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Family Page 3

by Khaleel Jooste


  “Yes, say, for example, if a third of the roots are lost, a third of the tree needs to be pruned. Can you guess why?”

  Ben was in his element. He enters the shed and emerges with the pruning tools.

  “I… will… never mind,” Justin shakes his head.

  Ben starts cutting the main branch and then pieces of the smaller branches.

  “You have any idea why, Justin?”

  “Sorry, what do you mean?” He laughs softly.

  Ben seems to relax more.

  “Thing is, the roots that form is always proportional to the tree above ground. If the roots are reduced, the amount of water and nutrients to the tree are reduced as well. So, basically, bro, if the tree above ground remains the same, there are not enough water and nutrients to sustain the tree and it starts to wither and eventually die.”

  Justin nods in understanding.

  “It made no sense, but now it does. I didn’t think about that. I did lose a lot of roots, you’re right. Just couldn’t get them uprooted.” He laughs.

  Ben laughs too.

  “Trees are sensitive things. They need to be nurtured and cared for. If the roots are not healthy, the tree will not be big and strong, if it grows at all.”

  Ben finishes the pruning and returns the tools to the shed.

  “Guess that’s it then. I’m sure it will be fine. Just keep waterin’ it, but don’t overdo it. You don’t want the roots to die, due to excess water.”

  Ben starts making his way back around the house to the pathway that leads to the gate, Justin short on his heels.

  “I… I really don’t know how to thank you. I…” Justin trails off.

  “You can forgive me, Justin, bro,” says Ben.

  Justin looks at him surprised, but doesn’t avert his gaze.

  Ben continues.

  “I’m sorry, Justin. I’m not perfect and I certainly don’t know everythin’. I’m sorry if I failed you. You put me on this pedestal, I get why, but I never asked you to do that.”

  Justin listens. He seems suddenly more awkward.

  “When it comes to the hard stuff, I tend to… to try and avoid it at all cost. It’s simply because I don’t know what to say or do. I’ve always only had myself. But I know better now. You, you say we are brothers and with that, I finally understand, comes responsibility.”

  Justin crosses his arms across his chest.

  He listens.

  “I regret not sayin’ anythin’ to you when you told me about your dad. I’m sorry, Justin. It made me uncomfortable, to be honest. Not what you were sayin’, but rather that someone trusted me so completely to open up and say all those things to me.”

  Ben clears his throat. He moves closer to Justin and tries to establish eye contact. Justin was staring past him though.

  “I wanted to comfort you, I did. Please, believe me. I am not this unemotional rock you claim I am. I just didn’t have the words. I communicate better through physical expression, but… I thought you might be offended, if I touched you, embraced you, like I wanted to.”

  There was a slight tremor in Ben’s voice. It sounded like it was about to crack, like he was holding back something. His eyes glisten more.

  “With men, I am never sure if physical contact is welcome or not. We’re all homophobic, some more than others, I’ve come to learn. It is no excuse, but that is how it was, please understand, Justin,’ Ben was sincere.

  “You know I am not like that. And especially after all I told you,” Justin softens up. He stops gazing past Ben and meets his eyes.

  “I know. I’m sorry, bro.”

  Both remain silent for a while.

  A male and female Blue Jay fly past them and land in the tree near the walk way. The male’s soft medley of sweet notes penetrates the awkward silence.

  They both stare at the birds with the deep azure blue, dusty grey-brown and white feathers.

  Justin sighs and looks at Ben.

  “Beautiful aren’t they,” he says without really asking.

  “Indeed. Those are Western Scrub-Jays,” Ben says casually.

  “How’d you know?” asks Justin as he continues to stare at the conspicuous visitors.

  “The shape of the head,” Ben goes closer to Justin and points at the inquisitive onlookers, “it is more rounded and crestless.”

  “Cool,” says Justin and meets Ben’s eyes. He manages a smile and relaxes his arms to his side.

  Ben takes a deep breath and puts his hand on Justin’s shoulder and squeezes it slightly.

  “Justin, kids are kids. They say things that hurt and make our lives unpleasant and I’m sorry you got to be around the worst of them. I’m sorry you had to endure that. I’m sorry that it made you lose out on so many happier things. No one deserves it. I’m really sorry they made your life a living hell. Bullies…”

  “Are sad people that need love too,” says Justin sincerely.

  Ben admires Justin.

  “That’s very mature of you,” Ben smiles.

  “Dude, there’s no use holdin’ onto the past. I refuse to be a prisoner of a bully’s careless actions. I decided that a long time ago. When I told you those things, it wasn’t me lookin’ for sympathy even though I said what I said. I just wanted someone to understand me, really know me. I wanted you to be the one, ‘cause I trust you. You’re my brother. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Justin. I do. I’m really sorry. Really, I am.”

  They stare at each other, awkwardly.

  Then Justin turns. Unsure of what to expect he embraces Ben.

  “I’m sorry too. Hope you can forgive me as well. I really missed you.”

  “Same here, dude. And don’t mention it.” Ben embraces him back.

  They let go and smile.

  The Blue Jays chirp happily and fly off into the sky.

  Do they not see the birds controlled in the atmosphere of the sky? None holds them up except Allah. Indeed in that are signs for a people who believe.

  Surah An-Nahl (The Bees) 16:79

  “These last few months have been really tough, but I have learned so much,” says Ben as he starts further towards the gate. “If we want a miracle, we have to work towards that miracle. Prayin’ for things to change or happen, while we do nothin’ to change or work towards makin’ it happen, rarely bares any fruit.”

  Justin nods his head in agreement.

  “God helps those who help themselves.”

  “Indeed. That is what that girl from Good Hope said.” Ben seems to try and recall her name.

  “Think you’re referrin’ to Maryam, the one who’s always smilin’.”

  “Yeah. That’s her. She keeps sayin’ that God will not change the condition of a nation, unless the people start changin’ themselves.”

  Justin looks at Ben curiously.

  “What have you discovered, Ben?”

  Ben turns and faces him.

  “Don’t know, bro. But I am really worried. What if it is all true? What if they are goin’ to blow up Los Angeles? Blame it on some terrorists, or worse, some natural disaster like an asteroid or somethin’? That lady from the World Bank already said they wanted to drop a nuke on us, but those generals couldn’t go through with it and dropped it 500 miles off the coast. That’s why they were all fired. This was all part of the reason they shut down the government back in 2013.”

  Justin shakes his head in disbelief.

  “Can our government really do that to its own people?”

  Ben shakes his head in disbelief too.

  “I know. It’s hard to accept. But what about 9/11? We have all the evidence pointin’ towards an inside job. The evidence is too overwhelmin’.” Ben opens the gate and stands on the side walk.

  “We should stop seein’ it as our government doin’ it. It is the ones who control the government and in turn the one controllin’ them. It is Satan.”

  “I agree. I doubt any American will want to cause harm to another American. I truly believe that.” Ben was

  “I agree,” says Justin, “but how and why?”

  Ben gives it some thought.

  “God is in control of everythin’, right? I think we should see it as a warnin’ from Him. Emergency 9/11. A warnin’ of bigger destruction to come. We have to look at it from a different perspective. 9/11 happened ‘cause God let it happen. He has destroyed so many nations before us. Perhaps it is our turn?”

  Justin agrees.

  “Scary thought, really. But I also believe He will not destroy a nation if there are Believers among the people. Even if there is one Believer, God will keep it from being demolished.”

  “I agree, bro. Americans need to start believin’. That is the only way.” Ben was sincere.

  “Yeah. That’s what Maryam said. We should stop fightin’ each other and rather fight the enemy. Satan is the enemy. And she said to fight Him, is merely to do good deeds and to tell each other the truth, while endurin’ our sufferin’ with patience.”

  Ben smiles.

  “You’re right. I am very optimistic. But how to get the people to unite?”

  They both look at each other expectantly.

  “Just like Britney said. Don’t call the police… Don’t call the governor… Ring the alarm…Tell somebody in your town…Spread the word… Spread the word.”

  They both nod their heads in agreement.

  “She’s a soldier.”

  Ben smiles.

  “Really good to have you back, bro, but I need to go.”

  “Where are you off to?” Justin asks curiously.

  “I’m off to Good Hope,” Ben says.



  For each one are successive angels before and behind him who protect him by the decree of Allah. Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it.

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