Crystal Coast Chemistry (Crystal Coast Romances Book 2)

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Crystal Coast Chemistry (Crystal Coast Romances Book 2) Page 1

by Sierra Brave

  Crystal Coast 2: Crystal Coast Chemistry

  Copyright © September 2017 by Sierra Brave

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without prior written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Image/art disclaimer: Licensed material is being used for illustrative purposes only. Any person depicted in the licensed material is a model.

  Editors: Christy Lockhart and Shay Style

  Cover Artist: Talina Perkins

  Published in the United States of America

  Passion’s Paramour Press

  PO Box 592

  Clayton NC 27527

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Sierra Brave’s e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  * * * *

  DISCLAIMER: Please do not try any new sexual practice, especially those that might be found in Sierra Brave’s BDSM/fetish titles without the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Neither Passion’s Paramour Press nor Sierra Brave will be responsible for any loss, harm, injury or death resulting from use of the information contained in any of its/her titles.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Titles by Sierra Brave

  Sierra Brave

  Chapter One

  Ryan pulled up in the driveway of his friend Caroline’s house. To be more accurate, the house belonged to Caroline’s mother. Ryan understood the need to be attentive to empty-nester parents, but Caroline’s devotion was extreme. She was pushing thirty and should have moved out a long time ago, but her way too-old-fashioned mama wouldn’t hear of allowing her unmarried daughter to live on her own. After putting his SUV in park, he strolled up to the front porch and rang the bell.

  Caroline’s mother, Missus Butler, answered the door, giving Ryan a genteel Southern greeting. “So good to see you, Ryan.”

  “It’s good to see you too, Missus Butler. Is Caroline ready to go yet?”

  “I’ll see.” She called out to her daughter in a melodious tone.

  Caroline replied by way of hollering for Ryan to help her with her luggage, but before he could make a move in his friend’s direction, Ms. Butler had to squabble over logistics—God forbid he step over the threshold into her daughter’s bedroom. Apparently, that wouldn’t be proper; never mind the fact he had no sexual interest in Caroline or any other woman for that matter. Pretty ladies weren’t his thing—he needed a hot guy in his bed.

  He’d met Caroline a few years ago at a county-wide teacher’s workshop, and they’d hit it off right away. She taught history to middle schoolers while Ryan worked as a high school drama and chorus teacher. The best part of his job was the two productions his classes put on each year. The worst part was watching teenagers make the same personal mistakes all young adults seemed to make over and over again while knowing opening his mouth to warn them was ill-advised. They wouldn’t listen and would be more likely to run faster toward the undesirable result.

  After Ms. Butler spent a bit more time nagging them about the lack of decorum in an unmarried couple going off for the summer together, Ryan was allowed to get the bags and start out to his Bronco with them. As she thanked him for being a gentleman, he smiled. Her staunch adherence to pretentious societal rules drove him nuts, but for the most part, she was a sweet lady. “My pleasure, Missus Butler.” He blew her a kiss before heading out.

  While Caroline said her last good-byes to her mama, Ryan secured the rest of the cargo and slid behind the wheel, starting up the car as he waiting for her. About a song and a half passed on the radio before she came out and sat down in the passenger seat.

  “I was beginning to think she wasn’t going to let you go after all.” Ryan glanced Caroline’s way and chuckled.

  “She only thinks she runs my life.” Caroline grinned at him and they shared a laugh.

  Ryan put the vehicle in reverse, looking both ways before backing out into the street. He didn’t say as much, but he was breathing a sigh of relief as he took off down the road. If Caroline bailed on their plans to spend the summer in her aunt’s guesthouse while working at said aunt’s restaurant at the Crystal Coast, he would have been long past disappointed. He didn’t just want to get away. He needed the break. As much as he enjoyed his job, a grown man could only spend so much time in the company of a bunch of damn kids before starting to lose his mind, and a gay man could only spend so much time in a small, conservative town without running for the hills. Hauling ass for the beach seemed like a much better alternative.

  He needed to feast his eyes on shirtless studs with bulging biceps and ripped abdomens, and he needed cock. A big, hard cock. He wanted cock in his hands, between his lips, and definitely inside his rear entry. Finding someone to settle down with would be ideal, but he wouldn’t sneeze at a good, one-night slamfest either. He just hoped Caroline’s aunt wasn’t going to be a problem.

  “I can’t believe your mom hasn’t figured out I’m gay yet.”

  She shrugged. “She’s one of those people who see what they like to see. I think she has some fantasy of us looking each other in the eyes, realizing our undying devotion, getting married and birthing grandchildren for her.”

  He stopped at a red light before lifting an eyebrow and tilting his head. “Sure, lose the boobs.” He pointed from her chest to her lap. “Grown a dick and you’d be perfect for me.”

  Her jaw dropped but as soon as she met his gaze, she burst out laughing. “Asshole.”

  “So your aunt…is she going to be all up in our business?”

  Caroline snickered. “Definitely not. Aunt Britt used to be a major hell raiser. I’m talking motorcycles, whiskey shots, and weed. She’s calmed down though.”

  He grimaced. “Oh, no, no, hell no…those reformed types can be the worst of the born-again crowd.”

  Caroline smirked, obviously enjoying his animated response. “Stop bitching. Her restaurant is her baby now. Do a good job there, and you’ll be her golden boy.”

  “You promise?”


  He breathed a sigh of relief. “Good because I definitely intend to get some booze, sun, sand, and dick this summer and not necessarily in that order. You could use some too.”

  Caroline punched him in the arm, but not hard enough to hurt. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Just that you’ve been looking a little uptight and worn-out lately—you need something to bring back the sparkle in those chestnut eyes and put a spring in your step.”

  She must have agreed because she didn’t argue and instead stared out the window as they set off down the highway. She seemed deep in thought so Ryan tried not to bo
ther her. He wasn’t sure if she was as anxious to get to the coast as he was, but he fully intended to savor every minute of the adventure.

  While listening to the radio, he enjoyed the scenery for the three-hour drive right up until they crossed the bridge to the island. Ryan nudged a snoozing Caroline. “I’m going to need directions from this point on.”

  She blinked groggily but nodded. “Okay. Once you get to the first light, you’ll take a right.”

  Ryan followed her instructions, driving for about ten minutes before reaching a gorgeous, aqua-blue beach house with white trim and a white door. He drove up the driveway, between two of the beam stilts supporting the home high up in the air, and parked underneath the house. “Wow!”

  Caroline chuckled. “Yep, but don’t get too excited. Our tiny slice of this heaven is at the back, side entrance. It was originally a mother-in-law suite, and now it’s used for summer boarders like us—poor relations come to work during the tourist season.”

  “Fair enough,” Ryan said as he stepped out of the vehicle and glanced around at the location and scenery. Typical of beach real estate, there were some other grand houses—like this one—on the second row street, mixed in with much more modest ones and even a mobile home a few lots down. He pressed the button on his key fob to pop the trunk so they could start unloading.

  Caroline surveyed the luggage, and said, “Egad, how much did you pack?”

  Ryan cut his eyes at her. “What if we’re invited to a summer wedding or a costume party? I’m prepared for any and all scenarios that might lead me to saddling up on a sexy stud.”

  Caroline rolled her eyes as Ryan reached out to grab the first bag. Before he could get his free hand on a second, a middle-aged woman with the same lips and chin as Caroline’s mother eased her way down the steps and came over to greet them.

  “Caroline!” The woman extended her arms wide open for a hug and Caroline swooped right in.

  “Aunt Britt! It’s so good to see you!” Caroline hugged the woman tightly, closing her eyes. She’d mentioned they’d been close. As they broke away from each other, Caroline said, “This is the hard-working friend I was telling you about.”

  “Hello, Ryan.” Britt opened her arms to him and Ryan set down what he was holding and stepped in, giving her an affectionate, but much more reserved hug.

  Chapter Two

  Tanner was doing crunches on the floor while two of his roommates were playing video games. They were being rowdy and obnoxious with the trash talk and had even resorted to throwing chips at one another.

  He rolled his eyes. Neither Brent nor Derrick was any damn good at that game anyway, but at least it was keeping them busy. Physically, Brent was short but otherwise formidable. His stocky frame was built like a tank with pure muscle. He’d be pretty good-looking if he never opened his crumb catcher. To Tanner’s great displeasure and utter annoyance, all Brent ever did was flap those gums, spewing bullshit. Tanner would have been offended by such boorish behavior, but Brent was such a moron it was hard to take anything he said seriously. Overall, he was a good guy. He just liked busting on his friends.

  Derrick and Brent were attached at the hip because they liked a lot of the same things like sports, video games, and loose women, but personality-wise, they couldn’t be more different. Derrick was rather sensitive and tended to be well-mannered and respectful when he wasn’t with Brent. The first time Tanner laid eyes on the tall redhead, he had been pulled in by his gregarious nature and gentle smile. When Tanner offered him a drink, he’d even replied, “No, please don’t trouble yourself on my account.”

  Tanner was jolted out of the memory when his third and favorite roomie, Jake, stepped out of his bedroom and growled. “Would you idiots keep it down? Some of us are trying to take a final exam online.”

  Derrick and Brent apologized in their own ways, and Tanner replied, “Sorry Jake, we’ll try to keep it down,” while giving him a low-key salute.

  He tried not to stare, but it was hard not to take a quick gander at Jake’s tall, strapping body and hunky looks. His physical appearance was just the icing on the cake though. Jake was a kind and thoughtful person too. Even though Jake’s heterosexuality was more than obvious, Tanner didn’t see the harm in harboring a secret crush on him. Secret probably wasn’t strong enough of a word. Tanner had to keep his attraction to Jake on radio silence. If anyone found out, it would only embarrass Jake, and Brent would never let either of them hear the end of it.

  Still, it sucked that Jake was leaving the military as soon as his hitch was up in a few months. “So you’re really raising anchor and leaving the service?” Tanner asked, trying not to look as sad as he really was. They’d never be lovers, but Tanner wasn’t looking forward to losing a good friend either.

  “Yeah.” Jake didn’t offer any explanation.

  “I sure wish you would reenlist.” Tanner sucked in his breath and frowned.

  Jake replied, “I’ll miss working with you too, but it’s not like I’ll be dying. We can still hang out.”

  Derrick and Brent had resumed their game, and Brent was already yelling at the screen again.

  “Won’t be the same.” Tanner pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging himself for comfort.

  “Why don’t you two go ahead and kiss?” Brent laughed like an imbecile.

  “Shut up, Brent! I’m being sincere.” Tanner hoped the anxiety and fear weren’t written all over his face. If Jake noticed, he didn’t say anything. His only reaction was to flip Brent the bird.

  As Jake disappeared into his room, Tanner’s gaze went to the two round apples he dreamed of biting into and he sighed.

  He rolled over and started his push-up routine. A far cry from the Hercules-like upper bodies on Jake and Brent, Tanner’s chest and arms weren’t as filled out as he would have liked. He was thin and ripped but didn’t have much bulk. Brent kept promising to show him his free-weight routine, but the timing hadn’t worked out yet.

  Not long after Jake went to finish his exam, Brent and Derrick started up again but weren’t quite as loud. “You guys are going to get yelled at.”

  “What? You’re scared of Jake?” Brent asked while staring the screen.

  “Maybe he just doesn’t like being a dickhead like some other people around here,” Derrick answered before Tanner could. “Try to be supportive of someone bettering himself.”

  “Yeah, ‘course, Jake’s my boy. I wasn’t dissing him. I was just wondering if Tanner was being a little bitch.”

  Jumping up off the floor, Tanner opened his arms and confronted Brent. “You want to go? Then we’ll see who’s a bitch.”

  “Are you kidding? I’d stomp your ass,” Brent replied with a chuckle.

  “Please, you’re too slow and dumb to stomp me.” Tanner shook his head as Brent looked over his shoulder and gave him a shit-eating grin.

  “You lucky you my boy too, Tan Man,” Brent said with a laugh before turning to look at the television.

  Dumbass! Tanner sighed before he returned to the floor and resumed his exercises. His heart was heavy at the thought of not working with Jake anymore. Once he was gone, Tanner would be stuck with just the two idiots on the couch.

  Chapter Three

  After a twenty-minute wait, Tanner and his roommates sat down at a table for four. Tanner’s stomach growled. This was his first time eating at Sharky’s, a local eatery right off the Crystal Coast beach. Brent and Jake said the food was damn good. Tanner certainly hoped so. He’d be pissed off if he waited for crap that was no better than what he could have bought at a drive-through window of a fast-food joint.

  The restaurant was packed, mostly with tourists, though he imagined some locals might be there as well as temporary residents like him and his roommates. The decor was beachy, lots of starfish and netting and a large logo sign picturing the Sharky’s mascot, a cool-looking hammerhead.

  The mood among the guys was jovial. They ribbed Jake about how he “squeaked through” to finish his degree. Of course,
Jake smiled and laughed along with them, taking the teasing in stride. Everything was going well until the waitress came to take their order.

  The minute Jake laid eyes on the cute brunette, Tanner’s stomach roiled. He’d never seen his buddy’s face light up that way, nor had he heard him use such a flirty tone of voice as he did each time Jake said the woman’s name. She’d barely just introduced herself and Jake must have said “Caroline” three times already. Gross…do all straight people act so ridiculous when they try to hook up? Yuck. Tanner had imagined Jake’s seduction skills to be suaver and not so clumsy and obvious.

  Brent and Derrick flirted with her too, not that it mattered. A fucking pheromone bomb might as well have gone off between Jake and her. Watching the continued flirting--Jake going gaga--grossed him out. He’d always assumed his buddy would have more game. Tanner could practically hear the crush he’d been harboring crash and burn.

  I need a drink fast. “We’re celebrating tonight, so we need beer and shots,” Tanner said.

  “So what’s the occasion? Is someone having a birthday?” Caroline asked.

  “Oh, it’s a miracle! This one graduated from college,” Brent said, pointing to Jake. Caroline’s head tilted forward and her jaw dropped a tad while her eyes widened as if she were impressed by the revelation. Apparently, she liked her men educated. Ugh! Just go do it already—it’s so obvious you both want to rip each other’s clothes off. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. I knew Jake would get a girlfriend eventually, but why does the experience have to be so disconcerting?

  Everyone ordered draft beer, but Tanner asked her to bring four shots of whiskey too. He was going to need a little something extra to stomach what was surely to come.

  Caroline asked for everyone’s ID, but Tanner figured he was the only one she was really checking carefully. At twenty-two, he was the youngest in the group with Jake being the oldest at just shy of twenty-seven.


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