Eye of the Beholder

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Eye of the Beholder Page 21

by M. D. Grimm

  Then Sanchez shut off the lights, and Cassius’s ragged breathing and my whimpers were the only sounds. Fuck, it sounded like he had daggers in his lungs.

  Sanchez chuckled. Chuckled.

  “Wasn’t that fun?” he asked me. “Let’s do it again.”

  “No!” I sobbed.

  Sanchez hit the lights again, and Cassius screamed as before, thrashing. Blood leaked from his eyes, his ears, nose. Then he vomited blood, and it splashed along the stone floors. Sanchez turned off the lights after a few seconds that felt like years. Tears soaked my face, Cassius’s agony more than I could bear to see. Sanchez was going to drag this out for as long as he could. He was going to slowly, tortuously kill Cassius and love every fucking minute.

  I had to do something. But what? My brain still felt like mush, and my vision still spun. Long-term focus was beyond me. But I would not surrender. I closed my eyes, blocking out the sight of Cassius but not the smell of burning flesh. It was a struggle, and I whimpered again, but I managed to clutch at Cassius’s consciousness that still brushed my mind.

  Marcus Cassius, can you hear me? Carissime, can you hear me?

  I didn’t hear any distinct words, but I felt him. I nearly lost control of my bowels when I received a miniscule flash of his agony. It was beyond words.

  Marcus… get to the shadows. Get out! Call for help!


  When that one word exploded into my mind, I knew he wouldn’t leave. He would endure all the pain in the world to save me.

  I love you, I said, fighting to control my limbs. I can’t lose you.

  Sanchez hit the lights once more. Cassius’s fair skin was now black and charred, oozing blood. His hair and clothes were long gone, and the red of his eyes truly belonged to a demon. Somehow, through my horror, I noticed he was crawling toward us. He had been all along. Despite his anguish, he still fought. He still thought of me.

  The lights shut off, and Cassius collapsed, still and smoking. I whimpered and squirmed, my face wet and cold. I was so fucking cold.

  “Now you see?” Sanchez said near my ear. “Just a monster made of blood and death. You think there’s anything left in that shell? He needs blood, kid, that’s all he cares about. Why don’t you accommodate him?”

  Sanchez shoved me forward, and I slammed into the ground, inches from my best friend, my dearest lover.

  “Cas!” I sobbed and inched closer, my limbs still heavy and sluggish. “Baby, please!”

  I was afraid to touch him. What if he crumbled into dust? I couldn’t feel him in my mind. I couldn’t feel him at all. Crying uncontrollably, I reached for his hand and flinched as the air around him seared my skin.

  “Don’t leave me. Please don’t leave me!”

  Sanchez tsked. “Pathetic and typical. I was really hoping this would last longer. Granted, most vamps wouldn’t have survived the first blast. He struggled through three. I’m impressed despite myself.”

  He set down the dagger and pulled out the machete attached to his thigh strap. “Now to finally end this.”

  He took a step forward, and I flung my body at his legs. His surprise at the move made it successful, and he crashed backward, thunking his head against the floor. I put my entire weight on his arm that still clenched the machete and clung like a leech before biting his fingers.

  “Get off me, you son of a bitch! Fuck you, piece of shit!” He punched me, my back, my ribs, and yanked at my clothes. I held tight. None of the pain was a fraction of what Cassius had endured. It was my turn to fight and endure for the one I loved.

  Then I heard a growl, and it was the most beautiful sound in the entire fucking world.

  Sanchez grew more frantic to dislodge me and gripped what little hair I had and yanked my head back. I yelped as my neck spasmed. I rolled my eyes around and gaped. Cassius was standing, a blackened and hunched smoking creature of pure hunger and hatred. He bared his fangs, and his bright red eyes flashed before he pounced on us.

  I jerked away, and Sanchez’s scream was cut off abruptly, and then only vigorous sucking and gulping sounded. The drug was beginning to wear off, my adrenaline probably moving it faster out of my system. I crawled away from the feeding frenzy before looking back. My throat closed and my stomach tightened. Cassius had his mouth latched over the entirety of Sanchez’s throat and was intent on draining him dry. I pressed back against the wall and waited, my focus finally sharpening.

  Cassius would need a lot more blood before he would be fully healed. I took careful breaths, waiting until I had more mental focus to call Her Grace. Cassius needed help. Just as Cassius lifted his head, blood staining his mouth, I opened my mind wide and gave a shout-out to any vampire in Her Grace’s coven to come assist us. I let the images repeat in my head, knowing they would see our dire situation.

  Her Grace’s voice, smooth and calm, briefly touched me. We are coming.

  Cassius’s red stare abruptly pinned me, and I made sure to focus on his nose, not his ferocious eyes. I trembled as he prowled nearer on hands and knees, nothing but black covered in blood. His nostrils flared, and I cringed.

  I tentatively lifted a hand, palm out, the common gesture for stop. “Cas. Do you know who I am?” No pause or hesitation. “Marcus Cassius, you need to calm yourself. I’m not your prey. I’m Vulcan. Andrew. I’m your mate. Please know me.”

  He came right up to me, his face inches from mine. I stopped breathing. The heat from his burnt skin flared against my flesh, but despite that, I kept my hand on his chest, right above his heart. I winced against the burned, roughened texture and the stickiness.

  Oh God, had he lost his mind? Was he actually feral?

  My heart broke.

  He sniffed me and bared his fangs. Despair washed over me in a wave, and I cupped his face.

  “I can’t fight you,” I whispered. “And you don’t know it’s me. I still love you, my dearest Roman.”

  A growl rumbled out of his chest as he bent closer, fangs gliding across my skin. I closed my eyes, trembling with fear and misery, and wrapped my arms around his neck, charred skin crumbling under my touch. He covered me completely and struck, sinking his fangs roughly into my neck. I gasped and pulled him closer. We tumbled to the floor, and I slipped my legs around his waist, clinging as he killed me. I remembered everything—the first time we met, when I made him laugh, his consideration and respect. Then his desire for me, our lovemaking. I wallowed in it all as my life drained down his throat.

  As dark crowded in, I thought I heard his voice in my mind. Foolish.

  Vulcan, it whispered. Carissime.

  Chapter Seventeen

  I blinked my eyes open, stunned I was still alive. I flicked my eyes around and knew by the sumptuous four-poster bed and stunning luxuriousness of the room that I was in Her Grace’s manor. I was hooked to an IV, and it was day. The thick curtains were slightly open, and the sunlight shone across the floor.

  Her Grace had found me in time. But did that mean that Cassius…? I moaned and curled on my side, struggling against more tears. Did they kill him? He’d turned feral. I hiccupped a few times before the sobs overtook me. I pressed my face into the pillow and wailed. My heart had been thoroughly stomped on and shredded, and I had no desire to live.

  A short time after I finally quieted, the door opened, and in came Victoria, Her Grace’s physician to her thralls. She had her long blonde hair in a bun coiled at the back of her neck, and a small smile on her delicate face, but it vanished when she saw the state I was in.

  “Vulcan!” She hurried to me and sat on the bed, stroking my hair. “Please calm down. I didn’t know you were awake. I wanted to be here when you were.”

  “Why?” I said, voice croaky. “Why did you save me? Why didn’t you save him?”

  Victoria frowned. “What do you mean? Who…. Oh. Oh dear. Vulcan, listen to me. Cassius is alive.”

  I stared into her green eyes, not breathing. “What?” I squeaked.

  “Her Grace arrived in time to see Cassius
stumbling away from you. He was…. God. I’ve never seen a vampire in such a state and still ambulatory. He begged Her Grace to help you. Then the other vampires took him away. He wasn’t going to last much longer without blood.”

  She continued to stroke my head as I realized the implications of her words.

  “He stopped on his own,” I whispered.


  “I… I thought he was feral. Her Grace says vampires kill the feral ones for the safety of everyone.”

  As I spoke I realized Victoria might not know about that aspect of vampires. Shit. The duchess said mortals weren’t supposed to know about it.

  “That’s true,” Victoria said, not even batting an eye, “but he regained his mind and showed intelligent thought. I’ve never seen or heard anything like it.”

  I closed my eyes and shuddered. Now I cried for a different reason. “When can I see him?”

  “You both need to regain your strength, and he still needs more time before he can be around anyone but his own kind.”

  I wanted to protest but only nodded. “Do you have paper? A pen? Can I write him something?”

  “Of course.”

  She left and returned shortly with a notepad and pen. She helped me sit up and checked my vitals while I shakily wrote my note. I took my time, really concentrating on what I wanted to say. I knew my Cassius, and he would try to push away from me now. His guilt would rule his actions, and I couldn’t let him wallow. We belonged together, dammit, and nothing was going to change that. If I could move past the event, then so could he. Stupid jerk.

  My Cas,

  I’m alive. I’m alive and well. Focus on that and only that. You knew who I was and that you loved me. I will always and forever love you. Don’t you dare push me away, and don’t be afraid of yourself. I’m not. You’re my Marcus Cassius, and no damn slayer is going to change that. There is danger all around us, and we have to decide if we will face it alone or together. I’m willing to face it with you. In fact, I prefer it.

  You saved me. You kept your promises. There aren’t many in my life I trust and love, and you managed to earn both those things. Imagine my surprise when I realized that. I won’t let you give up on us, carissime. If you run, I will follow you. Wiser to give in now and put our energies to more pleasurable pursuits.

  Rest and regain your strength. I will be here. I will always be here.

  With all the love I possess in my heart and soul,

  Your Andrew

  I took a deep breath and ripped off the sheet of paper, folding it in half, then folding it again. Once Victoria was done checking on me, I held up the paper.

  “Please don’t let anyone else see this. It’s only for him.”

  “I promise.” She carefully took the paper and tucked it into her pocket. “May I ask if it’s encouragement?”

  I eyed her. “Yes.”

  She exhaled slowly. “Good.”

  I frowned. “What haven’t you told me?”

  She hesitated. “Well, he’s… not doing so well. At first he refused to eat. Then he did because survival instinct overcomes everything. His body may be healing, but his mind is….” She didn’t need to finish.

  “Give him the note. If he refuses to read it, then you read it to him. Only him. If he continues to be a stubborn ass, then warn him I will come in there and beat him into submission.”

  Her eyes widened, and then a large smile graced her slim face. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.”

  I smiled slightly. She left, and my smile dropped. I flopped down on the mattress, suddenly exhausted. A thrall brought a tray of food a short time later, and I ate and drank as much as I could. Then I slept. Horrible nightmares plagued me, and I frequently woke up, swallowing a strangled cry and soaked in sweat. Only at sunset did I finally fall into a calming sleep.

  Two nights later and Her Grace and Victoria were the only ones to visit me during that time. Victoria reassured me that Nicole was fine. My call to the police had worked and they’d found her at home, beaten, but alive. That was something.

  I constantly asked them about Cassius, and their reassurances were vague. I started to threaten them, and Her Grace merely sniffed and rolled her eyes. I’d tried to reach Cassius telepathically every night and came up against a solid wall. I thought our blood sharing would prevent either of us from blocking the other. Apparently that only applied to me as the puny human. Cassius was keeping me out and that supremely pissed me off. I promised myself he was going to pay for that.

  “Would you just give me a straight answer?” I finally exploded, leaping to my feet in my borrowed silky pajamas. “Is he going to live or not?” I swung to Victoria. “Did you give him my damn note?”

  “He couldn’t read it because his eyesight wasn’t the best, so I read it to him,” she said. “He didn’t speak a word afterward.”

  “He hasn’t spoken a word since we picked him up, in fact,” Her Grace said.

  “He needs to see me.”

  The ladies exchanged a look, then stared at me.

  “You know he does.” I turned to Her Grace and was ready to get on my knees and beg. “I’m his mate, for God’s sake. He needs me beside him. I’m the reason he needs to keep living and not give up.”

  Her Grace never removed her gaze from me. “Victoria, would you please excuse us?”

  Victoria bowed her head silently and left.

  “Vulcan, I know you love him,” she said softly. “But he needs more than that. He needs—”

  “A vampire mate,” I said. “One he makes, and one that he can suck on. Yeah, I know. I’m willing. Just lead me to the ass.”

  I had never seen Her Grace so startled. Well, what a sight that was.

  “You would—” she said, then stopped. She said a few words in French I didn’t understand, then pressed a hand to her chest. “You would be his anchor?”

  “Happily.” I stood up straight and, for the first time since we’d met, matched her gaze, but only for a moment. “Your Grace, the Duchess of California and council member of the covens in the United States and Canada, may I have permission to join your coven and mate with one under your protection? I promise to guard and protect your secrets as well as the secrets of all vampires. By no act or word shall I bring trouble to those I hope to claim as my own.”

  She stared at me for a long, silent moment. Then she simply beamed like the sun she could no longer endure.

  “I would be honored to have you part of my coven, Vulcan. You have proven yourself a worthy ally and a fine addition to our ranks.”

  Relief shot through me. Then I remembered something she’d told me weeks ago. It felt like years. “You said the council has to approve this. How long do you think—”

  Her eyes gleamed. “Don’t you worry about them. I’ll handle the council.” She turned to the door. “I will take you to your mate.”

  I was right on her heels as she led me through a couple of hallways, past numerous doors. Then she stopped.

  “He’s in there.” She cupped my cheek briefly before walking away.

  I took a deep breath and steeled myself for whatever I would see. I shoved open the door and stopped short.

  Cassius sat on the edge of the bed, his face in his hands. He wore black slacks and a T-shirt, both a little baggy on him. His hair was still growing back and barely passed his ears in length. His skin was fair again, and actually looked like skin. More evidence that vampires did things better and faster. A human would have to wait months for their hair to return. The duchess wouldn’t have let me near him if he were still thirsty for blood, so I knew that physically he was healed. It was everything else that needed careful tending.

  I knew the moment he recognized me. He probably smelled me. He stilled, and quickly drew in a breath. Then he lowered his hands and gingerly stood, all his movements slow and careful. Worry pierced my heart at his drawn expression, the sorrow and bleakness in his eyes. He slouched instead of standing tall, and he looked to the floor as if defeat

  Oh, baby.

  “Vulcan,” he croaked. Then nothing. He opened his mouth several times but didn’t speak.

  I narrowed my eyes. Fuck this. I took a running leap and pounced into his arms, snaking my arms and legs around his body. Startled, he stumbled backward, reflex causing him to grab me. I swallowed his yelp when I slammed my mouth against his. At first he struggled against me, but I ravished his mouth good and proper, and he was soon hugging me tightly. I fucked his mouth with my tongue, owning him, showing him what we had together and reminding him how fucking good it was.

  Without warning, I wrenched my mouth away, and we both gasped. Eyes wide, he stared at me, the blue of his eyes bright and stunned.

  I gripped his face, delighting in the smooth flesh against my palms. “I am not a porcelain vase, you fucker. Her Grace just accepted me into her coven. So you had better make me a vampire and claim me as your mate, or I’m going to kick your ass from here to Rome.”

  He gaped, eyes bulging.

  I grinned wide. “Cat got your tongue, Centurion?”

  He sputtered before crushing me to his chest and sinking to his knees. He pressed his face against my neck and rocked us both. I stroked his hair, smiling at the soft, thin strands. He would have lush honey locks again in no time.

  “I don’t deserve you,” he whispered.

  “What does that have to do with anything? You’re mine, remember? I’m not letting anyone take you from me, even you, jerkoff. We survived, and the bastard is dead. Don’t you love me?”

  He pulled back and met my eyes, his own wet. “More than any words in any tongue could say.” His expression one of awe, he stroked my head. “There is no cure for becoming feral, Vulcan. What you saw…. That will be me one day.”

  “One day,” I said, stressing the words. “Far, far in the future. But we are going to have a bunch of glorious nights before then. You’re taking me to Rome and to Japan. I want to see the world with you. And when that one day comes? We go down together.”

  He pressed his forehead to mine. “You are truly a gift from the gods, one I plan to cherish with everything I am.”


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