IN THE END: A Quarantine Romance

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IN THE END: A Quarantine Romance Page 6

by Anders, Tarrah

  I watch her from where I’m standing off to the side, she can’t see me, but I can see that she’s the one holding court since she’s talking and holding the clipboard. Since I do spend time there helping to prepare some of the meals, I decide to join the meeting.

  Kendall’s eyes flash to me and she smiles immediately. I lean against the wall and cross my arms over my chest. She then really looks at me, taking in my appearance as she breaks from speaking.

  I see concern flash in her eyes, her smile dims, but she’s quick to change and get back to the matter at hand.

  We go over the next few meals and also people give in their two cents for what they would like to see cooked. Janelle keeps a tally of what is being used, and at the end of each day, she provides the list to the Colonel.

  Once the meeting has dispersed, Kendall and I are left alone together.

  “Should I be worried that you aren’t wearing what you normally are?” she asks.

  “No, all precautions were taken. That’s why I am wearing this over my usual clothes.” I tell her.

  She takes that as assurance and comes to stand in front of me, her hand goes to my arm while she pulls them from standing with my arms crossed.

  I can see that she wants to step into me, that she wants my arms to wrap around her, but she also knows that because of my job, we still need to keep our relationship under wraps.

  “Is there something that I need to worry about?” she asks.

  “We have another person sitting in isolation right now,” I tell her.

  “Oh crap,” she says.

  “It’s spreading, and we don’t really know how to stop it.”

  “What’s the word from outside these walls?” she asks.

  “I wish I knew.” I shrug.

  “Wait, are you telling me that we’re in our own little bubble?” Her jaw drops.

  “I’m not sure if my superiors are in that boat or the doctor, but I think the vast majority has no clue.”

  “Is that something that we can ask?”

  “It’s definitely something,” I tell her, with the full intention that will be the number one topic that I bring up during our morning briefing.

  We need to have some information, and that is the only way that we will get out of this healthy.



  I’m eagerly waiting for Levi to come back from his morning briefing and general walk through of the store. He promised that he would see if the people in the store can get an update.

  I’m sitting talking with a few of the others in the store when the Colonel enters the area.

  “Can I have everyone in the store come to the common area in the center of the store please? I would like to make an announcement in five minutes, please.”

  He waits patiently as more people come into the space from all around the store. When it appears that everyone is here, the guys in the National Guard, including Levi, come to stand united with him.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attention and for continuing to remain calm during this time. I realize that some of you may not have the knowledge of what is happening outside this store, and for that, I apologize for my lack of communication. I will be better. And so, without further ado, we are getting steady reports. Currently, the state is on lock-down. People are not allowed out of their homes, unless the reasoning is essential. The amount of people who have been infected with the virus is catastrophic.”

  “Is there any report of a vaccine?” Someone asks.

  “There are vaccine trials that are beginning, but there is nothing specific that is known to eradicate the virus. Many states are on this lock-down to prevent spreading of this disease, and due to this, we’re hoping that we will see less cases.”

  “Have there been any deaths?” Another person asks.

  “Yes, I do not know the exact numbers, but there are people who are dying.”

  He continues to talk and update people as my gaze wanders to Levi, standing directly beside him. He looks tired, which is new. Previous briefings or just when he’s officially on duty, he reflects no emotion, but now, he looks like he could pass out.

  * * *

  “How many people are missing?” Janelle asks.

  “I’m not sure. I don’t think it’s over ten people,” I reply quietly.

  “Has Levi said how sick the people who are in the other quarantine are?” She asks.

  “No, but I also haven’t asked.” I shake my head.

  “Haven’t asked what?” Levi says pulling up a chair beside me.

  “Do you want to play the blinking game again?” I ask with a smirk.

  “Just ask me the questions, I think we’re well aware that you will get information out of me regardless, we might as well not play any games.” He rolls his eyes.

  “Okay, are you sure? I don’t want to get you into any trouble,” I say giving him an out.

  “Shoot, ask me anything.”

  “How old were you when you first discovered masturbation?” Janelle asks without cracking a smile.

  “Ten. Now questions that aren’t about me please,” he says.

  “Party pooper,” Janelle pouts.

  “How sick are the people that are in the adjoined quarantine?” I ask, getting to the point.

  “To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. I have only been in the isolation room once, and haven’t been past there, or privy to that information.”

  “No whispering of if they’ve gotten better, or anything?”

  “No clue, but I have heard that they will be introducing one of the trials here. The doc has connections and asked to be a part of a small sector of it. I’m not sure if they’ve introduced it yet, though. It could be still on its way.”

  “How long do you think that we will be here?” Janelle asks.

  “Honestly, I’m going to guess until the order is lifted for the state,” he says.

  I take that information in, digest it then look to Janelle. This isn’t something that will go away quickly.

  * * *

  With two weeks of living in the store, I’ve learned that I’ve taken the freedoms in my life for granted as well as the simplest things.

  For one, I miss my tiny one-bedroom apartment with the over expensive luxury shower head that cascades water like I’m in the rain forest. I miss wearing my own clothes and sleeping in my bed with my weighted blanket and fluffy pillows.

  I miss everyday life. I miss going to the Farmers Market to get stuff to cook. I miss getting the weekend newspapers and timing myself to see how long it takes me to do the crossword puzzles. And I definitely miss lounging around on my couch eating ice cream out of the tub and watching cartoons. But now, I have a new normal. It includes making meals for almost two hundred people on a daily basis and being creative with that to not get too boring and to keep people positive. It includes being in the same space with my best friend, which hadn’t happened in years since we became official adults and living on our own. And it includes a man that I didn’t see coming.

  If anything, that this whole situation has taught me, is that simple happiness can come from nowhere and from the smallest things.

  I don’t need to be strapped to the media. I don’t need to be updating my Facebook status when I want to share the stupidest thoughts, and I definitely do not need to post photos of my food whenever I eat something.

  Hell, I haven’t even picked up my phone since being in here, and it’s… refreshing.

  I’ve seen people support one another during this time and I’ve also seen people get pissed off and band together when they want information.

  And then, I’ve seen the hard work that the guys who are here taking precautions to protect us have done. I’ve seen Levi feeling a gamut of emotions when he comes back from a briefing and it hasn’t been the easiest. Our world isn’t the same and won’t be for quite some time.

  The National Guard has been more transparent in regard to the isolation and quarantine on-site since the crowd r
equested more information last week, and while it’s eased some of the frustration happening in the store—it also added stress that wasn’t there before.

  During this two-week period, at least ten people have been moved into the isolation area and likely further moved into the quarantine zone beyond that. We have been told that there have been no deaths, and the individuals beyond isolation are monitored around the clock by someone that was brought in on the outside.

  What else can go wrong?



  I’m exhausted.

  I worked an overnight tonight, which contained a shit-ton of meetings that revolved around what was happening outside these walls. There’s a quietness that feels eerie and a whole lot of walking.

  The fact that people are continuing to enter the isolation area well after the first individual was quarantined, echoes with what is being said on the outside. People could be asymptomatic; their bodies could be harboring some of the virus and they wouldn’t even know it. They could be infecting people without even knowing it and then the virus would be spread quicker just the same.

  We’ve gotten new news in regards to how the disease could be transmitted, how long it can remain on surfaces, and how long the quarantine period should last, and it’s terrifying.

  There is a high number of people that are recovering from the virus from all around the world, meaning that there is a silver lining.

  There is hope.

  And that’s what the quarantine in this space has been for.

  Sure, the store acted quickly and placed a bunch of strangers in isolation together, and what better place to do that, then a freaking super store. While the bill is racking up, it’s just a small price that people are having to pay. These people are not seeing their families, their homes or going on with their everyday lives. They are forced to be with strangers in here who will now be a part of their history.

  Cell service in the store, sucks. There is one area that there is coverage and that’s the front of the store. So, throughout the day, you will see people standing separately talking on their phones on a daily basis. This morning, Kendall is sitting on a chair, close to the door with her phone to her ear and a plastered smile on her face. I can tell that the smile on her face is forced as to appear that she’s happy while on the phone. I can only guess that she’s talking to her dad, as he’s the main person that she’s talked about since we’ve met.

  She’s not close to anyone else in her family, and her mother passed away when she was younger. Aside from Janelle, her dad means the world to her and I’m pretty sure that even though she just came from seeing him a few weeks ago that talking to him, makes her feel better in knowing that he is on lockdown as well.

  I glance over to her and she’s sitting up straight with her head leaning back on the wall. Her eyes are closed and there is a calmness in her features as she gets off the phone.

  I walk over to where she is and take a seat beside her.

  “How was your night?” She asks, her eyes still closed.

  “Long, a lot of politics and I think I may have fallen asleep with my eyes open at one point. How are you this morning? How’s your dad?” I ask.

  “He’s bored. He just wants to go to community center with his friends to flirt with the ladies and play cards with some of the guys. Instead, he’s talking to his neighbor, who he doesn’t get along with very well from their respective patios and not leaving his villa. So, one could say that he’s not in his element right now.” she says.

  “At least he’s getting some sort of socialization during all of this, maybe through this they become friends.” I tell her.

  “He did ask about you, he said that next time that he and I talk, that you better be on the call as well.” She opens her eyes and tilts her head towards me.

  “Why on Earth would he want to talk to me, it’s not like I’m playing an important role here, I’m just guarding this area and making sure that everyone is saying safe,” I say a little louder than necessary as I see the Colonel a few feet away, making his own phone call from his personal phone.

  “I think that he would like to hear this information from a trained professional to feel safe, especially since I’m trusting in you and you’re also keeping me safe, wouldn’t you think that would be an acceptable request Sargent First Class James?” she asks, using my full calling, yet saying it with a sultry tone. “Plus, I told him about us.”

  “You’re going to be the death of me, you realize that, right?” I lean towards her and whisper.

  “All the more fun that I can have, the better.” she winks.

  “If I wasn’t ready to pass out, I would take you into our spot and push you up against the shelf and fuck you while not letting you come.” I tell her.

  “Don’t make any promises that you can’t keep, Mr. James, truly, it’s unfair.” She says to me with a bit of humor in her tone.

  “Wait five minutes and then follow me, I’ll show you.” I tell her standing.

  “And what exactly would happen in five minutes, dare I ask? Would you be falling asleep?”

  “I’ll see you in five minutes, and if you don’t show up, then you won’t find out.” I wink, turn on my heel and then walk away mustering up the energy to rock her world.



  I follow his directions and walk over to where we normally meet and spend the night together. I know that he needs to get his sleep after being up all night, but I can’t help myself.

  It’s selfish.

  But during these days, it’s okay to be a little selfish.

  I look around the aisle for him, and make sure that I walk out of the line of sight of the cameras and see him leaning against the metal rack. The air-mattress is beside him, plump and full of air. It’s covered in blankets with two pillows. He uncrosses his arms and begins to prowl towards me. Once he reaches me, his hands are on my body, pulling me to him and our mouths fuse together.

  Our tongues tangle, our clothes begin to come off, and my back is against the concrete wall between two aisles. I fumble between us, undo his belt and reach inside his pants. His cock is rock hard, and the tip is dripping in pre-come, begging for some warmth that only the joining of our bodies can provide. With one hand stroking his cock between us and the other inching down his pants, we continue to kiss.

  Levi spins me around and lays me gently on the air mattress. While sex on an air mattress isn’t the most romantic or easy, it’s all we have right now, and also makes it, so we move together slowly, rather than fucking like literal rabbits. Which to be honest, I prefer.

  His cock is at my entrance, slowly pushing in, spreading me open and filling me up. With a shaky breath, he leans up on his forearms, looks down at me and smiles.

  “You make me insane,” he whispers.

  “In a good way, I hope?” I reply.

  “Most definitely.”

  He pushes back in quickly and our hips begin to move. My breath hitches as he builds up to a speed that pulls me into the zone and soon all my senses are bubbling to the front. My toes beginning to tingle, the warmth spreads through my body as my orgasm pulls my thoughts into a rainbow of colors splashing behind my closed eyes.

  “Fuck!! Your pussy clenching my cock makes me come,” he thrusts into me, faster and then faster before he pushes against me one last time as the remnants of my orgasm leaves my body as his begins.

  A moment later, he lifts his head from the crook of my neck and smiles at me.

  “I don’t mean to cheapen the moment, but I’m fucking beat and really should get some sleep.” The look on his face is apologetic.

  “Hey, we’ve both got things to do,” I say with a smile.

  “Oh yeah, and what do you need to do?” He asks, lifting off of me, pushing his cock back into his pants and buttoning back up. He offers me a hand and pulls me up, so we can walk over to the bathrooms together.

  “I have a wedding to get ready for.” I tell him.

  The loo
k on his face is confusion and I hold in a laugh.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Today is supposed to be Suzanne’s wedding day. You know, the blonde with pigtails. Well, luckily someone has their iPad with them and we’re going to do a virtual wedding in the front of the store.”

  “And what do you have to do with this?” he asks stopping in front of the bathrooms.

  “Well, I agreed to do her hair. If you get to sleep, you could very well be my date.” I wink.

  “Pooh, don’t tempt me to break protocol any more than I already have woman.” He leans over, kisses my cheek and pinches my side before entering into the men’s room.

  * * *

  Janelle and a few others made simple decorations to commemorate what we are calling the “distance nuptials”. The actual wedding was cancelled, according to Suzanne as soon as the virus began closing down states. And up until the other night, the wedding was still off. Suzanna was talking with a few others including Janelle and mentioned that she wished that there was still a way and now there was no stopping Janelle in making the day still happen one way or another.

  And that’s where we are now, standing at the front of the store, waiting for Suzanne’s dad, who she is quarantined with in here and will also be marrying his daughter off, to begin the call.

  Suzanne stands anxiously until her father comes with the borrowed iPad. He smiles at his daughter and approaches her slowly.

  “Darlin’, I know this isn’t how you dreamed that your wedding would be, but it sure as hell makes me feel a little bit better that Connor won’t be defiling my little girl on her wedding day,” he jokes.

  She lightly pushes him away while laughing then pulls him into a hug.

  “Oh daddy, you never know when a good time is to joke. I love you.”


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