy, laid out before me, finally shirtless.

  The fact that he’s killed so many men shouldn’t have me this turned on, that I can’t ride him hard and fast enough, racing to the finish line.

  “Oh yeah,” Miles groans while his body rolls underneath me. “Work that pussy on your cock. It’s yours, princess. That’s your cock you’re riding. Mount up and take it whenever you need it.”

  “Yes!” I shout when my eyes slam shut as my inner walls begin contracting around his steely girth. “Come inside what’s yours so I know who I belong to.”

  “Oh…shit,” Miles grunts as his shaft swells and his hot, thick release pulses within me.

  My hips ride him frantically through the spikes of pleasure until I can barely hold myself up any longer.

  As I blink my lust-heavy eyes open again, I see the shiny black words inked on the inside of Miles forearm.

  Were those there before? If so, I don’t remember seeing them.

  It takes me a few seconds to read the beautiful cursive, flowing loops before I realize what they are, making me gasp.

  Our wedding vows.

  “What is it?” Miles asks. “You gonna be sick?”

  “No.” Then I read them aloud between sniffles, “I will share my life with you…build our dreams together…support you through times of trouble and…rejoice with you in times of happiness. I promise to give you respect…love and loyalty…through all the trials and triumphs of our lives together.”

  “I love you,” Miles says, his dark eyes locked on mine. “And I always keep my promises, but it’s nice to have the reminder handy...”

  “Miles,” I start. That’s when he finally frees his hands from mine and places his index finger to my lips. “You don’t have to say it back. I know you didn’t marry me to try and find love. You did it out of love for your parents. And finding out the sacrifice you made for them makes me love you even more.”

  “I love you too,” I tell him against his finger before I bite it gently and suck on it suggestively.

  “Goddamn,” he groans when I work my lips up and down his finger a few times before releasing it with a pop. “You just love fucking me,” he responds.

  “Hmm,” I moan as I grind down on his shaft that’s still inside of me. “I do love fucking you.”

  “It’s a start…” he says.

  “But I would also love you if you lost your cock,” I tell him. When Miles opens his mouth to comment, I add, “And your tongue and fingers. You could be a cock-less mute with nubs for hands and I would love you because of the way you look at me and take care of me and protect me. I think I started falling in love with you the day you let me bring home Blackjack. You made me feel really good the night before, but giving me the puppy was…sweet. The only body part you used was your heart.”

  “Not sure I have one of those,” he mutters.

  I place my palm overtop of the left side of his chest where his heart is still racing. “You do. I knew it before I felt it.”

  Grasping my hips and then moving his hands lower until they’re resting on my lower belly, he says, “If I have a heart, then it’ll be relocated for the next few months.”

  “See!” I say as I lean down to kiss his lips with tears blurring my vision. “This is what I’m talking about.”

  “I’m gonna miss you both,” Miles says when I pull back.

  “We’re gonna miss you too,” I tell him as one of the tears overflows and slides down my cheek. “Be careful.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fucking fine.”

  “I hope so,” I tell him before we kiss, tongues tangling until his phone starts to ring from the cut we tossed aside.

  “I better get that,” he says with a heavy sigh, so I ease off of him and lay on my side while he pulls out his phone from his cut and puts it to his ear. “Yeah?” he answers while watching me. “Okay, we’re at Eddie’s. See you then.”

  After he ends the call, Miles tells me, “Sasha and Mercy are on their way.”

  “How long? Enough for one more time?” I ask.

  “Fuck yes,” Miles growls as he climbs on top of me and runs the tip of his tongue over my nipple while watching my face. “They’ll just have to wait for us to finish, because this next round is going to last a long damn time.”

  “I’ll be calling and checking in with you whenever I can,” Miles promises me with another quick kiss on my lips before he opens the rear passenger door of the SUV. After putting my suitcase inside, he stands back for me to climb in.

  “Take care of yourself. Love you,” he says when I’m seated inside.

  “Love you. Be careful!” I say again before he shuts the door. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m Kira,” I tell the two women in the front seat. The driver is a beautiful redhead who could easily be a movie star, and the passenger is a gorgeous blonde woman.

  “Hi, Kira. I’m Sasha, and this is Mercy,” the passenger says while gesturing to the driver, who pulls away and out of the salvage yard. “We’ve both been there at the newlywed stage. Ah, I miss those days,” she says with a sigh.

  “So, um, are you two the only other women?” I ask.

  “Oh, no. Lexi, Nova, Audrey and their kids are all riding together in Torin’s van. Never thought I would say Torin and van in the same sentence.” Sasha pauses for a moment to giggle before continuing on. “Anyway, we’re going to pick up Peyton, and then we’ll head for South Carolina.”

  “Oh, okay,” I reply. “I guess this trip will give me a chance to meet everyone.”

  “You’ll love these ladies,” Mercy says. “And now that you’re part of the Kings’ family, they would bend over backward to help you.”

  “We should go see Cynthia as soon as we get back into town,” Sasha says. “Want to come with me?”

  “Absolutely,” Mercy agrees. “They think she’s going to be okay?”

  “She made it out of surgery, so the doctors believe the worst is over. Now it’s time for a lot of healing.”

  “Ah, who is Cynthia? What happened to her?” I ask them.

  “Miles didn’t tell you?” Sasha looks over her seat to ask me.


  “She’s Reece’s girlfriend. Earlier today she was kidnapped by her abusive ex and he tried to kill her.”

  “Oh, my god,” I gasp. “And she’s going to be okay?”

  “They had to take her into surgery and she’s going to be in pain for a while, but yeah, it looks like she’s out of the woods.”

  “That’s good,” I say. “Did they catch the ex yet?”

  “Yeah. He’s dead,” Mercy answers. “Cops took him down.”

  “Good,” I mutter.

  The girls laugh and then Sasha says, “I think you’re going to fit in with this group just fine.”

  “Do either of you know what the latest crisis is? Abe won’t tell me anything except ‘everything is fine’ which I know is bullshit. His eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of his head when he was throwing all my things in a bag,” Mercy says.

  “No clue,” Sasha says. “Chase was a nervous-sweaty mess but wouldn’t tell me anything either. It must be big though if they’re sending all of us out of town. I had to give up my exclusive political corruption story too!”

  “I, ah, I know what happened,” I tell them.

  “Spill, girl,” Sasha says when she looks back at me.

  “It’s my fault, so I’m sorry you’re having to leave home and that your men are involved.”

  “Your fault?” Mercy asks.

  “My father gave up Miles’ name to the Russian mafia. Then, when some of their men showed up at our house, Miles killed all four of them.”

  “Oh fuck,” Sasha
whispers. “The Russian mafia? That’s not big. It sounds like a gigantic shitstorm. They’re coming for the Kings now?” she asks, voice hoarse with emotion.

  “Yes, but Miles said something about ambushing the Russian boss. They’ll go after them first before they can attack the Kings. They’ll be dead before they know what hit them.”

  “God, I hope it works,” Mercy says.

  “Me too,” Sasha agrees. “I’ve seen one Kings’ war and could gladly go the rest of my life without enduring another.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  “So how is this all going down?” Chase asks Torin after all the bikes in our convoy are parked outside an old, worn-down warehouse in Greensboro and all of us have followed him inside.

  “That’s what we’re about to talk to Ivan about,” our president replies. “He’s running this show and he got Kozlov here. Now, we need to find out how he thinks we should proceed to take these guys out.”

  The warehouse looks like some type of old training gym for fighters with punching bags hanging all around and a ragged looking boxing ring in the center.

  “Welcome to my town, gentlemen,” a young black-haired guy in a pinstripe suit says when he strolls into the main room, surrounded by an entourage of five huge, bodybuilder size men who I’m guessing are his guards.

  “Ivan, it’s nice to finally meet you face to face,” Torin says when he walks over and offers him a handshake.

  “You too,” Ivan responds. “This everyone?”

  “No,” Torin says. “This is only a third of my men. We’ve got our Charlotte charter coming up in an hour, and the Raleigh charter an hour after they get here, trying to space out all the bikes. Forty-five bikers showing up at one time may look suspicious.”

  “Good idea,” Ivan agrees.

  “So when and where is this meet up gonna happen?” Torin asks with his hands on his hips, ready to get down to business.

  “I think I’ve worked out the best possible place to avoid innocent casualties,” Ivan starts. “Escapades is our local strip club. A man like Kozlov can’t resist free tits and ass, so we’re gonna feed him and his twelve men, liquor them up, and then my girls will offer him and his men some…companionship. The dancers will take them one at a time into our six private rooms. That’s where your crew can be waiting.”

  “That sounds like a good plan so far,” Torin replies. “Will the girls be in on this?”

  “They will,” Ivan tells him with a nod. “And we’ll make sure they escort the men in first, then shut the door behind them, leaving them in the dark. I’m guessing your men have silencers?”

  “We do,” Torin says.

  “Good. Two of your guys waiting in each room will be plenty. Once the girls play their part, they’ll head out the back exit. I trust these girls, but even if I didn’t, they won’t see or hear anything. They may make their own assumptions, but there’s nothing to worry about there.”

  “Okay,” Torin agrees.

  “For any of the remaining Russians sitting in the main room, I have a plan for them too,” Ivan explains. “After your men take care of business in the private rooms, they can head backstage without being seen. I’ll have the DJ announce for the girls to go backstage for their group dance number, cue the song we agree will be our signal, and then your guys come out on stage and cut the rest down.”

  “That should work for the fewest casualties on our side,” Torin agrees, making my stomach roll at the thought of us losing a King for the shit I dragged them into.

  “Did I mention I don’t allow weapons in my establishment?” Ivan asks with a grin.

  “Jesus Christ,” Torin says with a swipe of his palm down his face. “They’ll be sitting ducks.”

  “They will,” Ivan agrees. “But no one will miss these drug-pushing thugs who flood my city and others up and down the coast with heroin.”

  “True,” Torin agrees. “What about local law enforcement and clean up?”

  “I’ll have my men dispose of the Russians and clean up the club so fast we’ll be open to the public for business again by tomorrow night,” he says. “And the local police officers love Escapades so much, they would sell their souls to keep it open. Several would call to check in with me before showing up even if someone calls it in.”

  “Wow, then I guess you’ve thought of everything,” Torin tells him.

  “Just one question left,” Ivan says. “Who wants Kozlov?”

  “Me,” I speak up and say as I take a step forward to stand next to Torin. “He came after my in-laws and then sent his men after me and my wife. I want to be the one who watches the life drain from his eyes so I can tell my wife he won’t be bothering us or her parents again.”

  Giving me a nod of understanding, Ivan says, “In that case, you’ll want to hunker down in the champagne room. Nothing but the best for our Russian mob boss.”

  “Perfect,” I agree.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “Make yourself at home, Mrs. Fury,” Rory, the president of the Myrtle Beach Savage Kings’ charter, says after he let us into the beachfront mansion and shows us around. “Both of the kitchens are fully stocked; but if there’s anything else you or the other ladies need, here’s my number.” He hands a white business card to the small, dark-haired woman who I now know is Lexi. I take it she must be in charge. “Make a list if you need to and we’ll send our prospects shopping.”

  “Thank you so much for your hospitality. This place is amazing,” Lexi tells him with her baby girl propped on her hip, sucking on a pacifier and twirling her mother’s hair around her finger. The pang of longing to hold my own baby in my arms seems to grow stronger every second.

  “Anything for the Furys and our mother charter,” Rory says. “There will be no less than four of my crew on the grounds at all time. Even if you don’t see them, they’ll be here, patrolling. They won’t bother you unless it’s important and even then, they’ll ring the doorbell. Torin said a few of the old ladies are packing heat.”

  “That’s right. We can take care of ourselves,” Sasha says before she grabs the baby out of Lexi’s arms. “Now, all we need is to find some shows to binge while we try to distract ourselves for the next few days.”

  “Good luck with that,” Rory replies. “I’ll show myself out.”

  “Thank you!” we all call out to him as he gets on the elevator, that’s right, an elevator in the private home, and takes it down to the ground floor.

  The ladies all sigh heavily once he’s out of sight as their shoulders deflate, knowing it’s going to be a tough few days while we wait for our men to return.

  “How do you all do it?” I ask them. “Not go crazy when they’re gone?”

  “Thankfully, it doesn’t happen often,” Lexi says. “Which one is yours again? Sax or Cooper?”

  “Ah, Miles,” I respond.

  “Miles?” she repeats with her brow raised in surprise. “Seriously?”

  “We’re married and expecting,” I say with my hand going down to my lower belly.

  “Aww! Congratulations!” Sasha says, giving me a hug before the other women follow suit.

  “Welcome to the family,” a young girl around my age says. “I’m Audrey, War’s sister and Maddox’s wife.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I tell her.

  “And I’m Torin’s wife by the way,” Lexi says after our embrace.

  “Torin is the president of the Kings,” Sasha informs me.

  “Oh, okay,” I say. “Miles hasn’t really told me much about the MC. All I know is he spends a lot of time at the Savage Asylum. What exactly is that?”

  “That’s the clubhouse,” Mercy informs me. “Let’s all have a seat, girl, so we can fill you in.”

  “Thanks, I would appreciate that since Miles hasn’t,” I tell them. “I think he was worried I couldn’t handle it, but I can.”

  “Of course you can,” Sasha says. “Our men think we’re fragile females who freak out over the sm
allest thing. The truth is, it takes a strong woman to bring a King to his knees, but once he’s there, he’ll treat you like a queen and do anything for you.”

  “I’m starting to see that,” I admit as we all take a seat on the sectional.

  “So, start from the beginning,” Lexi says. “How did you and Miles end up together?”

  “Well, he saved my father’s life,” I tell them honestly, deciding to leave out the part about the arranged marriage since I get the feeling that Miles doesn’t want anyone to know.

  “That’s so sweet,” Audrey says with her fist propped up on her chin. “I didn’t know he had a soft side.”

  “Oh, you should’ve seen him stuff a puppy into his cut. It was the funniest and most adorable thing ever!”

  For the rest of the night, the women and I bond over shared stories about our tough guys, and have fun playing with Lexi’s kids and War’s son Ren.

  And for the first time ever, I feel like I’ve finally figured out what I want to do with the rest of my life – this. I was meant to be the wife of a Savage King, the mother of his child, and friends with all of the other ‘old ladies.’

  Now I just hope my husband and their men all come back to us after they finish handling their business with the Russians.


  Once all of the Kings from the other charters arrived, Ivan’s guards drove us all over to Escapades in three ridiculous stretch limousines. “I haven’t been in one of these since I was stationed out at Camp Lejeune,” I remark during the ride.

  “I don’t remember any limos on base,” Torin grunts.

  “Not at the base, at the strip club in Jacksonville,” I grin at him. “You know what they use these for, don’t you?”

  “I can guess,” Torin snorts. He’s being snippy, but I know it’s only because he’s worried about his Kings and what’s about to go down.

  “The limousines are for mobile prostitution,” Ivan interjects. “Supposedly, of course. On the books, the club offers them as a private lounge for one-on-one time with the girls, in a more relaxed atmosphere than the club can provide. Practically, they give us plausible deniability, as we can’t be seen to have women selling sexual favors in the club itself.”


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