After the Last Border

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After the Last Border Page 40

by Jessica Goudeau

  hate crimes, 229

  Hawaii, 276–77

  Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), 187, 251

  Helsinki Accords, 189

  Hezbollah, 102–3, 125

  hijab, 22, 28, 33, 74–75, 106–7, 205, 213, 260–61, 285

  Hitler, Adolf, 98. See also Nazis

  Hmong people, 10, 61, 187–88

  Holocaust, 14, 19, 21, 98–100, 186, 188, 227, 275

  Homeland Security Act, 231

  al-Homsi, Fahad, 103–5, 108–10, 112, 125–26, 130, 135–36

  Honduras, 95, 279

  Horan region, Syria, 23–24, 54, 129, 293

  human rights, 19–20, 187, 189–90, 192, 227

  Human Rights Watch, 189

  humanitarian crises

  in Afghanistan, 230–32, 257

  Indochinese boat people and, 187

  in Myanmar/Thailand, 234

  in Persian Gulf region, 227, 231–33

  Refugee Act of 1980 and, 190

  and refugee resettlement, 232, 234, 283

  in Syria, 252–54, 257–58

  US’s duty towards, 224–25, 227–28

  humanitarian efforts

  under Bush, 224, 227

  under Obama, 224, 254, 257, 272–73

  for Syrians, 129, 254, 257, 272–73

  US and, 185–86, 189–93, 224, 231, 279, 282

  and WWII refugees, 15, 18, 99–100, 227

  Hungary/Hungarians, 164–65, 187–88

  Hyatt Hotel (Austin, TX), 265–67, 290–91

  Immigration Act of 1917, 97

  Immigration Act of 1924, 97–98, 163, 166, 186, 273

  Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), 184–87

  immigration debate

  American identity and, 94, 96, 100, 166, 189, 193, 225–26

  economics and, 95–96, 98–99, 192

  liberalizers and, 94–97, 165–66, 185, 187, 192, 283

  and liberalizers vs. restrictionists, 94–98, 165–66

  racism and, 94–98

  and resettling refugees, 192, 258, 272

  See also restrictionists/restrictionism

  immigration lawyers, 264

  immigration system

  executive order and, 277, 287–89, 302

  extreme policies for, 275–78

  and merit-based acceptance, 185

  overhaul of, 184–85

  policies for, 14–16, 94–95, 184–87, 224, 227–28

  quotas for, 14, 94, 165–66, 184, 230

  and racism, 94–98, 185

  Trump’s policies for, 278–80

  See also family reunification

  India, 2, 62, 163, 219

  Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, 188–89

  Indochinese boat people, 187–89, 226

  internally displaced persons (IDPs), 62, 252, 256

  International Organization for Migration (IOM), 7–8, 11, 44, 239–40, 251

  International Refugee Assistance Project, 276

  International Rescue Committee (IRC) (Kansas), 280–82

  internment camps, 99

  Iowa, 273–74

  Iran, 27, 102–3, 178, 203, 275–76, 278

  Iraqis, 52, 225, 257

  banned from US, 275–76

  as refugees in US, 85, 169, 231, 233, 241, 261, 266

  and US interference, 125

  US war against, 178, 231–33, 253

  Irbed, Jordan, 155, 157, 177–79, 199–200, 204–5

  Irish, 95–96, 184

  ISIS, 203, 208–10, 256–57, 272, 274

  Islam, 28

  Islamic State, 253

  Islamophobia, 229–30, 258–59, 275

  isolationism, 94, 189

  Israel, 25–27, 125, 154, 163, 187

  Italians, 95, 98–99

  Jane (Austin church volunteer), 139–40, 142–46, 302

  Japanese immigrants, 97, 99, 229

  Jaw Jaw, 80, 83, 173, 243–44

  Jebreel (Hasna’s husband), 294, 304

  black market IDs and, 134

  business of, 23, 34–35, 103, 125

  confronted by soldiers, 125–28

  and Daraa protests, 49–51

  disability checks for, 262–63, 284

  executive order and, 286–87

  family denied resettlement in US, 286–89

  family/home life of, 23–26, 29–32, 36–37, 47–48

  and imprisoned sons, 105–6, 110, 124

  interviews for resettlement, 200–201, 205–7

  and Omari mosque attack, 73, 75

  opposes registering as refugee, 155–57

  protects family home, 130, 137–38, 152, 175, 180

  resettles in Austin, 213–14, 237–42, 260, 262–67

  school explosion and, 132–33

  and siege of Daraa, 91–93

  supported by Hasna, 292

  taken by soldiers, 77–78, 87–88, 101

  trauma/grief of, 205, 306

  visits family in Jordan, 149, 155–57

  wounded by missile, 181–83, 199, 201–2, 212, 262

  Jewish refugees, 14–19, 98–100, 163, 187, 259

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 184–85

  Jordan, 24, 51, 241

  cracks down on refugees, 149, 158, 202

  funds refugees’ education, 153

  king of, 159–60

  offers refugees medical help, 182–83

  refugees flee to, 178–79, 199, 203–4, 256, 264–65, 278

  refugees register in, 153–57

  Syrians not welcome in, 151, 201

  US military base in, 205–7, 213

  See also Ramtha, Jordan; refugee camps: in Jordan

  journalists, 53, 101–2, 129, 257, 273, 305

  Karen Baptist church (Austin, TX), 195, 234, 269–70, 296–97

  Karen people, 2, 173, 253, 303

  as ethnic minority, 2, 61, 142, 299

  and family devotionals, 270–71

  language of, 8, 57, 114, 169, 270

  marriage customs of, 245–47

  in refugee camp, 61–62, 65–66

  resettle in US, 10–11, 62, 64, 79, 82, 113–14, 169, 172–74

  return to Myanmar, 69–70, 116–17

  See also Mu Naw; Saw Ku

  Karenni people, 2, 61, 114, 169, 173, 234

  Kennedy, John F., 184, 189

  Kenya, 233

  Khan Sheikhoun, Syria, 256–57

  Khassem (Hasna’s son), 30, 47, 89, 158, 238

  childhood of, 25–28

  construction jobs of, 154, 156, 199

  in Daraa, 49–51, 56, 181–82

  education of, 35–36

  imprisonment of, 76–77, 124–25, 127–29, 131, 133–34

  in Jordan, 134–36, 212–13

  marriage/family of, 199–200, 263

  moves to Irbed, 177–78

  seeks resettlement in US, 263–64, 287

  in Syrian army, 23, 36, 71–73, 103, 112, 128, 134

  visits Lake Muzayrib, 71–73

  al-Khatib, Hamza, 129

  Khmer Rouge, 188

  Kosovo, 227

  Kurds, 225, 285

  Laila (Hasna’s daughter), 36, 156, 238, 294

  on blacklist, 201–2

  childhood of, 28–29

  and Daraa home, 49, 152–53, 181–83, 199

  flees to Jordan, 124, 128–29, 136–37, 149–50, 157

  flees to Turkey, 206, 208–12, 214, 264, 284–85, 306

  forced back to Daraa, 158–61, 175–77

  husband’s imprisonment and, 87–89

  leads protest, 106–9, 111–12, 132

  marriage of, 29�
�34, 292–93

  resettles in Greece, 290, 305–6

  seeks resettlement in US, 263–64, 287

  and siege of Daraa, 91–93, 104–12

  survives missile strikes, 202–3, 211

  Lake Muzayrib, Syria, 71–73

  Laos/Laotians, 10, 187–89

  Lazarus, Emma, 96, 185

  Leaders’ Summit on Refugees, 258

  Lebanon, 27, 51–52, 256, 274, 278

  LGBTQ people, 191

  Libya, 51, 275–76

  Life magazine, 165

  Lindbergh, Charles, 99, 273, 275

  literacy test, 97

  Longa, Amy, 280–81

  Mae La refugee camp, 59, 168

  Burmese refugees in, 234

  clinic in, 143

  daily life in, 13, 38, 40–41, 121, 245, 248

  description of, 10, 60–62

  Karen people in, 61–62, 142, 299

  Myanmar refugees in, 7–11, 40–45, 80, 114, 117–19, 140–41, 172, 217, 244

  See also Mu Naw; Saw Ku

  Mafraq, Jordan, 154, 156, 158, 177

  Malaysia, 2, 62, 188

  Malik, Tashfeen, 274

  al-Maliki, Nouri, 233

  Maria (Amal’s daughter), 136, 160, 177, 214

  marriage customs

  of Myanmar/Thailand, 140–41, 245–47

  of Syria, 24, 29, 31–34, 238, 292–94

  Marshall Plan, 19, 94, 163

  Massacre on Saida Bridge, 129

  McCarran-Walter Act (1952), 166

  McCarthyism, 166, 229, 279

  McCaul, Michael, 258

  McGuire Air Force Base (New Jersey), 165

  media, 102, 129, 163, 254, 305

  Medicaid, 84, 139–40, 145, 240, 262

  Meh Bu, 114, 120–22

  Mexico/Mexicans, 95, 231

  Middle East, 98, 176, 234, 253, 255

  Miller, Stephen, 275–76, 279

  missionaries, 61–62, 65–66, 140

  movies, 17, 20, 99

  Mu Naw

  anger of, 41, 118, 173–74, 196–97, 247–48

  arrives in Austin, 7–9, 11–13, 44, 172

  becomes homeowner, 268–69, 271

  caseworker of, 57–58, 60, 80, 82–84

  childhood of, 1–3, 62, 65–70, 114, 116–17, 197, 245

  deep grief of, 64–65, 70, 82, 86, 113, 121, 172, 269

  education of, 44, 66

  English classes and, 79–80, 82–83, 113–14, 120, 122, 140, 142

  fair-trade jewelry job of, 218–23, 300

  finds power in US, 222–23

  first days in Austin, 38–41, 43–46, 57–60, 62–65, 70

  flees from Myanmar, 1–3, 65

  grateful for new US home, 295–97

  as Karen, 174, 299

  language skills of, 299–300

  leads women’s cooperative, 167–68, 173, 218, 300

  in Mae La refugee camp, 7–11, 38, 40–45, 60–62, 114, 121, 168

  marriage ceremony in Mae La, 140–41

  marriage of, 173, 243, 247–48

  marriage troubles and, 194–98, 217–19, 222

  mother’s death and, 243–45, 247–48, 269

  in Nu Po refugee camp, 65–69, 142, 245, 247

  parent’s marriage and, 245–47

  pregnancy of, 84–86, 113–16, 121–22, 139–40, 299

  relationship with husband, 42–43, 119–22, 268–71

  religious life of, 43, 61–62, 85, 270–71, 297

  returns to Myanmar, 69–70, 116–17

  reunited with mother in Mae La, 117–19, 245, 248

  and son’s birth, 142–46, 167, 173

  struggles to pay bills, 80–85

  struggles with apt. manager, 115–16, 119–23

  tells her story, 221–23, 299–304

  thrives in Austin, 167–68, 171, 173–74

  trauma of, 217, 247–48, 301, 304

  works as translator, 169–70, 172–74, 196, 218, 271, 300

  Mubarak, Hosni, 52

  mukhabarat, 50, 54–55, 129

  Muslim Brotherhood, 26–28, 52, 154, 285

  Muslim-majority countries, 275–78, 302

  Muslims, 291

  face opposition, 229–32, 253, 259, 273

  in Myanmar, 234

  in Syria, 35, 253, 274, 285

  Trump’s views on, 267, 274–277

  women, 213, 260, 285

  See also travel ban

  Myanmar, 270, 300, 304

  armed forces of, 1–2, 68–70, 86, 142

  civil war in, 10, 61–62, 70, 116–18, 141, 225

  ethnic minorities of, 2, 57, 61–62, 142, 234, 299

  weaving traditions of, 167–68, 173

  women raped in, 116, 246, 248

  Myanmar refugees

  flee country, 1–3, 61–62, 65–66

  persecution of, 299, 303

  resettle in US, 10–11, 80, 114, 167–69, 173, 234, 278

  return to homeland, 69–70, 116–17

  US’s support of, 253

  See also Mu Naw; Saw Ku

  Nassib, Syria, 203

  Natheir Ali, 241–42, 260–61, 263, 265, 284, 287

  National Counterterrorism Center, 250

  National Security Council, 279

  national security, 15, 254

  and conflict in Europe, 97–99

  Obama on, 254, 258–59

  refugee resettlement and, 224

  restrictionists and, 97–98, 166, 192,

  after Sept. 11, 2001, 231–32

  Native Americans, 61

  nativism, 189

  NATO troops, 227

  Naw Wah (Mu Naw’s daughter), 64

  arrives in Austin, 7, 13, 39–41

  childhood of, 119–23, 145, 197, 295

  education of, 113, 168

  and family devotionals, 270–71

  in refugee camp, 141

  Nazis, 14, 16–18, 98–100, 163

  Nepal, 62, 225, 279

  New York, 184, 231, 276

  New York Times, 16, 20

  New Yorker, The, 279

  news outlets, 99, 254, 267, 274, 276

  newsreels, 17–18, 100, 164–65, 254, 273

  NGOs, 43, 190

  Nguyen, Viet Thanh, 303

  Nigeria/Nigerians, 187

  Nixon, Richard, 165, 189

  Noor (Amal’s daughter), 34, 49, 129–30, 160, 177, 214

  North Korea, 277

  North Vietnam, 163, 188

  Norway, 201

  Nu Po refugee camp, 65–69, 142, 245, 247

  Nuremberg trials, 19, 94

  Obama, Barack, 224, 251, 281–82

  global refugee crisis and, 252

  and Karen Christian refugees, 253

  refugee admissions cap of, 228, 249, 259, 275

  on Syrian crisis, 253–56, 258, 272

  Office of Refugee Resettlement, 191, 230, 251

  oil supplies, 226

  Omari mosque (Daraa, Syria),

  attack on, 74–77, 102–3, 128

  Friday prayers at, 36, 48, 50, 55

  and the protesters, 50–51, 55–56, 73, 128

  Operation Enduring Freedom, 230–31

  Operation Safe Haven, 165

  Pah Poe (Mu Naw’s daughter)

  arrives in Austin, 7, 13, 39–41, 44–46

  childhood of, 113, 119–22, 145, 197, 217

  education of, 168

  and family devotionals, 270–71

  in refugee camp, 140–41, 143

  Pakistan, 163, 274

  Palestine/Palestinians, 51, 149, 163

  Paris, F
rance, 257, 272, 274

  Passing of the Great Race, The, 97

  Patriot Act, 230–31

  Peace Corps, 189

  Pence, Mike, 258, 275

  Persian Gulf, 227

  Philippines, 97

  Pol Pot, 188–89

  Politico, 275

  Pompeo, Mike, 281–83

  post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 192, 256

  poverty, 51, 192

  PR campaigns, 53, 163–65, 224

  Presidential Determination, 251

  under Bush, George W., 228–30

  under Carter, 190–91

  under Obama, 228, 249, 259, 275

  under Reagan, 228

  under Trump, 275, 278, 281, 283

  presidential election (2016), 267, 273–74

  al-Qaeda, 203, 230, 274

  Quran, 28–29, 48, 102


  and antiterrorism, 253

  Nazis and, 99

  refugee quotas and, 163

  and refugees, 20, 191, 227, 272


  immigration policies and, 94–98, 185, 273

  restrictionists and, 95–97

  See also genocide

  Ramtha, Jordan

  and Daraa residents, 133, 135, 149, 175

  Hasna al-Salam’s home in, 136, 177, 237, 305

  Syrian refugees in, 124–25, 130, 133, 149, 156–57, 161–62

  women in, 151, 285

  Rana (Hasna’s daughter), 72, 178, 292, 306

  childhood of, 28, 32–33, 37, 47, 49, 53

  cooks for family, 266–67

  education in Austin, 262, 265, 285

  education of, 103, 112, 136, 153, 155–57, 177, 199, 240

  family denied resettlement in US, 287, 289

  flees to Jordan, 133, 136

  and friend’s wedding, 292–94

  interviews for resettlement, 201, 207

  resettles in Austin, 214, 235–40, 242, 285–87

  school explosion and, 131–33

  settles in Jordan, 150, 152, 285

  and unrest in Daraa, 73–75, 77–78, 87–88, 91–93, 125, 130

  Reagan, Ronald, 224, 226, 228–29, 249, 281

  Real ID Act, 231

  Reddit, 254, 305–6

  Refugee Act of 1980, 190–92, 228, 278–79

  Refugee Administration Process (RAP), 249–52

  Refugee Admissions Process, 230, 273, 281

  refugee camps

  average length of stay in, 233

  crucial role of, 232–34

  in Europe, 15, 18–19, 163

  in Jordan, 152, 158–59, 177, 179, 201, 204

  poor conditions in, 18–19, 233

  refugees trapped in, 62, 232–34, 251

  in Thailand, 2, 62, 300

  trauma and, 192

  See also Mae La refugee camp; Nu Po refugee camp

  Refugee Convention (1951), 20, 231, 252

  Refugee Relief Act (1953), 166


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