Then There Was You: A Single Parent Collection

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Then There Was You: A Single Parent Collection Page 7

by Gianna Gabriela

  “We should get a dog.” Chester mutters.

  Lifting my head to look at him in confusion. “A dog? I need to return home tomorrow and we need to talk about…”

  “You’re going to pack up your things and come live with me. If you’re dead set on living in the city, fine, I’ll pack a bag and come with you.” His voice is strong and holds no room for arguments.

  I was dreading this conversation but it was bound to happen. “I’d love nothing more than to grab my stuff and come live with you.”

  “But.” He snaps out that word in frustration.

  My throat clogs up, it hurts to say the following words. “But I think it’s good for both of us to take a day or two to breathe. To see if…”

  “I don’t have to see if my feelings are real, if I need to think about what I want, or to have space to come to my senses and make a solid decision. You’re mine, I’ve never felt this way about anyone. Even Amelia has wormed her way into my heart. So, it’s not me that wants to create distance between us, it’s you. And I get that. It’s a huge step and you’re not alone in this. So, I am willing to give you the time to breathe.” His voice sounds pained.

  “Thank you.” I whisper while glancing over at Amelia.

  It pains me to do this but I’m not just one person. I have to think of what’s best for her in the long run. He’s been amazing with Amelia and I know it’s all about my insecurities but I feel like my judgement is clouded. We’ve only been here a few days but having a kid has a huge effect on your life and even more when it’s not yours. I need to be in my own home, with distance in between, to make a sane decision that’s life changing. For all of us.

  “So, what kind of dog should we get?”

  I smack my hand against his chest. “You’re crazy.”

  His chuckle warms my heart. “Nah, just determined, Peaches. Told you, I ain’t letting you go. I will give you time, but that’s it, you’re mine, remember?”

  “Yes, but it’s not as easy as just pick everything up and come live here. I can’t live underneath your roof and do nothing. I need to work, Amelia needs a school and…”

  “The house is paid for, we have amazing schools around here, and I’ve got a company, remember? You can take some of my workload and I’m sure you can do some of your own job from behind a laptop and a phone, right? We’ll make it work.”

  “You’re very annoying when you keep interrupting me.” I grumble while I think things over and it’s frustrating when it sinks in that he’s right.

  “I plan to annoy you all night, Peaches. That way I’ll be underneath your skin when you ride out of town, so I won’t leave your every thought and you’ll turn that car around to get back to me as soon as effin’ possible.” His fingers grab my chin, guiding my head to swallow my objections.

  “Yay! You picked a new one. Thank you Mommy, you picked the one I wanted.” Amelia’s voice fills the air before her little body hits mine, wrapping her arms around me.

  Picked a new one? “What are you talking about, Sunbeam?” Shit…she saw me kissing, Chester? Dammit, I didn’t think. See, this is what I mean with complicated and needing time to breathe.

  “You know Julie, right?” Amelia pins me with her gaze.

  Julie’s parents are divorced, pretty nasty from what I’ve heard. He cheated on her and ran off with the other woman. I nod at my daughter so she can continue.

  “Her Daddy didn’t like her Mommy anymore so he went and found a new one. But you’re not supposed to trade things. That always makes you sad, right?”

  Again, I nod, not understanding where she’s going with all of this.

  “My Daddy left us. I don’t even know or see him. So maybe it’s okay for you to get a new Daddy for me. It’s not like you’re trading, because there isn’t anything to trade, right, right?”

  The rational train of thoughts is displaying her face. I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry, to hug her or embrace the fact that she clearly is okay with the three of us being a family.

  I hear someone swallowing so my head turns to Chester. He’s looking at my daughter with so much emotion flowing through his eyes that my chest squeezes. A tear slides down his cheek and he quickly brushes it away with his palm. Leaning forward he grabs Amelia by her waist and places her between us in the swing.

  Moving the swing with one foot on the ground, he places an arm on the back of the swing. “You have a very smart daughter, Serenity. You also have some thinking to do, because clearly, it’s two against one.”

  I can’t look at him right now. I don’t have to because I hear the smug smile of satisfaction lacing his words. What was it Amelia said the first day? Right. I wish everything was as easy as cookies.

  It’s not long before I follow Chester up the stairs while he’s carrying a sleeping Amelia in his arms. Gently placing her on the bed he covers her with a blanket. I watch as he leans in and murmurs goodnight before he places a kiss on her temple.

  “Night, Daddy.” She whispers and I see Chester freeze.

  My throat squeezes closed with emotion. Clearly Amelia is saying this while she’s sleeping, but that also shows it’s something that occupies her mind. That single word cuts straight through my heart. Making me feel like I have failed her and yet have the ability to give her something we both want and need in our lives.

  “Hey,” I feel a soft brush of a thumb slide over my cheek. “Come on, Peaches. Save your worries for another day. You need to get a good night sleep so you have a fresh mind to take on the day in the morning.”

  My eyes burn from the tears that keeps flowing down my cheek. Chester bends slightly and scoops me into his arms, carrying me into his bedroom. Gently placing me on the mattress, he starts to peel way my clothes. Shedding his, he crawls underneath the blankets and pulls me into his embrace.

  “One single damn word can hold enough emotion and value to bring a grown man to his knees. I am thankful and honored it was directed at me, Serenity. Please remember that. I have more than enough love for the both of you.”

  I don’t have the ability to form words, so I close my eyes. The only thing I can give him at this moment is the slight squeeze I give his forearm letting him know I accepted his words but my mind still needs to process.

  With his solid chest covering my back while I’m wrapped in his tight embrace, Chester’s slow and steady breathing tells me he drifted off to sleep. With everything that happened today and wondering about what tomorrow might bring I don’t believe that sleep is in the cards for me tonight.

  Yet I feel exhausted. The way I’m being treasured at this very moment, in this bed, allows me to drift off and like Chester told me; save my worries for another day. Hoping my mind is indeed fresh enough in the morning to take on the day.



  “It’s been three days.” I grumble.

  I move my head just in time to dodge a gator ball. And no, I don’t mean an alligator testicle; it’s food. Specifically gator meat, seasoned with garlic, red bell pepper, and a whole lot of other spices, fashioned into a ball.

  “Stop playing with your food. Ya’ll ain’t kids anymore, show some balls instead of throwing them.” My dad’s voice rumbles through the kitchen.

  We’re having Sunday dinner so the whole family is present. The whole family minus Roscoe that is. His is the only empty chair and plate at the table. Yes. My ma still puts a plate on the table, every damn time. We all hope she’s right and that he will come walking through that door one day.

  “See,” Hallie Mae sneers at me, the same one who threw the damn food at my head. “Even Pa is telling you to show some balls.”

  The fork I was holding clatters on my plate. That’s still full by the way because I’m not hungry. Everything seems to be dull and faded since Serenity and Amelia headed home. It’s not like they have been completely out of touch. We talked on the phone and have facetimed a few times. But I long to hug them, both.

  “Three days, I have to give her time to breath
e and think shit over, I can’t effin’ well walk into her life and drag her, and Amelia, back home with me. Or leave everything behind have me show up and move in with her. She has to think what’s best for Amelia, it’s her choice…”

  “Dude. Check your pants, you got balls, yeah? Then act like it and be with your girls. There, here, who the hell cares?” I swear he could be one of my brothers but instead Dale is my brother-in-law and married to Elsie. But he’s also Serenity’s cousin.

  Standing up so fast, the chair falls back on the floor behind me. He’s right. The time to pissfoot around things is over. Because one should never have lukewarm piss warming your feet when you have a chance to do something about it.

  “I need to go.” I state.

  “About damn time.” Everyone rumbles around the table.

  Heading out, I make plans in my head how to handle this. I need my girls. No matter where we have to live, my home is with them. This state or another, doesn’t matter, as long as we’re together. First, though? I need to get ready because I have to show her what I’m offering; options and possibilities.

  It’s early morning when I park my Jeep in the spot Oliver directed me toward. Yes, I called him because I am very aware that this is my one and only shot. There is no room for errors or screwing shit up. Also, the reason why I’m going to show up at her office instead of at her home.

  She needs to make the choice and we don’t want to hurt Amelia. I’m hoping that with me coming here instead of at her home she will see that I will also place Amelia above everything else. That she’s right there next to Serenity on my priority list. The two who are the main element of my world.

  Her office is on the second floor. Taking the elevator, I press the button and as the doors close, I glance over myself in the mirror. Yes. She might be very pissed at me, but like I said. I need her to see I’m willing to do anything for her.

  Just as we agreed late last night, Oliver is there when I step out of the elevator. “She’s in her office, second door on the left. But I gotta warn you, she’s in one hell of a mood. Ever since she drove back, she only smiles and tries to act normal around Amelia. I am so happy you called, instead of giving her time. If it was up to her, she’ll let a good thing slip through her fingers. Not something me, or you, can allow to happen. You’re right on time, she’s expecting you. Well, not you, but she’s preparing to meet a guy for an interview I set up.”

  I give him a tight nod, because I need to save my voice and words for his sister. With what Oliver just said, he’s behind me, Serenity, and Amelia as a family.

  Before I pass him, he grabs my biceps. “Oh, and thanks again, man. I can’t tell you how happy I am for your help with our company. We finally have the proof we needed to take action, and there will be no more money leaking out. Now we just need a plan to start building the company back up again. Means a lot, Chester. A lot.”

  “It was nothing. Happy to be of help, although I still think you should have let me visit him before you turned him in though.” I grumble because I’m still pissed he turned that Garth guy and his girlfriend over to the police because he was stealing from the company for years. Stupid idiots always think they will get away with embezzlement, until they don’t.

  “You’re needed here, Chester. Not in prison.” Oliver snaps.

  Again, a tight nod is all I can manage. Taking a step forward, he mutters against my back. “Oh, and you clean up quite nicely, Chester, quite nicely.”

  No need to respond to that, although a tentative smile spreads my face. Just a few more steps before my future either starts or crumbles. Not bothering to knock, I gently open the office door.

  My tentative smile turns into a beaming one and I have to focus very hard to stop from laughing my ass off. Serenity is wearing a tight black dress and is leaning over, reaching for her black pumps that are on the floor. One hand on her desk to steady herself.

  She stomps her bare foot. “I don’t want to put them on. Stupid interview, stupid job, gah, I’m so freaking stupid. I need magic socks. Why don’t I have freaking magic socks? I want them, dammit.”


  “Do you now?” The voice I’ve been craving to hear ever since I got back here is flowing through my office.

  I’m going insane. With everything that happened over the last few days, my brain decided to have a meltdown. That’s it, right? With my brother telling me that my ex wanted to drain all the money from us, as revenge for the blame he put on us for ruining his life. Can you imagine?

  He was the one scheming all of us so he would be the one running the company, with his girlfriend at his side. Yeah, that clearly wasn’t me he wanted beside him, but the bimbo he hired as his secretary. Seems they were high school sweethearts and wanted the big money so they came up with this plan. Amelia didn’t fit in to their plans and it all went to hell.

  Both of them going to prison isn’t enough. I’m so furious and yet it’s part of a past I want to forget. So with the both of them behind bars awaiting trial, and the problem with the company being cleared, it’s finally time to put everything behind me.

  I made my choice and I called Amelia at the sitter’s five minutes ago to let her know we would be leaving when I’m done with this appointment my brother made. An interview. Then we are getting in the car with everything that’s important to us to drive toward what’s missing in our life. Chester.

  With all of this said…these last few days? Yes, clearly I’m going insane, because there’s no way Chester can be here. In. My. Office. My gaze travels from the pump I’m holding, over the carpet to see black, crocodile leather loafers, black slacks. How can it be? It’s his voice and yet not the feet and legs to go with it.

  Slowly spinning around while I drop my pump back on the ground. My breath hitches when I see him dressed in a black suit, white button down shirt, gold and black tie. His hair is combed back and he trimmed his beard into a goatee and mustache. He is absolutely breathtaking.

  Why? Why did I need time to think when all along I knew deep down that I could never walk away from this man. Yet again he’s here, doing exactly what he said; I ain’t letting you go. Will give you time, but that’s it, you’re mine.

  Guess my time is up. Or just starting for that matter. I don’t have any influence on my body when I close the distance and launch myself at him. His muscled arms surround me as he steps back to brace himself from the impact.

  “What took you so long?” I grumble against his neck where I buried my head.

  His chuckle rumbles through his chest, making my nipples peak.

  “Missed me, Peaches?” His hand slides to my ass and gives it a squeeze.

  Rearing my head back, I look at his face. “I’m very angry with you right now.”

  Confusion spreads across his face.

  “How could you do that?” I ask while I step back, creating some distance and yet I can’t stop myself from sliding a hand down his cheek.

  It was covered with a full beard the last time I saw him. Now it’s gone and a well-maintained goatee mustache is in its place.

  “You’re mad at me for trimming, Peaches?” His eyes darken, filling with desire while he steps back and flips the lock.

  Chester stalks forward, making me automatically step back due to the intensity in his features. “Need me to let you feel the difference? Because I have no problem with that, Serenity. I've been craving your taste on my tongue for days now.”

  His hands go to my waist as he lifts my ass on top of my desk.

  “Lean back on your elbows, Peaches. Watch me lick that sweet pussy of yours.”

  Holy shit. I’ve missed him so much. Beard, no beard, crack revealing jeans or a suit, I don’t care. It’s him. He’s perfect in every way.

  My panties hit the floor with my next breath. His hands roam my left leg as he raises it and places my heel on the edge of the desk. Repeating the action with the other, he spreads me wide open.

  Chester makes me wait like that while he slowly shrugs out
of his jacket. Folding, then draping it over the chair on his left. His gaze pinned between my legs, he starts to roll up his sleeves. My mouth is dry for what’s to come.

  Chester places both of his hands flat on the table, looming over me. “I am going to eat the pussy that belongs to me. You will reward me by coating my tongue with an orgasm. Then my dick is going to slide in and I demand you will treat him with the same privilege. Because make no mistake, you’re mine and I’ve come home. Understood?”

  Slowly I manage to nod, silently agreeing with every word he just said.

  “Words, Serenity. I need to hear you say it. I want them tumbling from your lips, voicing them, owning them. Give them to me.” He growls, clearly on edge.

  “I’m yours, Chester. Please, come home.” I breathe while a tear slides over my cheek in regret over the time I robbed from us to be together.

  He treats me to a kiss that makes desire pool between my legs. Knowing he’s showing my mouth what he intends to do with my pussy. His fingers slide over my breast, making me gasp when he rolls the nipple through the fabric of my dress.

  Chester feathers kisses down my cheek, jaw and neckline, and nips the skin on my neck. I feel his teeth sink in, and know he’s marking me. Tingles shoot through my veins from the way he treats my body with every touch.

  He lowers himself, and I’m absolutely enthralled by the way he’s staring back at me while his mouth is covering my pussy. His tongue flipping my clit between sliding deep inside me and lazy licks to change things up. It doesn’t take long for me to be teetering on the edge, begging for him to tip me over into the absolute euphoria only he’s allowed to give me.

  The graze of his teeth against my bundle of nerves is all it takes. No shame to ruin the moment when his name bounces off my office walls, screaming out my pleasure while I fight for my next breath. I’ve got a tight grip on his head while I grind myself against his goatee.


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