Phoenix (Own The Skies Book 2)

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Phoenix (Own The Skies Book 2) Page 2

by Emma Nichole

  It’s nauseating.

  Focus, Nora. Don’t lose focus now. He needs you.

  The more we talk, the raspier his little voice gets, and Doctor Larson makes the call he needs to be intubated. We need to protect his airway as fast as we can, before it swells to a point where we need to take more drastic measures to help him breathe.

  “Okay, sweetie. You seem to be having a bit of trouble breathing. That’s really unsafe, so we need to put a tube into your mouth that will help you breathe easier. I know it’s scary, but we are going to give you some medicine to help you go to sleep. You won’t feel anything.”

  “But...what if I don’t wake up?”

  My heart...

  “You will...I promise.”

  Strike two. Never make promises you can’t keep.

  Doctor Larson takes his place at the head of the bed and waits for the sedation to kick in, then places the tube.

  All of this has happened in a matter of minutes, but it feels as though it’s lasted forever. Once the tube is in place, we focus on treating the burns. Doctor Larson orders medication and fluids that will help replace what Brendon has already lost, and will continue to lose, as his burns swell and ooze.

  I start dressing the burns, covering them so we can send Brendon up to the burn unit for further treatment and monitoring as soon as a bed is ready.

  That’s one of the hardest parts of this job.

  Treating them initially then sending them off to a different part of the hospital for the rest of their care. Sometimes we are given updates on their progress, sometimes we aren’t, but when transport comes to wheel Brendon away from the emergency unit, ninety minutes after his arrival, I have a hard time letting go.

  He’s still sleeping, of course, so he doesn’t know that in the ninety minutes he’s been here, I’ve found a kinship with him. He reminds me of Marco.

  I stand in the hallway, watching until he and the transport team disappear into the elevators, and then I feel someone step beside me and pull me into a sideways hug.

  “You did good, child. Real good,” Trina says.

  “I promised him we’d keep him alive. I shouldn’t have done that,” I admit.

  “You acted and spoke out of emotion. That’s okay, but you’re right, you probably shouldn’t have said it.”

  “He was scared...”

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t have done the same.”

  “All I could think about was my parents and how I hope whomever tried to help them put their mind at ease, even when they knew better.” My eyes close as their memory dances in my brain.

  Trina kisses my temple. “He’ll be all right. They will take care of him up there.”

  “Nora? My office, please.” I hear Doctor Larson’s voice echo through the halls.

  “I knew it wouldn’t be long,” I say, as I turn on my heel.

  “Just smile and nod, child. Smile and nod.”

  Chapter 2


  “I’ve got a 10-80 and I need immediate backup, do you copy?” I slam my foot onto the brake and whip my cruiser to the left; throwing dirt and gravel behind me like a rain of hail.

  The taillights of the 2015 Ford veer from side to side, whizzing by parked cars and pedestrians.

  “Copy that,” I hear dispatch come through the radio on my shoulder. “What’s your twenty?”

  I increase my speed and try to keep up with the runners ahead of me. I want to make the bust, but not at the expense of innocent lives. It’s delicate balance of speed and safety.

  Switching to drive with one hand, I squeeze the button on my radio and speak, “I’m heading West on Summergrove Lane. Routine traffic stop, and the driver took off. Two passengers in the vehicle. Driver is male. I wasn’t able to identify if the passenger was male or female.”

  “And a description of the vehicle?” dispatch asks.

  “Ford Fusion. Newer model. Red. It’s missing a side mirror and the back windshield is cracked. Shit!” I have to slam on my brakes and sharply turn to the right around a parked car to avoid hitting it.

  “Ten-four, we’ve got multiple units heading your way for assistance.”

  I don't respond, I just focus on following these fucking maniacs to make sure they don’t hurt anyone.

  I follow at high speeds, my sirens and lights blazing overhead, and adrenaline takes hold. My K9 partner, Arya, is in the back seat barking and moving around. She’s ready to work.

  We make a left turn onto a dirt road and they seem to slow down just a bit.

  I speak back into my radio, “We’re on a dirt road on the southside of Summergrove. They look like they are looking for somewhere to bail. They are going to dump the car.”

  My suspicions are confirmed when they abruptly whip off into a ditch and both doors fly open. I slam on my brakes and do the same. “They are running. Stand by.”

  I jump from the car, my siren still whistling loud into the air. “Get on the ground! Get the fuck on the ground!”

  I run around to the back passenger door of my cruiser and pull it open to let Arya out. I hold onto her collar, giving them one last chance to comply before I turn her loose on them. “Get on the ground! Now!”

  The driver takes off on foot toward the woods. Mistake.

  “Get him, Arya!” I pat her side twice, letting her know it’s time to work. She bolts on his trail like a bat out of hell, barking the whole way.

  Every time I have to release her, there are always nerves surging through me. She’s my partner, my best friend, if anything happened to her...I’d kill someone.

  “You, you motherfucker,” I rush toward the passenger as he falls while he is trying to run. “Get down! Get down now!”

  He complies, rolling over onto his stomach. “I was just trying to get out of the car, man! I wasn’t going to run.”

  “Hands behind you! Hands behind you, right now! I’m not fucking around.”

  I bend over, pulling both of his hands behind his back and press my knee on the back of his thigh so he can’t move.

  Using one hand, I radio out again, “I need a unit, right now. I’ve got the passenger in custody. Driver is on foot, heading east into the woods. I’ve released my dog onto him.” I let go of the button to shout, “Get him, Arya!” I can hear her barking in the distance as I slap cuffs onto the man beneath me. “I can’t see my dog.”

  He shouts in pain, but I know I'm doing my job correctly and there shouldn’t be much pain. I can hear dispatch confirming information in my ear, but my main concern becomes my dog.

  “On your feet. Get up.” I pull the passenger up. He’s a small guy, maybe one hundred ninety pounds. Younger than me. Probably in his early twenties.

  “You’re hurting me! Fuck!” he shouts.

  “Come on, we’re gonna run.” I’m finding my dog, and if I have to drag this asshole along with me, so be it.

  I grip the back of his arms and race down the path I saw Arya take.

  It’s a dirt road, no pavement or gravel, with trees and shrubs lining both sides. I can hear Arya’s bark in the distance, but I can’t get a visual on her at all.

  “Arya, here! Come on, girl!”

  “Fuck, bro!” the passenger complains in gasping breaths. “I can't run anymore.”

  “You’re running until I find out if your fucking friend hurt my dog. Arya! Here!” I shout, hoping she comes running to me or makes a sound.

  We round a curve in the path and I hear a yelp. A yelp that can only come from a dog. I take off, passenger still in my grip, into a full-on sprint and that’s when I see Arya with her jaws locked around the driver’s calf while he’s still trying to run, dragging her along.

  “Get on the ground! Get on the ground now! I’m not pulling her off until you’re on your face!” I pull my radio down again to update dispatch. “I’ve got eyes on the driver. I’m chasing him now. I’ve got the other suspect with me.”

  “Get the fucking dog off me!” the driver shouts, still on his feet.

“On the ground. Hands on your head! I’ll get her off when you’re on the ground.”

  I pull the passenger closer to where the driver and Arya are stopped, and force him to the ground. “On your knees and don’t fucking move.”

  He complies immediately, no doubt exhausted from the run.

  I pull my Taser out of its holster, aiming it at the driver who is still on his feet. “Get on the ground or I will tase the shit out of you.”

  That seems to scare him enough to finally surrender. He moves to sit flat on his ass in the dirt, so I keep my promise.

  “Arya, leave him. Arya, here.” I point to the ground beside me and she releases his leg and comes to me, tail wagging and lays exactly where I’ve told her to.

  “Dispatch, I’ve got both suspects detained, but I need a unit here right now.”

  The driver moves around a bit, prompting another reaction from me. “On your face, hands on your head! Now!” He flops back down with a grunt.

  Arya reacts to this and stands, so I have to command her to stay down as well.

  I take a moment to catch my breath. My chest is heaving and sweat is pouring off my face. This didn’t have to escalate the way it did. A simple traffic stop turned into this. Let’s hope they had a good, goddamn reason to run.

  It doesn’t take long for backup to arrive, and when both suspects are placed into the rear seats of the cars, I take a moment to praise Arya.

  “Good girl. You did your job, huh?” She wiggles and spins in circles, so happy she did a good job. I pat her side and scrub my hands along her fur. “You’re the best.”

  Thirty minutes later, I’m standing at the counter in the station, Arya resting at my feet, writing out my report. Turns out the stellar young men I arrested this afternoon both had outstanding warrants for failure to appear, multiple prior charges, two large bags of methamphetamine, and a firearm in their vehicle. Morons. Simple morons.

  “Hey.” I hear someone say from my right. I turn to see a fellow officer, Davis, giving Arya a scratch on the head. “Heard you had a big bust today.”

  “Decent, yeah. Arya took one down for me.”

  “She’s a better cop than you are.”

  “Easy. Don’t make me kick your ass right here in front of everyone.”

  “Pipe dream, my man, that’s a pipe dream. We know I could take you.” He laughs then continues, “So hey, Maureen has this friend, Karen, she is looking to set up. Interested? She’s cute. A little—” he twirls his finger by his temple to indicate she’s crazy, “but she’s hot. That’s your general preference isn’t it? Crazy but willing?”

  “Nah, I think I’m good on that one, man. Last time your wife set me up, the girl tried to bite my dick off. Literally. Off. She said it looked tasty. I appreciated the compliment, but the delivery could have used a bit of work.” I shudder dramatically at the memory.

  “No fucking way did she do that. Tanya? She’s a sweetheart. She sends the twins birthday gifts every year. You’re telling me she’s dick biter?” He’s laughing hysterically.

  “She was scary, man. I had to make up some bullshit about getting called into work to make her leave.” I sign off on the reports and stack them together to turn in.

  “I’ll never be able to look her in the eye again.”

  I laugh at his statement. “So, thank you, but no. I’m good on the setup.”

  We say our goodbyes and agree to grab a beer soon, and I head off to turn in my paperwork up front.

  “Hiya, Case.”

  “Hey, Faith.”

  Faith works the front desk here at the station. She’s a ball of energy that is definitely needed around here. She keeps us in line, even if she is a petite, twenty-three-year-old, five foot nothing blonde. She’s scary.

  “You heading out for the night?” she asks, adjusting her black-framed glasses when she looks down and sees Arya is with me. They are the best of friends. “Hi, Arya!” She kneels down and gives her a head scratch, which Arya gladly accepts.

  “I am. How’s it been around here today? Easy? Eventful?” I ask, leaning against the desk.

  “Mostly. You know how it is. Some days it’s as entertaining as Jerry Springer, and others it’s as boring as a documentary about the mating habits of toads.” She giggles.

  “Hey, I think I’d like that documentary.” I laugh when she rolls her eyes at me.

  “You’re such a dude. That goes to show, no matter the uniform or badge, dudes are dudes.”

  “And you love us for it...especially me.”

  Faith and I have always had a special relationship, ever since she started working here, like brother and sister. It’s a bond I’ll never take for granted.

  “Yeah, yeah. Get out of here before you make me gag.” She giggles, waving me off.

  “I see Amelia let you off of your leash,” I say with a smirk, toasting my beer to Grayson, my best friend. I came to shoot the shit after dropping Arya off at home.

  “Oh, fuck you,” he fires back, before taking a swig of his own beer. “Just because I always want to be with her doesn’t mean I’m on a damn leash.”

  “When she says jump, you ask how high, and you know it.”

  “Have you seen her? Of course, I do. She’s perfect and I’d like to keep her.”

  He’s not wrong. “Pussy-whipped.”

  “And proud.” He laughs. “Nah, but really, Cadence adores her. I fucking love her. It’s been, well, perfect.”

  “Pussy. Whipped.” I am teasing him, but I’m genuinely happy for him. Being with Amelia has made him just...better.

  “I can’t wait for the day some woman comes along and fucks up this manwhore, new woman every night thing you’ve got going on. It’ll happen.”

  “You know that’s not for me. Variety is the spice of life and I’m loving every second of it. Why would I want to fuck that up and be tied to one broad forever?” I ask. I don’t correct him, even though he’s wrong. I’m not quite the manwhore I’m made out to be. Well, I mean, I am, but not in a gross way. I just enjoy sex, so I have it with consenting adult partners who understand I don’t want anything serious. I don’t fuck anyone who breathes, as Grayson likes to assume.

  “Just you wait. It’s going to happen and I’m going to laugh my ass off when it does. I nearly thought you had met your match last year when Nora was here but...” He doesn’t finish his sentence. He doesn’t have to.


  I’ve thought about her more than I care to admit since the day I met her last year. She was so...unique. She was like me, except without the suave good looks and dick between her legs.

  “How is she? Has Amelia talked to her?” I ask.

  “They are best friends, man. They talk every day.”

  “I just—I gave her my number and she never called. I wanted to make sure she was okay.” I finish my beer after my final word.

  “You want to know why a woman, you haven’t spoken to in months, hasn’t called you?”


  “She didn’t fall for your shit and you can’t stand it. How didn’t I see it before?” He laughs. The fucker.

  “Can’t one human worry about another human?”

  “Nora is fine. Trust that. She’s always fine.”

  Nora left me with an interesting feeling that day, all those months ago. We didn’t have sex. Hell, we didn’t even kiss. Not that I didn’t try, of course.

  I don’t think she would have let me, even if I had pushed harder for it.

  Nora and I just...clicked.

  And then she left. Just like that. Poof. Back to California and not a single word since.

  I would be lying if I said my ego wasn’t a little bit bruised.

  “Is she visiting anytime soon?” I question as I lift my hand, signaling for another round.

  “Amelia asks her every time they speak, but she always says work is crazy and she will make time when she’s able.” He just finishes his sentence when a text pings on his phone. “That’s Mills. She and Cadence are
home from their movie now. I should get going.”

  “See? Pussy-whipped, my friend.”

  “And I wouldn’t change it for the world.”


  There are two things I need after a particularly long shift at the hospital—wine and a hot bath. Who cares if it’s 8:00 a.m.? I certainly don’t.

  As I step into the tub, my feet moan with relief, and I say a little prayer of gratitude for whoever decided we’d soak in scalding water to soothe our muscles.

  They’re the real MVP.

  I take a sip of my sweet moscato and sink into the water all the way up to my chest, reflecting back on this shit storm of a day.

  I used to love my job.

  Ever since the day my mom and dad died when I was a kid, I’ve wanted to follow in her footsteps. I don’t know if it was my way of staying close to her, paying tribute to her, or an unspoken obligation.

  I was always scared Marco would want to be a cop like our dad. I couldn’t stomach the thought of potentially losing him every time he left, so when fighting took a front seat, I was beyond grateful, shockingly enough. I’d rather him bash someone’s face in for money than be the hero, putting his life on the line every day.

  Days like today make me question my sanity.

  Eight gunshot wounds, seven broken bones, two hundred stitches, and a severely burned little boy who is still recovering.

  Between the gunshot wounds, the stiches, and the burns I had to take a “Nora Moment” in the supply closet and have a good scream.

  Doctor Larson scolded me, of course, for promising Brendon he wouldn’t die.

  We can’t make promises like that, Nora. You know better. Never lie to the patients.

  I get that. I do, but I couldn’t just let him be terrified. Yes, doctors save lives and make the big bucks, but we nurses are on the front lines. Taking all the hits. All the tears and the anger from families.

  We are underpaid and taken for granted. That’s just the long and short of it. I used to love working in the ER—and now—I hate it.


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