Seed of Scorn

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Seed of Scorn Page 37

by Aaron-Michael Hall

  “Tell me, and lessen your burden.”

  “Tioch is growing restless. Brahanu hasn’t returned to Cazaal, and she’s sent no message explaining why. When last she was here, she promised to return by the next full moon. That time has long past, and Tioch is getting concerned.”

  “Have you sent a message to Nazil regarding this?”

  “I did, but I’ve received no response. It isn’t like Brahanu to ignore my messages. She insisted that Eytan and Tioch spend this time together, now she’s abandoned him, abandoned Cazaal.”

  “Brahanu hasn’t abandoned anyone. She’s afraid, Julaybeim, and with great cause. You heard what she said in Yarah.”

  “Do you believe it? Could the Guardians have allowed Itai to protect his family?”

  “With the Guardians, all things are possible. Brahanu wasn’t the only one who saw him. Nakaris and Wosen witnessed the same. Itai’s connection with his son has not withered, just as the Guardians promised. They permitted the intervention—allowed it for not only Eytan’s sake, but also Itai. He waits.”

  “For what does he wait? Brahanu’s married to Pentanimir now.”

  “No one knows what awaits us beyond the realm of the living. The Guardians have blessed Itai to retain a connection with Eytan.”

  “Because of Brahanu’s betrayal at their behest?”

  “Because of the love she held for Pentanimir to bring Tardison forth,” Gali corrected. “It was necessary, and the Guardians recognize the sacrifice forced upon Itai. It’s a blessing, and you should be grateful.”

  “I’d rather have him here. This is Brahanu’s home…both Brahanu and Itai’s. She should be married to Itai, not Pentanimir.”

  “Husband, Itai is forever gone from us. This isn’t Pentanimir’s fault. After Tardison was born, Brahanu planned to return to Cazaal with Eytan. She loved Itai, and wanted their marriage to last. She didn’t know that he’d fallen when she told us about her plan. It wasn’t meant to be. If Itai was here, she’d love him endlessly, but he’s gone, Julaybeim. Allow your sister what happiness she can have with Pentanimir. He loves her.”

  “If only Tioch could understand such sentiments.”

  “He will, in time.”

  “That time is coming sooner than anticipated. Tioch is coming.”

  “Coming? Here?”

  “Yes. He’s not willing to wait any longer. Eytan is all he has left of Itai, and he won’t be denied his grandson. He loves him, and he loves Brahanu, too.”

  “What are you going to say to him? You’re not going to reveal everything, are you?”

  “It’s time for him to know what’s happened. Tioch is a good man, and my father respected him. Brahanu should’ve told him everything long ago. In the beginning, I understood, but as the seasons passed, she should’ve let him know.”

  “Are you going to tell him about Tardison as well?”

  “No, however, I feel he should know that Brahanu’s married to Pentanimir, and about the attack. At least, then, he’d understand why she’s living in Nazil. It’s the only way.”

  “If you tell him about the attack, won’t he want to travel to Nazil himself?”

  “Possibly. Tioch has no love for the Nazilians, but I’m certain that he’ll want to ensure that Eytan and Brahanu are well.”

  “You’re sure that this is the best course? Shouldn’t Brahanu be the one to deliver such news?”

  Julaybeim nodded. “I’ve given her every opportunity to do just that. I’m the one Tioch confronts at every turn. He deserves to know, and I’m going to be the one who tells him.”

  “If it’s truly your desire, I support that which you’ve decided.”

  Dawntaylesha cried out, squirming in her arms. “It appears that your daughter agrees.”

  “She’s also a reason for my decision. I understand Tioch’s trepidation. I’d feel the same if I didn’t know how you or Dawntaylesha fared.”

  “Then follow your heart, but send a message to Brahanu and Pentanimir to alert them of the same.”

  “Agreed. I’ll do so on the morrow. For now, I’ll enjoy my wife and daughter.”

  Matter of Trust

  Pentanimir rubbed his eyes, and then poured another glass of tej. Too much was happening all at once, and he’d left much undone. After perusing the parchment again, he looked over at Jahno.

  “You’re certain that there’s enough to extend for another season?”

  “We are, Zaxson,” Jahno said. “Even with the expense to rebuild the temple and repair the city, there’s more than enough. Unlike your predecessors, you spend little on personal luxuries. Though we’ve added the expense of the attendants and new guards, Nazil’s coffers remain full.”

  “What about Rhoyden and Kumasi?” Pentanimir asked. “Have you received any word from Joseph or Janshai?”

  Jahno glanced down at a parchment. “Yes, not long ago, in fact. Preparations are underway on Rhoyden’s temple, and the citadel is complete. A gentleman named Imryl has run of the inn, and the harvest in both villages was plentiful. The supplies have been delivered for preservation to both Nazil and Yarah.” He paused, perusing another document. “Joseph also requests additional guards for the citadel. His sons, Petr and Mathieu have aided thus far in organizing the guards currently present.”

  Pentanimir nodded. “Once Temian is better, I’ll have him assess their need. With the increasing bands of sell-swords and rogues, we’ll need to keep them from converging on the fledgling village. What about Kumasi? Has Janshai Estenbrook offered any response?”

  “I’ll make a note,” Jahno said. “Janshai sent a lengthy report regarding Kumasi and what’s needed. He’ll accept the position to oversee the village once everything is in place. For now, Elidyr remains the village’s representative. He’s also agreed to head the new council once Janshai assumes his position. Unlike Yarah, Kumasi isn’t in opposition regarding a human being assigned as caretaker.”

  “We’ll take our victories where we can,” Pentanimir said, leaning back in his chair. “How’s the progress on the new road through Depero wood?”

  “Lord Ravenot requested materials and more men. The work is progressing slower than he’d first anticipated.”

  “Mayhaps if they could clear the wood of the encampments, it would be a less tedious process,” Pentanimir said. “I’d hoped that these bands of Nazilians would migrate to Spero, Yarah, or even Kumasi. They seem determined to remain hidden in the wood.”

  “The First Chosen reported the same about the Dessalonian Wood,” Beilzen said. “Their numbers are ever mounting.”

  Pentanimir nodded. Beilzen was correct in his assessment. The bands of stray Nazilians appeared to increase with each passing day. He was aware of the men and women who survived the destruction of the villages. He was pleased when he learned of that. However, more than half of them had become nothing more than vagrants now, refusing to claim any remaining village or city as their home. All except Rhoyden. For reasons unknown, bands of rogues made their way to that fledgling village in droves.

  “Have we received any word from Noraa regarding Ahvixx’s hire?”

  “Not as yet, Zaxson, but he’s currently en route to Nazil,” Beilzen said, sifting through the parchments on the table. “Nohek Asmaa notified us of his interest, but Ahvixx hasn’t decided whether to accept the position. Perhaps he plans to assess the possibilities upon his visit.”

  “Well, have Nzuri inform me as soon as possible. I understand why Ahvixx wouldn’t find living in Nazil desirable, but we have a great need of him here. There are many unknowns, and he might be able to assist Thalassa and Nzuri.

  “I thank you both for your time.”

  “It’s an honor, Zaxson,” Beilzen said.

  As the men rose to leave, Pentanimir considered the recent events in Yarah and Nazil. They’d found few answers about the attack on Brahanu’s caravan and no new information regarding the assailants that alluded capture.

  “Beilzen, I’d like for you to remain a moment more.”
  “Certainly,” he said, retaking his seat.

  “How’s Fáelán?” Pentanimir asked.

  “He’s doing quite well. Both Symeon and Nzuri have said that he’s exceeding their expectations. Even his vocabulary and pronunciations are much improved.”

  “I’ve been hearing positive feedback about your interactions, and I’m glad that you’ve provided Fáelán with a true home and family.” Pentanimir paused. “He loves you, Beilzen.”

  “He does, just as my father and I love him. In fact, I don’t think anyone truly knows or experiences unconditional love until a child is brought into their life.”

  That response caused Pentanimir to regard him closer, noting Beilzen’s peaceful demeanor. “What about you? How’s your healing?”

  “Better. Nzuri still prepares ointments to keep the flesh supple, but the pain is all but gone.”

  “I’m glad to hear it, Beilzen. I’ve also heard that you’ll be marrying soon. Is that true?”

  “It is. I understand why it’s difficult for some to believe that I’d be interested in a wife, and more so, why any woman would want me for a husband as I am. But yes, Dalia has accepted me despite my deficiencies. She’s a very special woman and deserves far more than I could ever hope to provide.”

  “Dalia is a remarkable woman, and assists in caring for my children. Truly, you’ll be blessed with a wonderful wife. Both Brahanu and I look forward to attending your ceremony.”

  “It would be an honor, Zaxson.”

  “For all of us. Now, I need to ask more of you,” Pentanimir said. “Do you still have relatives in Yarah?”

  “Yes: two uncles, an aunt, and many cousins. Why do you ask?”

  “Molag’s supporters have begun a rebellion of sorts. They’d usurp the Caretaker’s position and march to Nazil if they’re able to gain the support.”

  “What folly is this?”

  “They feed the common people lies. We fear many here in the city have fallen victim to such propaganda already. The men who head this resistance use those same people as fodder as they sit comfortably in their chambers, plotting their treachery. Lord Swayne and members of my family are keeping us well informed, but I want to send someone from Nazil as a liaison. If you accept, Sir Middleton will escort you.”

  “What about Dalia and Fáelán, will they be allowed to accompany me?”

  Pentanimir shook his head. “Not this time. Molag Bomgaard speaks against the humans and what he terms abominations. He’s using my wife and Danimore’s as cudgels against us as well as our children. Your son and promised would have to remain in Nazil for now.”

  “I’m honored to be considered for such an important assignment, but I’d rather have Dalia and Fáelán with me.”

  “I understand, and I’m not ordering you. If you’re not comfortable with the assignment, I’ll find someone else that I can trust.”


  “Yes, Beilzen, trust. There’re few now of which that word applies. I count you among them.”

  The Guardians are good, indeed, Beilzen thought, astonished. “I’m at your service, Zaxson, in whatever capacity that you might require.”


  “But, Father, you can’t return.”

  “The witch leaves us no choice. You’ve already nearly lost your son, Nikolina. We must do what she commands.”

  Nikolina lowered her head as warm tears streaked her cheeks. “It’s my fault. I didn’t listen. Had I heeded your words, all of us would be safe.”

  “The fault lies with the Cha. They brought this evil among us and through them, it’s flourished.”

  “I didn’t know. I thought that our answers could be found on Sanctium. The mage was supposed to help us…to save our people. I couldn’t have known about the evil we’d find there. The Four—”

  The flash of anger in his eyes silenced her.

  “Speak not the name of those demon gods in this home. I don’t ever want them spoken of in my presence again! I’ve witnessed countless atrocities committed in the name of their demon gods. We’ve permitted such evils due to our delusions of superiority, of righteousness. I was a coward then, but no more. Do you see me, Daughter?” He stood, holding his arms out wide.

  Nikolina buried her face in her hands as he tossed his long coat aside, revealing the scars and sutures beneath. “Do you see what they’ve done to me? Done to one who’s served them faithfully?”

  “Father, I—”

  “No! Our lives could be forfeit. They’ve threaten to rip your son from your womb to feed their impish demons. Don’t you understand the enormity of our sins…the evil that we’ve awakened? Your scorn toward Danimore could be the end of us all. And for what? What had he done to deserve your ire? Was it worth it? Was it worth the lives and souls of us all?”

  Nikolina wept, cradling her womb.

  “Forgive me, Father. I was a fool. I killed Danimore’s son, and now…now my son is in danger. All of us could succumb because of the hatred inside of me. I should be the one to die, not my son. Please, not my son.”

  Allister sighed, leaning down to embrace her. He’d never spoken to Nikolina so harshly, and cursed himself for the outburst. It wasn’t meant for her, it was truly meant for himself.

  Nikolina’s health was deteriorating rapidly, and she couldn’t endure this much longer. Her face appeared sunken, and the sickly pallor had returned. Mah’saahc had merged with her somehow, infected Nikolina with her essence. What Lilinth had forced her to drink could only be part of this…this possession.

  When the thought came to him, he leaned back, stroking his daughter’s face. Through this merge, this connection, Lilinth could inflict the worst suffering upon his beloved daughter. He had to protect her. Even if that meant sacrificing himself, Nikolina and her child would be free.

  “Forgive me, Nikolina, I didn’t mean it, I didn’t. What’s passed cannot be changed, we can only salvage what we have, and protect what’s to be. Rest now,” he said softly, rising from the bed.

  “Wait, Father, what will you do?”

  “Firstly, I need to study the scrolls. There must be something, some indication as to what can be done. Many prayers are needed, but I have none in which to offer them. Just rest,” he repeated.

  Allister stroked his thinning hair, hurrying to his study. He didn’t know where to begin, but he realized that he couldn’t do this alone. He had to admit what they’d done and seek whatever aid that he could find. If he was to save his daughter, he’d have to return to the citadel. His grasp of the texts was lacking compared with Pentanimir’s family. He didn’t know who to trust, but considering Nikolina’s condition, he was left with no choice.

  “Pardons, milord,” Dalinda said. “Sir Branston’s waitin’ to speak with you.”

  “Sir Branston?”

  “Yes, milord, he’s a Chosen Guard.”

  “Did the Zaxson send him?” he asked, nervously.

  “He didn’t say, just that he’s need’n to speak with you.”

  “All—all right, show him to the solar, Dalinda, and I’ll join him shortly. Bring some refreshments and then have my cart made ready.”

  Allister hurried down the corridor to his room. He splashed water on his face, brushing back his hair. After changing and straightening his doublet, he joined the guard in the solar.

  “Greetings, Sir Branston. Forgive my tardiness, I had other business.”

  Nigel stood, offering a bow. “It’s your prerogative, Sir d’Garrion. I didn’t make arrangements to speak with you, and you’re gracious to receive me without notice.”

  “My daughter and I are always honored to receive one of the Chosen Guard. Please, be seated. Are you on business for the Zaxson?”

  “No, my business is of a different nature. Do you have a mind to listen?”

  “That would depend upon your words. Speak them now and let us both discover my interest.”

  Nigel smiled wryly. “I’ve come to inquire about some items that might be known to you


  “Yes, more specifically, parchments and codices from the temple.”

  Allister shifted uncomfortably. “Who did you say sent you here?”

  “There are those who have an interest in this information. You were a scribe for the Cha, Sir d’Garrion. With them so brutally taken from us, you alone would know where the documents were kept.”

  “You speak somewhat true. The Cha kept many documents in the temple. There are countless ledgers, scrolls, codices, and missives. Even messages received from the cities and villages were kept in storage. However, I was escorted from the temple soon after Daracus’ death. Since that time, the Benoists have assigned their own priests to head the temple. No one else is allowed beyond the sanctuary.”

  “I was told that you entered the temple before its reconstruction.”

  “I did, and I was ushered out. I wanted to retrieve my belongings and a chest from the Cha Asham’s solar. It wasn’t allowed,” he lied, unsure of the guard’s intent.

  Nigel’s mouth twitched up in a grin as he sipped his tea. “You mentioned Nikolina. How fares your beautiful daughter?”

  “She’s resting. Nikolina hasn’t been well for some time.”

  “I hear that she’s heavy with child. Is that so?”

  Allister rose, moving toward the door. He wasn’t certain who’d sent the guard, but he worried at the thought.

  “Forgive me, Sir Branston, but I have many pressing matters to attend. When you arrived, I was about to take leave. Whatever information you’re seeking, I can’t help you.”

  “Pardons, I didn’t mean to cause offense. Persons in high standing assured me that you could be of assistance in retrieving the documents. The recovery of such delicate information carries a substantial reward. My benefactor is willing and able to pay a fine sum for any assistance that you can provide in recovering the Cha’s records.” Nigel glided his finger over the edge of a wooden table, disturbing a layer of dust. “It would seem such monetary compensation is needed since your livelihood has been stolen from you.”

  “Your benefactor?”

  “Indeed. He knows you and your worth well, Sir d’Garrion, not like those who now occupy the seat of power. My benefactor would like to bring you to our cause. Moreover, such a move offers many benefits, benefits no longer available to you.”


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