After the Flood

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After the Flood Page 5

by A. C Carter

  The Stats Scroll was now updated. Her agility, vitality, and strength increased, and her level had gone up. She continued listening to the Scout Marshall.

  Stats Scroll - Level 2


  10 + 2 = 12


  14 + 2 = 16




  11 + 1 = 12

  Next she unrolled the Skill Scroll.


  “(Passive Ability -This does not need to be activated)

  This skill allows the archer to accurately loose 2-3 arrows at the same time.”

  Arilee placed the scroll over her Stats Scroll, and with a shimmer and flash, Multi-Shot appeared under her skills.









  “What skill did you get Arilee?” asked Leela, who had just finished adding her scrolls.

  “It’s called Multishot. I can shoot more arrows at once. What about you Leela?”

  Leela selected something on her Stats Scroll and showed it to Arilee. Arilee read it outloud.


  Creates a protective bubble around your target for five seconds. Absorbs one attack.

  “That will be useful. Mine ssssays :


  This ability allows the user to sssprint, much faster than normal towards the target, connecting with a powerful ssslam. This ssstuns weak targetsss

  “I learned ‘Shock’ ! “ chimed in Chip.


  Incantation: SHØK - This spell shoots electricity in a straight line at the target. This deals 0 damage but temporarily paralyzes the target.

  Just as the group was beginning to get excited about their new skills and abilities, a howl from the other side of the river filled the forest. Followed by dozens of yips and yells in the distance.

  “We need to get moving. They will be here soon.” said the Scout Marshall. “Quickly, let's check these goblin bodies for anything of value or interest and get out of here.”

  Arilee checked the two bodies nearest her, but found nothing. The weapons looked gross and unwieldy and the clothes and leathers were tattered and torn.

  “Sssscout Marshall, over here.” said Slicks.

  The group crowded around the Goblin body Slicks was standing over. It was one of the ones he had pushed into the fire. Leela took a step back and averted her eyes. The smell was even overpowering for Arilee. She was about to step away herself until her eyes caught what Slicks was talking about. It was an amulet around the Goblin’s neck.

  “Use your sword to turn it over Slicks. It looks like it has something on the other side.” said the Scout Marshall pointing at the amulet.

  Slicks used the tip of his sword to carefully flip it over.

  “Oh blessed be the gods, what is that?” said Chip in disgust.

  The amulet now showed, encased in a thin glass, a goblin eye floating in darkness. Its pupil darting back and forth, like it was looking at them.

  “We will need to bring this back to the Commander. This is dark magick.” said Scout Marshall Bodwin. Arilee watched as he drew a black cloth from his bag and slowly wrapped it around the amulet, being careful not to touch it with his hands.

  A second loud cry erupted through the forest. This time coming from the otherside, from the direction of their exit. It was followed by dozens more yips and yells. In answer, the first howl from before called back from the other side of the river, but now much closer and louder.

  “Curses, we are surrounded again.” said the Scout Marshall. He began to think out-loud “Hmm, they think they have us pinned against the river.” He pondered an idea for a second. “Okay new plan, we are going to follow along the river deeper into the forest. It sounded like most of them are in front or behind us, so this plan should give us the least resistance. Then work our way around the forest back to camp to warn the Commander.”

  “Got it.” said the group, almost in unison.

  The five made off at a light jog, but they only made it a few dozen yards through the trees before they heard Goblins coming from this direction.

  The Scout Marshall paused for a second and talked to the group. “We have to hit them hard and fast, they know we’re in this direction but not where. Surprise is with us and we won’t have time to hang around before their gooby pals catch up. Leela cast Protect on Slicks. Slicks, Charge the first one you see and get into the fray. I will be right behind you. Arilee and Chip, try not to hit us with your arrows and spells.”

  As he finished, a group of seven Goblins emerged from the trees forty meters in front of them. Without skipping a beat, Slicks planted his back foot and threw his shoulder behind his shield. “Charge!” he shouted.

  “The Goddess of Light Protects!” shouted Leela, pointing her swordarm at Slicks.

  Slicks crossed the gap in a matter of seconds. Before his shield slammed into the first goblin, a white layer of light shot from Leela, enshrouding all of Slicks’ body in an impenetrable layer of light, rising just a few inches above his scales and armor.

  The front goblin crumbled with a sickening crunch under the overwhelming force of his shield. Following him was Scout Marshall Bodwin, who used his Barbarian strength to leap high into the air for an attack. The second goblin made the fatal mistake of looking up. The Scout Marshall brought the full weight of his steel toed boots onto the face of the unready creature. The Goblin was crushed under the weight of the massive Barbarian, who already prepped his axe for the next swing.

  Arilee pulled three arrows of out her quiver and knocked them in her bow. It was time to try her Multishot. “Don’t miss.” She thought to herself as she took aim and loosed.

  The three arrows soared in the air over the heads of the Scout Marshall and Slicks. Each found its target in Goblins who were preparing their charge.

  Chip pointed his staff at the last Goblin “SHØK” he chanted.

  A pale, thin sliver of lightning streaked from the tip of his staff towards the Goblin. The blue sparks wrapped around the Goblin causing the Goblin to fall to the ground, paralyzed.

  The Scout Marshall wasted no time and ran to the collapsed Goblin. He grabbed him by his head and drew out a dagger, holding the blade to its throat.

  “How did you know to ambush us? Quick!” he said pressing the dagger against the Goblin. “Who is leading you?”

  The Goblin spit at the Scout Marshall.

  ‘We don’t have time for this.” He said, pressing the dagger deeper and causing the Goblin to bleed. “Tell us or die!”

  “The Dark Warlock knows all.” The Goblin croaked in a snarling high-pitched voice. “You will be the ones who die.” The Goblin began laughing, and in a quick rush, pushed himself further on the blade, killing itself.

  The Scout Marshall turned to the group, wiping his blade off with his shirt. “We need to keep moving”.

  Arilee checked her Quest Scroll to see it’s update.

  Quest Scroll - Escape


  Escape the Goblish Ambush


  Follow Scout Marshall Bodwin to Safety


  Report back to Commander Bjorn

  The Corrupted Forest

  Chapter 11

  “I think we have gone far enough. Let’s leave the river path and make our way back to camp.” said the Scout Marshall.

  The group silently agreed, trudging quietly behind him.

  The sounds of the Goblins were far behind them now, but Arilee could not shake the feeling of being in danger. The trees around them were beginning to twist and grow dark. Their leaves had fallen and the bark moldy, as if diseased. She kept her body ready to draw the bow from over her shoulder at a moment’s notice. She could feel the same sense of unease in her traveling companions. Slicks’ tongue was continually flicking out, tasting the air. Arilee was not sure if
it was because he still sensed something or was just searching. Arilee looked at Leela, whose tight, scrunched shoulders showed her own tension.

  “I want to try something.” said Leela, walking to a nearby twisted tree. She placed the palm of her hand against it and a slight glow appeared under her hand.

  “Scout Marshall, something is wrong here. These trees are sick.” said Leela, nervously.

  “Aye. I’ve heard of pockets like this appearing in recent scout reports. They talk of corruption spreading.” replied the Scout Marshall, placing his own hand against the trunk of a tree. “This is the first time seeing it for myself. We believe this is all tied to the Goblins. Something is going on. I have never heard of an attack like the one we just escaped this far south on the island. And now we hear about this Dark Warlock. None of it bodes well.”

  Leela nodded in response, and the Scout Marshall kept walking.

  It was only a few dozen yards out of the corrupted pocket of trees, and then from there a short quiet walk to the edge of the forest. Arilee was relieved their escape passed with no more incidents. Her body and brain felt wracked with excitement and stress, tiredness and energy. The adrenaline was still coursing through her veins while her brain cried for rest.

  “Oh thank the Gods, we made it!” said Chip, upon seeing the rays of sunlight coming from the edge of the forest into the trees. The sun was low in the sky, casting a golden glow. Relief filled the group and Arilee could almost feel a literal weight falling from her shoulders.

  “Indeed we have. Let’s make for the campsite we made in the hills after the training camp before we settle for the night. It should be safe to get away from the forest for now. We will continue in the morning back to camp to report to the Commander what has happened.”

  The group continued to the campsite as the sun set slowly into the hills. Exhausted they unequipped their armor and leather and dropped their weapons on the ground. There was still some wood there from the last time. The Scout Marshall placed the wood in the firepit and Chip sparked it on fire. Everyone collapsed around it. The Scout Marshall brought out dried bits of jerky from his bag and passed them around. No one had the energy to cook. Arilee was starving and took a big bite into her piece. It was chewier than she would have hoped but it was food. The group quietly sat around the fire chewing jerky. Everything was quiet until Leela spoke up.

  “Why does the Overlord want this island? There aren’t many natural resources or farmland here.” she asked.

  The Scout Marshall stared into the fire for a minute before speaking up. “Well for starters, the Overlord is always wanting to expand his kingdom. This island is the last of the land West of Corder not under his domain. There’s been rumors that the military is preparing for another push East. Before our regiment was sent here, the military was in the middle of a big recruitment drive. No one was sure why though.”

  A dialogue scroll appeared for Arilee:

  Dialogue Scroll


  What is the Overlord like?


  What do the symbols on your axe say?


  What was your tribe like?

  Arilee decided she was most interested in who the Overlord was, since she was currently working for his army. Her Dialogue Scroll updated.

  Dialogue Scroll


  What is the Overlord like?


  What do the symbols on your axe say?


  What was your tribe like?

  “Who is the Overlord, Scout Marshall? Have you ever met him?” she asked.

  “No, lass. No I have not. Few have met the man, if he is one. I’ve seen him from a distance once though. Some say he is the original Overlord who unified the first humans after The Great Flood, still alive after all this time. Others think it’s more like a title passed down between rulers but the crowning ceremonies are done in private to create the illusion of the all powerful Overlord.”

  He lowered his voice for the next line, “But if you ask me, I think it’s the same man. When my tribe was conquered, our remaining warriors were gathered into a courtyard. We all thought were about to be slain there. But I will never forget when the Overlord walked out onto the balcony above us, adorned in full armor. His aura of power and radiance washed over us. ‘Kneel’ he spoke, and my body obeyed.”

  The Scout Marshall stoked the fire, lost in thought, before shaking his head. He continued,

  “The only real thing I have learned is that he likes to personally subjugate. I have seen him do it time and time again. ‘Kneel’. And people do. Every time.”

  “Not every time.” Said Leela, sadly, staring aimlessly into the fire.

  The Scout Marshall looked down at the ground. “No, not every time. The Elves have never knelt. The...” His voice trailed off for a second, looking for what to say. “The Elven Rebellions were before my time. But... I have heard stories.” The Scout Marshall stopped speaking.

  Slicks spoke up, “It seemssss many of usss have suffered because of the Overlord.”

  “Yes,” murmured Leela. “It seems we have.”

  An uncomfortable silence began to grow.

  Chip spoke up next, hoping to lighten the mood.

  “That was pretty amazing fight earlier. Slicks, watching you charge in was something else.”

  But everyone was too tired. Arilee smiled at Chip appreciating the effort. So did Leela. Instead of responding, Slicks unrolled a sleeping mat and prepared for sleep. Everyone followed suit.

  That night, Arilee had strange dreams. Dreams of Light.

  Dreams of Rain

  Chapter 12

  Arilee awoke in the morning to everyone already out of their beds and eating breakfast around a fire. Leela must have heard her stir because she turned around and smiled.

  “Good morning Miss Arilee. We tried to wake you but you were in a deep sleep.”

  Arilee smiled and nodded back. Not yet ready to talk this morning. She equipped her leathers and a blanket to wrap around herself. She scuttled herself to the fire and next to Leela. She could hear Chip and Slicks on the other side of the fire discussing the battle from the day before.

  Leela continued to talk to her. “Did you sleep alright? It seemed like you were tossing and turning a lot.”

  A dialogue scroll appeared for Arilee

  Dialogue Scroll


  “I had a strange dream last night.”


  Lie - “I don’t remember it, but I do feel tired.”


  Smile and nod.


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