The Masters- RE- Revolver

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The Masters- RE- Revolver Page 6

by Matthew Weldon

  “So, that is why you don’t want to be with your family?” I asked him.

  He wiped his face then looked at me with a serious look.

  “Yes, it is. I beat myself up every day. I can’t ever go back though. It’s also why I chose to continue to be an assassin for the H.N.A. I learned while growing up that life isn’t fair, and I want to change that for everyone. I want to make everything fair, to be perfect, even if that means that I die trying. I want to die knowing that I made a difference,” Revolver answered.

  ‘He has good points but what he’s after isn’t plausible. I knew that you can’t get everything you want,’ I thought to myself, ‘The problem is that I don’t want to go against my best friend. I just wish I knew what to do.’

  Someone was walking by and I recognized them as Phantom. She had her hood covered the top part of her face, but I still recognized her by her pink scarf attached to her belt. She was focused on the ground and seemed like something was wrong. I turned and stepped towards her. Revolver turned as well, putting his drink on the railing. She looked up at me and got startled. She fell back and Revolver was quick to catch her before hitting the ground. They both stared at each other for a moment.

  Revolver then asked, “Are you alright?”

  She shook her head and stood up. Revolver stood up with her.

  “I’m fine,” She answered sternly.

  I saw Revolver start to study Phantom.

  “What are you doing out here?” I asked her.

  She looked back at the ground and was quiet for a moment before speaking, “Just taking care of something. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Revolver and I gave each other a weird look, then looked back at her.

  “Okay then,” I replied.

  She continued walking forward past us without saying a word. I watched as she walked farther away.

  I spoke, “That was weird.”

  “She just killed Someone,” Revolver murmured.

  “Really?” I questioned, trying to figure out how he could tell.

  “Yeah. Hey, look over there,” Revolver pointed out.

  I turn to Revolver and saw that he was looking and pointing with his right index finger down the canal. I turned to the canal as well to see what he was looking at. There were two kids some ways down fighting with powers. One had water powers and the other had fire powers.

  Revolver put his hand down and spoke, “It’s weird. To think that it wasn’t too long ago that people could openly use powers like this. It was something kept in the dark for a very long time.”

  We watched as the kid with the water powers knocked the kid with fire powers down to the ground. The winner helped the losing kid stand back up.

  Revolver commented, “Their fighting style isn’t bad, but needs a lot of work.”

  The two kids then walked over to a wooden fort and were about to enter it. I stared at it with a feeling of familiarity.

  “I feel like I’ve seen that fort. Let’s go check it out,” I said to Revolver.

  I started make my way to the end of the bridge and into the canal.

  “Wait, you’ve seen that fort before?” Revolver questioned.

  Without stopping, I replied, “I don’t know, but I want a closer look.”

  I made way to a nearby trash can, took one more sip of my drink, then threw it away. Revolver just threw his away. We neared the fort and the two kids looked at us with caution. They approached us as we approached them. They were both boys.

  “If you came here to boss us around, we weren’t doing anything wrong! So, leave us alone!” one kid said with an attitude.

  The other kid got tough and stepped forward, “Yeah! This is our hang out spot and we aren’t going to let grown-ups tell us what to do anymore!”

  They both got into fighting stances, powers at the ready, eyes glowing.

  Revolver’s hand and eyes started to glow blue aura.

  “You kids can’t take us,” Revolver warned.

  I put my hands up at both the kids and Revolver, “Calm down everyone. We aren’t here to kick you out of your hang out spot.”

  Revolver looked at me then slowly started to stand down. The kids looked confused.

  “You’re not?” one of them asked.

  I shook my head, “No, we aren’t. Why would someone want to kick you out of your hang out spot?”

  The kids looked at each other then stood down.

  One of them answered, “Because the adults are starting to look at the fort as an eye sore. They want to rebuild this area, but they can’t with the fort in the way.”

  Revolver and I examined the fort. It was built with wood and some metal scraps. It looked like newer pieces of wood and metal had been added to it over the years. It may have been expanded on as well. I turned my attention back to the kids.

  “Can I look inside, please?” I asked them.

  They studied me for a moment and asked, “Why do you want to go in?”

  “It’s because this fort looks familiar and it got me curious to get some answers,” I told them.

  They thought for a moment, “Okay then, fine. Go on ahead.”

  I nodded and with smile, “Thank you guys.”

  Revolver folded his arms. He didn’t look interested in going on, but he followed along anyways. I had to duck down to enter inside the fort. It was definitely built only for kids. There was a lot of junk inside - old furniture like a couch and really old chairs.

  “We’ve been told that this was built really long time ago by two kids that used to live here. Something like eighty years ago,” one of the kids explained.

  The other kid chimed in, “Since then, kids have been hanging out here, generation after generation.”

  While examining one of the older looking planks, I kneeled and saw something engraved in it. It read

  “S and V” and under that was “friends forever”.

  “Who are S and V?” I wondered.

  Revolver shrugged his shoulders.

  One of the kids answered, “We aren’t sure, but we guess it might be the two kids that built the fort. Or maybe one of the other kids after them.”

  “Interesting,” I said, curiously.

  I got back up, and Revolver and I exited the fort. The two kids followed us.

  “Did you remember anything?” Revolver asked.

  I shook my head, “No, sadly. Want to head back to the hotel?”

  “Yeah. We can then figure out want to do tomorrow,” Revolver said.

  We turned to the kids, “Thank you for letting us see the fort.”

  “Yeah, thanks. Listen, don’t let anyone tell you that can’t do something. This fort was built for kids. Fight the good fight, okay?” Revolver told them

  The kids nodded with smirks on their faces. Revolver smirked back and gave them fist bumps. We then made our way back to the bridge.

  Revolver spoke, “That is the kind of thing I’m talking about. It’s not fair that they are being forced out their hang out spot. That’s why I joined the assassins. It’s the only way.”

  ‘Is it the only way though? Something tells me there is a better way,’ I thought.

  As we got up to the bridge we started to head in the direction of the hotel, when there was a sudden explosion from behind us. We looked at each other with worried looks. We turned around to see smoke rise from a part of the city. There were also screams coming from the same direction.

  “Sounds like trouble,” I said.

  “Yeah, but we better not do anything. Remember, we are trying to keep a low profile,” Revolver brought up.

  Something in me didn’t care. Someone could be in danger and in need of help. It was like a calling that I couldn’t ignore.

  “I’m going” I stated and started running towards the smoke.

  “Wait! Spex!” Revolver yelled.

  I stopped and turned, “Are you coming or what?”

  Revolver sighed and ran to catch up. I smirked and continued running.

er 7 – An Old Enemy

  Revolver and I were running fast, but we wanted to save some energy in case we had to fight someone, or something, so we held back on running on how fast we were running. We saw people screaming in fear and running past us in the opposite direction. I started to worry what was happening up ahead.

  We arrived at an intersection and we saw a person standing in the middle of it. Around the person were cars that were crashed on the sidewalks. the street around the person was cracked. The person was facing away from us and was radiating black aura. I could sense that this person was very strong.

  I leaned over to Revolver and whispered, “Is that Nether energy I’m sensing?”

  “I don’t think so, but I think you’re close,” Revolver replied.

  I examined this person further. So far, I could tell was it was man, that he was wearing a cloak with the hood up and had fingerless gloves on.

  “Spex, look,” Revolver said, lightly hitting my arm to get my attention.

  I turned my head to Revolver and saw him pointing down one of roads. He had a serious look on his face. I looked to where he was pointing. There were black shadow creatures running around and attacking civilians. I started to get afraid. I didn’t know what I was looking at.

  I turned back to the Revolver, “R-Revolver. What are those things?”

  “A bad sign,” Revolver answered.

  The man in the middle of the intersection turned to look at us. He had pale skin and combat robes under his cloak. I could also just barely make out his black eyes. I started to get uncomfortable scared.

  “Revolver, he’s staring at us,” I pointed out.

  Revolver started to back up, “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”

  He then turned and started walking back the way we came. However, I didn’t budge. I’m not sure why I didn’t move, but it seemed like something was telling me to stay and take this guy down. Revolver stopped and turned back to me.

  “Spex, let’s go!” he ordered me.

  I thought for a moment. If I leave, they might cause more damage and something inside me didn’t want that. The feeling started to give me courage.

  “No,” I replied.

  Revolver was silent for a moment, he then walked closer to me, “What do you mean, no?”

  He sounded confused and annoyed.

  I answered bravely, “We need to stop him, Revolver.”

  Revolver responded, “No, we don’t. Just let the police take care of him.”

  The man then turned to walk down the middle of the street away from us. I wish I had my sword on me, but it was left back in the hotel. I had no choice but to use my fists. I sprinted after the man and leapt as high as I could. I readied a punch on the way down. As I was close to landing the punch, but the man turned and leaned his head out of the way. I was a bit surprised. His hand then whipped up near my neck and started to glow green. My neck was glowing the same color and I was choking. I saw that I was being held up in the air; my feet never touched the ground. I struggled to break free, but he had a tight grip. Struggling made my hood come off revealing myself to the man. I started to think maybe this was a bad idea.

  “You dare challenge me?” the man asked.

  His voice sounded very familiar somehow. I started to punch his arm, but he wouldn’t let go. A dark aura started to radiate off his body. He started to become more powerful. A water dagger then appeared and cut his arm in half. It was Revolver who had jumped up between us to save me. He had a water dagger in both hands. I fell to the ground on my back. The man’s arm hit the ground and dissipated away. I was relieved, as I able to catch my breath, but I also started coughing.

  Revolver landed and was facing the man, who had taking a few steps back holding his arm. His stumble made his hood come off. The man had jet black hair that was short and messy. He had pale skin and black eyes. He didn’t seem to be in pain.

  “Who are you?” I asked him.

  “My name is Crynux,” the man replied, with a serious look.

  Revolver looked curious, “That name sounds familiar.”

  I agreed with Revolver. I felt like I’ve seen this man from somewhere as well.

  Crynux replied, “I was servant to the great Lord Yazrix.”

  Revolver and I looked at each other with serious face. It was another familiar name as well.

  “Oh great,” Revolver said.

  “I’ve returned to get revenge. My master will be returning to rule, just as he was supposed to years ago. Not even you can stop it, so it would be wise to stand out of my way,” Crynux said in a determined tone.

  I got agitated and jumped up.

  “Over my dead body,” I told Crynux.

  Crynux smirked and put out his hand. The aura around his body moved to his hand and formed a whip.

  “I can arrange that,” he said.

  Revolver took a step forward and put his hand up near me signaling me to halt.

  “I’ll take him. You don’t have a weapon, remember?” he told me.

  I looked and saw that Revolver still had his water daggers in his hands.

  He then ordered, “When I say so, I want you to use the same technique you used before on Treachery, got it?”

  He didn’t wait for my reply as he dashed at Crynux. Crynux lifted his whip up and cracked it at Revolver. Revolver blocked with one of his daggers while the other dagger was thrusted at Crynux. Crynux was quick to latch the whip onto Revolver by the wrist and started to turn. He pulled Revolver through the air and into a pole. Revolver fell to the ground. Right after he rolled on the ground and sprang up. Crynux cracked his whip at Revolver again, hitting his arm after Revolver went to block the oncoming attack. Crynux once again cracked with his whip and cut Revolver’s other arm. It continued, with Revolver switching arms with every hit. I didn’t know what Revolver was doing.

  Crynux went to hit Revolver one more time, and Revolver surrounded his hand with his water aura and grabbed the whip. Crynux was stunned. Revolver then stood up while he still had the whip in hand. He pulled Crynux towards him hard. Revolver let go of the whip, spun around in the air, and did a spinning, jumping, back kick to Crynux’s face, hard. The force of the kick made Crynux fly backwards through the air. Crynux was able to surround his hand with dark energy and grab the ground, stopping his momentum backwards. I lost track of Revolver. When I looked around, I didn’t see him.

  Crynux was doing the same while kneeling on the ground. The aura around his hand dissipated. I then sensed something falling from above as I looked up to see what it was. It was Revolver with two water daggers in hand.

  “Do it now!” he yelled at me.

  I put my hands up towards Crynux, along with the area around him, slowed down in time. Revolver then twirled to avoid the area where I was slowing time and stabbed him in the back. I continued time normally and Crynux yelled out in pain and fell forward face down on the ground. Revolver jumped off, making the daggers disappear, and landed nearby. I regrouped with Revolver and we turned to see the black portal from earlier close. Crynux stood up and another black portal opened under him. The shadow creatures appeared and ran into the portal. We prepared for another fight but Crynux looked like he was done fighting. He was holding his cut with one of his arms and breathing heavy.

  “Next time,” Crynux said to us.

  He then disappeared into the black portal that then closed behind him. We both sighed in relief as I looked around at the all the damage. It didn’t look good. The local police then started to arrive. I looked at Revolver and put my hood back on.

  I said to him, “We should go.”

  Revolver nodded and put his hood on too. We quickly left the area and took the long way back to the hotel. As we were walking, I looked at Revolver’s arms and saw his bleeding wounds from the whip.

  “Are you going to be alright?” I asked him.

  Revolver saw me looking at his arms. He took out a red pill and swallowed it to heal himself. He then covered one of his arms with the other hand.

  He spoke, “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

  We made it back to the hotel room. I collapsed onto my bed. Revolver started making his way to the bathroom.

  “I’m going to wash up,” Revolver said to me.

  I yawned and replied, “Okay then, I’ll nap before I wash up myself.”


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