Her Name Was Scarlet

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Her Name Was Scarlet Page 2

by Fernanda Medina

  As the liquid from the needle transfers into my body, I start feeling numb. My body starts calming down. But my mind doesn’t. It just starts getting blurry. “Why did she get a nervous breakdown all of a sudden?” asks Agent Reid. “I’m not sure.” Says the doctor. “You’re not sure…?” says Agent Harrison. “A nervous breakdown…” says the doctor. “Is a time-limited phase of a specific disorder that presents primarily with features of depression or anxiety.” I can’t stay awake much longer. “So what you’re saying is…” says Agent Harrison. “ And that… her… probably…” What are they saying? I don’t understand. “You may be right.” the doctor says. “Put for now we should just leave her alone and let her rest.” I hear a bunch of footsteps fading away and a door quietly close. I feel like hell. I stare at the window to try and change the crappy mood I’m in. “I see that you still don’t look so good.” It’s that voice again. I try to get up to see where the voice is coming from. “Don’t move. You have to save your strength for later.” Why do I have to save my strength and for what? “Don’t worry… it’s almost over, just a little longer and it they will be all gone.” They? Who are they? I try to ask put I can barely get any oxygen in my mouth. “Alouette, gentille Alouette. Alouette, je te plumerai. Je te plumerai le bec”. The voice starts singing again. “Et le bec. Et le bec. Et la tête. Et la tête. Alouette. O-o-o-oh.” No. Don’t sing. Every time you sing it’s like I’m being hypnotized. The shot that the doctor gave me is starting to work. My body goes completely numb and my eye lids start getting heavier. I’m tired. “That’s a good girl. Go ahead and sleep. I’ll be the one to protect you.” From what? The bullies? Alex? The harassment? Protect me from what exactly? But before I could open my mouth, I fell asleep.

  Chapter 5: The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. -Harriet Beecher Stowe

  Dear mother and father in heaven, I am currently in a very awkward situation. You can feel the tension and silence in the car ride right now. Not only did Sam come to the hospital and waited about five hours for me to wake up just to see if I was okay; but he also paid for the hospital bill, is going to take a break from his new novel that he’s working on to take care of me, and is also going to let me stay in his house until Aunt Lauren comes back from Las Vegas (his house has security alarms and he tinks it’ll be safer). I should be so happy that Sam would go through all that just for me but… right now he is really pissed off right now. I can see a black aura surrounding him. I can’t make eye contact with him. I feel so ashamed. Not only did I left him waiting for me to arrive for dinner two nights ago, but I also begged Agent Reid and Harrison not to tell Sam that it was Alex and his monkey slaves that gave me these injuries. As soon as I yelled this out, Sam walked right in. That was also the exact moment that the black aura came absolutely out of nowhere and surrounded Sam; head to toe. I’m such an idiot. I’m so stupid. I start banging my head on the windshield and calling myself stupid about fifty times each. “What are you doing?” says Sam. I turn around and see him staring at me with a face that says “What is this crazy little girl doing now?” “N-nothing.” He turns his head slowly while still looking at me with a suspicious look. He lets out a big breath. I’m so stupid. I’m depressed. I want to cry right now. “Where here.” I look up after I realize that I’ve been staring down on my feet. We’re parked right in front of his house. Sam gets out of the car first and I quickly take off my seatbelt to catch up to him. We walk up the steps to go inside but before he unlocks the door he stands still and turns his eye to the corner. I look behind me to try and see what he’s staring at. “What is it?” I say giving up on trying to guess if he’s looking at the ducks passing by or just the mosquitoes getting ready to attack us. “….Someone is watching us…” he tells me in a whisper. I quickly stare at the house that’s two houses down from mine, because that’s Alex’s house. Before I can make get a good look of anything the curtains of the second floor window closes. My heart starts beating fast again. I don’t remember what happened that night, but every time I do try to I get light headed and anxious. I basically get too scared to know what happen after Alex hit me with the baseball bat. “Aren’t you coming in?” I turn around and see that Sam already unlocked the house and is inside. “O-oh. Y-yeah, I’m coming.” I say as I walk in and close the door. “The door automatically locks so don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you the codes to the security system later, ok?” Sam yells from the kitchen. “Ok.” I yell back. When he comes back from the kitchen he shows me to the quest room that I’ll be staying in which is next to his room. The room is around twice the size of my old room. The bed is queen sized with red covers and white pillows with red spider lilies patterns. It looks really mature. There’s also a shelf with a bunch of books organized alphabetically by the author’s name. “Sorry if it’s kind of… you know plain…” he tells me while I’m still studying the room. “No… I mean it really beautiful and I like it. Thank you.” I tell him. And I mean it. It feels like I’m staying in a hotel. It’s so spacious and the walls have beautiful painting hanged up. “My room is right next door if you ever need anything. I’ll get started on making dinner so you just get yourself comfortable.” He says while walking out the door. “Okay.” I say as I watch him leave. As soon as the door is completely closed and I hear his footsteps fade away I let myself fall on my new bed. I’m so tired and nervous at the same time. I’ve been over to Sam’s house before for dinner but now I’m staying in his house until Aunt Lauren comes back. And she won’t be back for two weeks. Staying under the same roof, sleeping in the next room, and having dinner every evening with Sam makes me feel so embarrassed. I feel like a pervert. What happens if he sees ME when I just came out of the shower?! Oh my gosh! What happens if I walk in his room when he just got out of the shower? I cover my face with the pillow in embarrassment. I’m just a pervert right now. Having these hallucinations even though Sam has been nothing but kind to me. I’m ashamed of myself. I don’t deserve to lie on this beautiful and incredible soft bed. I kick myself out the bed and lay on the floor. I’ll just stay like this until my dirty thoughts disappear…. It’s not working! No matter how you see it, a young teenage girl living in the same house with a handsome young lawyer, there’s something bound to happen. “What are you doing rolling on the floor?” I look up and see Sam standing at the door staring down at me. First thing that pops in my head is how long he was standing there and how much did he see. “The… the carpet is really soft and clean… I ju- I just felt like lying in it is all…” I tell him. “Is that so?” he says. He walks towards me and lies right next to me and stares at the roof. “It is soft.” He tells me. It’s really quiet now. But it’s the good kind of silence. Not the awkward kind of silence that we experienced in the car. Sam turns to me all of a sudden. “Can I ask you something?” He says. His stare is soft but serious. “What is it?” I ask preparing myself for what’s to come. “Why does that old hag treat you so bad?” he asks. It takes me a minute to realize that he’s talking about Aunt Lauren. “Oh… well” I start. “It’s probably because of what happened to my parents.” Sam is still staring at me with the same look, but I just keep staring at the roof. “My dad was a cop and was in a case that involved these guys with drugs. They were able to escape and wanted revenge on my dad.” I think Sam is starting to see where this story is going.” They found out where we lived and broke into the house. They killed my dad by shooting him to the heart. My mom heard the commotion and told me to hide in the closet. She told me not to move no matter what. I heard footsteps coming in closer and my mom closed the door, but there was still a crack open. My mom was pinned down, raped and stabbed to death.” This time I turn to Sam. His face looks sad but they don’t show any pity, which is good. “I witnessed all this and obviously I couldn’t stay quiet. I started to cry and they heard me. Some of them were panicking, saying that they can’t hurt a small child. But there were two that didn’t care at all. If it was a cat, a bird, even a gold fish out
of water that was in their way, they would make sure to get rid of it. Of course I tried to fight back and run. But they tripped me and pulled my hair. One of them got a hold of me and slit my throat. At that very moment the police came and arrested them. The cops were able to get me to the hospital before I lost too much blood. My parents weren’t so lucky though. After that I stayed at an orphanage until I was seven. Aunt Lauren took custody of me, seeing as she was he only relative I had left.” I stare deep into Sam’s blue eyes now. The color of them calms me down. “Aunt Lauren might treat me like I’m a burden but she isn’t so bad. She’s never hit me, but she’s never looked at me either.” For a while we just stare at each other. He just hear the birds chirping, the sound of cars passing by, and each other’s breathing. “I heard…” I say as I break the silence. “That Aunt Lauren was going through a rough time and my mom was the only one that stayed by her side. Before my mom died they apparently got in a big fight and Aunt Lauren said some pretty intense stuff.” We’re still staring at each other. It feels like time has stopped. “Maybe she feels kind of guilty, you know?” Sam says. “Like… she didn’t get a chance to say thank you or good-bye or something.” I can somehow understand. I can barely remember how my parents look. All I have to remind me of them is the scar left on my throat. We both turn away from each other’s gaze and stare at the roof. I just realized that its already past sunset.

  Text: Do not copy this! I will sue you for all your worth. Its my sister's. No one else.

  All rights reserved.

  Publication Date: December 6th 2011





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