Brothers Ink Tattoo (Complete Box Set #1-4)

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Brothers Ink Tattoo (Complete Box Set #1-4) Page 32

by Nicole James

  Max glared at him. Hey, it was an honest mistake. They’re both for dishes, aren’t they?

  Liam looked at Malee. You should have seen Jameson’s face when he walked in, and there were suds all over the kitchen floor.

  Malee burst out laughing.

  And then when Jamie opened the door to the dishwasher, they poured out everywhere. You should have seen him chasing Maxwell around the house, both of them slipping and sliding as they ran, Jamie threatening that when he caught Max, he was going to beat his ass.

  Max rolled his eyes and signed to Malee, Ask him to tell you about the time he and Rory decided to snowboard behind Jameson’s pickup truck like water-skiers.

  Hey, that was a blast.

  Yeah, until you ripped his bumper off.

  Wasn’t my fault. Rory tied it up wrong.

  Max looked at Malee, grinning, and signed, Right. Let’s blame Rory.

  Liam tapped her on the shoulder. Always blame the brother who’s not around.

  She was laughing so hard her eyes were watering.

  The time flew by and soon they arrived in Telluride. Mountains on all sides surrounded the town. There was a full autumn moon that lit up the low hanging puffy clouds, and the dark silhouette of the mountain range contrasted against it. The snowy mountain caps illuminated by the moon were visible at the precipice.

  The town had an old western feel to it that Malee found lovely.

  They parked in a city lot and walked a couple of blocks to the venue, a large nightclub that often booked smaller bands. Along the way, they passed quaint shops in the turn-of-the-century buildings.

  As they walked up a side street, Max pointed down an alley. Malee could see a tour bus parked behind the club. Charlotte Justice’s name was emblazoned on the side, and there were security guards keeping fans back.

  Malee’s eyes lit up. She found it all so exciting, and not just going to the concert, but being on a trip out of town with the two handsome O’Rourke brothers. The last time she’d been out of Grand Junction was to Denver to see a specialist about her hearing. That had been when she was twelve.

  When they got to the front of the nightclub, Liam pulled his phone out and made a call. When he hung up, he signed, Rory says to come around back. He’ll meet us by the tour bus.

  Max frowned. The tour bus?

  That’s what the boy said. Liam shrugged.

  Max took Malee’s hand, and they followed behind Liam. When they were almost to the security team, Rory came forward with some lanyards containing backstage passes and handed them each one.

  Malee looked to Max, her mouth open with excitement as he draped one over her head and around her neck.

  He grinned down at her, his finger coming up to close her mouth, before his head dipped to give her a peck on the lips. He turned back to his little brother and signed, Rory, this is Malee. Malee, my rock star brother, Rory.

  Rory smiled and shook her hand. Then he turned and led them toward the bus, saying something over his shoulder to Max, who translated for her.

  He says Charlotte invited them on the bus before the show.

  Malee tugged on his arm, her eyes huge. “You mean we’re going to meet her?”

  Guess so.

  Rory led them onto the big tour bus. They climbed the stairs, passed the driver’s seat, and stepped behind a set of curtains. The interior was complete luxury, all done up in a girly rocker chick style. There were suede couches on either side, and a glossy wood floor warmed up with a beautiful carpet. It was dimly lit and decorated in a very bohemian style.

  Charlotte Justice was sitting on one couch, with an electric guitar in her hand. She was strumming chords while another musician sat across from her trading riffs with her. Both their fingers moved rapidly over the strings, but Malee couldn’t hear the notes they played. There were a couple of other musicians lounging around.

  The singer looked up when they entered, and smiled, putting her guitar aside.

  Rory introduced them. “Charlotte, these are my brothers, Liam, Max and his girl, Malee. She’s deaf.”

  Liam translated.

  Charlotte shook hands with each of them. When she got to Malee, her eyes moved over the kimono in awe. She said something excitedly, and Malee had to look to Liam for translation.

  She says she loves your kimono. She has a new album coming out called Dragonfly.

  Malee nodded. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Max’s eyes were filled with pride. “She hand-painted this. She’s very talented.”

  The girl’s mouth fell open, and she said something to him.

  Liam translated. She wants to know if you sell them. She wants one for an interview she’s doing.

  Malee shrugged it off and held it out. “Here, Ms. Justice, you can have this one.”

  “Are you serious?”

  Malee nodded.

  “Let me pay you for it. I insist.”

  Malee waved her hands in the air. “No. No.”

  “She can be quite stubborn.” Max chuckled.

  “Well, I’ll be sure to tell everyone who made it for me. You better have a website up. The orders may pour in.”

  Max didn’t want Malee to get her hopes up, so he left that part out. Instead, he signed, She says you should definitely sell them. And that we should get you a website set up.

  Malee grinned. “Maybe.”

  “No maybe about it. I know a bunch of other female musicians who would adore something like this. Do you do skirts and scarves as well? The girls in my fan club would go crazy for it, especially when they see me wearing it.”

  Max translated, and Malee replied, “I could.”

  Soon it was time for Rory’s band to take the stage, and they all climbed out of the tour bus and headed inside. Their passes got them seats on stage, just behind the curtains.

  Malee was fascinated by everything, even though she couldn’t hear the music, she could feel it vibrating up through the wooden floor, and she enjoyed watching the lights and the way the band moved around the stage.

  When Rory went to the front of the stage to sing lead on one of the songs, Malee could feel the energy in the place change, and she noticed the females in the audience going crazy. She couldn’t blame them; Rory was very good looking.

  Their set lasted about forty-five minutes. When they finished, the band moved to the front of the stage to stand in a line with their arms around each other and took a bow. As the crowd roared with applause, stomping their feet, even Malee could feel the vibrations. When the band came backstage, they were all pumped with excitement. Malee was happy that everything had gone well for them.

  Charlotte Justice walked up with her electric guitar and stopped to give Malee a hug, thanking her again for the gift, which she was now wearing.

  “Ms. Justice, could I get a picture of you in the kimono with Malee?” Max asked.

  She smiled brightly and wrapped her arm around Malee’s shoulder. “Of course!”

  After Max snapped a couple, she gave Malee another hug and then walked out on stage. The spotlight hit her, and she waved to the crowd that erupted in thunderous applause. She began playing, her hands flying over the guitar strings and her long hair flowing down her back.

  Malee had to admit, the kimono looked great on stage.

  Max held the phone up for Malee to see the great shot he’d gotten of the two of them. She smiled, and then pointed to Charlotte Justice out on stage. “Max, take one of her on stage wearing it.”

  Great idea, babe!

  He took a few, then he texted the photos to Malee.

  They stayed for a few songs, but then Max thought they’d better hit the road, knowing the long drive they had ahead of them.

  As they headed out the door into the chill night air, Max took his leather jacket off and wrapped it around Malee’s small shoulders. It hung down to her thighs, but she hugged it around her, breathing in his scent. They held hands all the way back to the truck.

  Malee glanced around the town one final ti
me as they drove out. It had been so exciting to get away. She pressed her hand to the glass, watching the quaint town pass by, and wondered what it would look like in the daytime. She would love to come back and go in all the shops.

  As if Max could read her mind, he squeezed her leg. She turned to look at him. He lifted his chin to the view beyond her passenger window and signed, Maybe we can come back sometime during the day.

  She nodded, perking up. It was something to look forward to, and actually, it didn’t matter where they went, as long as she got to spend more time with Max.


  An hour into their long drive back, Max glanced over to see Malee angled in her seat toward him, her head resting against the headrest. She was sound asleep, her face angelic, her hair cascading over her shoulder, and a wave of protectiveness washed over him.

  He adjusted in his seat, shifting toward her and draped his left wrist over the steering wheel. It freed his right hand to reach over and lace his fingers with hers. Her drowsy eyes looked up at him, and she smiled briefly, before her lids drifted back down. He brought her hand to his mouth and brushed her knuckles with his lips.

  Then he settled in his seat, his eyes on the road, and took them home, a contentedness he hadn’t felt in a long time filling him.


  The cessation of motion roused Malee from her slumber. The truck was pulled to the curb, and she found herself slumped against the door. She straightened slowly, blinking her eyes to the blue neon sign. Brothers Ink.

  They were home.

  A wave of sadness and regret consumed her. She’d had time with Max, and she’d squandered it sleeping.

  Liam climbed out of the backseat, and Max rolled down his driver’s window, the chilly night air seeping in as they said goodbye.

  Liam bent and waved goodbye to Malee, then he climbed in his vehicle and backed out.

  Max rolled the window up, but he made no move to shut the truck off. He turned toward her, and as if he’d been dying for his brother to get out and give them some privacy, he pulled Malee into his arms, his mouth coming down on hers.

  She was just as eager for his kisses, and her arms twined around his neck, pulling him as close as the console dividing them allowed.

  Max pulled back and glared down at the offending item, then signed, Come on.

  She frowned, watching as he shut the engine off and climbed out. A moment later, he was around the truck and helping her out her door. Then he opened the back door and motioned her in. She climbed in and found the bench seat fairly roomy. He slid in behind her, shutting the door and locking them into a warm dim cocoon.

  Malee was grateful Max had sprung for the dark tinted windows. The dashboard clock read just after 1:00. Although it was late, and the streets were deserted this time of night, Malee still was glad no one would be able to see them.

  Max wasted no time pulling her into his arms. This time there were no barriers between them, and he made full use of the bench seat, falling to his back against the door and taking her with him.

  She sprawled over his hard body, and his arms pulled her tiny waist up against him. She could feel the bulge in his jeans as his mouth sought out hers. He kissed her passionately. One hand reached up, his fingers threading through her long dark hair. It cascaded forward over both of them.

  Soon his mouth was dipping, his lips and tongue trailing along the edge of her sparkly scooped-neck tank. His other hand moved over her ass to her upper thigh and pulled her against him. She couldn’t help rocking her hips, and she felt the groan rumble up from his throat.

  They were so in tune with each other that it no longer took them much foreplay to get to the hot-and-heavy stage. It was starting to be like this every time they snuck time to be together. The necking and petting was getting more serious, falling into that danger zone they both knew was becoming harder and harder to pull back from. The more time they spent together like this, the less they were inclined to put on the brakes, taking it a little bit further each time, both knowing they were pushing their limits.

  Malee could tell it was especially hard on Max. He was a grown man, not used to being celibate, and she saw the toll it was taking on him to pull back each time, which he always did. It was as if he knew that exact breaking point. He hovered near it, but he never crossed it.

  Malee knew his pain; she felt the torment, too. The longing, the urges, and the primal need that was inherent in all humans to procreate. It was as imbedded and essential to her as it was to him. Well, maybe not exactly equal. She knew that drive had a powerful effect on him, maybe more so than her. But, anytime she was in his arms—hell, anytime she was within ten feet of him—she felt that pull.

  Max broke their kiss, breathing hard, and his hand came up to sign, It’s never enough time with you. I always want more.

  “I know, Max,” she murmured the words softly.

  You know I don’t want to disrespect you, but goddamn I want you, girl.

  “I want you, too.”

  That had him sitting up, taking her with him. It was like her words had thrown ice water on him.

  She frowned at him. “What is it?”

  We need to stop.




  Because if we don’t stop now, I won’t stop at all. He searched her pleading eyes. Don’t look at me like that, Malee. Don’t tempt me into something like that. I don’t want you regretting anything we do together. Especially that.

  “Who says I’ll regret it?”

  He stared at her a moment, as if he was weighing the temptation she was holding out to him. Then his fist closed around the door handle, and he practically vaulted out of the vehicle. He stood in the cold night air and signed to her, Come on, baby. I need to get you back to your aunt.

  “Do we have to?”

  You know we do. Come on. It’s getting late, and she’s probably waiting up for you. I promised her, remember?

  She nodded, disappointment written all over her face.

  I told her I’d have you home by one, and it’s past that now, Malee.

  “I know.”

  Then don’t give me a hard time about this.

  That pissed her off, and she jumped angrily from the truck.

  He tried to take her hand as they walked across the street, but she yanked it back. When they got inside the alcove, Max grabbed her, stopping her from climbing the stairs.

  You know I’m right.

  She looked away.

  Malee, don’t ruin the night by giving me a hard time about this. You know I want you. More than you even know. I’m trying to do the right thing here.

  She signed angrily, forgetting her words, Maybe I don’t want you to do the right thing.

  A muscle in his jaw ticked, and then it was like something inside him broke free. He took her face in his hands, backed her to the brass mailboxes and kissed her. It was passionate and aggressive and controlling, and she loved every minute of it. Finally, he pulled back and pressed his forehead to hers, breathing hard and fighting to regain his control.

  After a tense moment, he eased back. Meet me tomorrow night at the gym.

  She looked up into his eyes. Was he giving in? Was he asking her to meet him so they could finally consummate their love?

  She nodded, both excited and suddenly scared. “Okay. I’ll be there.”

  You better not be sorry, Malee.

  “I won’t be, Max.”

  He walked her up the stairs. When they entered, Aunt Tan was asleep in the chair by the window, softly snoring. Max grinned at Malee, put his finger to his lips, and tiptoed toward her. Squatting down in front of Aunt Tan, he gently touched her arm.

  Aunt Tan’s eyes fluttered open and looked into his face.

  He smiled back at her. “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”

  She put her hand to her chest in surprise, her eyes darting from him to Malee standing by the door. “Oh, you’re home. I must have dozed off.”

  “I told you
I’d bring her home safe.”

  She patted his cheek. “Thank you. Now help me up.”

  Max pulled her to her feet, and she grabbed her cane. She shuffled toward Malee and paused, hooking her cane over her forearm to sign to her. Did you have a good time, dear?

  Malee’s eyes connected with Max. “I had a wonderful time.”

  Well, I’m off to bed, come give me a hug.

  Malee hugged her aunt, her eyes meeting Max’s over her aunt’s shoulder.

  After her aunt had gone to bed, Max took Malee’s hands in his and brushed her lips with a kiss. He released her and signed. Thanks for coming with me tonight.

  “Thanks for taking me. I had a wonderful time.”

  Me, too. I love you.

  “I love you, too.”

  Goodnight, sweetheart.

  “Goodnight, Max.”

  He moved to the door and kissed her again. Get some sleep.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next night, just like they planned, Max waited for Malee at the gym. She was fifteen minutes late. He paced back and forth, wondering if she’d changed her mind. He was just pulling his phone out to text her when the door opened. His head swiveled toward it.

  Relief flooded through him momentarily as she walked in, but one look at her, and Max could tell she was nervous. She walked slowly toward him. He met her halfway and took her face in his hands, tilting it up as his lips descended on hers. The kiss was part passionate and part playful, meant to put her at ease. Releasing her, he searched her eyes. How was your day?

  Her eyes moved to the sofa. Was she wondering if they were going to have sex on that worn out old thing? He reached up and turned her face back to his.

  You aren’t really thinking I’d take you on the dirty couch your first time are you?

  She looked up at him with relieved eyes. “It’s not my dream, but where we are doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be some fairy tale. I just want to be with you.”

  Do you mean that?


  I want to ask you something, and I want an honest answer. All right?


  Can you see us together?

  She frowned, confused. “We are together.”


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