Change (Finding Anna Book 5)

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Change (Finding Anna Book 5) Page 13

by Sherri Hayes

  The prickling thing followed the same path as the soft thing, but then it went around my body to rub against my stomach. I tried to look to see what it was, but I couldn’t get a good look. I thought it was his vampire glove, but it felt a little different.

  I didn’t get a chance to think about it too much, though, because the soft was back. He kept alternating sensations from soft to sharp, letting me get used to the soft before changing it up. It had my entire body tingling.

  The vibrations increased in intensity. I was focusing on that when I felt something new. Suction on my nipple. It was as if something was trying to tug it from my body. It should have hurt, but instead, it only made me wetter.

  “That’s it. You like that, don’t you, pet?” He did it again, pulling at my nipple, sending the feeling straight to my sex.

  Then, I felt a sharp sting to my backside, and I couldn’t stop the loud moan that bubbled up from my throat. Nor could I prevent the whimper that left me when he did it again.


  I’d known the best way to introduce Brianna to spanking would most likely be to do it once her body was humming with arousal. Her biggest issue when it came to new experiences was that she let her fear get the best of her. With her body craving more sensations, driving her higher and higher toward climax, her mind shut off and she was able to just feel.

  Her ass began to turn a pretty pink. It really was a beautiful sight. I massaged her warmed flesh with my hand before checking between her legs.

  She was wet. Very wet.

  I didn’t want to push it, though, so I gave her a few more solid smacks on the ass before discarding my pants and taking up a position behind her. Lining myself up, I grabbed hold of her hip, making sure to sink my fingers into the area I’d warmed up moments before.

  A sound that I could only describe as a purr came out of her as I plunged inside, her body welcoming me. I took hold of her hips with both hands and began thrusting. Closing my eyes, I reveled in the feel of her surrounding my cock. The warmth. The wetness. I wanted to experience this every day for the rest of my life.

  As I felt my orgasm approaching, I reached up, grabbing her hair and giving it a firm tug. Her neck arched back at the same time I felt her internal muscles clenching. My girl loved to have her hair pulled. Almost as much as she loved to have her nipples pinched. It was times like this I wish I had more hands.

  I increased my speed, pumping into her harder . . . faster. When I felt that surge at the base of my balls, I released my hold on her hip long enough to turn the butterfly up to high. “Let. Go. And. Come. For. Me.” Each word was punctuated with a thrust of my hips.

  I held tighter to her hair and kept pounding into her until I heard the sound I’d been waiting for. The high-pitched squeal came moments before her pussy began contracting around me. The feeling wasn’t something I could describe, and I didn’t want to. I only wanted to experience it over and over again.

  My own orgasm hit me with the force of a freight train. I felt as if all the energy in my body shot out of my cock and into her. It was exhausting and wonderful and something I’d only ever experienced with Brianna.

  As my orgasm subsided, it took me a few moments to catch my breath. I released my hold on her hair, turned off the vibrator, and rubbed the rosy cheeks of her ass. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  She nodded. At least, I think she did.

  Forcing myself to move, I rolled us over so we could lie side by side on the bed. I turned her to face me, wanting to look in her eyes.

  There was a healthy flush to her cheeks and her nipples were still standing tall from the stimulation. I brushed the hair away from her face and looked in her eyes. “Talk to me.”

  She swallowed. “I’m . . . I’m okay.”

  Her voice sounded a little scratchy. “Lay here. I’m going to go get us some water.”

  I swiped the glasses we kept in the bathroom and filled them with water from the tap before returning to the bedroom. Brianna was exactly where I left her. I don’t think she’d moved at all. Hopefully, that was because she was as exhausted as I was.

  “Here,” I said, handing her the glass.

  She took it and gently raised it to her lips. After a few sips, she looked up at me. “Thank you, Sir.”

  I smiled. “You’re welcome. Drink the rest of it. I’m sure you need it.”

  While she drank her water, I released the belt holding the vibrator from her waist and set it aside, along with the other toys I’d used. The vibrator was a mess, so after placing it on top of the dresser, I had to go back into the bathroom to wash my hands.

  Upon returning to the bedroom, I climbed back into bed. Leaning against the headboard, I drank my own water, needing it as much as she did. I could still feel that orgasm in my toes.

  Once she was finished, I put both of our glasses on the nightstand, nestled her in my arms, and pulled the sheet up to cover us. She rested her head on my chest and in typical Brianna fashion, she began playing with the edge of the sheet.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked.


  I chuckled. “Did I wear you out?”

  I felt her lips curve even though I couldn’t see her face from this angle. “Yes, Sir.”

  Kissing the top of her head, I asked the question I needed the answer to most. “How did you feel about me spanking you tonight?”

  “It wasn’t what I expected.” She yawned. “It didn’t hurt like I remembered.”

  I sighed and lowered us down in the bed, keeping her in my arms. “Do you understand more now as to why Lily likes to be spanked?”

  She yawned again. “Uh-huh.”

  I brushed the hair away from her face and pressed my lips to the top of her head. “Get some sleep. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

  Less than a minute later, I heard her breathing change and I knew she was out. Reaching up, trying not to move any more than I had to, I turned the light off. I’d had a switch installed next to the bed, anticipating situations exactly like this. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep with Brianna in my arms.

  As much as I would have loved to spend the morning in bed with Brianna talking about the night before, that wasn’t on the agenda. My phone began ringing at eight o’clock sharp. It was Oscar and he needed more details so he could put the contract together.

  I spent over an hour on the phone with him before sitting down to eat my breakfast, which Brianna had to heat up for me. Then, almost as soon as I’d finished my breakfast, I received a call from Glenn Trevors. Although he was the president and face of The Coleman Foundation now, we still talked on a regular basis. He respected the fact that my parents had started the foundation and he tended to run any new ideas by me first. I trusted him to run the organization, but I also appreciated being kept in the loop. Even if, legally, I didn’t have more say than any other board member.

  By the time I finished with Glenn, it was time for lunch, and then off to take Brianna to her appointment with Dr. Katlin. She had her notebook in her lap, prepared for her session. “Did you add more to your list this morning?”

  “I want to talk to her about Bridget.”

  “I think that’s an excellent idea. Maybe she can give you some ideas on how to deal with her questions.” I’d love it if I were the only one to have to deal with Bridget, but realistically Brianna was going to have contact with her, as well. The more prepared she was, the better. Bridget struck me as someone who wouldn’t be above playing dirty to get what she wanted and unfortunately, she seemed to want me.


  “Yes, Brianna?”

  She glanced down at her notebook, and then at me. “Are you attracted to her at all?”

  I wasn’t expecting that question, but I had no problem answering it. “No. She may be pretty, but her personality is a complete turn off.”

  “But you think she’s pretty.”

  We’d arrived at Dr. Katlin’s office and we needed to get inside, but I didn’t want to leave it at this. �
��I think Lily’s pretty as well, but I have no desire to have a relationship with her or even have sex with her.”

  “You played with her once.”

  “I did and we didn’t connect. She’s much better with Logan.”

  I waited to see if she’d say anything more. Instead, she nodded.

  “Let’s get you inside for your appointment or you’re going to be late.”

  We walked in the door of Dr. Katlin’s office at exactly one o’clock. Her receptionist smiled as we entered. “I’ll let Dr. Katlin know you’re here.”

  Before we could sit down, Dr. Katlin appeared ready to take Brianna back. I waited a few minutes, and then stood. “I need to step outside to make a phone call. I’ll be back shortly,” I told the receptionist.

  She nodded, and I slipped out in the hallway and into the stairwell. Pulling out my phone, I dialed Lily’s number.

  “Hey,” she said in way of answering.

  “You got a minute?”

  I heard a door closing in the background. “I kind of figured you’d be calling me.”

  “How did your conversation with Bridget go?”

  She released a loud sigh. “Not as well as I’d hoped. She said she’d tone it down, but I’m not sure I believe her. I mean she was like this in college, going after guys she was interested in full throttle, but I thought she’d grown up. The last few times we’ve had our girl’s weekends she hasn’t done more than some light flirting with a few waiters.”

  I didn’t beat around the bush. “She’s upsetting Brianna.”

  “I know.” She paused. “I wasn’t expecting to be dealing with this on top of all the wedding preparations.”

  “If she does something to Brianna, I won’t be kind.”

  “I’m hoping it doesn’t come to that. But if it does, you know Logan and I have your back. If she makes me choose between her and Brianna, Brianna will win.”

  Despite the seriousness of our conversation, a smile tugged at my lips. Brianna inspired fierce loyalty. I would protect her with all that I have, even my life, and so would most of the other people who knew her.

  Chapter 14


  Cal called me as usual Monday evening. He wanted to know how my appointment with Dr. Katlin had gone and I let slip that Bridget had been hitting on Stephan.

  “What did Coleman do?” he asked.

  Over the last few years, Cal had done his best to stay neutral about Stephan and our relationship. Sometimes he did better than others and I straightened my shoulders, ready for him to say something I wasn’t going to like. “What do you mean? He didn’t do anything.”

  I could almost see him rolling his eyes through the phone. “I mean, did he flirt with her or did he tell her to get lost?”

  “He . . . he ignored it.” It was the only way I could think to describe Stephan’s reaction to Bridget’s comments. He’d pretended not to notice.

  “He ignored it?” The way he asked the question made it sound like he didn’t believe me.

  “Yes. He acted like she hadn’t said anything unusual.”

  Cal grunted.

  “What?” I hated when he was like this and he was almost always like this when we were talking about Stephan.

  “I’ve known girls like Bridget. She’s not going to give up.” He hesitated. “Especially if she doesn’t view you as a threat.”

  “A threat?” I swallowed. “I don’t understand. Why would I be a threat to her?”

  Cal sighed. “I didn’t mean it that way. I meant that she thinks she can get Stephan away from you. She thinks she can get him to choose her over you.” He chuckled. “She obviously has no idea.”

  I was quiet for a moment, thinking about what he’d said. “What should I do? Dr. Katlin asked if I trusted Stephan.”

  He snorted. “She obviously doesn’t know him that well if she’s asking that. While I’m not his biggest fan, even I know he wouldn’t cheat on you. Look, I would let Lily handle it. Bridget is her friend. But if it comes down to it, you may have to tell her to get the hell away from your man.”

  My eyes grew wide.

  “Anna? You still there?”


  Cal lowered his voice as if he were confiding some sort of secret. “I know you’re not the assertive type, but sometimes you have to mark your territory, so to speak. Jade’s had to do it with a few women over the years who’ve gotten a little too flirty with me even after I’ve told them I’m with Jade. You and Stephan . . . you have a unique relationship. Not everyone is going to understand that.”

  Including him. He didn’t say it, but it was implied. “So, I should let Lily handle it, but if she can’t I should mark my territory?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah.”

  Okay, I was even more confused than when we’d started this conversation.

  “Don’t stress about it too much. I’m sure Lily will figure it out. Bridget’s her friend, right?”


  “It’ll be okay, Anna,” he said.

  I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me.

  Silence lingered longer than was natural before I asked about something else. “Cal, what’s it feel like to be married?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, overall things haven’t changed much, but I kind of like the idea that Jade is mine in the legal sense.” He laughed. “Maybe that makes me a caveman or something, but I get a thrill seeing my ring on her finger.”

  I bit the inside of my cheek as I considered what he’d said. Instinctively, I touched my collar. It was the symbol that I was Stephan’s and he was mine. But it was also something private. No one besides our friends knew what the necklace I wore meant.

  That wasn’t exactly true, now that I thought about it. I was pretty sure Richard, and maybe even Diane, knew about my collar, but they were Stephan’s family.

  But it wasn’t the same as being married. I knew that.

  “Why did you decide to get married then . . . if it didn’t change anything?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer right away, and I thought maybe I’d asked something I shouldn’t have. I was about to apologize when he spoke. “You can’t tell anyone.” Again, he snorted. “I know you’re going to tell Stephan. I mean you can’t tell anyone else. Not even Lily.”

  “Okay.” I was glad he clarified his statement because he knows I don’t keep secrets from Stephan.

  Cal blew out a breath. “Jade’s pregnant and we wanted to be married before we told anyone, including her parents.”

  Jade was pregnant?

  Images of a little boy or girl running around Cal’s house filled my head. Jade holding a baby, rocking it to sleep. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “You’re too quiet. Say something,” Cal said.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry? Are you not happy for us?”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I mean, yes, I’m happy for you.”

  “Then what are you sorry about?” he asked, confused.

  “I got lost in my head. Thinking about you and Jade and the baby.” The images were still floating around in my head and I couldn’t help but smile. Jade would be a great mom.

  “I’ve been doing that a lot lately myself.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad.”

  “You’ll be a good dad, Cal. I know it.” My voice shook a little as I said the last part. Cal would love and protect his child. That I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt. His child would never have to worry that they would be sold into slavery in order to pay off their father’s debt.

  “Thank you, Anna,” he whispered, his voice full of emotion. After a minute, he cleared his throat. “I should probably go. Jade will be home any minute.”

  “Okay. Tell Jade I said I’m happy for you both.”

  “I will.”

  I sat on the windowsill looking out at the river. Cal and Jade were going to have a baby. Would they ask me to babysit? Would I be able to? It frustrated me tha
t I didn’t know the answer.

  While I’d gotten better, there were still times I had panic attacks and I couldn’t always predict when they’d happen. I couldn’t do that if I was watching a child. They would be dependent on me for their safety and protection.

  I had no idea how long I sat there in the window thinking, but eventually Stephan came to find me. He knelt beside me, taking my hands in his. “What’s wrong, love?”

  “Nothing.” He looked doubtful, so I added, “Cal and Jade are going to have a baby.”

  He blinked several times. “Jade’s pregnant?”

  I nodded. “Cal said I could tell you but no one else. Not even Lily.”

  Stephan grinned. “Smart man.”

  “He said that’s why they got married so quickly.”

  “Given Jade’s family situation, that makes sense.” He pushed himself up to his full height, and then helped me to stand. “Were you planning to cook tonight, or would you like to order take out?”

  It was my turn to blink. “What time is it?”

  “Almost five. I was beginning to worry when you didn’t come down.”

  I did a quick rundown in my head of what I had in the refrigerator. “I can make a quick stir-fry.”

  He gave me a quick kiss. “Sounds perfect.”


  Brianna began pulling things out of the refrigerator while I set the table. I’d been working out on the deck while she talked to Cal in order to give her some privacy. When almost two hours had passed and she hadn’t appeared, I’d begun to worry. Cal had gotten better at not upsetting her and Brianna didn’t rattle as easily, but I always tried to be home whenever they talked.

  Twenty minutes later, we were sitting down to our meal. Brianna had brought down her journal before her conversation with Cal, but I’d waited to read it. Her latest journal entry had focused on Sunday dinner at my aunt and uncle’s. She’d talked how she felt finding out Cal and Jade had gotten married without telling her.

  As much as I didn’t fully understand her friendship with Cal and why she put up with some of his antics, her hurt and even anger, although that’s not the word she used, was evident. I was glad he told her the reasons behind their rushed decision, but even still, I knew it wouldn’t completely take away the hurt. If he’d asked Brianna not to say anything, he knew she wouldn’t. Or at least he should. Brianna was loyal to a fault.


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