Eye of the Beholder

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Eye of the Beholder Page 15

by M. D. Grimm

  “Music of the Night” from The Phantom of the Opera.

  And holy shit did he nail it! The high notes, the low notes, and everything in between. Nothing could compare to the emotion pouring out of him. He never looked away from me, and even standing still, he entranced the crowd.

  I always thought The Phantom of the Opera was tailor-made for a tragic vampire romance. I was right. My heart melted even as my blood ran hot. That was quite a sensual song, and his voice caressed me the way I wished his hands would. I knew what he meant by singing it to me, by staring at me like that. I was doomed.

  He held the final note with perfect pitch, long enough to prove he wasn’t human. We were all stunned to silence. Then the crowd erupted in applause, hoots and catcalls bouncing off the walls. He didn’t acknowledge any of it. He returned the mic to the stand before jumping off the stage, still keeping his eyes on me. They gleamed in the dim light.

  The crowd parted for him when they realized his focus was decidedly elsewhere. I stayed where I was, and he stepped right up to me.

  “We need to talk,” I finally said as the silence between us stretched.

  He nodded.

  “Your place is closer,” I said and turned. “I can follow you back to—”

  “I will ride with you.” He put a hand on my back.

  I didn’t argue.

  I didn’t have a second helmet. It didn’t matter. Vampire, after all. He sat behind me, my ass cradled between his thighs, his arms tight on my waist. My heart fluttered and my cock was painfully hard.

  Traffic was horrendous despite the late night. I used the main roads to leave the hellish downtown far behind us. We skipped past Chinatown and turned north. I switched to backroads, which were quieter, and my motorcycle’s engine sounded louder. We didn’t speak, the ride uncomfortable and exhilarating at the same time.

  The lights of Santa Monica Boulevard rose up, blinding me. The stoplights were aggravating and caught me every time. Shops and most human-oriented restaurants had long since closed while the clubs were hopping. Life flourished in the dark, from the mundane to the glamorous. I could spot vamps and wolves on sight and noticed many of the clubgoers were one of the two groups. No ghouls to be seen, but they were sneaky bastards and good with disguises.

  We roared up to his condo and still didn’t speak. Soon we stood in his living room, and I took off my jacket and tossed it on his couch out of habit. I had no idea what to say. I knew I didn’t want him to die. I knew I loved him and wanted him to touch me, to be with me. To love me back. But what if Her Grace was wrong and he went feral in a year? In two years? She said there was no way to prevent it, only push it off. What if he killed me, or the council killed him, leaving me alone with nothing but his memory? Like Dain?

  I hugged myself and turned away, staring out the window.

  I loved him more than I’d loved Dain. Losing him was something I couldn’t survive. I wouldn’t want to survive it.

  “You said we needed to talk,” Cassius said softly.

  I nodded. “Funny, now I don’t know what to say.”

  “I want to know why you resist me,” he said. “I want to know about your childhood. Your fears spring from that time, don’t they?”

  I nodded again.

  “Tell me.”

  I shook my head.

  I felt him step closer. “I can’t help you and I can’t protect you if you don’t talk to me. Please, my friend. You are important to me. Please speak. I like your voice.”

  “Your voice is annoying as fuck! Shut the fuck up, or I’ll make you.”

  My father always knew how to intrude at the worse possible moments. Cassius wasn’t in my head, but he still must have sensed something, because he touched my back.

  “Who hurt you?”

  “Not now.” I bit out the words.

  “Then when?”

  “Never, if I have a say.”


  His tone was compassion, insistence, and impatience all in one.

  I stepped away and spun around. “You want to know? You really want to know? How about a father who uses you for a punching bag? How about a father who hates the very sight of you because you happened to live while your mother died in childbirth? No one wanted me, Cas! Is that what you want to hear? I ran away at sixteen, and no one filed a missing persons report, no one seemed to even notice I wasn’t there anymore. My closest friend was the fucking school janitor. How pathetic is that?”

  I took a deep breath and couldn’t stop. “Now you go and say you desire me. You want me. You need me. Now do you see why that doesn’t compute? It doesn’t make sense. Look at you! You’re fucking beautiful. An ancient vampire who’s seen and experienced more things than I could ever imagine. And what am I? I’m a rat-faced metalsmith who isn’t worth a damn thing.”

  “Don’t!” Cassius shouted, stopping my tirade. “Don’t you ever say such a thing again. I won’t allow anyone to talk about you like that, not even you. It hurts me that you believe such lies. Lies told by your loathsome father.”

  “Does it matter?” My shoulders slumped. Oddly enough, the purge and spew actually helped. He knew now. He knew the gist, anyway. “Dain was the only one to show a true interest in me. He taught me skills. He taught me compassion. He showed me someone could actually care. He said I had potential and wasn’t too annoying. That was big praise coming from him.” I snorted. “He was a father to me.” My throat threatened to close. “And then I lost him.”

  Cassius gently took my hands, holding them protectively in his own. I stared at his chest, unable to look at his face.

  “I’m sorry for your loss, my friend,” he said. “Believe me, I know what it’s like to lose those you care for. Time and again.” He paused. “From the first time we met, I knew I had to move slow. Believe me, it was hard. I wanted you that first night. Your enthusiasm was beautiful to see and your obvious interest flattering. You’re the epitome of life and what you can create with your hands…” He paused and kissed my scarred hands. “You are more worthy than anyone I’ve ever known. But I knew I had to wait. I tried to wait for you to make the first move. I have no reason to lie to you about any of this. I don’t believe I’ve given you any reason not to believe me.”

  “You haven’t.” I finally lifted my head and focused on his nose. “You wanted me that first night?”

  “Yes. Your arousal didn’t help matters.”

  I flushed and made a face. “Yeah, I wondered if you’d noticed that.”

  “I notice it every time. Even the one you have right now.”

  “That’s not embarrassing or anything.”

  He smiled sweetly. “I will confess that many times I wanted to push you against a wall or simply throw you to the floor and fuck you until you screamed.”

  My breath caught. My cock strained against my pants. Cassius’s nostrils flared. He tightened his grip on my hands.

  “Will you give yourself to me?” he whispered.

  I swallowed hard. I looked at his face. I didn’t want to talk about what Her Grace had told me. I didn’t want to talk anymore. I took a deep breath, rose on my toes, and kissed him.

  I kept my eyes open, and his own widened in surprise, then reddened in desire. I tilted my head, wanting more. He slid his arms around my waist and hauled me against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and when he pushed his tongue against my lips, I opened wide. I wanted him. Above and beyond doubts and fears, I wanted him.

  I closed my eyes as he took over the kiss, slipping his tongue through my mouth. I buried my hands in his soft hair, grabbing fistfuls of it. He glided his hands under my shirt, just grazing his fingertips along my back. I shivered. No one had ever touched me that way. He trailed his fingers up my spine, deeper under my shirt. His kiss turned ravenous, and he cupped the back of my head with his other hand. He owned my mouth, sucking, swirling his tongue, bruising my lips with the force. I could barely breathe and tightened my grip on his hair. Damn, he was fucking my mouth with his
wicked tongue and full lips.

  When he lifted my shirt, intent on pulling it off, some of my self-awareness returned. I gripped his shoulders and pushed away. I broke the kiss and gasped for air. He didn’t let me get far and swooped to my neck, sucking the skin hard enough to leave a mark. I gasped as instinctual fear spiked. I felt his teeth, and I pushed against his chest. He didn’t bite. He didn’t draw any blood, but I needed a pause. A break. A fucking time-out.

  “Cas, Cas, stop. Stop, Cas. Oh God, please stop.”

  He froze. Then he slowly, stiffly straightened. He took a step back and dropped his hands from my body. My legs felt like rubber, and I was forced to stagger back and drop onto the sofa. I gripped my chest and managed to somehow peer up at his face. There was no hiding his need. His eyes were tinted a deep red, indicating lust instead of the bright red of hunting. His fangs had partially descended, and his skin was stretched tighter across his facial bones, giving him a terrifying beauty. He was also trembling, as I was, and his hands were clenched into fists.

  The unmistakable bulge of his groin had me flushing, my breath hitching. Fucking hell, I wanted to see him naked and excited. My erection was painful, throbbing for release. Growls bubbled out of him, and his nostrils flared. I gazed at his face again.

  “Don’t say no,” he said, his words nothing but a growly whisper. “I need you. I beg you not to say no.”

  I touched the bruise on my neck and swallowed hard, my racing heart slowing just enough.

  “Just a pause,” I said, croaking the words. “Just a pause. Not a no.”

  He took deep breaths, his chest rising and falling with the action. He still growled.

  “Gods, I smell you,” he rasped. “I want to bury my face in your—”

  “You need to go slow, Cas,” I said quickly, unable to handle any more images he might plant in my brain. I only then realized I was using a nickname for him, one I’d never used before. When had that started? Apparently he didn’t mind since he said nothing about it. I swallowed again, wishing I didn’t have to admit this one thing.

  I forced myself to look at him when I said, “I haven’t, you know, been with anyone before. Fucked anyone.”

  He jerked in obvious shock, and his eyes widened. “Vulcan?”

  I hunched my shoulders, not knowing what to expect.

  He stepped forward and dropped to his knees in front of me. I watched his face, and much of the strain from before faded. He took my hands and kissed my fingers. My throat threatened to close.

  “Thank you.”

  I blinked at him. “What?”

  He smiled gently. The red lust still tinted his eyes, but he seemed calmer. “We will go slow. I will enjoy you this night. We will enjoy each other.”

  I nodded.

  He stood and pulled me up with him. Then I was gobsmacked when he lifted me into his arms and carted me to the bedroom. I gripped his shoulders and stared wide-eyed at his face.

  “What the hell?”

  He grinned, fangs flashing. “I mean to pamper you, Vulcan. You won’t have any doubts of my devotion for you when this night is over.”

  He stopped by the bed, and before he set me down on it, I cupped his face and boldly met his eyes.

  “You had better keep that promise, Centurion Marcus Cassius Vespillo.”

  A fierce growl ripped from his chest. How hot was that?

  He set me on my feet.

  “I always keep my promises,” he said.

  Then he stepped back and stripped. Yeah, okay, I gaped. How could I not? He kicked off his boots first. Then his shirt followed, showing off a nicely shaped chest, torso, and arms. He didn’t have a bodybuilder’s physique and he didn’t have abs of steel. He was lean, rangy, his muscles subtle and smooth. A light dusting of blond hair covered his skin, and I itched to run my fingers over it.

  Then he unbuckled his belt, and down went the pants. Apparently he didn’t believe in underwear. His pale cock with its rosy tip stood at full mast, and I gulped.

  Pretty. He was so, so pretty. And I was so, so not.

  He spread his hands slightly away from his sides and did a full turn, letting me see his strong back, his corded legs, and that killer tight ass. I wanted to bite it.

  When he faced me again, he appeared expectant. “Your turn.”

  Right. Sure. I was seconds away from either bolting out the door or flinging myself at him. Though if I tried to run, he’d catch me in mere seconds.

  “Vulcan,” he said softly. “I want you naked.”

  I blew out a breath. He’d basically seen me naked when he licked my wounds after the ghoul attack. It was obvious even to a blind man he desired me.

  Do it, I told myself.

  I reached down and, with trembling fingers, unlaced my boots and kicked them off, followed by my socks. Then I gripped the bottom of my shirt. I glanced at his face. He watched my every move, his fascinating eyes luminous, blue and red.

  My heart beat wildly in my chest as I tugged the shirt up and over my head. It dangled from my fingers before I dropped it. Next came the arm socks and the cuff blades. I dropped those on the shirt. Now for the pants. Cassius was breathing hard now, his hands fisted again, his fangs glinting as he bared his teeth.

  My fingers still trembled as I dealt with my belt. Then it took every shred of courage I possessed to hook my thumbs into my pants and underwear and yank them down in unison. My cock bobbed in happy release, as hard as his, as needy as his.

  He lifted a finger and twirled it, and it took me a moment to realize he wanted me to turn. Oh shit. I took another deep breath and held it as I stiffly turned. Another growl ripped from his chest, and when I came full circle, he stalked over to me. That was the only way to describe it… stalking. There was no going back.

  He snapped his arms around me and claimed my mouth again. He was a furnace against me in stark contrast to his usual cool temperature. I gripped his shoulders, little hairs tickling my palms. His cock slid against my stomach while mine rubbed his thigh. I moaned into his mouth, needing the pressure. He growled once again, and it rumbled against my lips and my chest.

  You are delectable.

  I popped my eyes open and stared directly into his.

  The gods be praised for delivering you to me.

  I didn’t know how to respond. Apparently he didn’t need me to. He moved his hands along my body, learning every curve, every dip. Up my back, then down, pressing his fingers into my skin, tickling my ribs. I shivered at the exploration and did some of my own, around his neck, over his shoulders, then down his muscled arms. He dipped his hands to my ass and cupped each cheek, squeezing.

  I yelped into his mouth, and a deep chuckle vibrated his chest. Then his explorations grew bolder. I cried out when he swept his clever fingers into my ass, right over my asshole. He kept one hand there, kneading, massaging, while he slipped the other to my chest and pinched my left nipple. I grunted and pulled my mouth away from his, gulping in precious air. He trailed his lips over my jaw, down my neck, brushing his tongue over the tender bruise. Then he sucked at my shoulder, creating another mark.

  I knew he was marking me as his. At the moment the idea was appealing. I’d never belonged to anyone before, not like this. Then he lowered his head farther and captured my nipple in his mouth. I gripped his head and cried out again. He kept one hand on my butt and pressed the other to my back, supporting me as I bowed backward, offering more to him. Each suck, each lick sent a spark of need, of pleasure-pain, to my throbbing cock. Oh God, I was dripping already.

  I was quickly becoming nothing but a thing of pure pleasure and need. Cassius grunted and gripped my ass with both hands. He lifted me slightly before dropping me on the bed. I gasped and looked at him, realizing I was splayed out like some pagan sacrifice. He stared at me for a good, long moment before descending like a devouring beast. He closed his mouth over my other nipple as he ran his hands up and down my sides, tickling, seducing. I gripped his shoulders again, rubbing my hands along his back,
over any piece of skin I could touch. He paid close attention to both nipples before moving down my body.

  “Cas, oh God, Cas.”

  He growled in response.

  He gripped the base of my cock and jerked once. My breath caught, and I shuddered. I only knew the touch of my right hand. I needed him to show me pleasure. I needed his hand, his mouth on me. All over me. I looked down my body, watching him kiss and lick my ribs, my stomach, down ever farther to his obvious goal. He stroked languidly, enough for me to feel, yet not enough for release.

  His tongue was wicked and warm as he trailed it over my sensitive inner thigh. I hissed through my teeth, gripping the sheets. He glanced up at me and smiled.

  I glared.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said, his voice gravelly.

  “You know,” I managed to choke out.

  “Tell me, beautiful.”

  Tears pricked my eyes, mortifying me. I blinked them back.

  “Suck me.” I knew I was blushing furiously. “Put my cock in your mouth and suck, Cas!”

  His grin was demonic, as was the look in his eyes. His fangs had fully descended, and I could barely see the blue of his eyes under the dark-red tint.

  He swooped down and swallowed me to the root, my tip hitting the back of his throat.

  “Holy shit!” I gripped his head, my legs jerking at the suddenness of the attack. The bastard hummed, the vibrations causing too much pleasure. He stayed like that for an eternity before leisurely moving up my shaft, exposing the wet skin to the cool air. His tongue was never still as he swirled it and pegged the tip of my cock. I hissed again, trembling, unaware I could feel so much.

  He glanced at me once before slipping my cock all the way into his mouth again. He hummed once more, torturing me. Then his movements became faster, and he was soon bobbing his head quickly over my cock, his intent obvious. He wanted me to come and now. He cupped my balls, alternating squeezing and rubbing, possessing.


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