The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors

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The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors Page 47

by James D. Hornfischer

  Miller, Nathan. War at Sea: A Naval History of World War II. Scribner, 1995.

  Morison, Samuel Eliot. History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, vol. 3: The Rising Sun in the Pacific, 1931-April 1942. Little, Brown, 1948.

  History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, vol. 8: New Guinea and the Marianas, March 1944-August 1944. Little, Brown, 1953.

  History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, vol. 12: Leyte: June 1944-January 1945. Little, Brown, 1958.

  History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, vol. 13: The Liberation of the Philippines: Luzon, Mindanao, the Visayas, 1944-45. Little, Brown, 1959.

  The Two-Ocean War: A Short History of the United States Navy in the Second World War. Little, Brown, 1963.

  Naylor, Roger C., The Rangefinder: Tarawa to Tokyo, Destroyer Squadron 47. Privately published, 2002.

  Nichols, David , ed. Ernie’s War: The Best of Ernie Pyle’s World War II Dispatches. Random House, 1986.

  O’Connor, Raymond , ed. The Japanese Navy in World War II. Naval Institute, 1969.

  Potter, E.B. Nimitz. Naval Institute Press , 1976.

  Bull Halsey. Naval Institute Press, 1985.

  Prados, John. Combined Fleet Decoded: The Secret History of American Intelligence and the Japanese Navy in World War II. Random House, 1995.

  Pratt, Fletcher. Fleet Against Japan. Harper & Bros, 1946.

  Reneau, Patricia Sprague,and Courtney Sprague Vaughan. Remembered and Honored, Clifton A. F. “Ziggy” Sprague, Vice Admiral, USN, 1896-1955. Privately published, 1992.

  Roscoe, Theodore. United States Destroyer Operations in World War II. United States Naval Institute, 1953. Abridged and released as Tin Cans: The True Story of the Fighting Destroyers of World War II. Bantam Books, 1960.

  Schofield, William G. Destroyers—60 Years. Bonanza Books, 1962.

  Spector, Ronald H. Eagle Against the Sun: The American War with Japan. Vintage, 1985.

  At War at Sea: Sailors and Naval Combat in the 20th Century. Viking, 2001.

  Spurr, Russell. A Glorious Way to Die: The Kamikaze Mission of the Battleship Yamato April 1945., Newmarket Press, 1981.

  Stafford, Edward P. Little Ship, Big War: The Saga of DE 343. William Morrow, 1984.

  Stewart, Adrian. The Battle of Leyte Gulf. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1980.

  Taylor, Theodore. The Magnificent Mitscher. W W. Norton, 1954.

  Toland, John. The Rising Sun: The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire, 1936-45. 2 vols. Random House, 1970.

  Ugaki, Matome. Fading Victory: The Diary of Admiral Matome Ugaki, 1941-45. Edited by Donald M. Goldstein andKatherine V. Dillon. Translated by Masataka Chihaya. University of Pittsburgh Press, 1991.

  Van der Vat, Dan. The Pacific Campaign: The U.S.-Japanese Naval War, 1941-45. Simon & Schuster, 1991.

  Vann Woodward, C. The Battle for Leyte Gulf. Macmillan, 1947.

  Wooldridge, E. T , ed. Carrier Warfare in the Pacific: An Oral History Collection. Smithsonian History of Aviation Series. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1993.

  Wouk, Herman. War and Remembrance. Little, Brown, 1985.

  Wukovits, John F. Devotion to Duty: A Biography of Clifton A. F. Sprague. Naval Institute Press, 1995.

  Y’Blood, William T Red Sun Setting: The Battle of the Philippine Sea. Naval Institute Press, 1981.

  The Little Giants: U.S. Escort Carriers Against Japan. Naval Institute Press, 1987.

  Yoshida, Mitsuru. Requiem for Battleship Yamato. University of Washington Press, 1985.

  Official Reports and Government Documents

  Commander in Chief, United States Fleet. Top Secret—Ultra, Summary of Radio Intelligence, Oct. 21-26, 1944. National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md.

  Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet. Top Secret—Ultra Intercepts, Oct. 24, 1944 (242029), Oct. 25, 1944 (250739), Oct. 25, 1944 (252034). National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md.

  Commander Task Unit 77.4.2 (Commander Carrier Division 24). “Reoccupation of Leyte Island in the Central Philippines, during the period from 18 October 1944 to 29 October 1944, including the air-surface engagement with major units of the Japanese Fleet on 25 October 1944.” Serial 00114, Nov. 2, 1944.

  “Addenda to Action Report.” Serial 00121, Nov. 8, 1944.

  Commander Task Unit 77.4.3 (Commander Carrier Division 25). “Action Against the Japanese Main Body off Samar Island, 25 October 1944, Special Report of.” Serial 00100, Oct. 29, 1944.

  “Action Report—Leyte Operations—12 October through 27 October 1944.” Serial 00110, Nov. 6, 1944.

  Commander Task Unit 77.4.32 (Commander Carrier Division 26). “Action off Samar Island, 25 October 1944—Special Report.” Serial 00014, Oct. 28, 1944.

  “Support of Leyte Operations, 12 October-1 November 1944; Comments and Conclusions.” Serial 0030A, Nov. 14, 1944.

  Composite Squadron Three (VC-3), USS Kalinin Bay. Aircraft Action Report No. 113, Oct. 25, 1944.

  Composite Squadron Four (VC-4), USS White Plains. Aircraft Action Reports Nos. 60, 61, 62, 62-A, 63, covering action on Oct. 25, 1944.

  Composite Squadron Five (VC-5), USS Kitkun Bay. “Action with Enemy Surface Fleet on 25 October 1944—Observations and Comments of.” Serial 008, Oct. 31, 1944; Aircraft Action Reports [Enclosures H and I to USS Kitkun Bay Action Report, Oct. 28, 1944].

  Composite Squadron Ten (VC-10), USS Gambier Bay. Aircraft Action Reports Nos. 2-B, 3-B, 4-B, 5-B, and 6-B, Oct. 25, 1944 (included with CTU 77.4.32 Action Report, Serial 0157, Nov. 18, 1944).

  Composite Squadron Twenty (VC-20), USS Kadashan Bay. “Squadron Commander’s Report.” Serial 003, Oct. 31, 1944; Aircraft Action Reports Nos. 69 (Oct. 26, 1944), 70, 71 (Oct. 27), 72 (Oct. 31), 73, 74, 75 (Oct. 26).

  Composite Squadron Twenty-One (VC-21), USS Marcus Island. Aircraft Action Reports Nos. 64, 65, 66, 67, all covering attacks against the Japanese Center Force on Oct. 25, 1944.

  Composite Squadron Sixty-Five (VC-65), USS St. Lo. Aircraft Action Reports Nos. 30-44, 31-44 (Nov. 1, 1944), 32-44 (Nov. 6, 1944), 33-44, covering action on Oct. 25, 1944.

  Composite Squadron Sixty-Eight (VC-68), USS Fanshaw Bay. “Combat Report of Action with Units of Jap Fleet from 0650 to 1015, 25 October 1944, made by Lt. Comdr. R. S. Rogers, USN.” Oct. 25, 1944; Aircraft Action Reports Nos. 30-35.

  “Composite Squadron Sixty-Eight, history and accomplishments of.” Serial 012, Nov. 11, 1944.

  “War Record of Composite Squadron 68.” Dec. 26, 1944.

  Composite Squadron Seventy-Five (VC-75), USS Ommaney Bay. “Squadron Commander’s Action Report, 22 October to 30 October inclusive.” Nov. 3, 1944; Aircraft Action Reports Nos. 48, 49, 50, 51, Oct. 25, 1944.

  Composite Squadron Seventy-Six (VC-76), USS Petrof Bay. Aircraft Action Reports Nos. 70, 71, Oct. 25, 1944.

  “Supplement to ACA Report No. 70” and “Supplement to ACA Report 71,” Nov. 28, 1944.

  Composite Squadron Eighty (VC-80, USS Manila Bay). “War Diary—Period 1 September 1944-31 October 1944.” Nov. 1, 1944.

  Department of the Army, Office of the Chief of Military History. The United States Army in World War II (The War in the Pacific), Leyte: The Return to the Philippines. Edited by M. Hamlin Cannon. 1954.

  DesDiv 94 (destroyers of the Taffy 2 screen, Task Unit 77.4.23), “Combined TBS Log, USS Haggard, USS Hailey, USS Franks, 0600 to 1200 Item, 25 October 1944,” in Serial 0105, USS Haggard Action Report, Enclosure A.

  Navy Department. The Bluejacket’s Manual. U.S. Naval Institute, 1943.

  Navy Department. Communiqué No. 554, “Teamwork, Gallantry Aboard Carriers Lauded by Sprague.” Nov. 17, 1944. Published in Honolulu Advertiser, Nov. 17, 1944.

  Navy Department, Bureau of Aeronautics. Pilot’s Handbook of Flight Operating Instructions, Navy Model FM-2, British Model Wildcat VI Airplanes. AN 01-190FB-1, Jun. 15, 1945.

  Navy Department, Bureau of Aeronautics, Training Division. Gunnery Sense: Some Hints for Air Gunners.
May 1943.

  Navy Department, Bureau of Naval Personnel, Standards and Curriculum Division, Navy Training Courses. Gunner’s Mate 2c. 2 vols. Government Printing Office, 1945.

  Navy Department, Bureau of Ships and Bureau of Aeronautics. Radar System Fundamentals. Navships 900,017, Apr. 1944.

  Navy Department, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Naval History Division, Dictionary of American Fighting Ships, vol. 3. 1968.

  Navy Department, U.S. Pacific Fleet. Press release No. 641, Nov. 19, 1944.

  USS Albert W. Grant (DD-649). “Action Report—Operations Against Central Philippines, Leyte Area, and Night Surface Action of 24-25 October against Japanese Task Force in Surigao Strait.” Serial 0106, Nov. 11, 1944.

  USS Boise (CL-47). “Action in Surigao Strait on Morning of 25 October 1944, Report of.” Serial 069, Oct. 30, 1944.

  USS Daly (DD-519). “Battle of Surigao Strait, October 25, 1944—Action Report.” Serial 078, Oct. 30, 1944.

  USS Dennis (DE-405). Deck Log. Oct. 20-27, 1944.

  USS Fanshaw Bay (CVE-70). “Action Report on Leyte—Philippine Islands Operation.” Serial 0160, Nov. 2, 1944.

  “Action Report on Leyte—Philippine Islands Operation, supplemental report on.” Serial 0173, undated.

  Ship’s Log, Oct. 25, 1944.

  USS Gambier Bay (CVE-73). “Report of Action of U.S.S. Gambier Bay (CVE-73), culminating in its loss 25 October 1944.” Serial 002, Nov. 27, 1944.

  “Narrative by Captain W. V. R. Vieweg, USN, Commanding Officer,” Dec. 18, 1944.

  USS Haggard (DD-555). “Combined TBS Log, DesDiv 94” (USS Haggard, USS Hailey, USS Franks), 0600-1200.” Serial 0105, Oct. 25, 1944.

  USS Hoel (DD-533). “Combined Action Report and Report of Loss of USS Hoel (DD-533) on 25 October 1944.” Serial 0050, Nov. 15, 1944.

  USS John C. Butler (DE-339). “Action of 25 October 1944 off Samar Island—Report of.” Serial 003, Nov. 9, 1944.

  USS Johnston (DD-557). “Action Report, Kwajalein Atoll.” Serial 03, Feb. 3, 1944.

  “Action Report—Island of Guam.” Serial 024, Aug. 12, 1944.

  “Action Report—Surface Engagement off Samar, P.I., 25 October 1944.” Serial 04, Nov. 14, 1944.

  USS Kadashan Bay (CVE-76). “Action Report—Leyte Island, Philippine Islands.” Serial 066, Oct. 31, 1944.

  USS Kalinin Bay (CVE-68). “Action Report of 25 October 1944—Engagement with Enemy Units East of Leyte, P.I.” Serial 094, Oct. 30, 1944.

  USS Kitkun Bay (CVE-71). “Surface Action Report—Submission of.” Serial 005, Oct. 28, 1944.

  USS LCI(G)-340. Deck Log. Oct. 1944.

  USS LCI(G)-341. Deck Log. Oct. 1944.

  USS LCI(L)-337. “Report on Rescue Search Mission of 25 October through 27 October.” Nov. 2, 1944.; last viewed by author Jan. 19, 2001.

  USS Ommaney Bay (CVE-79). “Action Report—Period 14-31 October 1944—Leyte Island Landing and Sea Action off Samar Island (25 October 1944).” Serial 0018, Nov. 3, 1944.

  USS PC-623, Deck Log. Oct. 25-28, 1944.

  USS PC-623 (Task Group 78.12). War Diary. Oct. 25-27, 1944.

  USS Petrof Bay (CVE-80). “Action Report covering the period from 20-30 October 1944 during which the Petrof Bay, as part of TU 77.4.1, furnished Direct Air Support for the landings at Leyte Island in the Central Philippines and participated in the Battle with the Jap Surface Forces off Samar on 25 October 1944.” Serial 052, Nov. 2, 1944.

  USS Raymond (DE-341). “Action Report—Leyte Gulf Operation and Samar Battle.” Serial 142, Nov. 2, 1944.

  USS St. Lo (CVE-63, formerly USS Midway). “Action Report, Battle of Samar.” Nov. 23, 1944.

  USS Samuel B. Roberts (DE-413). “Combined Action Report, Surface Engagement off Samar, Philippine Islands, and Report of Loss of USS Samuel B. Roberts, DE-413, on 25 October 1944.” Nov. 20, 1944.

  Amplifying Report of Lt. William S. Burton, USNR. Prepared at the request of the Office of Naval Records and Library, Film No. 313, recorded Dec. 16, 1944.

  USS West Virginia (BB-48). “Action in Battle of Surigao Strait, 25 October 1944, Report of.” Serial 0538, Nov. 1, 1944.

  USS White Plains (CVE-66). “USS White Plains (CVE-66), Action Report of: Attack on Central Philippine Islands, 17 October-25 October 1944.” Serial 0011, Oct. 27, 1944.

  United States Strategic Bombing Survey. Interrogation of Vice Adm. Takeo Kurita [commander of Center Force], USSBS No. 47, Tokyo, Oct. 16-17, 1945.

  Interrogation of Cdr. Kokichi Mori [torpedo officer, Southern Force (Vice Adm. Shima)], USSBS No. 233, Tokyo, Nov. 3, 1945.

  Interrogation of Cdr. Tonosuke Otani [Center Force staff operations officer], USSBS No. 437, Tokyo, Nov. 24, 1945.

  Newspaper, Magazine, and Internet Articles

  Arnold, O. Carroll, “Come on Boys, Let’s Get ’em.” Yankee, Dec. 1984, p. 78.

  Ash, Leonard D., and Martin Hill. “In Harm’s Way.” Retired Officer, Oct. 1994:; last visited by author Jan. 19, 2001.

  Associated Press. “Tiny U.S. Carrier Force Routs Jap Squadron.” Nov. 30, 1944.

  Baker, A. D. “Battlefleets and Diplomacy: Naval Disarmament Between the Two World Wars.” Warship International, no. 3, 1989:; last visited by author Feb. 12, 2003.

  Baldwin, Hanson W “4 Small U.S. Ships, Lost, Averted a Possible Philippines Disaster.” New York Times, Nov. 15, 1944, p. 1.

  Brown Shipbuilding Company [Houston, Tex.]. “Samuel B. Roberts, Built at Brownship, Meets Death of Hero in Philippines.” Brown Victory Dispatch, Nov. 25, 1944, p. 1.

  “He Saw Roberts Help Save Day Off Samar.” Brown Victory Dispatch, Dec. 16, 1944, p. 1.

  “Samuel B. Roberts Hit Jap Cruiser in Torpedo Attack.” Brown Victory Dispatch, Jan. 13, 1945, p. 2.

  Cutler, Thomas J. “Greatest of All Sea Battles.” Naval History, Sept./Oct. 1994, p. 10.

  Czarnecki, Joseph. “Were the Best Good Enough?: The Performance of Japanese Surface Forces in Torpedo Attack versus the Expectations of the Decisive Battle Strategy.”, Apr. 16, 2000; last visited by author Feb. 12, 2003.

  “Performance of U.S. Battleships at Surigao Strait.”, Jul. 16, 2001; last visited by author July 21, 2001.

  Deac, Wilfred P. “The Battle off Samar.” American Heritage, Dec. 1966, p. 20.

  Dickinson, Cdr. C. E., with Boyden Sparkes. “Plug That Last Rat Hole.” Saturday Evening Post, Jan. 27, 1945, p. 12.

  DiGiulian, Tony. “Definitions and Information about Naval Guns.”, Jun. 7, 2001; last visited by author July 21, 2001.

  DiGiulian, Tony, and Lloyd D. Morris. “Distance to the Horizon.”, Apr. 18, 2001; last visited by author Jul. 21, 2001.

  Farris, James W. “Tacloban.” Friends Journal, vol. 20, no. 1, Spring 1997; reprinted in USS St. Lo (CVE-63)/VC-65 Newsletter, vol. 35, Feb. 1998, p. 25.

  Forester, C. S. “The Great Naval Battle of the Philippines.” Saturday Evening Post, Jan. 20, 1945, p. 18.

  Hackett, Bob. “Senkan!: IJN Kongo: Tabular Record of Movement.”; last visited by author Feb. 13, 2003.

  “Senkan!: IJN Haruna: Tabular Record of Movement.”; last visited by author Feb. 13, 2003.

  Hagen, Robert C, as told to Sidney Shalett. “We Asked for the Jap Fleet—and Got It!” Saturday Evening Post, May 26, 1945, p. 9.

  Hall, M. Royce. Letter to the editor, CVE Piper (newsletter of the Escort Carrier Sailors & Airmen Association, Inc.), Dec/Jan. 1999, p. 1.

  Hathaway, Cdr. Amos T, USN. “The Battle as I Saw It,” American, Apr. 1945, p. 41.

  Hayostek, Cindy. “Valor off Samar” (about Lt. Cdr. Edward Huxtable, VC-10), World War II, Sept. 1998.; last visited by author May 23, 2001.

  “Edward J. Huxtable.” w; last visited by author Oct. 3, 2001.

  Hemingway, Al. “The Real MacArthur” (interview with Roger Olaf Egeberg, M.D., Douglas MacArthur’s personal physician). World War II, Sept. 2000.; last visited by author May 23, 2001.

  Honolulu Advertiser, “Teamwork, Gallantry Aboard Carriers Lauded by Sprague.” Nov. 17, 1944.

  Hubbard, Lucien. “Scrub Team at Tacloban.” Reader’s Digest, Feb. 1945, p. 8; originally published in Liberty magazine.

  Jennings, Ed. “Crosley’s Secret War Effort: The Proximity Fuze.”, Feb. 1, 2001; last visited by author Feb. 12, 2003.

  Jurens, William J. “The Evolution of Battleship Gunnery in the U.S. Navy, 1920-1945,” pts. 1-2. Warship International, no. 3, 1991.; last visited by author Feb. 13, 2003.

  Koyanagi, Tomiji. “The Battle of Leyte Gulf,” in The Japanese Navy in World War II, Raymond O’connor, ed. U.S. Naval Institute Press, 1969.

  Levy, Allison M. “USS PC 623 Crewmen Recall Taffy 3 Rescue.” Patrol Craft Sailors Association Newsletter, no. 34, Oct./Dec. 1996.; last visited by author Jan. 19, 2001.

  MacDonald, Scot. “Small Boys off Samar: ‘… Survival Could Not Be Expected.’” Surface Warfare, Feb. 1980, p. 13.

  “In the Footsteps of Brave Men: USS Samuel B. Roberts Commissioned.” Surface Warfare, Mar./Apr. 1986, p. 2.

  McAvoy, John. “Hathaway Leaves the Citadel.” Brigadier (newspaper of The Citadel), Jan. 19, 1979. Courtesy of the Citadel Archives & Museum, Charleston, S.C.

  McKenna, Michael F. (son of Capt. Francis McKenna, USS St. Lo). “A Brief Summary of the Battle off Samar and Tribute to Clifton A. F. Sprague.” Address delivered at memorial ceremony, Ft. Rosecrans National Cemetery, Pt. Loma, San Diego, Calif., Oct. 25, 1994. Courtesy of Courtney Sprague Vaughan.

  McMurtry, Charles H. “Battle of Philippines: Trapped U.S. Fleet Stands Off Japs.” Associated Press, Nov. 24, 1944.

  Mitchell, John. “Remembering the Battle of Leyte Gulf.” Thousand Oaks (Calif.) News Chronicle, Oct. 25, 1987, p. 13.


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