Savage Kings MC Box Set 2

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Savage Kings MC Box Set 2 Page 38

by Lane Hart

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  Holding out her hand, palm up, she says, “Could I please see your driver’s license?”

  “What? Why?” I ask, going on the defensive even though there’s nothing on my ID that will give away my big fat lie to her.

  “If I’m going to be alone with a man I just met in a bar, I have to have some sort of collateral on him,” she explains. “The easiest way to do that is to snap a photo of your license and send it to my friend, Daniel. We’ve known each other since high school, and his father is the Chief of Police in Cary. Then, if he doesn’t hear from me again after twelve hours, an APB goes out.”

  “Oh, damn. Aren’t you resourceful and shit?”

  “Single women have to be careful nowadays,” she responds with a shrug of her shoulders while I dig my leather wallet out of my back pocket. I pull out my ID from inside without removing the wallet from the chain attached to my belt loop. “There you go,” I tell Isobel when I slap the plastic down on the bar in front of her.

  “Thanks,” she says before her phone is over top of it taking a picture. Her fingers fly over the keys and then I hear the whooshing sound of a text being sent. “There. Now Daniel will know who to look for if I go missing or turn up dead!”

  “Do I look like a serial killer?” I ask her.

  “You’re charming and handsome, so yes, you would be the perfect psychopath.”

  “I’m not sure if I should be flattered or concerned,” I say with a shake of my head while putting my license away.

  “You should be showing me to your bike, Saxon Cole,” Isobel tells me as she stands and grabs my hand to pull me off my stool. “Do you have an extra helmet for me?”

  “Ah, yeah, I do,” I respond while following her out the door.

  With another roll of her eyes, she says, “Why am I not surprised?”

  Chapter Five


  Riding on the back of Sax’s bike is both terrifying and exhilarating. I hold on to him, this man I don’t know, for dear life, praying that he won’t let me fall off the back.

  Once we make it safely to the marina where he slows down and eventually comes to a complete stop in front of a row of large boats, I’m a little sad that the ride is over.

  “Wow,” I gasp aloud after he kills the engine and puts down the kickstand.

  “Is that a good wow or a holy-shit-I’m-never-doing-that-again wow?” Sax asks over his shoulder.

  “Mostly a good wow,” I tell him as my fists unclench from his leather vest. “I just wasn’t prepared for the amount of trust involved. At first I may have second-guessed whether or not you knew what the hell you were doing on this thing and thought I may possibly die much earlier than I expected.”

  Giving a grunt that sounds like he’s offended, he says, “I’ve been riding a motorcycle for over twelve years with no fatalities so far. I don’t plan to break that record anytime soon.”

  “Yeah, I know that now that we arrived safely,” I tell him as I throw my trembling leg over to get off the dangerous machine and remove the helmet to shake out my hair. “The next time won’t be nearly as scary.”

  “Oh really?” Sax asks. “There’s gonna be a next time, huh?”

  “You have to take me back to my car eventually,” I point out. “And the bike is more fun than an Uber. Maybe you could even teach me how to drive one?”

  “Maybe, but I’m sure as hell not teaching you on my baby. We’ll have to find you a piece of shit bike to learn on,” he says with a chuckle when he climbs off and removes his helmet. “Mind holding this for me while I get the bike on the boat?”

  “Sure,” I agree, taking it from him. “Which one of these boats is yours?”


  “It’s hard to see them clearly this late at night,” I reply while glancing around. But then I spot the rugged fishing boat sitting in between two beautiful, pristine yachts. “That one?” I ask, pointing in its direction.

  “That would be it,” Sax says with a grin as he starts pushing the bike in that direction. He pauses before we get there and asks, “You’re not allergic to cats, are you?”

  “Cats?” I repeat since that’s the last question I expected from him.

  “Well, it’s just one cat, singular. I fed a stray a few months ago, and now he doesn’t seem inclined to leave my boat.”

  “I’m fine with cats,” I assure him, thinking it’s sort of adorable that a tough biker like him would have taken in a stray.

  It takes Sax a few minutes to get his ramp down to push his bike on board, and then strap it onto some sort of device intended to keep it upright when the boat is moving. Once he maneuvers a cover down over it, he pulls up the anchor and I follow him inside a little room where he cranks up the engine, and then we’re heading out to sea.

  While we’re making waves, I step out and prop my forearms on the rail to watch the lights from the marina disappear as we ride into the dark horizon that seems to go on forever. The light mist of the water hits my face like a gentle rain.

  Something eventually tickles my bare ankles; and when I glance down, there’s a scruffy, calico cat rubbing against me.

  “Well, hello, kitty,” I say, leaning down to pet its head. When he or she tips its head up at me, the moonlight glistens over one eye, while in the spot where the other eye should be is nothing but a rough patch of fur.

  “Poor thing. What happened to you?”

  “Not sure, but I’m guessing a cat fight,” Sax says when he steps out of the room with all the buttons, gadgets and wheel.

  Now I realize we’ve slowed to a stop and he must have killed the engine. You can no longer see the shore even in the distance. We’re just floating along in the Atlantic Ocean.

  “It feels like we’re the only ones in the universe out here,” I tell Sax after he tosses the anchor down into the water where it lands with a plop, before coming to stand beside me.

  “It’s amazing, right?” he asks.

  “Yeah, it is…Captain,” I agree, emphasizing his title with a seductive purr. “And I’m guessing that you show a lot of different women this incredible view.”

  “Maybe a few.”

  “A few,” I scoff because I know he’s full of shit.

  “Fine. Several women have come aboard,” he responds with a grin.

  “I would also be willing to bet that you give them a night they’ll never forget.”

  “Maybe so,” he says. “But only one night. I don’t do seconds or thirds.”

  “Good to know,” I say, enjoying his honesty, because a one-night stand is all I’m capable of having. In fact, I have my own rule. Not only do I limit myself to just a single night with a man, but I also limit the number of orgasms. No reason to chance having the endorphins and other chemicals in my brain try to convince me I’m in love with some stranger just because he gives me pleasure.

  Sax and I enjoy the serene view in a companionable silence for so long that my eyelids start to become heavy. But I’m not ready for the night to be over just yet.

  “Do you think I could borrow one of your shirts to sleep in?” I turn to Sax and ask. “I’d really like to get out of these heels and this dress.”

  Lowering his eyes to the silver zipper running up the front, he says, “Only if I can unzip you. That has to be the sexiest fucking dress I’ve ever seen. It was made to make men obsess about undressing you.”

  “Then the pleasure is all yours, Captain,” I tell him.

  “Why, yes it is,” he says when he grabs the zipper between his finger and thumb. Then, ever so slowly, he drags it down a slow inch at a time, exposing my bare flesh to the ocean breeze. Even though I’m practically naked other than a lacy black thong and heels once it’s undone, Sax is a good boy and doesn’t try to touch a single part of my skin, which is more than a little disappointing. He simply stands and stares at me when the leather puddles around my feet.

  “Let me, uh, go find you a, ah, a shirt,” Sax stammers even though he doesn�
�t move a muscle to leave.

  “Okay, thanks,” I tell him.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Good,” I say, and then he finally walks away.

  While he’s gone, I remove my shoes and then turn to look out at the sea again. It’s such a beautiful, summer night. Perfect even. I bet the water below would feel amazing and be incredibly refreshing after a hot, sweaty day.


  “Here you go,” I say when I come up on the deck with a white t-shirt in my fist for Isobel even though I hate the thought of covering up her incredible, and very naked, body. “Isobel?” I call out when she’s no longer standing in the spot where I left her. “Isobel?” I yell louder.

  Then, I see her panties and shoes added to the puddle of her leather dress right before I hear a splash over on the left side of the deck, followed by her response. “Down here! The water feels amazing!”

  “Down here?” I mutter to myself as I head over and look over the rail. Her head is bobbing above the waves, her blue hair wet and slicked back. “Wow, you’re seriously skinny dipping in the ocean?” I say in surprise.

  “Want to join me?” she asks, her teeth glowing in the darkness with the enormous smile spread across her face.

  “Does a fish fuck in the water?” I reply since that’s a hell yes.

  Before all coherent thoughts flee from my mind, I hang the spare t-shirt over the side and go grab the ladder to secure it and make it easier for us to climb back up.

  As soon as I’ve undressed down to my birthday suit, I hurdle over the side of the boat and land with a splash next to Isobel.

  After I surface and swipe the salty water from my eyes, she says to me, “Now I can check off skinny dipping from my list.”

  When I’m able to see again, I notice all the smoky makeup has been washed free of Isobel’s face, making her appear younger and innocent. She’s even more stunning.

  “You know, I’ve never actually done this before,” I tell her as we both tread water underneath the stars. I can’t take my eyes off of her. “Even when I’m out here alone I swim in a pair of boardshorts.”

  “Really?” she asks in surprise. “I thought you looked like a man who’s broken a few rules in his life.”

  “Not as many as you would think.”

  “Have you ever been arrested?” she asks.

  “Ah, only once, overnight. But thankfully, I was released without being officially charged,” I answer honestly since her father only wanted a conversation when he threw me in a cell.

  “What was it like?”

  “It was pretty shitty,” I tell her. “Boring, smelly, uncomfortable.”

  “I want to spend a night in jail,” Isobel says excitedly.

  “You’re kidding, right?” I ask, and she shakes her head. “Why would you want to willingly go to jail?”

  “Because I don’t think you can truly appreciate your freedom until it’s taken from you,” she replies.

  Chuckling because it’s true, I tell her, “I’ve never met anyone like you before.”

  “You mean batshit crazy?” she jokes with a grin.

  “No, I mean, you’re so…free, living life to the fullest. I think I’m a little jealous.”

  “Why can’t you be free too?” Isobel asks. “You have a boat that you could take anywhere.”

  “I could, but I don’t,” I reply. “For the past twelve years, it feels like I’ve been treading water, staying in one spot, just trying to keep my head above surface but never really moving forward.”

  “That doesn’t sound like any fun.”

  “You know what? It’s not, actually,” I say truthfully. “I mean, I love the guys in the MC, and I would do anything for them. They would do the same for me, too, you know? But…”

  “But there’s something missing?” she guesses.

  “Yeah, there is,” I agree with a sigh. “How did you know?”

  “Because I was doing the same thing until about a year ago – living a good life, but not great. It never really felt like mine, though. I was just getting up each morning and going through the motions to make someone else happy.”

  “Who were you trying to make happy?” I ask even though I have a pretty good idea.

  “My father,” she says on a heavy exhale. “When I found out he had been lying to me for years, that put an enormous wedge between us. I was pissed at him until I realized I didn’t owe him or anyone else anything anymore. And at first it was scary to actually think about what I wanted for myself and having no freaking clue. Then, ideas started coming to me, all these places I wanted to go, things I wanted to do but was too scared to try before.”

  “So you made a list.”

  “I made a list and promised myself to try and cross off as many things off as possible,” she says.

  “What you’re doing, it’s incredibly brave, Isobel,” I start. “But what do you do about paying for all these cool things you do?”

  “Oh, well, my mother came from a wealthy family that made a fortune in tobacco. She was an only child. So, when she died, she left me everything. I think she would have wanted me to spend it this way, especially since she died so young.”

  “I’m sorry,” I tell her sincerely. “When did you lose her?”

  “I was just ten, so eighteen years ago.”

  “Jeez, that must have been hard.”

  “It was,” she agrees. “But enough about me. You’ve seen my bucket list. What do you have on yours?”

  “I don’t have a bucket list.”

  “You really should. If you did have one, what would be the first thing you would write on it?” she asks.

  “If I had a pen and paper right now, I would probably write down that I wanted to kiss you.”

  Smiling, she says, “I think I could grant that wish for you, Captain.” Wrapping her arms around my neck, she brushes her damp lips over mine for the briefest kiss. Isobel doesn’t swim away afterward, so I reach down and grab her hips, pulling her body against mine. Her soft, naked curves press against my hard body and feel even better than I thought it would. Her legs even wrap around my waist like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

  “Now, what else do you want to do?” she whispers.

  “I bet you have a pretty good idea of what I’d like to do right now,” I reply while stealing another kiss from her lips because my hardening cock is currently wedged between our naked bodies.

  “Give me a better answer, and I’ll let you put your tongue in my mouth.”

  “Deal,” I agree since getting my tongue in her sounds really fucking good. “When I bought my boat several years ago, I wanted to travel all the way around the world,” I admit.

  “But you haven’t?” Isobel asks.

  “Nope. I’ve only been up and down the Atlantic Coast.”

  “Then you should go.”

  “It’s not that easy,” I reply before I capture her lips and let my tongue slip past her lips to stroke hers. The hot, wet contact makes my cock twitch with the need to be inside of her. When Isobel tilts her hips like she’s trying to impale herself on me, I’m glad I’m not the only one overcome by desire.

  “What else?” she asks. Her fingers spear through my hair and grab on tight, tilting my head back so her mouth can come down on the side of my neck, making it impossible to think clearly.

  Chapter Six


  I’ve been with my fair share of men over the last few months, making up for lost time after being celibate for the first half of my twenties, but none have had bodies as big and ripped as Sax’s. If I wouldn’t die of oxygen deprivation, I would gladly sink down into the depths of the ocean to kiss every single inch of him, especially the hard ones currently jutting into my lower belly.

  While some guys would’ve already tried to slip it inside of me by now, Sax is being a patient gentleman. And I’m not ashamed to say I’m not making it easy on him by licking his neck and rubbing my slit up and down his steely length, enjoying the pleasurable fr
iction on my clit.

  “I don’t know if you’re trying to drown me or fuck me,” Sax says, his voice huskier and deeper when he grips my ass cheek tightly in his left hand and then reaches behind me with his right to grab onto one of the rails of the ladder. The move lifts us out of the water a few inches so that the waves are no longer breaking in our face. “You said we had to keep things PG-13 tonight, but we’re already in R territory.”

  “Good. I’m ready for R,” I reply, then sit my butt on one of the rungs of the ladder so that I’m only submerged from my calves down. Sax lunges forward and licks up the drips of water from my stomach before his lips move upward and cover one of my beaded nipples.

  “Oh god,” I moan as I grasp both sides of his face between my hands to keep him right where he is. He applies suction and then flicks his tongue over the sensitive flesh, making me squirm on the step as I think of having his tongue someplace lower. As if reading my mind, Sax releases my nipple and kisses his way down my stomach. While his right hand keeps a grip on the ladder railing, his left covers my knee and pushes it to the side, opening me up to him.

  Glancing up at my face with desire filling his eyes, his tongue swipes over my damp pelvis, before he says, “I’m gonna lick your pussy until your legs shake, unless you have any objections?”

  “Nope. No objections,” I pant thanks to my racing pulse and rapid breathing caused by the anticipation.

  Sax swipes his index finger right through my folds, and then his face leans forward so his tongue can take the same path.

  “Oh holy shit!” I exclaim as his finger penetrates me just as a wave splashes up right between my legs. My hands shoot out to grab on to the ladder rails to hang on for dear life as his mouth gets in on the action, his tongue working overtime as it circles and flicks and fucks me into oblivion.

  “Oh god. Oh god!” I scream as my eyes slam shut. My back arches and my hips buck, needing more. There are so many amazing sensations I can’t keep up with them all – the cool ocean breeze over my bare breasts, the waves slapping me between my legs while Sax’s finger pumps inside of me and his tongue… “Right there! Yes! Yes! Yesss!” I shout at the top of my lungs when my thighs tremble and my entire body convulses. It’s one of the few times I don’t panic when either of those things happen to me. These are the pleasurable shudders that are so intense and feel so good they nearly hurt.


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