by Henry Makow
I had always accepted the mass media's portrayal of gays as a colorful minority who have a special "sexual orientation." They meet each other at their bars and do their thing. As long as they kept it within their own community, what did I care?
I recently learned that most gays prefer heterosexual males. My source is a book, "The Caricature of Love," (1957), by Dr. Hervey Checkley, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Medical College of Georgia. A gay friend also confirmed this fact to me. That would explain why a recent Google search of the term "straight men" turned up over a million links. At least half are homosexual in character.
Many gays also prefer youths or adolescents. These experiences often turn victims into homosexuals and distort or destroy their lives. In a survey by the gay magazine "The Advocate," 21% of respondents said an adult sexually abused them by age 15. This seems to be the way that homosexuals "propagate." My source is an extraordinary research paper by Dr. Judith Reisman entitled "Crafting "Gay" Children: An Inquiry" p. 9.
According to Reisman, the 1991 US Population Statistical Abstracts indicate that between 1-2 million gay males (2% of the adult male population of 90 million) abuse 6-8 million boys. The ratio is 3-5 boy victims to one gay male compared to one girl victim per eleven straight males. This is based on data on 33 million boys and 32 million girls under the age of 18. Reisman says that since 100% of the gay males do not sexually assault boys, the 2% homosexual population harbors a vast pederast subculture committing multiple repeated child sex offences. (8)
Before I continue, I want to say that I have known an older gay friend since I was 11-years-old, and not once in 40 years did he make an improper gesture. No doubt, there are many gays like him who behave with dignity and have no predatory agenda, personal or social.
Nevertheless lesbian feminist and gay activists, by their own admission, are dedicated to recasting society in their own image. The mainstream media is suppressing all negative information about gay life: data on gay violence against children, child pornography, sex rings, serial murders, and inter-gay domestic battery.
Another example of media complicity is the Boy Scouts' ban on gay scoutmasters. There was no mention that about 100 cases of sexual molestation by Boy Scout leaders occurred every year. According to the "Washington Times," (June 15,1993) between 1973 and 1993, 1,416 scout leaders were expelled for sexually abusing boys.
The Boys Scouts' action belatedly recognized their obligation to protect their wards. Is there any question they are liable? Yet amazingly the Scouts have come under scathing attack for "discriminating" against gays.
The pederast magazine "Palaver" advises pedophiles to take positions like Boy Scout leader: "If you want to spend your time with children you must have a legitimate reason for doing so; as a teacher helping children learn... as a play or youth leader helping children to enjoy their leisure time" ("Crafting Gay Children: An Inquiry," p.19).
In 1992, the North American Man/Boy Love Association" (NAMBLA) specifically targeted the Boy Scouts. They passed a resolution calling on the Boy Scouts "to cease in its discrimination against openly gay or lesbian persons in its appointment of scoutmasters" in order to "permit scouts to be exposed to a variety of lifestyles." (See "The Nazis in America" in "The Pink Swastika" by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams). In their literature, gays portray adult advisors as playing a hands-on role in initiating the young to homosexuality.
According to "The Pink Swastika", the moral courage exhibited by the Boy Scouts of America is not shared by all youth organizations. The Girl Scouts allows lesbian leaders in its organizations and has expelled at least one heterosexual leader who refused to keep this policy a secret from parents.
"Big Brothers" and "Big Sisters" actively recruit homosexuals in many cities and lobbied the Boys Scouts to do the same saying "non traditional volunteers can serve the best interest of children." And of course, all of this mirrors the push into public schools where youth are prematurely introduced to sex education and introduced to homosexuality as "a lifestyle option."
"Gay rights" activists have targeted the Boy Scouts. An ostensibly "spontaneous" outcry against the Boy Scouts has arisen across the country, led by the United Way Agency, which pulled its BSA funding in many cities. Homosexuals at the highest rank of the US government attempted to intimidate this organization.
Former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders used her post to castigate Scout officials (USA Today June 2, 1994) and Interior secretary Bruce Babbitt signed an order prohibiting Boy Scouts from volunteering in national parks ("Washington Times," May 28,1993). As of June 2001, at least 359 school districts in 10 states have forbade the Boys Scouts from using their facilities, according to a gay organization quoted in the "Washington Times," Nov. 1, 2001.
Homosexuals, both feminists and gays, have gained incredible power by successfully disguising their true character and their true agenda. This is how subversive movements such as Nazis and Communists function. Under the guise of being a persecuted minority seeking human rights, homosexuals are actually using the state to persecute heterosexuals. They are waging successful war against all the institutions of masculinity, femininity and the nuclear family.
Their goal is to supplant Judeo-Christian heterosexual values with their own. Society is in a state of denial about this vicious subversion, which takes practical form in the actual seduction of heterosexual youth.
As a father of a son, I am afraid of the power of gay activists and predators. I guess that makes me homophobic.
Literary Propaganda
A Streetcar Named "Straight Bashing"
The feminist belief that society is sexist and homophobic in fact masks a subversive elite campaign against heterosexuals. One of the most celebrated plays in American Literature, A Streetcar Named Desire (1947) depicts men as "subhuman", and heterosexual family and society as frauds. The play, produced by Irene Selznick, contributes to the "modern" sense that human life has no inherent dignity, value or purpose.
There is also a startling similarity between Tennessee Williams' homosexual perspective and the modern feminist one. Guilt and self-loathing seem to motivate both.
Feminists have made common cause with homosexuals by promoting a gender less society. In "The New Victorians" (1996), Rene Denfeld writes that feminists regard heterosexuality as the source model for oppression per se and homosexuality as the remedy:
"For many of today's feminists, lesbianism is far more than a sexual orientation, or even a preference. It is, as students in many colleges learn, an ideological, political and philosophical means of liberation of all women from heterosexual tyranny..." (45)
Long before feminists portrayed all men as rapists, Tennessee Williams depicted the male icon Stanley Kowalski in these terms. Stanley drives his sister-in-law Blanche DuBois insane by raping her while his wife Stella is in the hospital bearing his son. Blanche is portrayed as a tragic heroine; Stanley as the symbol of a brutal male-dominated society and the traditional family as a fraud.
Blanche DuBois has been banished from her hometown for her immorality. Sick and broke, she takes refuge with her sister's archetypal traditional family.
Stanley, carrying the "red stained package from the butcher's" is the male protector and provider (Signet, p. 13). The pregnant Stella, nurturing and malleable, is the epitome of the feminine. She believes in her husband: "it's a drive that he has" (50). The couple is madly, sensually in love.
Nevertheless Blanche/Williams is determined to make heterosexuality appear pathological. Immediately on arrival, Blanche refers to Stella's home as "this horrible place." (19) She reproaches Stella for not helping to save the plantation: "Where were you? In bed with your Pollack!" as if this were wrong (27). When Stanley and Stella exchange blows, Blanche is like a counsellor at a womyn's shelter. She urges Stella to leave her husband, open a shop, and become independent. (67)
Stanley is genuinely repentant for hit
ting Stella, although today this would be discounted as part of "the cycle of violence." In fact, Blanche has made the pregnant Stella criticize and defy her husband for the first time. Now like her feminist sisters, the envious Blanche hopes the resulting violence will shatter the family altogether.
Stella ignores Blanche's appeals, and while cleaning says: "I'm not in anything that I want to get out of." (65). But Blanche persists: "Stop! Let go of that broom. I won't have you cleaning up for him!" (66)
The feminist tone is again heard in Blanche's dehumanizing of Stanley. "There's something downright bestial about him! ... He acts like an animal, has animal's habits! ... There's even something subhuman something not quite to the stage of humanity yet! Yes, something ape-like about him, like one of those pictures I've seen in anthropological studies."(71)
Can you imagine a modern play in which a man says this of a Jew, a woman, a Black or a homosexual? But the white male is fair game.
Stanley overhears this conversation, yet this supposedly apelike creature does not react violently. He patiently tolerates Blanche although she has been mooching from them in a two-room apartment for six months.
Blanche, a demented pitiable woman, appeals to progress and civilization. "God! Maybe we are a long way from being made in God's image, but Stella my sister; there has been some progress since then! ... In this dark march toward whatever it is we're approaching... Don't hang back with the brutes!" (72)
At the end of the play, Williams has achieved his unconscious goal: destroying the heterosexual male and family. Stella must ignore her sister's claims of rape in order to preserve her family. "I couldn't believe her story and go on living with Stanley," she says (133).
Nevertheless, her family is bereft of moral legitimacy. In the movie version, Stella becomes a single mother. She leaves Stanley vowing never to return.
There is more to this picture than meets the eye.
First, Tennessee Williams often said that he was Blanche DuBois. The similarities are clear. Like Blanche Dubois, Tennessee Williams was neurasthenic, lusted for Stanley, and was very promiscuous. In the play, Blanche warns herself not to seduce the newspaper boy, "I've got to be good and keep my hands off children."(84)
Second, Tennessee Williams hated himself. Gore Vidal who knew the playwright said: "He is still too much the puritan not to believe in sin. At some deep level, Tennessee believes that the homosexual is wrong and the heterosexual is right. Given this all pervading sense of guilt, he is drawn in life and work to the idea of expiation, of death."(Ronald Hayman, "Tennessee Williams: Everyone Else is an Audience," 1993. p.xviii)
The guilt-ridden Williams/Blanche wants to be destroyed by Stanley to expiate his sins. (Blanche calls Stanley "my executioner" before she even knows him.) But, in this psychodrama, Williams doesn't have the integrity to confess his guilt feelings and admit his death wish. He postures as a hero by identifying Blanche's defeat with the cause of goodness and culture. Thus he transfers to Stanley and society the hatred he feels for himself.
Robert J. Stoller, an eminent psychiatrist and UCLA Professor, described this process in his book, "Perversion: The Erotic Form of Hatred" (1975).
"Homosexuals, taught self-hatred in childhood, persist in attracting punishment because in part they agree with the cruel straight society; they provoke attack in order to be humiliated . . .Revenge energizes aspects of many homosexuals' behaviour, erotic and otherwise. In order to salvage a sense of value from the foci of despair, they must strike back at all who have qualities like old enemies of their childhood." (201-202).
Tennessee Williams' Streetcar Named Desire is an example of how the financial elite used a homosexual playwright to discredit the family and twist the way heterosexuals think about themselves and society. Since heterosexuals have derived their meaning from family roles for millennia, Williams contributed to the malaise that characterizes the modern era.
Williams' example indicates that this destructive impulse, which feminists seem to share, may spring from a deep sense of envy, failure, self-loathing and hatred. Having missed the streetcar of life, they want to blow up the tracks.
The Gay Agenda on Campus
Here Come the Lesbian Rangers!
University students continue to face a bizarre government campaign to make them homosexuals.
Last week at the University of Winnipeg, co-eds were invited to participate in a lesbian "Reorientation Week."
They were asked to become "rangers" with the "Lesbian National Parks and Services," the brainchild of local "performance artists" Shauna Dempsey and Lorri Millan.
This is the lesbian equivalent of the university and government hiring two middle-aged males to recruit co-eds to go camping and have sex.
The two womyn had a "field office" in the university art gallery, staffed by a university employee in ranger uniform. They took part in pancake breakfasts, barbecues and interviews on campus radio. "Lesbian Rangers salute and welcome you!" their brochure said. "Here you will encounter new, even life-changing lifestyles and ideas. These may challenge you in uncomfortable ways."
The university art gallery, the Manitoba Arts Council and the Canada Council, sponsored this spectacle to the tune of $10,000. This doesn't include thousands of taxpayer dollars already expended on their promotional video and "Field Guide" which includes examples of lesbian "flora and fauna."
Their message: "Homosexuality is natural. Question the heterosexual model. Heterosexuality is a social construct."
When I went to university, students learned to question authority.
Today, they learn to question their gender.
Does the LNPS actually exist? This is social engineering masquerading as art, propaganda disguised as parody. It is a shock tactic. Eventually the outrageous becomes accepted. Often, what begins in the imagination occurs in reality.
The Lesbian Rangers don't actually work in any parks. But the artists claim to have hundreds of junior members called "Eager Beavers."
Their video (online) is full of such double entendres and sexual innuendo. The two "bush women" leave "no stone or lesbian unturned." It's a "lesbian-eat-lesbian-world." Knots are practiced in various bondage positions. Their website is called
Yet, in the video, they fine a heterosexual male $100 for wearing a lewd T-shirt ("Blow me") and intimidate him when he protests. He is reprimanded for "threatening the lesbian environment." Rangers are urged to make "citizens' arrests."
Lesbians are just a few grants shy of having a paramilitary organization, a cross between the Girl Scouts and Hitler's Brown Shirts. Its function: Persecute heterosexuals.
In the video, they "rescue" a straight female from drowning. She is enchanted by her hairy-legged saviours and "sees the world through brand new eyes."
If the University of Winnipeg is an indication, universities are playgrounds for lesbianism. It makes sense. Enrolment is already 2-1 female.
In June 2001, the University of Winnipeg made headlines when high school students attending a summer art history course complained they were shown lesbian porn and instructed to use zucchinis instead of seek male companionship. The instructors were not removed.
The following year, the "Women's Centre" sponsored an event where co-eds had casts made of their breasts! Imagine if heterosexual males sponsored such an event.
Each February, the gay-dominated student council sponsors a "Question Your Gender" week.
The "Sexual Harassment Officer" stated that the university takes a grim view if only one student is made "uncomfortable." Apparently this rule only applies to the discomfort of feminists, gays and lesbians. The claim of "victimhood" masks an aggressive destructive ideology.
In Women's Studies courses, co-eds learn to be feminist "change agents" and harass professors who step out of line. Women's Studies originated in the training schools of the US Communist Party in the 1940's.
I have no problem with lesbians, many of whom are my neighbors. They seem to be nice people who want to live and let live. But their activists are funded to depopulate and destabilize society in advance of "world government." Their message is that lesbianism is not a developmental disorder but a natural alternative for women.
Unfortunately, many ex-lesbians disagree. In her book, "Restoring Sexual Identity" Anne Paulk surveyed 265 ex-lesbians like herself and conducted numerous personal interviews. She found that "same-sex attraction is seldom really driven by sexual needs; it is driven by an unconscious desire to be loved and to trust another person. It is also frequently driven by a desire to reconnect with the feminine but in the wrong way."
"Childhood trauma, poor self-image, anger at men, poor relationships with either or both parents, and pro-homosexual media propaganda are several key elements in women developing an attraction to other women."
In the "classic development of lesbian attraction," Paulk discovered that these women had ... domineering, critical, detached, or weak mother; and/or ... a father who was detached, critical or abusive."
"In many cases, the mother was viewed as weak or was cruelly dominated by her husband. Seventy-five percent of the women viewed the male as a more favorable role model for their lives--with a rejection of their own gender and pursuit of male characteristics."
"An astounding 90 percent experienced some form of abuse themselves. This abuse was not just sexual but included emotional abuse (70 percent), sexual (more than 60 percent), and verbal abuse (more than half of those surveyed.)"