Reign Of Pride (Dark Reign Book 1)

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Reign Of Pride (Dark Reign Book 1) Page 2

by A. G. Kirkham

Mom came out with towels, letting us know that our fun time was up. Emiliano had karate class to get to and Dad had asked to see me in his den.

  “Felicia, please go take your shower and dress in what I have left for you on your bed,” Mom commanded.

  “Where am I going?” I tipped my head to the side in confusion.

  “Your father is in the den, waiting for you.” She wrung her hands together.

  “Is everything all right?” I asked with worry in my voice.

  Now I think that I had every right to be worried.

  “Of course, but your father does need to speak with you, and you shouldn’t keep him waiting. He has a lot to do.”

  She was right. Dad had responsibilities, and although he had been spending more time at home this week, I knew it was short-lived. I quickly showered but took my time doing my hair. There was no way around it because there was so much of it. Mom had laid out a navy dress. A simple cut with thick shoulder straps, a simple scoop neck in the front, yet tailored to fit my body. Nothing tight or gaudy, but elegant. It came to my knees and Mom paired it with low-heeled cream sandals. Dad didn’t like me wearing a load of makeup and I honestly preferred the natural look as well. I applied a little mascara and pale shade of pink lipstick. Voila! I was done.

  I knocked on the den door. “Come in,” I heard from the other side.

  “Hey, Dad. You asked for me?”

  “Come here, bella.” He gestured stretching out his hand to me.

  Dad pushed his chair back, then walked around. “Sit, Felicia.” He indicated the chair to my right. He sat down next to me and I could see he was struggling to find words. This wasn’t like him at all.

  “Dad, did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble?” I asked, confused by his lack of composure. A tight smile crossed his mouth.

  “No, Felicia, you aren’t in trouble,” he said, and I let out a breath. “However, Marco Moretti requests our presence at his home in an hour. He would like the opportunity to thank you for protecting Grazia.”

  “That’s not necessary, Dad—”

  “It is Felicia. If our capo requests our presence, we go. I have tried to keep you and your brother away from all of this for as long as possible to allow you to have the most normal upbringing our family can have, however we must all follow the orders of our capo. I assume he’ll want to give you a gift. You will respectfully tell him it’s not necessary, however, you will accept it graciously and then we will come home.”

  I could do that. Smile and say Thank you. Not a problem. “Got it, Dad.” I smiled reassuringly.

  “Let’s not keep the man waiting.” Dad winked at me, then led us out the door.

  We pulled up to the gates of a grand estate. The gates were at least ten feet tall and there were teams of men lined behind them. Dad rolled down his window and stated his name. Immediately, the gates swung open, and our driver rolled through.

  The long road to the mansion was lined with magnificent trees on other side. At the end of the road was a massive home—if one could call it that. It looked more like a castle. Dad opened his door and he extended a hand to take mine. The house was impressive and the grounds it was built on were even more beautiful. The grass was a luscious shade of green and many flower gardens adorning the property. It was breathtaking.

  Upon entering the house, we were greeted by Mrs. Moretti. She was a very statuesque woman, tall, elegant, well-dressed. I could see where Grazia got her hair and eyes. Mrs. Moretti smiled and invited us into the hallway.

  “Welcome to our home.” She took my hands and kissed me on each cheek. “What a lovely young lady you have, Mario.”

  “Thank you, Signora Moretti. We are very proud of our Felicia.” Dad bowed his head respectfully towards her.

  “Marco is waiting for you in his office. Let me lead the way.” She guided us down a hallway to a firmly closed, heavy-set wood door. “Marco, Mario and his lovely daughter, Felicia, are here to meet with you.”

  “Enter,” called a deep voice on the other side.

  Marco Moretti was a huge man and extremely powerful. He was dangerous, and looked dangerous, especially when his muscles looked like they were going to bulge through his suit. I blinked just as Grazia came running toward me. She embraced me and I instinctively hugged her too. She pulled away a little to look at my face then tugged me in for a stronger hug.

  “Grazia, that’s enough. Let Felicia breathe,” Marco muttered, causing Grazia to release me.

  As we separated Grazia said, “Thanks for being so brave, Felicia. I wouldn’t’ve known what to do. You saved our lives.” Her words were heartfelt, and her lips trembled.

  “We did it together. I’m glad we did,” I squeezed her hand.

  “Grazia, please go call your brother. Gloria, we are not to be disturbed until I say,” Marco stated.

  “Yes, Father.” Grazia kissed my cheek once more, before she left the room.

  “Sit, Mario, Felicia.” Marco directed us to the soft armchairs on the other end of his office. I waited for Dad’s cue and sat after the capo had taken a seat.

  “Felicia, has your wound healed?” Marco pointed to my leg.

  “Yes, sir, thank you for asking.” I nodded politely.

  “Good. Good.” He nodded back at me grinning. “Grazia was in shock for a few days. Once she calmed down, she recounted the story in great detail. It was your quick thinking that gave us time to find you both before the Russian mob could.” Marco’s lips were tight as he spoke.

  “I was glad to help, Mr. Moretti,” I murmured.

  The door to Mr. Moretti’s study opened and a guy strode in. This was Nero Moretti? Wow. He looked bigger and more handsome than I remembered. He towered above both his father and mine. And, where I’d thought his father had a big build, Nero was all muscle. He was dressed in the typical attire of the working men of La Famiglia: his suit was tailor-made and clung to his body perfectly, his hair was wavy dark chestnut but neat and clipped, his jaw was cut, his lips were full, and his eyes were deep chocolate. The guy was a god and I could only watch him saunter into the room to stand before his father.

  “Capo,” Nero said smoothly. He didn’t even call him Dad and that made me nervous—and he hadn’t even glanced my way yet.

  “Sit, Son.”

  Nero sat beside his father, directly across from my father. I gulped when I caught sight of his huge frame pressed against his suit, showcasing his firm physique. I’d seen him around at parties but never quite taken serious notice of him until that moment. The man was and is all man.

  “Mr. Bianchi, Felicia, it’s good to see you both.” Nero focussed on me, gazed directly into my eyes. “It’s good to see you’re healed, Felicia. You were very quick in reacting that day; we appreciate you taking care of Grazia.” His deep voice sent a tingle down my spine. His eyes penetrated, and I felt the urge to drop my gaze but stood firm. Bianchi’s were proud.

  “It was my honor to be of assistance,” I said quietly.

  “Felicia, we are aware that you could have run off and left Grazia behind. She told us how you wouldn’t give up and dragged her along all the way. My daughter has never been in a situation where she had cause to worry and she would have been taken, and God only knows what else would have happened had you not taken control,” the capo continued. “I understand that you have never been in such a situation either. You showed great ability. We are proud to have you in our Famiglia. It is due to your great bravery that I would like to gift you with one of my greatest treasures.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Moretti, but that’s not necessary. I was glad I was able to help.”

  “A gift cannot be refused, my dear.” Marco eyes spoke louder than words.

  I looked at my father for guidance.

  My father nodded at me, then said, “Capo it is with great respect that we accept your gift. Felicia just wants to impress that she is not expecting one.” Dad took my hand reassuringly.

  I nodded, hoping I wasn’t insulting him and causing problems for my f

  “Nero and I have discussed this at great length,” Marco said. He then turned his attention to me. “My gift to you is a strong, handsome, husband. Your future will be secure. I have given this considerable thought.”

  I was stunned into silence. I blinked, not sure what to say. I was afraid to say anything. When I glanced in Dad’s direction, I saw that he was as surprised as I was. I took a few deep breaths. I cleared my throat and uttered, “Who? Who do you have in mind?” My hands were clasped tightly in my lap and I could feel Dad tense beside me.

  Nero cleared his throat then said the one word that decided my entire future. “Me.”


  I stand from the dressing table and move my hands over my dress. I inhale deeply and prepare to go down and meet my fiancé and our families.

  Chapter Four

  I Chose her


  I wait patiently in the den with my father and Mario. We wait for Felicia to make her entrance. Both Father and Mario are in a deep discussion in regard to family business as they sip their drinks. I stand by the sliding doors leading to the garden recalling the first moment I made the decision to make Felicia mine.

  Two years prior…

  I had found her sitting against the wall, half-passed out from exhaustion. When I first saw her, I was shocked that this sweet young girl had had the presence of mind to lead Grazia to safety against the Russians of all people.

  When Lorenzo had radioed for help and given us the low-down of what was happening, my father had activated the microchip he’d had implanted in Grazia and it’d led us right to the school. We’d found Grazia’s guards dead in their vehicle. Lorenzo had been able to drag himself back into his car and drive to the parking lot across the way, sending us his location right before he passed out from the gunshot wounds. When we’d arrived, we’d followed the blood trail into a hallway. We’d heard the Russian henchmen and had run toward the noise. The Russian Mafia were tearing up the gymnasium when we caught up with them. It’d been a bloody mess, once we were done. We’d lost three of our men that day, but the Russians lost ten and five had been tortured slowly and thoroughly before they’d been granted death.

  I’d heard the whimpering and yanked open the door. The girls were hidden from view by a slew of equipment. At the very back, huddled against the wall, had been Grazia, who’d immediately launched herself into my arms, crying hysterically. I’d held her until she calmed down, then I’d set her in the arms of my most trusted friend, Luciano, who’d taken her to the car to wait for me. I’d crawled back in and saw Felicia. I’d recognized her from a few events we’d hosted. Her father was a dedicated underboss and we took care of our own.

  I’d carried her out, noticing once we were in the full light that she was bleeding. I’d grabbed my belt and tied it around her thigh to stop the blood. I’d had one of my men call her father immediately and told him to meet us at the hospital. Despite her pale complexion, she’d been very pretty. I suddenly felt very protective of Felicia, unwilling to let anyone take her from me on the way to the hospital. She’d only stirred once on our way to the hospital, and it was to call out for Grazia.

  Her father had met us at the hospital, where she’d been taken from me. I’d wanted to keep her with me, but she’d needed medical care—and, as the future capo, I couldn’t show that sort of weakness.

  It was shortly after her recovery that my father called to request a visit with her father and Felicia. There she was, sitting across from my father, the obedient daughter, saying all the right things, and looking at her father for guidance. When my father said my name, Felicia looked at me with awe, her eyes huge. To say she was stunned would be an understatement.

  My father is a serious man. He rules the East Coast with an iron hand. He also is a very gracious man and when someone protects his family, they are amply rewarded. Lorenzo fought until he had nothing left and he’d been given a large property. Felicia had saved my father’s daughter, so when he’d decided to secure her future, I’d had to act fast. Even though I knew I would need to wait until she was eighteen to marry her, I didn’t want anyone else to have her. She was going to be mine.

  The room went quiet. I could see that Felicia wanted to protest. Mario reached over to squeeze her hand, wanting to stop her from saying something that would cause an issue with my father.

  “Capo, we are delighted you’d consider Felicia for your son. Nero is a strong and capable man. But, with no disrespect, my daughter is only sixteen. I made her a promise many years ago that she would not marry before her eighteenth birthday. This is a long time for Nero to wait for a bride. He is a virile man who is ready for marriage, and we do not want to stop him from moving forward.”

  I don’t miss the quiet sigh of relief. Even Mario’s charm and respectful nature cannot stop the betrothal. I very much respect Mario and the fact that he is doing his best to shield his daughter.

  “Thank you for your consideration for Nero’s future, Mario. My son understands his role in our family. He also understands honor and justice. My son will wait for Felicia to turn eighteen. The engagement will be announced six months before then, and, at that time, we will provide a higher level of security for Felicia. We want to ensure her safety.” Father and I had discussed every opposition that Mario may have mention.

  “I want Lorenzo to protect me,” Felicia states firmly, finally finding her voice.

  “I will consider it,” I reply, noticing her gaze rigidly fixed on me.

  “Thank you,” she says, and, with that, our fate is sealed.

  There is no turning back. Mario extends his hand to my Father and then to me, all the while I watch Felicia, head held high.

  Chapter Five

  The Preparation


  Present Day…

  All day, florists, caterers, designer are floating about. Mom has been going insane, running around like a mad woman to ensure the house is utter perfection. Dad has the majority of his men on surveillance since the underbosses and other captains will be arriving with their wives.

  Mom and Gloria, Nero’s mother, have been planning the wedding. Considering that the don’s only son is getting married, I’ve been surprised that Mom and I have been allowed to be involved at all. But my future mother-in-law has been lovely. We’d gone wedding dress shopping and she’d asked me what I liked. She’d wanted to know my thoughts. I’ve asked Grazia and Olivia, to be my bridesmaids. I want my brother to have a place in the wedding and Dad has assured me that Emiliano will be a groomsman alongside Nero’s best friend, Luciano.

  My greatest fear is measuring up to the expectation of being Nero’s wife. He’s older than me—twenty-six to my eighteen-in-a-month. Mom and I have spoken about marriage and how I can be a dutiful wife.

  But I want to be me—and I’d hoped to have had some time to get to know my future husband, but he hasn’t been around. And apart from the intermittent phone calls, one specifically to thank me for the cufflinks I’d sent him for his birthday, we’ve barely had the opportunity to speak.

  The dress I am wearing this evening is a gift from Gloria. She chose a rose-gold, full-length gown. The front has a vee neckline that accentuates my breasts. The back dips lower and the vee stops just above my rear. The top half is fitted, however the skirt flows into an A-line hem. I am adding a champagne-colored heel with a peep-toe, hoping the shoes give me some added height. I decide to leave my hair loose, even though it took me an hour to tame my curls into ringlets. I pull my hair to one side and place a diamond hair pin as a simple ornament. I wear a little more makeup than normal. I have been experimenting, wanting to look mature and elegant. I keep the tones in taupe and peach, using a deeper mascara and illuminating my lips with a more vibrant peach hue. I glance in the mirror and am satisfied that I will make my parents proud.

  My mother comes to the door. “You look so beautiful, bella.” Mom hugs me lightly thankfully, so she doesn’t ruin my hard work in getting ready for the big event.

  “Thank you, Mom.” I smile.

  “Nero is so lucky to have such a beauty by his side.”

  “I’m not so sure. But I’ll do my best to make you and Dad proud.”

  “Nero’s waiting in your father’s den, along with the dads.” She smiles prodding me gently towards the door.

  I make my way down the stairs and veer to the right toward the den. The guests are waiting for Nero and me to arrive in the dining room to the left. Mom and Dad, had it renovated to ensure that we can fit a hundred guests. Don Moretti offered to host, but Dad had wanted to keep traditions and the Don relented, hence the bride’s parents are hosting the engagement party.

  I knock on the door, not wanting to walk in on family business. Dad opens the door and a smile spreads across his face. “You are beautiful, bella,” he says as he kisses my cheek.

  “Thanks, Dad.” My eyes meet his and I can see that he’s holding in his urge to hug me. I kiss his cheek.

  I nod at my soon-to-be father-in-law. “Don Moretti, it’s good to see you again.”

  “Please call me Marco, my dear, in private of course. You look lovely,” he replies with a wink.

  I smile at him then catch my first glimpse of Nero.

  He is devastatingly handsome in his black suit with a cream white shirt and black bow tie. He’s wearing the cufflinks I’d sent for his birthday.

  He walks over to me, and, without looking at our fathers, asks, “May I have a moment with my future bride?”

  It’s not proper for the two of us to be alone until we are properly married, but Don Moretti motions my father toward the door. “Five minutes, Nero. Not a moment more.”

  “Of course, Father.” He nods, understanding our custom.

  The doors close behind me, and I turn my attention back to Nero. He reaches into his breast pocket and takes out a small box. He lifts the lid to uncover a remarkable diamond ring. The band is a mix of white and rose gold, the center is a pink emerald-cut diamond surrounded by more diamonds. It must be at least three carats. It’s unbelievably beautiful.


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