Brothers Ink Tattoo (Complete Box Set #1-4)

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Brothers Ink Tattoo (Complete Box Set #1-4) Page 39

by Nicole James

  It wasn’t long before he dipped his head, his eyes going to where they were now joined, as if the pull to watch his erection now covered with her release as it slid in and out of her was just too strong to ignore.

  She thought she saw him mouth the words, fuck, and, so beautiful.

  Soon his skin was covered with a sheen of sweat as his muscles worked and he tried to keep most of his weight off of her. His palms planted firmly in the mattress on either side of her, his arms flexing as he began to quicken the pace. The force of his strokes were increasing, too, but she didn’t fight it. It felt so good, so right. She didn’t think she’d ever want him to stop.

  He kept dipping his head to watch, and she did too. It was erotic as hell, and just as beautiful.

  Soon, he lifted his head to stare into her eyes. His face was filled with the struggle he was waging to control his release, and she knew he was close. And suddenly she wanted to see the orgasm wash over him, the way he had watched when she’d come moments ago.

  She began to rock her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust and deep inside her, she felt herself clenching down on him. That amped his reaction up as he began to pound into her until his body went tense, all his muscles going rock solid as he groaned and came inside her.

  She wrapped her arms around him when a few moments later, his body relaxed down on top of her.

  His weight felt good, so good.

  She pressed soft kisses along his salty skin, damp with his sweat, and she felt a tremor in his muscles as he fought to recover from his orgasm. His breath sawed in and out.

  Lifting up on his elbows, he stared down at her, brushing the hair back from her damp forehead and smiling down at her. He dipped his head and gave her a barely-there brush of his lips. Somehow it was more touching than the deepest kiss would have been.

  He moved his mouth to her ear to nuzzle her there a moment, and then he was lifting his big body off her, falling heavily to his back.

  Her damp skin felt cool with the absence of his warm body pressing against it, and she immediately missed his weight.

  She rolled to her side, tucking against him, and he lifted his arm, allowing her to burrow under as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her even closer. His big palm trailed up and down her back, drifting low over the top of her buttocks. Just a teasing touch, but she was finding his touch was magic—at least for her it was.

  Her hand moved over his belly and chest as her eyes skated over his gorgeous body. God, would she ever be able to keep her hands off this beautiful man?

  His free hand came up to capture her exploring hand and brought her palm to his mouth for a soft kiss. His tongue snaked out to wet the center, and she giggled.

  He dropped her hand to sign. You’re happy?

  She nodded. “Very happy.”

  Good. I didn’t hurt you too much?

  She shook her head. He hadn’t, and if he had, she would never have had the heart to tell him. Not when he looked at her with such concern in his eyes.

  She slipped her hand to cup his cheek and stroke his beard, staring up into his warm brown eyes. God, how she loved him.

  Then she rose over him to press a soft kiss to his mouth. Of course one wasn’t enough, and she knew it never would be with this man. She couldn’t imagine her desire for him ever waning, even when she was an old woman.

  The thought of being an old woman led her to thoughts of babies and grandbabies.

  She lifted up to stare wide-eyed down at him, her mouth a perfect O. “Do you think we made a baby?”

  He grinned up at her. Would you mind it so much if we did?

  Looking at his smiling face, how could she mind? It wouldn’t be so bad to have a mini-Max running around. She gave him a shy smile and shook her head.

  He grabbed her chin, pulled her down for a peck, and rolled her to her back. His hand came up to sign as he grinned down at her. We could give it another go, if you want?

  She giggled and pulled his head down for a long kiss.

  That was okay with her.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Max pulled to the curb in front of the Thai Garden restaurant, feeling a weird sense of déjà vu. The last time he’d been here things had gone so badly. He looked over at his wife.

  You sure you want to do this alone?

  Malee nodded. “I need to do this by myself. There are things I need to say, things he needs to understand. It will be better if you’re not there to distract from that.”

  All right. But just know I’ll be right here if you need me.

  She leaned over and kissed him. “I love you.”

  I love you, too, baby girl.

  “I may be a while.”

  I’ll wait as long as you need.

  She gave him a big smile, then turned and climbed out of his truck.


  The bell above the door tinkled as she walked in; Malee knew this not because she could hear it, but because her father paused in his sweeping to turn and look over his shoulder.

  Scanning the room, Malee found her mother wiping down a table. She straightened when she saw her daughter. Her face was a mask, showing no emotion as she waited to see what Malee would say.

  Malee’s eyes darted back to her father. His look wasn’t so blank or so hard to read. His chin came up, and his face tightened. He was angry, and probably hurt. She’d left with no explanation and, more importantly, without his approval or permission. She’d informed Lawan in a text of where she’d gone and why, passing the burden of telling her parents to her sister. Something she owed Lawan an apology for. But at the time, Malee knew she couldn’t tell her parents. She couldn’t risk them getting in her head again. She’d made her decision. If she could have, she wouldn’t have informed them of anything about her trip, but she couldn’t do that. She would never want them to worry.

  Malee walked slowly forward, lifting her chin as she did. She was not about to cower, yield, or defer to her father’s idea of how she should behave or live her life. Not anymore. That was over and done.

  “Father, Mother, I’d like to speak with you.”

  Her father set the broom aside. Did you go through with it? Did you marry that man?

  “That man? He has a name, Father, and you know it.”

  You dare to speak to me this way.

  “His name is Maxwell O’Rourke, Father, and yes, he’s my husband now. He loves me just the way I am, disability and all. He makes me very happy. You may not agree with my choices, but I hope you can at least be happy that I am happy.”

  I was trying to do what was best for you, Malee. Why can’t you see that?

  “No, Father. It is you who can’t see.” That had him straightening his back with anger, but she didn’t care; he needed to understand. “You were trying to force me into the life you thought I should live, not the life I want to live.”

  He raised his chin. And where is this husband of yours?

  “He’s waiting for me outside. I wanted to talk to you alone.”

  Well, Malee, you disobeyed me. I warned you. He will be trouble. You’ve disrespected me by going against my wishes. You’ve made your choice. He lifted his chin toward the door. Go! Go have this life you wanted. I will not be a part of it.


  She wanted to forgive him. She needed him to ask to be forgiven, or to say he was sorry, or to at least admit he was wrong. But he did none of those things. Instead, he turned away and stalked into the kitchen.

  Her mother’s eyes followed her husband, but then she turned back to Malee and wagged her hands, entreating her daughter to come to her. When Malee approached, her mother enfolded her in a tight hug. It didn’t last long before she was pecking Malee on the cheek and then pulling back to sign, There is a photograph that your father keeps on our dresser. It’s a picture of you up on his shoulders when you were barely three years old. You both were smiling at the camera. It is a good shot, both of you so happy. Every morning he picks up that framed picture, Malee. He rubs his thumb
over the glass and stares at it. He does love you. She patted her cheek. Remember that.

  Then she turned to follow her husband into the kitchen.

  Malee stood a moment, her eyes drifting around the restaurant she’d practically grown up in, taking it all in, not sure if or when she would ever return.

  She turned and looked out the window. Max’s truck sat idling at the curb, his red taillights glowing through the tinted plate-glass. He was her future, and together they would make a new life. There was sadness in her at the loss of a relationship with her father, but there was happiness inside her, too. And she refused to let the sadness overshadow that. She was in love, and that was a powerful feeling. Pushing the door open, she took a deep breath, letting the negativity roll off of her as she filled her lungs with a breath of fresh air and walked toward her husband and her new life.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Max moved with increasing rhythm, his thrusts becoming more urgent, more demanding. He held himself up with one hand planted next to Malee’s head while he arched back, slipping his hand between their sweat slick bodies to coax his wife to orgasm. It didn’t take long; she was already thrashing beneath him when finally she clutched at his shoulders, her head going back and her mouth falling open. Max was right behind her, shooting over the edge into ecstasy as his body locked, and he came inside her. After another slow pump, he settled his weight down on top of her as they both floated back to earth. He pressed a soft kiss to her lips, then slid free and fell to his back next to her. They turned their heads and stared at each other, both breathing hard and smiling.

  Malee rolled and threw her leg over her husband, straddling his hips. She sat up, her hands braced on his strong chest, and stared down at him. He grinned up at her. She traced over the lines of his ink, something he was finding she loved to do, and his eyes dropped and followed her delicate finger, the pad trailing along his overheated skin, until he reached up and grabbed her hand, pulling her down for a kiss.

  She pushed back up. “This bed is very comfortable; much better than my old one.”

  He grinned up at her. Good. It cost enough money.

  “You like it, too. Don’t deny it.”

  Yeah, baby, I love our big new bed. He bounced his hips on the mattress, causing her to bob up and down with the motion, her breasts jiggling, and his eyes falling to them as his big hands locked possessively around her bare waist.

  She shrieked and grabbed his arms.

  He glanced around the room. They’d moved into the master bedroom at the farmhouse when Jameson, Ava, and the baby moved into the new place they’d built across the property.

  They’d painted the room a pretty pale blue color, and Malee had decorated it with framed black and white photos she’d taken of Grand Junction and the valley. She’d also added some framed silks she’d painted. They now felt very much at home here.

  Liam and Rory still shared the house, but Rory was on the road with his band and almost never there. Liam was quite easy to live with. He could sign, so that made everything easier; he also wasn’t messy, and he was usually in a fairly good mood.

  There’s something I want to talk to you about, baby. Max gazed up at his beautiful wife as he signed.


  I added you to my health insurance the other day.

  “You did? Thank you.”

  There’s something I want you to do.

  “What’s that?”

  I want you to go see your audiologist again. See if there’s anything they can do for your hearing. You once said there was talk about some implants you could get, but your father didn’t approve because of the cost and risk.

  She nodded. “I was twelve.”

  Well, it’s been almost ten years. Maybe things have improved since then. Maybe there isn’t as much risk anymore. They make advances every day in technology.

  She stared down at him, not responding.

  Only if you want to, baby. I just want you to know the insurance will pay for it…if it’s something you want.

  She smiled. “Okay. I’d like that. Will you go with me?”

  Of course. You don’t ever have to face anything alone. We’re in this together.

  She bit her lip. “And if I’m not a good candidate for the surgery any longer…will you be upset? Does my disability bother you?”

  He frowned. No, baby doll. No! Not at all. That’s not what I meant. I just want you to have every opportunity for the best care available and to make your own decision. Whatever you want, baby. I don’t want to push you to do anything. I just want you to know that nothing is keeping you from it, if it’s what you want. I’ll support whatever decision you make.

  She nodded, her eyes dropping to his chest.

  Baby. Please understand, if you have the surgery, you have to do it for you, not because you think I want you to. Okay?




  He nodded. I love you. And if you never get to hear my voice say the words to you, I can still sign them to you.

  “I do want to hear your voice, Max. I do. But what if it doesn’t work?”

  He shrugged. Then it doesn’t work. When she didn’t look like that was the answer she wanted to hear, he tried again. Baby, only you can know if it’s worth it to try. I can’t make the decision for you.

  “I love you, Max.”

  I love you, too, baby.

  She grinned and changed the subject with a challenge. “Then prove it.”

  He gave her a cocky grin, and quick as lightning, he rolled them both until she was pinned under him. He leaned down and kissed her. And then he went about proving it.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Malee walked out of the Fourth Street Gym, her hand in Max’s. The last of the day’s light faded to a purple-blue on the horizon as dusk set in.

  Max stopped and turned to look up at the place. Dropping her hand, he signed, So, what do you think?

  “I like it.”

  I didn’t want to change too much. I like the old school atmosphere the place has always had, but I thought some of the equipment needed an upgrade.

  She nodded and stared up at the new sign painted on the brick wall in black and white, illuminated by a new gooseneck lamp mounted above it. “I like what you’ve done. And I like that you kept the old name.”

  I’m looking at adding some more classes geared toward adolescents. We’ve had a great response for the class we have now.

  She searched his eyes, smiling up at him. “It’s good to see you so excited about this. You have a passion for it.”

  He grinned. I guess I do.

  She was so happy for him. Several weeks ago, she’d had her Cochlear Implant surgery and since then had gone for her post-op appointments. And finally, next week she would go back to have the initial activation of the device, and she would hear for the first time. Max was making all her dreams come true, and it was so good to see him attain his own dream of purchasing this gym.

  “I’m so happy for you, Max.” She wrapped an arm around his waist and stared up at the sign again. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, and they turned toward his big truck. He opened the door for her, and she climbed inside. Her eyes followed him as he moved around the hood and slid behind the wheel.

  He backed out of the spot and turned down a street that ran parallel to Main Street. Malee gazed out the window as they rolled through town. Her eyes landed on a green neon frog in the window of a bar, when suddenly Max was slamming on the brakes. She turned to look at him, but he was already shoving the truck into park and climbing out. She frowned as she watched him angrily stalk around the hood to the curb. And that’s when she saw him.

  A young boy was sitting on the curb, his knees to his chest, like he was waiting for something. Her eyes lifted to the establishment. Otto’s Pub.

  Why on earth was this child—who couldn’t be more than seven or eight years old—sitting on the curb in front of a bar as darkness fell?

>   Malee climbed out of the truck and moved to Max. He was squatted down in front of the boy, talking to him. When his eyes lifted to hers, he gestured toward the bar. His father is inside the bar.

  She replied in sign, not wanting the boy to understand they were talking about him. Why is he sitting on the curb?

  He’s waiting for his old man.

  Max, he’s just a child.

  I know. Then her husband said something in a quiet reassuring tone to the boy and gestured to Malee. He signed as he spoke. “Malee, this is Ben, the boy I told you about. Ben, this is my wife, Malee. She can’t hear. That’s why I’m using my hands to communicate with her. It’s called sign language.”

  “She really can’t hear?”

  “No, son. Can you wait here with her for a few minutes? I’d sure feel better if I knew she wasn’t waiting alone.”

  “I guess so.”

  “I’m going to go inside for just a minute, okay?”


  Then Max stood, his eyes connecting with Malee’s. Stay with him. I’m going to have a few words with his father.

  She nodded, and he strode angrily inside. Malee’s gaze followed him then dropped to the child. She smiled, sat beside the boy, and put her arm around him. Glancing over her shoulder, she could see Max through the glass door. He was standing halfway down the bar, yelling at some man.


  Max stared at the drunk on the stool, Ben’s father. By the looks of him, he’d been in here quite a while. Max spoke loudly, wanting everyone in the place to hear what a loser this guy was. “You leave your kid sitting out on the curb while you sit in this bar and get shit-faced drunk! What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Who the fuck are you to tell me anything?” the man growled, his watery eyes focusing in on the big muscular man who leaned toward him. “Wait a minute. I remember you.”

  “I remember you, too. I know all about your story. I know your wife died, and I know you’ve spent every night drowning yourself in alcohol ever since. You get social security for the boy, and what do you do with the money? You drink it away in this bar.”


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