Breaking Nora

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by Matt Tims

  Breaking Nora

  Copyright © 2019 Matt Tims



  Author’s Note:

  Chapter 1 – Naughty Nora

  Chapter 2 – A Relentless Kid

  Chapter 3 – Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride

  Chapter 4 – Starting Over

  Chapter 5 – Some Things Never Change

  Chapter 6 – Blondes Are More Fun

  Other Works & Contact Info:

  Author’s Note:

  This isn’t a love story. I wouldn’t labeled it under the BDSM genre either. This is a story with heavy nonconsensual/reluctance themes. There isn’t any “rape” involved, but it’s a tale of a girl who doesn’t quite know what she desires in life, meeting a young stud who knows exactly what he wants. You’ve been warned.


  Chapter 1 – Naughty Nora

  Saturday. May 25th. 1:17 PM.

  Mom told her this was part of dating. Relationships were never smooth sailing. In fact, if you don’t have an occasional fight with your partner, then things probably weren’t as good as you think. Maybe the pictures everyone uploaded to Facebook weren’t realistic? Perhaps the smiling families, adventures around the world, and twenty-four seven facade that everyone seemed to be putting on was bullshit. What if life wasn’t a fairy tale with Prince Charming waiting to sweep her off her feet?

  She was officially taking a break from her on-again, off-again boyfriend, Brad. How many more times were they going to do this? Why couldn’t she accept the fact that long-distance relationships almost never worked?

  They’d been dating since high school, but their chemistry hit a bit of a snag when they went off to different colleges. FaceTime, texting, and constant communication helped keep them together, but how could two people prosper without physical intimacy? Brad had always been just a phone call away from being there for her mentally and emotionally, but she was on her own when it came to the tangible end of things.

  Sometimes she longed for a boyfriend who lived down the street—for a guy who could swing by after work and fool around. She could still recall how much she hated having sex in the backseat of her parents’ car years ago in high school. A college dorm was a palace compared to the privacy she lacked throughout her youth; but now that she was on her own, there was no one to enjoy that luxury with.

  So, the two decided to take a break. Well, it was more like Nora’s idea. What did that mean? She wasn’t exactly sure. It wasn’t like she was eager to find some other guy. She loved what she had with Brad, but maintaining this primarily digital relationship had become exhausting. Maybe it would be best to take a vacation from men for a while. Would anything be wrong with staying single for the summer? No job, no school, and no boyfriend: it was like she was a kid again.

  Nora wouldn’t exactly be on her own for the next three months. Summer vacation was here, and the twenty-two-year-old math major was back in her childhood bedroom for twelve weeks—not that she had any complaints. She had a great relationship with her parents, and not having to cook or do her own laundry was a life of leisure.

  The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and she felt cooped up inside the house. She could use some fresh air. The brunette tossed on a tank top and a pair of workout shorts, and made her way out the backdoor. How many years had it been since she walked this path? Two? Maybe three? A journey down the road and along a few side streets led to a beautiful park which backed up to an upper-class neighborhood. Her parents weren’t poor, but they definitely didn’t live in a house like these.

  A paved path circled a huge field of freshly cut grass before venturing off into the woods. That was her favorite part of the trail: when the wilderness took over. Few things were more amazing than watching a deer run in front of her while she was walking. She missed this while off at school.

  Sometimes the best parts of life were the simple things. Sometimes she wanted to shut off her brain and mindlessly stroll along a path that had already been paved for her. College was hard; real life was even more difficult. You don’t realize how carefree being a child is until you’re staring at four hours of problem sets for your algebraic topology class. Stressing out over her driver’s test didn’t compare to making it to her eight o’clock class on time. Back when she was a kid, all she wanted was to be grown-up: to have money, a car, and the ability to go to the mall whenever she wanted. And now that she was an adult, she yearned for the days of someone telling her what her plans were for the night, but there wasn’t a man in her life to do that.

  And that was really her biggest problem with Brad. He returned home for the summer as well, and his parents had moved out of state after he’d graduated high school. So, once again, they were still apart even with her being home. But maybe that was a good thing. Maybe the physical distance granted her more room to think. Maybe a few months without a significant other would allow her to only focus on herself. Maybe she could figure out what she wanted from her life.

  She made her way off the road and into the park on this gorgeous eighty-degree afternoon. Brad, her lack of love life, and building stress levels couldn’t bring her down. Nothing could damper her spirits. For today at least, she didn’t have a problem in the world. Everything was perfect.

  Nora abruptly froze in her tracks.

  Her previous steps further up the grass had taken her past a collage of trees blocking her view from the field. That expansion of grass was almost always vacant. Occasionally, there would be someone throwing a Frisbee to a dog or playing catch with their child, but this was the first time she’d ever seen anything like this.

  Sixteen orange cones: eight being used to create two touchdowns, and another eight to mark both sidelines; nine young guys: six shirtless, and three deciding to stay clothed on this warm day; and one ball sailing high in the sky before landing perfectly in a receiver’s arms, who emphatically spiked it after scoring a touchdown.

  A group of high school boys were playing a pickup football game.

  Now, why was Nora frozen? Why did she care that this group of eighteen-year-old kids were playing football? Well, there was something she preferred to forget. Something about seeing these shirtless jocks brought back memories. One little part of her life would never sit well with her until the day she died.

  She used to be overweight.

  Teasing, bullying, and horrible insecurities—she’d experienced it all. There were no cheerleading practices or jock boyfriends in her past. Not that she ever wanted to be a cheerleader; but if she had, she would’ve been shit out of luck. Immense determination led to her shedding vast amounts of weight throughout middle school, which resulted in significantly less pestering by the time she hit high school. She still dealt with catty classmates, but the preppy girls had moved on to new and easier targets for the most part.

  But those feelings of uncertainty never left. They didn’t vanish from her soul after she’d lost the weight. She was five-foot-two, a tad over one hundred and twenty pounds, and her sizable chest remained after her weight loss. Her 32GG bust stood out even more on her now petite frame, and her perky backside caught plenty of eyes when she walked into class every morning. She almost always dressed down at school. She was there to learn, not be hit on, and showing any skin resulted in unwanted attention.

  She was living a bit of a secret life. In fact, only Brad knew about her other persona. There were two different versions of Nora: real life Nora, and internet Nora.

  Real life Nora overthought everything. She stressed every little detail, was nervous and shy around her peers, and wasn’t much for the party scene. She wasn’t a shut-in; and definitely loosened up after a drink or two, but a night at home with her boyfriend and Netflix was her dream evening. Isolation prevented her from bei
ng hurt. No one could tease or mock her if she closed them off. The real world was harsh, and sometimes she preferred to pretend it didn’t exist.

  Internet Nora was a much different person. It all started around the end of high school. She was in the mood for some fun having just turned eighteen, so what did she do? Well, she posted a few topless pictures of herself online. Remember all that stuff about the real world being cruel? Expectations were sky-high and no one ever seemed pleased. Sometimes it felt like she lived on a planet with seven billion people who were out to get her, but the internet was different. Comments raving about her body poured in by the hundreds. Each picture resulted in a wave of new admirers. Is this what celebrities felt like? Was this life with a clamoring of fans waiting on your every move?

  Internet Nora wasn’t burdened by timelines, responsibilities, or perfect blonde cheerleaders calling her fat. Internet Nora was a star. Internet Nora was confident, strong, and could take on anyone or anything. Internet Nora had a boyfriend who was up for making sex videos to upload for her followers.

  Internet Nora wasn’t real.

  Because after she shut down her laptop and locked her phone, real life Nora was back. The insecure, timid, shy girl was front and center. All of her insecurities and scared thoughts filled her mind. Masking her real self with perfect angles and airbrushed filters gave her a warm feeling inside. Being called a perfect ten by some random guy in California made her giddy. Life online was easy; and more times than not, she wanted to stay there.

  But back to real life. She’d yet to move because the boys had switched sides and were now headed the other direction. These guys represented the jocks she unfairly hated. These were the hunks back in high school who dated the girls she secretly wanted to be. Nora didn’t want to be five-foot-two; she wanted to be five-foot-ten. She would trade her brown hair and brown eyes for blonde hair and blue eyes in a heartbeat. She desired to be one of the flawless girls from the magazine covers at the grocery store. Nine innocent high school kids had opened a floodgate of insecurities into her world. No matter where she went or what she did, she just couldn’t escape it.

  She turned to head back before stopping herself. What was she doing? She wanted to work for NASA one day. She was a graduate student and these were high school punks. Punks? They hadn’t even done anything! Everyone wasn’t out to get her. She was going to stay on the path and walk around the field before disappearing into the woods. No problem at all. She’d take that mile long trek deep into nature, find herself back on the road, and head home. Easy-peasy.


  Mike wasn’t happy. “That’s the laziest fucking route ever!”

  “Yeah, well, are you trying to get me killed?” Connor asked on his way back to the huddle.

  Four shirtless teens surrounded Mike who was playing all-time quarterback, per usual. It was the only way to keep things fair. If he didn’t, then whatever team had him would easily win. The all-state quarterback was a dual threat with both his arm and his legs, but the former was what his best friend had a problem with.

  “It was like six inches higher than it should’ve been,” Mike told him. “Dude, jump for it.”

  Connor wasn’t so on board with that. “So I can get destroyed? Tom is headhunting back there. The last thing I’m gonna do is jump anywhere over the middle of the field.”

  The six-foot-three, brown-haired, brown-eyed, muscular quarterback rolled his eyes, a shiny layer of sweat causing his defined arms and ripped abs to glisten in the sun. As if he wasn’t already more talented than the rest of his buddies, he was the best-looking of the bunch to top it off. Hell, every one of his female classmates wanted to date him, so his friends weren’t exactly complaining about the hoard of women that followed him everywhere he went. They were more than happy to move in on any of the girls he didn’t want.

  Mike shouldn’t have cared who won since he was playing for both teams, but if you asked anyone who knew him, they would tell you that he was the most competitive person on the planet. There was a reason he’d received a full-ride to an elite football school come fall. No one worked harder or cared more about winning than the jock who was glaring at his receiver.

  “Don’t want to get hit?” he huffed, still not happy that his great pass hadn’t been caught. “Okay, here’s what we’re gonna do. Connor, split out right by yourself. Everyone else is on my left. I want you to run a stop and go, and don’t hesitate—even if Tyler doesn’t fall for it. I’m going to drop the ball right into your hands.”

  Ten seconds later, Mike snapped the ball, waited for his buddy to run his route, and watched as Tyler didn’t fall for his fake. It didn’t matter. Perfect coverage had no impact on his ability to get the ball to his receiver.

  He let the ball fly and just as expected, it landed perfectly in his friend’s hands. Connor was dragged down moments after making the catch in the end zone for a touchdown.

  “All tied at seven!” Mike shouted as he headed down the field. “Next touchdown wins.”

  “He bobbled it!”

  Long overdue. How had they made it this far without Tom’s nonsense? They could never get through a pickup football game without his bullshit.

  “Are you out of your mind?” Mike asked, now standing next to the safety who had a much clearer view of the touchdown catch than he had. Better angle or not, he never believed a word Tom said when it came to anything competitive. “He completed the catch.”

  “My ass he did!” Tom argued. “Dude, the ball shifted when Tyler tackled him and he hit the ground. That’s an incomplete pass. It’s fourth down.”

  This time, it was Connor who jumped in. “No, it’s not. I didn’t bobble shit. I caught it.”

  “No, you didn’t!” Tom snapped at him.

  “Yes, I did!” Conner shot back.

  “No, you didn’t!”

  “Yes, I did!”

  “Holy fuck…”

  Connor and Tom put their argument on hold, and the six other teens who were ready to tell their own sides of the story, instead turned to Mike. He was just so passionate about the call moments ago, but now he’d groaned “Holy fuck…” out of nowhere. It didn’t take long for Conner to figure out what was the cause of Mike stopping in his tracks either.

  Little black shorts, a pink tank top, and a body that the group of high schoolers had only seen in porn. Who was this busty goddess strolling along the pathway? And where had she come from?

  “Look at those fuckin’ tits.”

  No one was sure who said those rather vulgar five words, but all nine of them were simultaneously thinking it. There was maybe one girl at school who could rival the bust on this mysterious brunette, and she was pushing close to two hundred pounds. Nobody was lining up to date Kim Sayers, but every single one of them wanted a chance with whoever this stunner was.

  “That ass ain’t so bad either,” Tyler added. “Jesus Christ, who is that chick?”

  Mike looked back at his friends with a confident smirk and said, “I don’t know, but we’re about to find out.”

  The eight of them grinned at each other as Mike jogged toward the angel who was obliviously continuing her afternoon walk. They’d all seen this story before. Had he ever struck out with any girl? There was no doubt who would be joining them in a matter of minutes.


  Nora was in a full-blown panic. Her earbuds wouldn’t be able to save her from this. One of the boys from the game was clearly jogging over to her, and he was the cutest of the bunch on top of it! She wanted to melt into the pathway. She wanted to blend into the trees. She just wanted to disappear.

  “Thank God you’re here!”

  She stopped and slowly removed her earbuds. “Umm…what?”

  “Oh my God, we need your help!” he exclaimed, bent over at the waist as he dramatically panted. “We’re in trouble!”

  Her attention left the shirtless jock to find eight boys calmly staring at her in the distance. The last thing they appeared to be was in trouble. She moved back to
this younger guy; and when she did, her insides promptly fluttered.

  Her previously darting eyes locked in on the stud in front of her. This cutie didn’t look anything like Brad. Her boyfriend wasn’t fat, but he wasn’t a gym guy either. That wasn’t the case with this hunk. He must have lived in the gym! Big arms with bulging veins, wide shoulders, and a ripped midsection with six mouthwatering abs. And oh my God, he had an Adonis belt! Two glorious shallow grooves started at his hip bone, before disappearing under the cotton of his red gym shorts. It was something she’d never witnessed in person. He was amazing.

  Her focus climbed higher as she scaled this perfect specimen. He had to be at least a foot taller than her; and his handsome face, striking brown eyes, light stubble, and thick head of messy brown hair were equally captivating. Every one of his features screamed of rugged masculinity. She would kill for Brad to look this good.

  She gulped in an attempt to collect herself. Her mouth was bone-dry. “You’re in-in trou-trouble?”

  “Big time,” he told her, now standing straight. “We need your help.”

  She timidly made eye contact with this unknown stud and asked, “Do-do you ne-need my phone?”

  He placed his hand on her bare shoulder and her body immediately went limp. His touch was electric. His calloused palms from extensive weightlifting were giving her a motionless massage. Even the size of his hands dwarfed those of Brad’s. Everything on this guy was bigger, more chiseled, and significantly more manly than her ex-boyfriend.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Nora,” she meekly answered.

  “I don’t need your phone or even a lot of your time, but you’ll never been burdened with a more significant task in your life,” he explained. “Nora, I need you to do something of the utmost importance. Something I wouldn’t even trust my closest friends or family members with.”

  She nervously waited.

  “I need you to referee our football game,” he revealed.


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