by Henry Makow
Henry Makow PHD
Published by Silas Green
Cruel Hoax : Feminism and the New World Order
Manufactured in the USA
ISBN 978-0-9687725-1-5
Copyright 2010
Henry Makow
[email protected]
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the author.
Dedicated to my Wife
Table of Contents
Foreword (Your Author)
Introduction: The Assault on Heterosexual Society
Book One: Feminism, Communism and the NWO Betty Friedan/ "Mommy" Was a Commie
Gloria Steinem/ How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society
Red Feminism/ American Communism and the Origins of Women's Liberation
Communism/ Wall Street's Utopian Hoax
"The Vagina Monologues"/ Feminism's Dead End
Domestic Violence/ The Dawn of the Feminist Police State
The Illuminati/ Conspiracy Too Monstrous to Conceive
Sexual Liberation/ Illuminati Subversion
Helen Gurley Brown/ Turning Wives into Corporate Whores
Lament/ My Inner Feminist is Hurting
Feminism Can be Cured/ If Diagnosed Early
Book Two: Homosexuality and Hetero-homosexuality Fooling Themselves and Us/ Is this Gay Behaviour Sick?
Arrested Development/ Playboy and the (Homo) Sexual Revolution
Gay Marriage/ Heterosexual Society is Under Siege
Fear of Gay Predators/ Confessions of a "Homophobe"
Literary Propaganda/ A Streetcar Named "Straight Bashing"
The Gay Agenda on Campus/ Here Comes the Lesbian Rangers
Irshad Manji/ Lesbian Muslim Reformer is New World Orderly
Hugh Hefner/ Why All Porn is Gay
Betty Friedan/ The Making of a Feminist
Down and Dirty/ How Feminism Killed Courtship on Campus
Girls Adrift/ The Young Lady is a Tramp
Organized Evil/ We're Being Brainwashed to be Gay
Book Three: How Heterosexuality Works How I Became a Mensch/ After Feminism Stole My Identity
Reclaiming Male Power/ In the Viagra Age
Man's Love/ Mirrors God's Love of Creation
Men Must Champion Feminine Women/ Or Lose Them
Marie Robinson MD/"The Power of Sexual Surrender"
The Effect of Sexual Deprivation on Women/ (Women Need Loving)
Bikini Vs. Burka/ The Debauchery of American Womanhood
Demanding Love/ How Marriage Goes off the Rails
Women are "Out of Control"/ Time for Men to be Men
Why Men are Losing Interest in Women/ Castrated Men Can't Love
Looking to Dogs for Family/ Love Makes Life Sweet
Feminism Deprives Women of Father's Love/ Girl's Need Validation
Self-Control/ Managing the Male Sex Drive
Anxiety/ Men Don't Need to Perform
The Treadmill of Sex and Romance/ Elite Exploits Nature's Con
The Dying Art of Femininity/ Fascinating Womanhood
Defining Your Needs/ Love is Based on Mutual Dependence
Lilith/ The Occult Roots of Feminism
Politically Incorrect/ Advice for Young Men
Hollywood Sexualizes Grannies/ Illuminists Compound the Hoax
Book Four: Freemasonry the Illuminati & Brainwashing Freemasonry/ Mankind's Death Wish
Indoctrination/ How University Betrays Students
Tavistock/ How the Elite Plays God
Modern Kulture/ The Judeo Masonic Roots
Cultural Marxixm/ The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture
Creepy/ Is Local Legislature a Disguised Pagan Temple
John Kerry/ & The Soviet Art of Brainwashing
TV Commercials/ Corporations Have Subversive Social Agenda
The "Red Symphony" Series:
Part One/ Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony
Part Two/ Terminated! Freemasonry's Final Revelation
Part Three/ Central Bankers Seek Totalitarian Control
Svali/ Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy
Your Author
My father recalls that I looked around the delivery room at birth and seemed to ask: "What is this place? What's going on here?" That didn't change.
For most of my life, the world made no sense. I was told there was no God but I had an intuition of immanent Design and Purpose. I half expected to be taken aside and initiated into the arcane wisdom of mankind. I couldn't believe God would go to so much trouble for this mundane existence -- like building the Roman coliseum for a game of tiddly winks (to use Malcolm Muggeridge's analogy.)
My Biggest Mistake was that I did not trust my own perception and intuition. I was actually too humble. I sought guidance from my elders in the mass media and education system. As a result, I was confused and dysfunctional.
I had a desire to write the Truth. Investigative reporters were my role models. At age 12, I wrote an advice-to-parents column that was syndicated in 40 cities. When I visited the local newspaper, the smell of ink from the presses exhilarated me. The knowledge that I would reach millions of people was intoxicating.
But I didn't know the Truth, so I pursued other careers as a stopgap. I became an academic and invented a popular board game, Scruples. Politically I was a typical left-leaning feminist and Zionist.
My breakthrough came at age 48, in 1997, when I started to question my feminist conditioning. My instincts were telling me that I wanted to rule my own roost.
Returning to teaching part-time, I encouraged a debate on feminism in my English class. I discovered that university had changed during my absence. From a place of free inquiry, it had become a factory for feminist indoctrination.
Feminist zealots went berserk when I presented them with an alter4ative point-of-view. They distorted my statements and drove me from the classroom with the help of the feminist administration. I sued a local newspaper that printed their lies and won. Many female students testified on my behalf.
Feminism belongs to what Marilyn Ferguson called "The Aquarian Conspiracy" an occult (Luciferian) movement that tacitly dominates most government and social institutions today.
Feminists imagine they are "fighting the patriarchy" but the Rockefellers and Rothschilds wholly sponsor them. I visited the director of the Manitoba Business Council, which represents the largest corporations in the province. They fund the university.
Didn't it bother him that students were being taught to hate corporations and become homosexuals?
It didn't bother him one bit. (He pretended it wasn't true.) So much for feminists fighting the establishment.
Grasping for an explanation, I picked up James Perloff's book, "The Shadows of Power" and everything started to fall into place. But it took three more years to finally deprogram myself. It felt like struggling to get out of a mental wet suit. But once done, it was spiritually liberating to understand that our society is built on fraud, and does not require our deference.
I chronicled every step of my re-education on my web site and developed a small following. A good teacher is just a student who shares his learning path.
I have not changed the world but my life has improved immensely, and I hope I have taken some readers along. My writing is a labor of love and my readers have compensated me in kind.
Here is the part of my work dealing with the sexual sabotage of society in political context. I have tried to eliminate repetition, but I beg your indulgence. Each article was originally designed to stand alone. These truths were r
evealed to me over time, so I returned to the same themes in different terms.
The Assault on Heterosexual Society
What I am going to say will sound outrageous at first. It will fly in the face of what you've been taught. I ask only that you hear me out, and then verify or discredit my assertions at your leisure.
This subject is so large that I can only "connect the dots". The "dots" consist of articles that first appeared on my website When you have finished this collection, you should get the picture.
Born in 1949, my adult life coincided with a secret program of social engineering designed to destabilize society by programming straight people to behave like homosexuals. This insidious assault on heterosexuals masqueraded as the "sexual revolution", "gay rights" and "feminism."
This sounds preposterous because we think of homosexuality strictly in terms of same-sex attraction. However, homosexuality should be seen in broader terms: as arrested development caused by confusion over ! " identity, resulting in inability to bond permanently with a member of the opposite sex and (usually) establish a family. The main symptom of this disorder is the pursuit of anonymous sex for its own sake (i.e. promiscuity.)
According to this definition, many heterosexuals can be classed as homosexuals. Indeed elite social engineers appear to be aiming at a "hetero-homo" world, i.e. where individuals are bisexual, promiscuous and bereft of family.
(Yes, a small minority of homosexuals are monogamous. Soon we might say the same thing about hetero-homos.)
The purpose of turning us into hetero-homos is to advance the centuries-old plan of an international financial elite based in the City of London to absorb the world's wealth and establish a veiled totalitarian one-world government devoted to Lucifer.
This "New World Order" is in fact the old "British" Empire repackaged. The"British"empirealwaysrepresentedasmallSataniclargelyhomosexual financial oligarchy that colonized England and much of the world.
This group represents a union between Jewish finance and the British aristocracy joined by money, marriage and a belief in the occult (Freemasonry.) This may sound extreme to some, but if you dig you will find that it is true. You might start with the article on my website, "The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism."
The "Plan" calls for the destruction of all "collective" forces capable of resistance. These forces, which support our human identity, are family, race, religion and nation-state. They are to be eliminated through a campaign of "tolerance" which erases the differences between them. If you accept everything, eventually you become nothing.
Thus we have ecumenicalism in religion, miscegenation in race, and regionalism in nation states. You destroy family by erasing gender differences. Their goal is one world government, one race, one religion, and ultimately one sex, the hetero-homo.
Families give people their purpose, identity and sense of belonging. They provide values and a measure of social, spiritual and financial independence. The goal of Communism and the New World Order always has been the destruction of family. This forces people to get their sense of belonging from the elite-run media, political causes or products.
We only know what we are taught, and obviously they aren't going to reveal this to us. The nature of conspiracy is that it pursues a subversive agenda while actively denying it.
For example, Arnold Toynbee told an elite gathering in Copenhagen in 1931: "I will merely repeat that we are at present working, discreetly but with all our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of our world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands...."
Elite social engineers turn us into hetero-homos by confusing us about our sexual identity. They deny that obvious gender differences exist, and convince young women to act like men. They portray the traditional feminine role as an "artificial and oppressive social stereotype." Sex roles are artificial unless of course they are reversed. Then women can act like stereotypical men, and men can be stereotypically feminine.
Social engineers know people are lazy and gullible and prefer to do as they are cajoled rather than use their own reason or instinct. Thus, when a subversive power takes secret control, people are easily manipulated.
Heterosexual roles are not invented. They correspond to biological differences. For example, men have ten times more testosterone than women. This hormone turns men into single minded, aggressive risk takers. (See the books "Why Men Don't Iron" (1992) and "Brain Sex" (2003) by Anne Moir and David Jessel. Excerpts can be found on the Internet.)
Women's brains are different. For example, they talk three times as much and twice as fast as men. (See "The Female Brain" (2006) by Louanne Brizendine)
Sex roles represent cultural recognition of biological and psychological differences. When sex roles are denied, confusion results. We can't bond with the opposite sex. Our natural instincts are frustrated and arrested development and dysfunction follow.
Heterosexuality is not a "sexual preference." It is part of the reproductive cycle. Each stage (marriage, parenthood etc.) is necessary for our development and happiness as human beings. For most people, parenthood is essential to personal fulfillment. Social health depends on raising the new generation in a wholesome environment with positive values.
We are being conditioned to follow a hetero-homo pattern intended to arrest our development at the courtship stage, and make us dysfunctional, barren and docile. This is why practically all movies and music are fixated on romance, as if the whole population has been frozen at age 19-26.
In less than 50 years, feminism and "sexual liberation" have ravaged the institution of the family. Feminism pretends to champion women when in fact it disparages feminine qualities. It has ruined the lives of millions of women (and men) who now can't find lasting love.
A damage inventory:
The number of married-with-children households has declined by half, from 50% of the total in 1960 to 25% today.
In 1965, 24 percent of Black infants and 3.1 percent of White infants in the US were born to single mothers. By 2007, four out of ten babies were born out of wedlock.
The marriage rate has fallen nearly 30% since 1970 while the divorce rate has increased about 40%.
The fertility rate has declined by almost one-half. In 1960, an average Canadian woman had four children. Today she has barely 1.5. In 2002, the US non-Hispanic birthrate was at its lowest point in history, about 1.8. Just maintaining the population requires a birth rate of 2.2.
(These stats and indeed all of my assertions can be found using Google.)
"Most of our social pathologies -- crime, imprisonment, welfare, educational underachievement, alcohol and drug abuse, suicide, depression, sexually transmitted diseases --are manifestations, direct and indirect of the crack-up of the modern American family." (William Bennett "The Broken Hearth" p.4)
In an article in the McGill Daily, student Anna Montrose described how her humanities education and the mass media made her question her heterosexuality:
"It's hard to go through four years of a Humanities B.A. reading Foucault and Butler and watching 'The L Word' and keep your rigid heterosexuality intact. I don't know when it happened exactly, but it seems I no longer have the easy certainty of pinning my sexual desire to one gender and never the other."
(Michel Foucault is a major French "post-modern" philosopher; Judith Butler is a prominent "gender theorist" at UC Berkeley; and "The L-Word" is a popular TV drama about "glamorous" lesbians, i.e. the ones that don't look like refrigerators in plaid shirts and overalls.)
Montrose thinks men and women are interchangeable and marriage is mostly good for a tax deduction. She is unfit for marriage and motherhood. Unfortunately, she is becoming the rule rather than the exception.
Paradoxically, when females reject the male, they usurp the masculine role and abandon
the feminine one.
According to Charles Socarides, a New York City psychiatrist who studied and treated homosexuals for 50 years, there is a plan to make the whole world gay:
"You can read an account of the campaign in Dennis Altman's "The Homosexualization of America." In 1982 Altman, himself gay, reported that more and more Americans were thinking like gays and acting like gays. There were engaged "in numbers of short-lived sexual adventures either in place of or alongside long-term relationships." Altman cited the heterosexual equivalents of gay saunas and the emergence of the swinging singles scene as proofs that "promiscuity and 'impersonal sex' are determined more by social possibilities than by inherent differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals, or even between men and women." ("How America Went Gay")
Gay or straight, people who cannot mate will be promiscuous. According to a 2003 study in the American Journal of Public Health, gays averaged seven sex partners in the previous six months, while 25% had 18 or more.
Since media-induced "sexual liberation," we have all become obsessed with sex. All human relations have been degraded to this level.
Now the educational system is actually promoting sex to children. In Winnipeg where I live, a public health teacher recently told 12-year-olds to have sex at age 13. They were taught about flavoured condoms and shown explicit pictures that appalled the children.
This action exposes the public school system as an instrument of indoctrination, corruption and yes, child abuse. When 13-yearolds are told to have sex, is it any wonder they are inviting adult predators to their homes? (See "NBC Dateline: To Catch a Predator") How long will it be before certain homosexual activists get their wish and pedophilia is legalized?
Another local school program ("RespectED") run by the Red Cross teaches ten-year-olds to fear dating. The emphasis is on recognizing "the cycle of abuse" and when they are being "terrorized."