A Man of Honor

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A Man of Honor Page 5

by Bethany Hauck

  “Everyone out, now,” Ina said as soon as the ceremony was over. “The birthing room is no place for men.”

  “Just let me congratulate my new daughter before we go,” Hamish said, walking over to the bed and taking Mairi’s hand. “I want you to know, I knew my son was going to marry you the first time I saw the two of you together. Welcome to our family, Mairi McCabe.”

  “Thank you, Laird,” she answered, the pains were coming closer together now, and sweat was beginning to drip down her face and neck.

  “Nay, lass,” Hamish said to her. “You’re me daughter now; you’ll call me Da, like me other daughter’s by marriage do.”

  “Thank you, Da,” Mairi said, tears forming in her eyes.

  “No crying,” Hamish said, as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. “We’ll talk more after the birthing. Come on boys; we’ll wait in the solar. It looks like I’m going to be a grandda again.” As he finished talking he walked over to Eadan and plucked Eadan Hamish from his arms, carrying him out of the room, the other McCabe’s followed.

  “You too, Alastair,” Flora said as he stayed on the bed next to his new wife.

  “Nay!” Mairi protested, gripping his hand tightly, “you said you’d stay with me.”

  “And I will, wife,” Alastair said, looking at Flora and Ina, daring them to try and make him leave.

  “This is not right,” Ina protested. “Men don’t belong at a birthing.”

  “I’m staying, Ina,” he told her. “My wife wants me here, and I won’t leave. There’s no reason to argue with me.” Ina just huffed and went about her preparations for the birth.

  Mairi wasn’t sure she could have done it without him. For hours he sat next to her as she labored, gripping his hands as the pains became worse. He talked softly to her when she would cry out, and encouraged her to keep at it when she didn’t think she could do it anymore. Finally, he sat behind her, helping her sit up as Ina and Flora told her to push, after what seemed like forever, she gave a final push, and Alastair watched as their babe slid into the world. It was the most amazing thing he’d ever witnessed. He already knew that Ina and Flora weren’t going to like it, but if they had more children one day, he planned to be in the room to see each one born.

  “You did well, Mairi,” Alastair said to her, “that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without you here,” she said to him honestly.

  “It’s a boy,” Flora said, smiling as the babe began to wail. “He’s small, but seems strong.”

  “Can I see him?” Mairi asked as Alastair wiped her face with a cool, damp cloth.

  “Just let me get him cleaned up and swaddled,” Flora said, as Ina did the things that needed to be done after delivery. Mairi and Alastair were so occupied with watching Flora with the babe; they didn’t even pay attention to her.

  “Here’s your son,” Flora said, placing the babe in Mairi’s arms for the first time.

  “I have a son,” Mairi whispered, grinning.

  “We have a son,” Alastair corrected her, gently brushing his finger across the babe’s cheek.

  “We do,” Mairi said, once again a tear sliding down her cheek.

  “Why are you crying, wife?” Alastair asked her, as he used his thumb to wipe it away.

  “Because I’m happy,” she said, turning her head and smiling up at him. “I haven’t been happy in a very long time.”

  “I promise to try to always keep you happy,” Alastair said. “What are we going to name our son?”

  “Most first boys are named after their Da’s,” Ina said.

  “That name should wait until we have your son,” Mairi said, looking down at her baby.

  “This is our son, Mairi,” Alastair told her, turning her face so she looked at him. “I’d be proud for him to have my name.”

  “Are you positive?” she asked him, seeing him nod she told him, “you are a man of honor, Alastair McCabe.” She looked back down at their son. “Alastair Cameron,” she said softly, “we can call him Cam.”

  “Alastair Cameron McCabe,” Alastair said to her. “Why Cameron? I like it; I’m just wondering.”

  “There’s just something about that name,” she told him. “It just seems important to me; I can’t explain it. Maybe it has something to do with my past?”

  “It’s possible,” Alastair said. “What do you think, Flora?”

  “I think you could be right,” Flora answered.

  “Can we come in yet?” Hamish McCabe said as he peeked in the door. “There are people out here who would like to meet their new niece or nephew, not to mention a new grandda.”

  “Come in,” Mairi said, actually happy to see them all as they entered the room. She couldn’t believe she was now part of this wonderful family.

  Alastair took the baby from Mairi and carried him over to his Da. “I’d like you to meet Alastair Cameron McCabe,” he said to him, putting the babe in his Da’s arms.

  “A lad,” Hamish said smiling. “Now I’ve got two of each,” making his son’s all laugh. The man went insane around his grandchildren, making faces and sounds they’d never seen before.

  “Are you going to let us hold him, Da?” Rory asked, getting a dirty look from his father.

  “Look, but don’t touch,” Hamish told them, making them all snicker again.

  “He’s so small,” Craig said, reaching out to touch the bairn’s hand, but getting a look from his Da, and pulling his hand back.

  “But strong,” Flora said.

  “He’s got good lungs,” Ina agreed as the babe made a face and let out a loud wail.

  “He’s probably hungry,” Flora said. “Everyone out now so we can show Mairi how to feed him.”

  “I’m staying,” Alastair said.

  “Good,” Mairi muttered. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “I’ll be here, lass,” Alastair said, “as long as you want, and hopefully forever.”

  Chapter 6 The Right Way

  “You’ve healed well, Mairi,” Flora said.

  It’d been a month since she’d had the baby. Mairi felt better than she could ever remember since Alastair made sure she ate well and rested often. How she had lucked out and married such an incredible man she still wasn’t sure. In fact, the entire McCabe clan had been nothing but welcoming to her and young Cam. Hamish treated the babe the same as the rest of his grandchildren, and his brothers and their wives had treated her like family from the day she’d arrived at Gleann. Mairi couldn’t wait until spring when she’d get to meet Jacqueline, Ross, and Owen, who she’d heard so much about.

  Alastair had told her about the family meeting up at Tioram for the birth of Ross and his wife Angela’s babe. He also wanted to plan a trip to Glasgow in the summer, so that she could meet James. She was excited about making the trip, she’d never been there before, or seen a University. The feeling of being part of this large family was overwhelming at times, but in a good way.

  “I feel better than I have in a long time,” Mairi said, cradling Cam to her breast.

  “I’m glad; you look healthier than when you arrived too. The next bairn will most likely be easier,” Flora said. “The first is always the hardest.”

  “If there is a next bairn,” Mairi said, then became embarrassed when she realized she’d spoken the words out loud.

  “Of course there’ll be more bairns,” Flora said reassuringly. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but your delivery was easier than most, and did no lasting damage.”

  “I hope to have more one day, and I love being a Mither, but,” Mairi said, beginning to say more and then stopping.

  “I’m a healer and midwife, Mairi,” Flora said, “you can talk to me about anything.”

  “Even about the marriage bed?” Mairi asked nervously.

  “Since I’m also your friend and sister now, even about the marriage bed,” Flora assured her. “What’s wrong, Mairi? You look scared to death.”

  “I am,” Mairi said
, then asked, “Do you enjoy the marriage bed?”

  “Well, of course,” Flora said, her own face turning red.

  “I don’t,” Mairi admitted. “In fact, I hate it.”

  “What don’t you like about it?” Flora asked.

  “It’s just that, it hurts,” Mairi asked, “the only good thing I can say, is at least it doesn’t take long.”

  “Oh, Mairi,” Flora said, sitting down next to her and thinking about what she wanted to say next. “It shouldn’t be over quickly. If a man is patient and prepares you correctly, then relations with your husband can be quite pleasurable and should never hurt you.”

  “I never found pleasure,” Mairi admitted.

  “You haven’t had the right man take you to bed yet,” Flora said, grinning at her. “In another week or so, you’ll be healed enough to have relations again.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Mairi said.

  “Don’t be,” Flora told her. “Alastair will take care of you. Have you talked to him about your fears?”

  “Aye,” Mairi answered, “he said we could take things slow; but what if I still don’t like it?”

  “Trust your husband,” Flora told her. “Alastair is a good man, Mairi. If he’s promised to take things slow, he will. He won’t hurt you.”

  “You think he’s the right man?” Mairi asked.

  “I do,” Flora said, “I’ve never seen him treat anybody the way he treats you. I think he loves you a lot, Mairi and would never want to hurt you.”

  “I hope your right,” Mairi answered. “Alastair is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I know I love him; I’d hate to be a disappointment to him.”


  “Did Flora see you today?” Alastair asked as they got ready for bed that night.

  “I see Flora every day,” Mairi said, teasing him. She had learned over the last month that Alastair loved to laugh, it was what she was finding she loved most about him.

  “You know what I mean, wife,” Alastair said, laughing softly.

  “I do,” Mairi said, “and aye, I did.”

  “What did she say?” Alastair asked.

  “She said I’m healing well,” Mairi told him. She waited for him to ask more, when he didn’t she said softly, “we talked about the marriage bed.”

  “And?” Alastair asked, wondering what Flora might have said to her.

  “I told her that I didn’t enjoy it,” Mairi explained. “Is it alright that I talked to her about that?”

  “Of course it is, Mairi,” Alastair assured her. “I’m glad that you have another woman to talk to. What did she tell you?”

  “She said that I just haven’t been with the right man yet and that the marriage bed can be very enjoyable,” Mairi said, her face turning red.

  “It can be, lass,” Alastair assured her. “Did she say anything else?”

  “Just that I’d be healed enough in another week or so to resume having relations,” Mairi said, then admitted, “but I’m scared.”

  “Oh, Mairi,” Alastair said, sighing. “There are things we could do now that would maybe make you less scared. You might even enjoy them.”

  “Like what?” Mairi asked.

  “I’d rather show you than tell you,” Alastair said, grinning at her. “Will you let me show you, Mairi?”

  Mairi thought about it for a few moments before nodding her head and whispering a very soft, “aye.”

  “Come to bed, wife,” Alastair said, blowing out the candles in the room before taking off his plaid and tunic. He’d been sleeping in the bed with Mairi naked since they married, but they hadn’t done more than share a quick kiss each evening and another in the morning, something Alastair insisted on. Mairi had yet to complain, although her face turned red most nights.

  Alastair climbed into bed next to her. He’d been trying to be patient the last month and not scare Mairi each evening. The first few nights she had scooted over in the bed as far away from him as she could. After the first week, she seemed to become more comfortable and trusting and quit hugging the edge of the bed. The last week, even though she had fallen asleep with space between them, Alastair had awoken with Mairi pressed against his side. He’d rolled towards her as quietly as possible and gently put an arm around her, pulling her against him. She was a perfect fit. Mairi awoke the first morning in that position and seemed to stiffen. Alastair didn’t move and was pleasantly surprised when she eventually relaxed against him once again. As the days had gone by, she seemed to enjoy being close to him and even snuggled against him the last few nights, without his prompting her to.

  “I’m not sure what to do,” Mairi said to him.

  “You need to do nothing,” Alastair said to her. As he rolled her onto her side away from him, put an arm over her and pulled her back firmly against his front. “Just close your eyes and relax.”

  “I thought you were going to show me?” she asked him.

  “Shhh,” he said as he began rubbing his hand up and down her arm gently. “There’s more to the marriage bed than just relations, Mairi.”

  “Like what?” she asked again.

  “Do you enjoy when we lie here together and I just hold you?” he asked her.

  “I do,” Mairi told him. “It makes me feel close to you.”

  “So do I,” Alastair said. “I love the feeling of you in my arms, some mornings I don’t want to get up and let you go.”

  “Oh,” Mairi said. “I love being in your arms, especially when you hold me tight.”

  “Good to know. No more talking,” he said. “Just feel. If I do anything that you don’t like, all you have to say is stop, alright?” Mairi nodded.

  Alastair continued to stroke her arm, feeling her become more and more relaxed as he went on. He moved her arm in front of her and continued the stroking up and down her side, from right under her arm down to her hip. He was grateful when she didn’t protest and even seemed to enjoy what he was doing. He moved her long braid so he would have access to her neck and began placing gentle kisses on the back of it, and on the side of her throat. He pulled her earlobe into his mouth and sucked on it gently. Mairi let out a small groan.

  “I think you like that,” Alastair whispered into her ear and then ran his tongue from her ear down to her shoulder, making her groan again. “I think you like that too.”

  “I’ve never felt like this before,” Mairi said, breathing a bit harder.

  “This is just the beginning,” Alastair said, as he gently rolled her over onto her back. He propped himself up on an elbow so he could look down at her as he said, “Do you trust me, Mairi?”

  Mairi only had to think for a second before nodding her head and saying. “More than I remember ever trusting anyone, Alastair.”

  Alastair grinned down at her for just a second before bringing his lips down on hers, giving her multiple quick, gentle kisses as he placed a hand on her stomach and again began to stroke his hand from underneath her breasts down to below her belly button over and over again.

  Mairi wasn’t sure what was happening to her, but she knew she didn’t want it to stop. Samuel had never treated her like this. He never even kissed her during relations, not that she would have let him.

  She didn’t know if it was right or wrong, but she wanted Alastair to continue, so she brought her arms up and wrapped them around his neck, holding him in place as he kissed her over and over again. Even his hand on her stomach didn’t bother her. The way he was caressing her, made her wish his hand was on her bare skin, instead of over her nightdress. As Alastair pressed his lips more firmly to hers, she tightened her arms around him, pulling him even closer, until she felt his tongue touch the seal of her closed lips, making her gasp.

  Alastair moved slowly, not wanting to frighten Mairi in any way. He was already in love with his new wife; now he just needed to make her understand that the marriage bed wasn’t something to fear. When Mairi wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down even closer to her, he decided to pu
sh things just a bit further. He began to make the kisses they shared last just a little longer each time. When he went to pull his head back, Mairi again pulled him towards her, letting a small moan escape at the same time.

  This time when Alastair pressed his lips to hers, he let the tip of his tongue run across the seam of her lips, as she gasped he quickly slipped his tongue in and just touched it to the tip of hers before pulling it back out. Mairi pulled him down once more, and this time when he slid his tongue to her lips, they were already parted, and she tentatively touched her tongue to his on her own. Alastair slid his hand up further, cupping her breast, and again caressing it ever so gently.

  Mairi couldn’t believe how Alastair was making her feel. She had loved the feel of his tongue when it touched hers; it made all her lady parts seem to tingle. The next time he kissed her, she was already hoping he’d do it again, and when he did, she experimented by rubbing her tongue against his. She was so lost in sensation that she didn’t even realize it when she tightened her arms around his neck once again, pulling him down for one kiss after another, each lasting a bit longer than the one before as she became bolder. When Alastair cupped her breast in his hand, she thrust her chest forward, wanting him to do more, although she wasn’t sure exactly what.

  Alastair grinned as his wife pulled him down to her once again. Her breathing had become quite heavy, almost to the point of panting. He knew if he pursued it, he could probably take her this night, although he wouldn’t until Flora said she was fully healed again. He knew Mairi didn’t even realize she was doing it, but each time he squeezed her breast she would thrust her chest up towards him, seeming to want more. He took his thumb and began to rub it back and forth across her nipple, which was already hard. He gave her nipple a small pinch making her moan.


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