by Blake, Remy

  Flagging down the bartender, I order a shot of whiskey and immediately knock it back. I’m contemplating another shot of courage when Harper appears beside me.

  “Hey.” She beams wrapping her arms around my waist.

  I smile back and cup her face, brushing a quick kiss over her berry colored lips. “I’m glad you made it.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed seeing you.” She steps back and gestures to her brother. “Cruz, I know I introduced you to Connor last night, but I also gave him the bum’s rush out the door.”

  I hold my hand out and Cruz grips it tightly, as I expected. “It’s good to see you, man.”

  Cruz nods. “You too.” His manner is curt, but I’m not surprised. If I had a little sister to look out for, I’d feel the same way.

  “Why don’t we grab one of the tables,” Harper suggests. “That one in the corner is good.” She points. The three of us meander to the back and sit at the high-top table.

  “Connor, tell me about yourself,” Cruz instructs, leaving no room for refusal.

  “I’m a senior at King and I’m planning on attending law school next year. My family has a successful practice in D.C. and I plan to take it over when my father retires.”

  “Any brothers or sisters?”

  “No, not a one. It’s just me and my pit bull, Tank.”

  Cruz grins and leans forward on the round table. “You have a pit bull? How old is he?”

  “He’s six months and he’s the greatest dog I’ve ever had. We get each other. It’s like having the perfect roommate. Except he ate the ottoman on my favorite recliner.”

  “I’ve always wanted a pit bull, but they have such a bad reputation.”

  “It’s about how you raise them, not the breed. It’s like people. Some are good and some are assholes.”

  “Harper tells me you’re her student,” he announces, changing the subject.

  “I am.”

  “Have you given any thought to what will happen if you guys get caught?”

  “Of course. It’s difficult not to think about that. We do our best to avoid the two worlds mixing.”

  “You don’t see a problem with the age gap between you?”

  “No, I really don’t think about how old she is.” When I’m fucking her. “Age is irrelevant as far as I’m concerned.” We’re having fun together, not getting married.

  “Cruz, that’s enough of interrogating Connor. Leave the poor guy alone.”

  “Sorry, man. I can’t help it. She’s my baby sister and I love her.”

  “I respect that you worry about her, but I won’t ever hurt her. If for no other reason than to avoid the wrath of the four Martínez brothers.”

  Cruz chuckles. “Oh, dude, you don’t even know what you’d be facing. I’m one of the smaller brothers.” He points to himself, stretching the cotton of his long-sleeved t-shirt tight over his thick chest.

  I hold up my hands. “I hear you. I’m not looking to get my ass kicked.”

  “Don’t let Connor fool you. He’s quite the boxer.”

  “Nah, not really.”

  “Sure you are.” She looks at me before her eyes swing to Cruz. “He taught me how to hit the heavy bag at the gym. It was really sweet.”

  Cruz roars out laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” Clearly, I’m missing something.

  “You didn’t tell him that you know how to punch as well as a guy?” he addresses Harper.

  “Whoa, wait a minute.” I hold up a finger. “You were horrible at hitting the heavy bag. Were you pretending you didn’t know how?”

  She looks chagrined. “You made me nervous and that was part of the problem. But the other part was just me playing up not knowing because I liked you teaching me.”

  I shake my head, a sly smile spreading across my face. “So you liked my teaching, did you? I didn’t suspect a thing.”

  “I’m sorry. I feel horrible now that you know.”

  “It’s all good. I like knowing for sure that you enjoyed having my hands on you.”

  “I did.”

  “Hey, I don’t want to hear this stuff. Can we talk about something else before my ears bleed?”



  With my stomach full on a delicious three course meal, I look around at the table filled with my favorite people. After spending the day walking around the city with Cruz, I managed to wrangle up Cole, Miles, and Sadie for an impromptu dinner to meet my brother.

  As everybody else who ever meets him ends up being, the three of them are completely smitten, eating out of the palm of his hand.

  With Cruz the keeper to some very embarrassing stories about me, the night was full of laughter at my expense.

  Cole and Miles seemed to love to hear about our family dynamics, while Sadie very much loved just hearing about Cruz. My friend was lusting over my brother big time, and to say he was enjoying it was an understatement. I’d never seen Cruz so in tune with someone the way he was with Sadie. When she moved, his eyes followed. When she spoke, he was one hundred percent listening.

  “So,” Sadie leans in when the guys are busy talking about something else. “Why didn’t you tell me your brother was the sexiest thing to walk the earth?”

  “Well, I don’t know,” I muse. “Maybe because I don’t look at him like the sexiest thing to walk the earth.”

  She gives me a long eye roll and that forces a laugh out of me. “What?” I shrug. “It’s true.”

  “Do you reckon I could have sex with him before he goes?”

  Stunned by her question, my mouth opens and closes a few times before answering. “Ummm… I mean, I’m not his keeper if that’s why you’re asking. If he wants to, he’ll be there.”

  “I know, but he came here to see you, and he doesn’t seem like the type to abandon that to get his dick wet.”

  He wasn’t, but the chemistry between them was palpable. Maybe even enough that he would try to fit in some time with her. I take hold of her hand and give it a squeeze. “He’s the most honest person I know. He doesn’t play games or beat around the bush. If you have a question just ask.”

  She nods and then rises from the chair to head to the bathroom.

  “Could you guys just give me a minute,” Cruz says to Cole and Miles and then looks over to me “I’ll be back.”

  I give him a quick nod and watch him follow Sadie

  “He’s got it so bad for her,” Cole says.

  “He really does,” I add. “It kind of sucks that she lives here and not near him.”

  “I like that you’re not the type of sister that bitches and moans when her brother shows interest in another woman,” Miles chimes in.

  “What would the point of that even be? He’s a grown ass man. As long as he isn’t treating women like shit and nobody is doing it to him, I don’t care who or what he does.” I reach over to the bottle of table water and pour everyone another round. “Plus, it doesn’t work well when you have four brothers. You need to act like you’re not paying attention to their lives, otherwise anything you don’t want them to do, will one hundred percent get done.”

  “That sounds about right. I still do the opposite of everything my sister says,” Miles explains.

  “And why does this not surprise me?” I say in a huff.

  “What can I say, I’m predictable like that,” Miles says with a smirk.

  Just as Cole is about to tell us something about his own sister, Sadie and Cruz both take a seat, the tension rolling off them in waves.

  Torn between who it is I want an answer from, I give up when I realize there’s no way either of them is telling me anything while the other is around.

  The rest of the night progresses with ease. With nobody in a rush to leave, dessert and more drinks are next on the menu.

  “So, have you guys all met Connor?” Cruz asks out of nowhere.

  “Cruz,” I hiss.

  Sadie manages not to spit her wine all over the table while Cole and Miles just give him a bl
ank stare.

  “I take that as a no,” he says quickly.

  “Well, don’t keep us hanging,” Cole says. “Who is he?”

  Side-eyeing Cruz, I give Cole and Miles the vaguest answer I can muster. “He's just a guy I’ve been seeing lately.”

  “Is it serious? Where’d you meet him?” Both Cole and Miles bombard me with questions and I know this is payback for all the shit I usually give them.

  “It’s not serious right now,” I admit. “But it could be.”

  The last bit is more of a revelation to myself than to anyone else. It was nice to see Connor and Cruz get along yesterday. It’s like he doesn’t have to try too hard to fit. Even with all our differences, it still seems to work out.

  “But Connor and I are not up for discussion,” I say pointedly. Shutting that shit down really quick. “I remember when both of you weren’t so keen on sharing information about your love lives. So just give me some time, okay?”

  They both nod, even if their eyes say they’re enjoying my discomfort way too much.

  Cruz gives my leg a nudge under the table, but the apology isn’t necessary. I guess if I want to keep seeing Connor, these things are going to keep coming up.

  “Who’s up for another drink?” Sadie calls out, stealing the spotlight.

  The waiter comes and everybody puts in their order and I lean into Sadie. “Thanks for that,” I whisper. “You may have just earned yourself a night with my brother.”

  She gives me a quick wink and then looks on over to him. “I’m going to need more than one night with him.”

  * * *

  Cruz’s short trip feels even shorter as we stand side by side in the terminal. The days flew by and just as I predicted, I’m a mess trying to say goodbye to him.

  “Hey, you’re killing me here. How can I say goodbye when you’re like this?”

  “Just ignore me,” I say through tears. “This is the D.C. version of me. I cry. A lot.”

  “Well, I don’t like it. As soon as you’re ready to come home. Please,” he begs. “Come home.”

  “I’ve got to be here for at least another year,” I answer despondently.

  “No, you don’t,” he says firmly. “We can cover the debt.”


  “Me and the boys,” he says hesitantly.

  “Over my dead body. You guys didn’t get Mom’s business into this mess. I did.”

  “No, Anthony did.”

  “Same thing,” I exclaim, waving him off. “I don’t want to talk about this shit before you get onto the plane, okay?”

  He kisses my forehead. “Not a problem.”

  “Thank you for coming,” I repeat for the gazillionth time. “You’re the best brother.”

  “You mean favorite, right?”

  “Yeah.” I smile. “That too.”

  We spend the next forty minutes perusing the bookstores in the airport, just waiting for his plane to board. When the announcement is finally made, Cruz and I say goodbye one more time and I plaster on the fake smile I’ve perfected.

  As soon as he’s out of sight, I pull my phone out of my pocket and make my way to the taxi line.

  Me: Hey, Guapo. What are you doing?

  Connor: I’m doing whatever you want me to be doing.

  I snicker to myself while I stand in line

  Me: Such a cheese ball. Cruz just left.

  Connor: Are you okay?

  Me: I’d be better if I had something to distract me.

  Connor: My dick is at your service.

  Me: Just your dick?

  Connor: You wound me. lol. Isn’t my dick enough?

  Me: It’s plenty, but I wouldn’t be opposed to some tongue, teeth, or fingers.

  Connor: Are you coming over? I’m hard already.

  Me: Be there soon.

  It takes all of half an hour to show up at Connor’s place and it takes less than five seconds for his front door to be open and me to be running up his stairs.

  I launch myself into his arms and he does a perfect job of catching me.

  Butterflies fill my stomach, the sensation so foreign when it comes to Connor. I’m very well versed in the way he makes me come and scream out his name. But the fact that I’m here, my body wrapped around him like a koala in comfort, is something I didn’t anticipate.

  I like it.

  I like him.

  I could really, really like him.



  Grady takes another enormous bite of his egg sandwich, chews a few times. and asks with a full mouth, “What are you doing for Thanksgiving?”

  “Nice manners,” Reid scoffs. “Dude, don’t be a pig. I don’t care if I’m a guy, I don’t want to hear you talk with your mouth full.”

  Grady shakes his head. “Stop being so dramatic. It’s a sandwich. Get over it.” He turns to me. “So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?” He takes another bite.

  “I’m not sure yet. My parents are going away. I might just hang at home and enjoy the reprieve of them being gone. Or head to my grandparents’.”

  “Dude, you could go away too. You don’t have anyone to stop you with family obligations,” Reid mentions. It’s not a bad idea. But where would I go?

  “What about you, Reid?” Grady questions.

  “I’m supposed to go to my grandparents’ with my whole family. I can’t really get out of it. I haven’t seen them in a while and they’re not getting any younger.”

  “What about you, Grady? What are you doing?”

  “I’m stuck with my family. And all my cousins and aunts and uncles are coming over too. It will be like a freaking zoo. I might need to drink to make it through.”

  “Alcohol always helps me to get through the holidays with my parents,” I confess. “I guess I won’t have to this time. I like the idea of going away for a change. But where should I go? I don’t want to ask my parents for money, so it has to be relatively cheap.”

  “What about the place on St. Michael’s Island?” Reid asks.

  “Dude, you’re a fucking genius. That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  * * *

  “What are you doing for Thanksgiving break? Are you going back to California?” I cross my feet on the ottoman in front of my large, leather couch that we’re relaxing on.

  “No. With Christmas so close it’s too much to go for both holidays. I’m going to hang here. Maybe grab some Chinese takeout.”

  I glance down at her where she’s tucked under my arm. “You can’t have Chinese on Thanksgiving.”

  “Says who?”

  “Says me. How about you and I head to St. Michael’s Island? My grandparents have a house there and I can use it whenever I want.”

  She scrunches her nose. “I don’t know.”

  “What don’t you know?”

  She tips her chin up and meets my gaze. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”

  “I’m going to tell you the many reasons why it is a good idea and then you’ll see why you should come with me.”

  “Okay. Do your best to convince me,” she challenges.

  “No one will know us there.”

  “What about your neighbors?”

  “There won’t be anyone there this time of year.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because they’re only summer residents, like my grandparents are. Most of the houses near ours stay vacant eight months out of the year.”

  “That’s a waste.”

  “It is, but that’s the way it goes. Okay, back to my list. We don’t have to hide in the house.”

  “Hiding inside does have its positives.” Her hand lands on my upper thigh and I cover it with mine, holding it still. She’s trying to distract me and it’s working.

  “St. Michael’s is a beautiful area on the Chesapeake Bay,” I continue, as if she didn’t interrupt me.

  “I do love being near the water, so I’d probably like being there.”

  “You’ll love it.”

“What makes you so sure? What if I don’t? Will you bring me home early?”

  “Stop interrupting me. You’re being such a brat.”

  “Fine, continue with your convincing.”

  “It’s free to stay there.”

  She holds her hand up. “Wait a minute. You do realize that it’s not really free to stay there.”

  “Sure it is. My grandparents own it.”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t make it free. They might not charge you, but they’re still paying for the electricity we use and the mortgage.”

  “There is no mortgage on the house.”

  “Then they’re paying the taxes on it.”

  “I’ll cook for you.” I give her a nod and wink as I continue on as if she never stopped me.

  “You are a good cook, I’ll admit that much.”

  “We can take walks along the eastern shore.”

  “I like to take walks. I used to walk the beach at home in California.” She looks homesick and my chest squeezes painfully. I don’t ever want her to move back there.

  “We’ll have complete privacy.” I move on to the next thing to take her mind off her family.

  “How private is this place really? Could we walk outside naked?” She trails her fingertips over the back of my hand, leaning into me more.

  “We can stay naked the whole time.” I smile lecherously.

  “Hmm. I’ve never had a naked Thanksgiving. Maybe we should try it. It would give a whole new meaning to the word Thanksgiving.” She giggles.

  I laugh. “There will be limitless amounts of fucking.”

  “Will I have my own room or stay with you in yours?” Her hand moves higher on my thigh and my dick twitches.

  “Which would you prefer?” I husk.

  “I’d like to spend the nights in your bed with you. I’ve wondered what it would be like. Are you a cuddler in your sleep?” Turning, she slings her leg over mine.

  Excitement courses through my veins as she straddles my lap. If she’s thinking about things we haven’t done yet and wanting to try them, that has to be a good sign. If I’d have known she wanted to sleep over, I’d have made it happen long ago. But she’s always so adamant that it’s easier for her to go to work from her place.


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