The Masters- RE- Revolver

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The Masters- RE- Revolver Page 10

by Matthew Weldon

  “What then?” he replied without stopping, annoyed.

  “It’s our current mission. You heard what the ‘Water Maiden’ said. If we don’t change our path the world will end,” I pointed out.

  Revolver finally halted and watched as Blyth started to get away. He looked at me with an irritated look.

  “I’m not about to accept some crazy talk from someone saying they are the future. I make my own destiny!” Revolver responded angerly.

  He turned back and continued to catch up with Blyth. I got irritated.

  “Now this is happening,” I muttered to myself.

  I sprinted past Revolver and stopped in front of him. I turned to face Revolver and spread my arms out to prevent him from continuing further.

  I gave him a mean look, “You need to listen to me. What we saw is going to happen whether you believe it or not. The only way to prevent it to is to do the right thing. This isn’t it.”

  Revolver tightened his fist, “Move, Spex.”

  “No. I’m not about to let you destroy the world because you decide to be ignorant of your own actions,” I said back.

  His face started to get red and spoke through his teeth, “I’ve never wanted to punch you as hard as I do right now.”

  I was mentally preparing to fight him. Out of nowhere, there was an explosion in another part of the city behind Revolver. I was in shock as I was walked past Revolver. We both stared at the rising smoke. There were a lot of screams and people running away from the danger. It was just like Waterfall City. I turned to Revolver, who looked back at me.

  “Come on, Revolver. There might be people in trouble. You know that it’s the right thing to do,” I pointed out.

  Revolver shook his and looked back in the direction of Blyth. In the distance, we could see Blyth was looking at the smoke and slowly started to run away with everyone else. I could tell Revolver was contemplating. He kept looking back and forth a few times before closing his eyes.

  “Revolver, you come from a line of heroes who sacrificed themselves multiple times to save the world. They may have mistreated you, but that shouldn’t define who are you and what choices you make,” I told him.

  He shook his head and gave a huff, “Fine, let’s go.”

  I gave a smirk and we rushed off towards where the fire was. People were still running away in the opposite direction in fear. Shadow Dwellers then appeared in front of us.

  “I’m beginning to think I know who is behind this,” I spoke.

  Revolver replied, “Yeah, same here. If that is the case, you should run and get our swords. Our hotel isn’t far from here.”

  “What about these guys?” I questioned.

  Revolver created water blades and answered, “I got them. Go.”

  He sprang forward and began to fight. I turned and ran for the hotel. It took a little bit of time to get there. Once I did get there, a Shadow Dweller appeared near the door. I froze for a moment, wishing I had my sword. Two pedestrians, one male the other female, were there too on the other side of the shadow dweller. A look of fear was on their face. The male pedestrian he was holding a knife in his hand, protecting the female. I then came up with a plan.

  “Hey, do you want to be a hero?” I asked him.

  He looked at me confused. I put my hand up and concentrated. The shadow dweller started to run for the pedestrian. The name of the technique came to mind.

  “Slow!” I exclaimed.

  The Shadow dweller movements were slowed down to a crawl.

  “Use your knife, now!” I ordered.

  He quickly got closer and stabbed the dweller in the head. I put my hand down and stop using slow. The shadow dweller then dissipated. I approached the pedestrians.

  “Good job. Are you okay?” I asked them.

  “I’m fine. Thank you for help me,” The man replied, breathing heavy.

  “Yes, thank you so much!” the woman said, gratefully.

  I could tell they were both was trying to calm himself down.

  “Not a problem. What is your names?” I asked.

  He responded, “I’m Joie. This is my wife, Tee.”

  “Good to meet you guys. You should get out of here though. It’s not safe right now. Find some where to hide. They will enter buildings. Me and my friend will handle them.,” I insured them.

  “Will do. Thank you again!” Tee said, grateful.

  They ran off and I turned to enter the hotel. As I was running past the front desk, the front desk woman popped out from behind it. I saw her name tag read Lissa.

  “Hey, you should get out of here! It’s not safe!” she told me, Fearfully.

  “Don’t worry, sir. We’re taking care of it. You should get to a safe place.” I assured her, while still running.

  I ran through the halls and into our room. I halted and look around.

  “Where did we put them again?” I said out loud to myself.

  I then remembered and ran to the closet. I opened it to find our swords. I smirked and grabbed them. I put mine on my back and exited the room. On the way out of the hotel I noticed that Lissa was not there.

  ‘She must have taken my advice and left to someone where safe.’ I thought, while exiting the building.

  After some time, I made my way back. Revolver fought off more shadow dwellers that appeared. He was panting.

  “Revolver!” I yelled.

  He spun around, as I quickly threw the sword to him. Revolver reached out and grabbed it. He used the finger scanner, unsheathed the sword, and did a spin attack to take out two more shadow dwellers. I sensed three more behind me. I unlocked and unsheathed my sword. I did the same attack as Revolver, but it was blocked by one of the Shadow Dwellers. I was surprised to see that these Shadow Dwellers with blades that came out of their arms.

  I leaped back in defense and questioned, “What are these?”

  I looked back and saw Revolver examining them. They were studying us back.

  “I think I’ve heard of these. They are called shadow beings. They are advanced shadow dwellers created from humans with stronger wills,” he explained.

  “Great,” I responded.

  I turned back and then there were only two. I got confused. My senses went off as I felt a shadow being right behind me. I quickly spun around to block it with my sword as it leaped at me to attack; Our blades locked. I turned my head to see the other two leaped into the air and ready an attack. I threw one of my arms up towards them and used my time powers to stop them. I slashed at the being that snuck up on me while Revolver used Water Blast to take out the other two.

  We look at each other with a looked of relief.

  Revolver spoke, “We should keep a better eye out for them. That was a little intense.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s get going,” I replied.

  Revolver and I continued to make our way to where the fire was. It took some time, but we arrived to see Crynux standing there in middle of street. He was menacing just like before. He had both his arms. I saw Revolver give a disappointed look, which must have meant he noticed he had both his arms too. It made me question just who this guy really is.

  “I knew it,” Revolver said.

  “We both did,” I pointed out.

  Crynux saw us and smirked, “Ah, I knew you would show your faces.”

  “I see you’re back for round two, as well as being symmetrical again,” Revolver said to him.

  Crynux chuckled, “It would be fun to fight you two again; Show you both that I’m not as weak as you think I am. I have things to do, however. ‘Excuse me.”

  He began to walk off. Revolver sprinted towards him. I did the same. Crynux lifted his one of his arms and started to glow green. Something started to break through the ground in front us, which halted us. it appeared to be the zombies again.

  “Great. Zombies again,” Revolver.

  Revolver prepared to fight but I was puzzled and started to wonder if there was a connection between Crynux and Sabotage.

ex come on!” Revolver said.

  I shook my head to focus and ran up behind Revolver. He jumped up into the air and did a downwards strike on one of the zombies with his sword. I did a spin attack, hitting the other two zombies before they could attack me. I looked ahead to see Revolver sprinting towards Crynux.

  “I don’t think so!” Revolver exclaimed.

  Revolver swung his sword. Crynux lifted his arm up and created what looked like a Nether Shield near his arm that blocked Revolvers sword. The aura looked just like the aura that the shadow dwellers give off. With his other hand, he pulled out his whip, and counter attacked Revolver. Revolver dodged out of the way and got into ready stance, waiting for Crynux’s next move. I decided to change things up and ran towards Crynux. Before getting to Crynux, someone appeared in front of me and blocked my attack with a sword. It was a cutlass with what looked like a bird claw for a guard. I studied the person and it turned out to be a man with short black messy hair. He wore a pin stripe torn suit and had a blind fold over his eyes.

  The man repositioned where the swords where, so he could easily knock the sword out of my hands and slash at my arms. I yelled in pain and backed away. Revolver regrouped with me and got in front of me while facing them.

  Revolver asked me, “Are you okay, Spex?”

  I examined the wound and realized it wasn’t anything too serious. It stung and there was a good amount of blood, but I knew I would be fine.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied.

  The man in the pin stripe suit turned to Crynux and, “I got the sigil from him. We can go now.”

  He was holding up something that small and ancient looking to show to Crynux.

  “Excellent. It’s only a matter of time now,” Crynux responded. He looked at us and continued, “Like I said, I have better things to do then to mop the floor with you.”

  A black portal then opened in the ground beneath them. Shadow dwellers appeared and they all disappeared into the portal. The street was destroyed, just like before in Waterfall City. I started to question who that guy with the blind fold was.

  “Revolver. Do you know who that was?” I asked.

  Revolver shook his, “I don’t know any more then you do.”

  I nodded in response.

  “We need to get going though. There is going to be big trouble now that we failed in our mission. From this point on, we are fugitives from the H.N.A.,” Revolver explained.

  I started to get worried for whatever is now in store for us.

  “Where should we go?” I asked him.

  He gave a sigh, “I feel like we should leave the continent and go somewhere else in the world; Start over.”

  “There is obviously something going on here, Revolver. We need to stay in Adus and figure this out,” I demanded.

  Revolver crossed his arms as well and looked away. He looked a little frustrated. We were quiet for a moment before we started to hear police sirens.

  Revolver spoke, “Fine, but first we need to lay low until we can figure out where to start looking for clues. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 12 – Stay Hidden

  Revolver and I were running, making our way out of the city. It was dark out, but we just kept moving. After hours of running, I stopped.

  “Revolver, wait,” I yelled.

  I started breathing heavy and was starting to get tired. He stopped in his tracks and turned to me. He was breathing heavy too, but he didn’t show much exhaustion.

  I continued, “Shouldn’t we decide on where to go? Also, where are we anyways?”

  Revolver looked around, “You’re right, we need to lay low somewhere.”

  He pulled out his comphone and saw that we were south of the city.

  “Crap, ‘my fault. I’ve been leading us in the wrong direction. This leads to the Dark Empire,” he explained, apologizing.

  I looked over and saw something. I pulled my comphone out as well and turned on the flashlight feature to get a better look. It turned out to be rubble or ruins of some sort.

  “These look familiar, somehow,” I said, curiously.

  “Spex, look out!” Revolver yelled.

  I looked up to see someone falling above me with something long in their hands. Without thinking, I put my hand up and slowed down time. I moved out of the way and continued time back to normal. The person landed, and the attack hit the ground instead of me.

  The person looked back at me surprised. I got a better look at this person which turned out to be a man. He had long grey hair, a mustache, he wore white combat robes, which had flame designs on end of the sleeves, as well as on the bottom of his pants, and had ninja boots on his feet. He was wielding a familiar looking staff with metal cylinder pieces on each end. Revolver lunged forward and created a water blade in his hand. I unsheathed my sword and began to take a giant swing. The person looked at both of us and quickly spun around as spun his staff around. A gust of strong wind blew out from the person. It hit both Revolver and I, sending us backwards into the air. We both then landed on the ground in a crouched position to embrace ourselves. Revolver rolled on his side in pain. I fought to stand back up.

  “Damn you,” I said, readying an attack.

  The man then put his hand out towards me, signaling me to stop my attack. I immediately halted. He looked over at Revolver.

  “Revolver?” the person questioned.

  Revolver started to get back up and examined at the person. He had a look of realization.

  Revolver replied in a surprised tone, “Blaze?”

  ‘Who?’ I thought.

  Both Blaze and Revolver stood down then approached each other.

  “It’s been so long. You were only a child the last I saw you,” he said, with a smirk.

  “I see you’re getting old,” Revolver responded with a smirk.

  “I’m not that not that old but getting there. Who is you’re friend?” Blaze responded and questioned.

  I replied, “My name is Spex.”

  Blaze looked concerned, “Spex, Huh? That sounds familiar.”

  “It does?” I asked him.

  He replied, “Yeah, but I can’t seem to put my finger on it. No worries though, I’m sure I’ll think of it.”

  Blaze gave a big grin and gave a thumbs-up at me.

  “I got another question for you. What you are doing out here in the middle of nowhere?” I questioned.

  “I’m protecting these ruins. At least, what is left of it anyways,” Blaze replied.

  “You’re protecting this place?” I exclaimed, find it hard to believe.

  “So, this was the ruins that you would mention back then. What happened here?” Revolver asked.

  “Yes. It’s the job of my family to protect this place. This used to be the Wind Temple that was then rebuilt into Castle Zephyr. It was a temple that flew in the air. It had part of Dark Vanquisher sealed away until it was unsealed,” Blaze explained.

  “A part of Dark Vanquisher?” I questioned.

  Blaze nodded, “Yes. Back when Dark Vanquisher first created havoc over a thousand years ago on the Nations, Master Wind used the temple in an attempt to seal Dark Vanquisher away. He mostly failed, due to Vanquisher being too powerful. He only managed to seal a part of him in the Sealing Chamber. Sabre, my grandfather Ryuu, and their friends over sixty years ago accidently opened the seal and had to fight Vanquisher. The only thing left from that battle is these ruins and the Sealing Chamber.”

  He pointed to a large pile of rubble. We walked around to another side of it and saw a door.

  “Master Wind’s orb, who is my ancestor, has been handed down to me, and his spirit has been a great help. The last person to watch over the ruins was my father Vlayru, after my grandmother Ayla sealed the left-over energy from Dark Vanquisher’s last return. Sabre was afraid something bad would happen if left alone,” Blaze continued to explain.

  “Good call,” I commented.

  I couldn’t shake the feeling that I met Blaze before.

  “Yeah. N
ow I have my daughter who will be taking my place when she gets older,” Blaze said.

  “Wait, when did you have a daughter?” Revolver asked in a surprised tone.

  Blaze smirked, “Not too long after meeting my wife. She’s from the town of the witches. I decided to check out the town during one of my breaks. it was love at first sight with her. We named our daughter Sydell. She’s only six right now. They are both at home currently in the town. Unlike your parents that you and your sister at young age, I decided to wait until I was ready to have kids.”


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