I Dated a Deadly Auditor

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I Dated a Deadly Auditor Page 21

by Grace, Viola

  Even with two actives, the chance of an active being born went up from fifteen percent to fifty percent. There was still a chance the child would remain human, and the family name would then become the name of the mother.

  She watched the service, the vows, and the kiss. It was so sweet. She stood next to Gorith, and he wrapped his arms around her as the couple left, signing the register and walking down the aisle, holding onto each other as they left for a short break and photos.

  The groomsmen each walked arm-in-arm with the bridesmaids. Salat’s partner looked distinctly uneasy where all the other ladies had sly expressions.

  The seats cleared from the front to the back, so when they finally left the hall, Khytten was waiting for them. “Come on, Salat wants photos with you.”

  Khytten grabbed her wrist and hauled her away from Gorith. “Gorith, keep up.”

  The pictures were being taken on a rooftop, and the bride and groom were backlit against a reddening sun.

  Tirra looked at the couple, and she could see tiny things. A turned hem on the bridal gown, a slight pull on the groom’s suit. She giggled.

  Gorith had caught up to her. “What?”

  “They have started the honeymoon.”

  He chuckled. “Oh. Well, the prefect is baby crazy now that she has gotten a taste for grandchildren.”

  “The prefect? Salmet is Salat’s mom?”

  The Prefect of Aksalla wandered over as if summoned. “Ah, so you are Khytten’s angel.”

  Gorith wrapped his arm around Tirra again. “She is Gorith’s angel.”

  Tirra stepped forward and bowed respectfully. “I am Tirra. Analyst for the BDC and manager of the resort.”

  The prefect took her hands. “You don’t look much like an angel.”

  Tirra checked for clearance and manifested her wings.

  “Ah. I stand corrected. There is a marked resemblance.” She looked over. “So, Gorith, you have found a girl you can’t scare away. Congratulations.”

  “She neglected another title she holds. She’s an escort for the BDC.”

  Salmet’s shoulders sank, then she straightened. “Wait, that means she is legal to be in Aksalla?”


  “What is your nationality of origin?”

  Tirra winced. “I don’t actually know. I was separated from my family... by my family and then was trafficked for a number of years. When I joined the world again, I had no idea where I had started.”

  “Shit. That makes things harder. Do you have documentation for your appearance?”

  “Sure. Burn victim, seven years ago. Found in a warehouse in the Sollard district.”

  Salmet looked at her. “Burns?”

  “Yeah, Khytten and Torenne helped me with the scarring. I even got my old hair back.” She smiled. “Gorith has confirmed my activation for formal registration.”

  “Nice. Well, we might be able to get some paperwork arranged for you if there is enough documentation from your initial discovery.”

  “Yeah, there is quite a bit. I grew from the size of a young teen to a tall lady in the span of a few weeks.” She wrinkled her nose. “My doctors were Staro, Jumorick, and Neefer. Central Hospital.”

  “You remember all that?”

  “I had eighty percent burns to my skin. I was there a while.”

  “You shouldn’t have survived that.”

  “I got lucky.”

  The photographer came over and claimed Salmet for family photos.

  Tirra and Gorith stood to one side, and she caught a few looks from the bride’s family. “Why are we here?”

  Gorith chuckled. “We try to put couples in the photos to encourage them down the aisle next. Salat and Khytten will be getting the first of the pregnancy announcements done now that she is over her first trimester. This is a lovely setting.”

  Salat and Khytten were standing on a platform with the sunset behind them, his hands over her belly, and she was looking up at him with a brilliant grin. The black leather dress had a very snug fit, and the slightly protruding belly was now readily visible. Khytten’s extreme breast size had kept Tirra from looking lower.

  “Aw, that’s sweet.” Tirra leaned against Gorith and smiled.

  The bride and groom were grinning at the couple as they changed position, and another sweet image was captured. When Salat and Khytten started kissing, Tirra giggled. “And they are gone.”

  Torenne came up to Tirra and asked, “Can you break them up? The babies are in the hotel, and they are rather peckish.”

  Tirra glanced at Gorith. “Do you mind if I...”

  “Go ahead.”

  The photographer was taking photos, so Tirra put her hand on his shoulder. “If you wouldn’t mind pausing for a moment. Their kids need them downstairs.”

  The photographer nodded and had a slightly dazed expression as she passed him and walked toward the happy parents-to-be. She flared her wings to cover what she was about to do, and she threaded her fingers behind Salat’s head and Khytten’s. She licked at where their mouths connected, and both of them paused for a moment before they redirected at her. She squeaked as Salat took her mouth, and Khytten kissed her neck with her hand running up the front of the gown. She broke free and said, “Okay, Cira and Ciro are crying for you.”

  They both paused, and with slow and regretful kisses, they straightened. Khytten chuckled. “Effective distraction.”

  “Kids come first.”

  Salat muttered, “As long as I can cum later.”

  Tirra covered her mouth and laughed.

  She lowered her wings and stepped away, turning around and tried to walk away, but Salat grabbed her, and Khytten cuddled with her, and Salat held them both with her wings pinned against him, and the photographer sprang into action.

  Gorith came to rescue her, and Salmet was looking at her with surprise. When Gorith tugged her loose from the laughing couple, Salmet was grinning in amazement. He picked her up and kept her out of the way while Salat and Khytten escaped for a few minutes while the bride’s family took their turn with the photographer.

  Tirra smiled. “I guess we should go mill around with the other guests.”

  Erodo came over and smiled. “Gorith, I have a favour to ask.”

  “What is it?”

  “I would like to borrow your angel for a photograph.”

  Tirra frowned. “Isn’t Twenty-five coming for later?”

  “I hope so, but you are the first woman to approach me unflinching; I would like to commemorate the event. I promise that there will be no inappropriate contact.”

  Gorith asked, “Tirra? You are simply my date for the evening. Feel free to do as you will.”

  She grinned. “I think a picture with you at moonrise would be nice. I will ask the photographer.”

  He smiled and kissed her. “I like the way you think. I will ask as well.”

  She walked with Erodo to the photographer, and the man gave her the news that Salat had hired him for the wedding and couple pictures were part of his assignment. His partner would be photographing the entire time, and he would be available for private photos.

  So, Erodo grinned his canine grin, and they went to the podium where she stood next to him for the first photo, and then, she beckoned him down, and he grinned, lifting her up with an arm around her waist against him so that her face was on level with his. She grinned at him, and her hand was on his chest and shoulder. The long claws around her waist were carefully placed, and the slit in her dress showed the greave on her left leg to the photographer. Her wings were out and flexed.

  The photographer got excited, and when Erodo put her down, the sun was reddening the sky, and Gorith turned her into his arms and rubbed his head alongside hers. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him and then leaned back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Don’t want to get makeup on your suit.”

  He sighed. “You take far too good care of my clothes.”

  “Naw. I just want you naked

  He chuckled. “That can happen. We just need dinner and some dancing first. I intend to dance with you all night.”

  “You can’t. I promised dances to the trio.”

  He grimaced. “Maybe they can do it all at once.”

  The mental image kept her laughing until they went to their seats for dinner, and she met his parents. That was serious stuff.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The older couple stood when they got close. Gorith did the introductions. “Mother, Father, this is my companion, Tirra.”

  She was happy that she had ditched her wings for the elevator. She bowed, and the couple was silently staring at her with their gazes resting on her jewellery. “Pleased to meet you.”

  Gorith chuckled. “This is Yet and Maora. My parents are jewellers.”

  She glanced down and then up and him, elbowing him in the ribs. “Oh.” She put her hand on the wide necklace. “Should I take it off?”

  Maora looked at her. “Oh, no. Sorry. We just rarely get to see our work on someone who counts as a friend of the family.”

  Torenne came up with another older couple, and she introduced her parents, Jennela and Halko. Jennela hugged Tirra, as did Halko.

  Maora was calm as she asked. “You are hugging her?”

  “Of course. All these years and Torenne has only had a handful of friends. Now, she actually knows people who have personalities and that she can have fun with.” Jennela grinned. “I will be as nice to her friends as I can be.”

  “While keeping all hands above the equator.” Torenne chuckled. “Have Salat and Khytten returned?”

  “No. They had to feed the littles, and apparently, it takes both of them and some foreplay.” Tirra said it before she realized that she had just met some strangers and been hugged by them.

  Jennela and Halko laughed. Maora and Yet were confused.

  Gorith smiled. “Tirra is friendly with Salat and Khytten, as well has Torenne. She actually managed to get Salat and Khytten apart earlier, which Torenne can tell you is no mean feat.”

  Maora reached out and took Tirra’s hand. “May I walk with you for a bit?”

  Yet just looked at the metalwork on her, and he was doing some kind of calculation in his head.

  Tirra gave a weak, “Yes?”

  She was pulled along to a quiet alcove, and Gorith’s mother looked at her from head to toe. “You aren’t what he needs. He’s in love with someone, and it isn’t you. It would be best if you took yourself off before you embarrass yourself.”

  Tirra blinked. “He is?”

  “Yes. I haven’t met her, but I know what she looks like, and it isn’t you. He is only playing with you right now. You don’t know how terrifying he can be.”

  “Right. Thank you for the warning.”

  She left Gorith’s mother and walked through the milling crowd to a balcony where she could have a moment of privacy. Night was taking over, and she exhaled slowly. Huddled in the corner, she tried to think of what she was doing.

  * * * *

  Gorith looked up as his mother returned. “Where is Tirra?”

  Maora smiled and patted his arm. “Don’t worry. I took care of her. She won’t be back, but you will have to arrange the return of the jewels. I don’t think it would be appropriate for her to keep them.”

  Torenne muttered, “Uh-oh.”

  Gorith felt white-hot rage run through him. “What did you do?”

  “I just told her that she wasn’t the woman you have been waiting for. That you are only toying with her for the time being. She needed to know. The look in her eyes was far too enthralled with you. It is cruel, Gorith.”

  He kept his temper. “What did you tell her, exactly?”

  “That you are in love with someone, and it isn’t her.”

  “Torenne, explain what happened to Tirra while I go and find her.” He paused as he got to his feet. “Mother, you will apologize to her.”

  Torenne leaned forward as he left, and he heard the explanation begin. “She was kept prisoner and stuck in an adolescent body...”

  Salat and Khytten met him as they were heading into the reception.

  Khytten scowled. “What’s wrong?”

  “My mother told Tirra that I was in love with someone else.” He scrubbed a hand over his hair. “She hasn’t returned to the ballroom.”

  Salat frowned, and he lifted his head. “Blood.”

  Gorith’s stomach went cold. “Where?”

  Salat turned and followed the scent out onto the balcony. There was a smear of blood with some hair on it against the wall. There was a blue hair stuck in the blood.

  Gorith’s tentacles came out and were writhing with agitation.

  Erodo arrived, and he asked, “Why do I smell blood?”

  “Tirra’s been taken.” Khytten’s worry was unmistakable.

  A chime rang out, and Salat growled. “I am supposed to make a speech.”

  Gorith growled. “Go. We will find her. Erodo, can you track her?”

  The reaper nodded. “This way.”

  Gorith, Khytten, and Erodo headed toward the service elevator, where more blood was visible.

  He tried to keep himself calm. His tentacles were tight against his back, but they were eager for action. Erodo stopped the elevator at the loading dock, and they left as he tracked Tirra.

  A van was moving passed, and Erodo pointed. “That vehicle.”

  Gorith’s tentacles shot out and ripped the wheels off. The door came next. A dazed Tirra was on the floor of the van, and she had a wound to the side of her temple. There was a man in the back looming over her and two at the front. Before Gorith could kill them all, Khytten had dropped them with her blasters.

  Khytten sent a message via her com to Salmet, and then, she rushed to the van where Gorith was lifting her away from the man who had collapsed on her.

  Tirra kissed Gorith and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Don’t worry, they weren’t after me; they were after you. They wanted to punish you for your part in the sting.”

  She smiled slightly. She stroked his face, and his heart fluttered at the expression on her features. “You look worried.”

  “Your face is covered in blood.”

  “Aw, fuck. My makeup.”

  Khytten came to her and asked, “Did you want healing here or wait for Torenne?”

  “Now, please. If I can clean up, we can get back to our table, and no one needs to know that I was an idiot.”

  Gorith watched as Khytten healed Tirra, but he was so worried, he couldn’t appreciate the sensual aspect to it.

  They headed back up through the cargo elevator, and Khytten rushed her to the ladies’ room to clean up the drops of blood on her dress and the smear on her head. Gorith returned to the ballroom and sat with his family.

  His mother was timid. “Gorith, where is your friend?”

  “She’s recovering from an abduction attempt... because of me.” He nodded to Salat as he gave his best man speech, confirming that all was under control.

  * * * *

  “I am such a fucking idiot.” She sat on a couch while Khytten delicately wiped away the blood on her head.


  “To think that I would get along with his family like you get along with Salmet. He’s probably had a parade of acceptable-looking girlfriends, and here, I am all silver and freaky, and that is without the wings.”

  “You are lovely. Quirky but lovely.”

  “I have no family, no wealth, no history here in Aksalla.” She felt tears starting, and she knew she was wrecking her makeup beyond recognition. “My first time at a wedding, and I fucked it up.”

  “So, you aren’t concerned at being taken hostage by some crime family?”

  “Naw. Been there. Done that. I was more surprised and stunned than anything else.” She chuckled. “As soon as I had gotten my head back on straight, I was going to remove theirs.”

  “Glad we got there when we did. I am licensed to kill. You are not.”<
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  “Oh. Right.”

  “And Gorith isn’t activated again yet, so if he had shot those tentacles through the kidnappers, he would have had to see a council.”

  “Ah. Thanks for being there.” She sniffled.

  “What are friends for?” Khytten stroked her hair and nodded. “There. Got it all. Even the drops on your dress came out. It’s nice that you are always in dark blue.”

  “Okay. You go back to the table, and I will stay here for a bit and get myself together.”

  “No. I am not going back in without you. You are stuck with me.”

  Tirra sniffled. “Why are you so nice to me?”

  “Because you have the makings of an excellent friend, and I want your body.”

  Tirra laughed and got up. “Well, with that in the air, I am going to thank you a lot less than you deserve.”

  She kissed Khytten and held her for a minute before they washed their hands and returned to the ballroom as the dinners were served.

  Gorith got up and held her carefully before they sat down. Torenne was on her other side, and she slid her hand onto Tirra’s thigh, and a wave of healing burn went through all the small bruises that hadn’t been healed by the milk were fixed up as Tirra gripped Torenne’s hand.

  She leaned her head against him, and he wrapped his arm around her, tilting her head to kiss her softly. She whispered. “Sorry. Most of the makeup is toast.”

  He smiled. “You look lovely.”

  “Where do I drop off the metalwork after tonight is over.”

  “It was supposed to be a gift.”

  She smiled weakly. “I don’t feel right about it now.”

  He nodded and glanced at his mother. “I will get you something else. What would you like?”

  She shrugged. “I have what I need.”

  “What do you want?”


  “You have me.” He nuzzled her cheek and then kissed her as their meals arrived.

  “Good because if one of the crime families manages to land a strike, I am going to kill them, and then, I am coming back for you.”

  He grinned. “Good to know.”


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