Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1 Page 11

by Manda Mellett

  Once finished, he continues to the bar and waves Hank over, heaving a heavy sigh as he does so.

  His tight expression makes me ask, “Problems?”

  Leaning forward with his elbows on the bar, he turns his head. “No, not really. Well, it wouldn’t normally be an issue. Word’s got around pretty fast that I’m back and I’ve been offered a rush job in Vegas. Someone dropped his bike and wants the decal restored—before next Saturday!”

  “Huh. Weekend biker.”

  He gives a small grin. “Yup. I did the original paint job for him last year. I just didn’t expect to get work this early.” Again, he throws a look over his shoulder to the woman in the wheelchair.

  I realise immediately where his problem lies. “You don’t want to leave Wheels alone?”

  Lifting up his hands and putting them down again in a ‘what can I do’ gesture, he replies, “I’d hoped to be here to help her settle in. She’s shit scared of what I’ve brought her to.” He sighs. “But the work would be good. Especially if I get exposure at the Vegas rally, but I don’t like the thought of leaving her alone, not just yet. I knew I’d have to, but she’s out of her depth, hasn’t settled in, and on top of that she’d just been given some devastating news.”

  I throw him a quick nod, enough to let him know I’ve already heard about the contract out on her. “How’s she taking it?”

  He heaves a sigh and shrugs. “Just like you’d expect. She’s scared stiff. Despite St John-Davies’ henchman paying her a visit, I don’t think she believed he was so serious about finding her.” He nods at Marsh and orders two coffees and two brandy shots to go along with them. “From what Josh told me about her friend, Zoe Baker, and the lengths she’ll need to go to keep out of his reach, St John-Davies doesn’t like to lose. My reading of it is, whatever the value of Sophie to him, by running she’s issued a challenge.”

  “And he’s someone who doesn’t like anyone to get the better of him.”

  “That’s my interpretation.” Horse winces, agreeing with my assumption.

  As Marsh busies himself with the coffee machine, I examine Horse, wondering not for the first time why he’s taken Wheels under his wing and, like last night, whether there’s more to it. Man’s lost his wife, but he could be getting over that by now. And he’s reluctant to leave her alone. “You fuckin’ her?” I ask him bluntly.

  His head shoots around sharply. “No, I’m bloody not!” he scoffs. “She needed help and I was in a position to give it to her.” He seems disgusted at the very thought. Then he touches his earring, twisting it around in his ear and gives me more. “She reminds me of Carrie, my wife. Not in looks, but that fucking accident. Carrie never had a chance to live her life, Sophie does. I don’t want anyone to take that away from her.”

  The relief that shoots through me when he admits it’s only a platonic relationship is out of all fucking proportion. Trying to ignore my irrational reaction, I try to give him some reassurance. “No one knows she’s here, I trust Mouse on that, so I don’t see a problem with you going to Vegas. I know how you don’t like turning a client away. We’ll look out for her.” Thinking quickly, I could put a prospect on her, give her the feeling that she’s being protected. And I open my mouth to suggest just that when different words come out before I have a chance to filter them. “If you’re worried about leaving her alone, what if I keep eyes on her for you?” Why the fuck am I offering to do that? Don’t I have enough to do as VP without babysitting a cripple?

  But it’s too late to take them back. Horse looks like I’ve answered his fucking prayers. This job in Vegas must be important to him. “I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “You’re not asking, I offered. It will only be for what, a week?”

  “Should be, hopefully less. It’s too good an opportunity for me to want to miss. I’d like to leave this afternoon if possible, get a head start on estimating how much needs doing.” His hand slaps me on the back. “Thanks, Wraith. That would be a load off my mind knowing you’re watching out for her.” His eyes scan the room that’s almost empty this time of day, but I know what he’s thinking.

  “Drum’s scared us all off of her,” I assure him. “She’s off-limits to everyone. No one’s gonna take advantage of her.”

  He shrugs. “Can’t help worrying about her. It’s more her nervousness about being here than not trusting your brothers.”

  “Come on,” I pick up my drink and help him out by carrying the shots as Horse takes the two coffees, “let’s go break the news.”

  When we get back to the table, I notice Wheels has a little more colour in her face now. Hearing a contract’s out on you, particularly for someone like her, must be shattering, but looking at her I can see she’s starting to deal with it instead of letting it overwhelm her. But when Horse explains his predicament, her face falls again. She looks down into her coffee laced with brandy, and her lovely sleek blonde hair flops forward over her face. My fingers itch to brush it back.

  Horse quickly tries to put her at ease, divulging our solution, and her gorgeous blue eyes come to meet mine. Fuck, I don’t think I’ve seen such expressive orbs before, and they seem to be seeing straight into me.

  “You’re the vice president, you must have better things to do than watch out for me.” She tells me what I already know, her face creasing, but whether she’s worried about herself or me, I can’t say.

  She’s right, but I brush it off. “You won’t be a bother, and you’re safe here, Wheels.” Even as I reply, I wonder how true that is. Protected from the man who’s trying to find her for sure, but safe from me? My cock starts to grow hard as I wonder about the wisdom of spending extra time with her—it certainly doesn’t seem bothered she’s missing a leg. The rest of her makes up for that. But she’s off-limits, to you, to everyone.

  Horse drains his drink. “It’s hopefully only for a few days, Soph. You’ve met Crystal, and Wraith can introduce you to the other old ladies. They’re a good bunch. And I’ll be back before you know it.”

  I can see she’s not happy, and it’s understandable she’ll be uncomfortable and most probably disorientated in an outlaw biker club that has to be so alien to anything she’s ever known. But now she impresses me, pulling herself up straighter, showing a little more backbone than I’ve seen so far, she nods at him. “Horse, don’t worry about me. You’ve brought me here safely, I can’t ask more than that.” Reaching over she puts her hand on his arm. “Now I know about the contract and how far Ethan will go to find me, I think you’re right. He’ll never think of looking for me here. So thank you. Now you go to Vegas and do your job.” She gives him a warm smile and I wish it had been directed at me.

  “Well, if that’s settled, I’ll go get my stuff sorted and be off.” His eyes question her.

  “Yes, you go, Horse. I’ll be fine.” Again, the corners of her mouth turn up as she reassures him.

  The fact she makes no protest confirms their tentative relationship, and it’s clear she doesn’t feel placed to make demands on a man she hardly knows. But what he’s done for her so far has made her feel comfortable with him, and I’ve yet to prove myself to her. Subtly, I adjust myself under the table. If she gets sight of her very physical effect on me, I doubt I’ll get far earning her trust.

  Horse finishes his coffee and stands up. He nods his goodbye to her and then beckons to me. “A word?”

  Telling her I’ll be back shortly, I awkwardly get to my feet and follow him as he takes his empty cup and glass to the bar. These Brits have good manners; I’d leave mine for the prospects to pick up.

  I follow Horse around the corner into the game room—in the middle is a pool table and to the side the arcade machines. Only one in use this time of day, and I give a quick grin as I see Adam thump it and swear loudly. Obviously, he’s not doing well. Adam’s the only brother who seems to prefer personal time playing games rather than using the sweet butts. But he’s a good man, despite his strange addiction.

  A cough brings me back t
o my companion. After checking we’re out of Wheels’ line of sight, he passes me a small box and tells me quietly, “These are her painkillers. Only give her them when she needs them. I’d prefer not to leave them with her. Just as a precaution. I’m not certain I trust her. Especially if things get too much now that she knows about this darn contract.”

  My brows rise as his words sink in. As I realise the implication, I can’t help stepping back until I’m able to cast a glance at the woman sitting at the table. A suicide risk? Fuck, what have I taken on? Perhaps it’s not surprising knowing what she’s been―is―going through. At least the thought has the same effect as an icy shower on my cock. Here I am thinking about getting into her pants while she’s obviously in her own hell. I make a mental note to keep a careful eye on her, and subtly to let at least some of my brothers know to be aware so they can watch out for her too. Jerking my chin as a signal I understand, Horse turns and leaves.

  I watch her as he goes, her eyes tracing his path across the clubroom, her growing tension at the loss of his company palpable.

  Essential now, after what he’s confided in me, I know I need to make her feel more at ease. Leaving her alone for too long would be a mistake. Returning to the table, I make a suggestion, “Why don’t I give you a tour of the place? We’re not your average biker club, you know.”

  A small smile comes to her face. “Not that I would know what that looked like anyway.” She laughs softly. “But thanks, Wraith. I’d like to have a look around.”

  Thinking once again how pretty she is when she smiles, I finish up my beer as she drains her coffee. Having some experience watching one of my brothers in a similar situation, I’ve noticed she’s been wheeling herself and understand it’s important not to take her independence away, so I check, “Shall I push, or d’you want to do it yourself?”

  Her head tilts to one side as if she’s surprised I’ve asked, then she throws me a grateful nod. “I’ll do it myself, thank you.”

  Without giving myself away, I glance quickly at her bare arms. There’s hardly any muscle on them, so I doubt she’s done much more than moved her wheelchair around her home up to now. I’ll watch for any signs of fatigue and be on hand to help if she needs me. But for the present, I’ll let her have her way. She’s such a tiny thing; I could pick her up and carry her, no problem. Hmm, that’s given my cock ideas now. Fucking thing! But I can’t go there. Uh-uh.

  “This way, then.” I walk by her side as I take her around to the back of the club. Now we’re bikers, not landscapers, not too bothered about how the site looks, but over the years we’ve made real inroads into clearing a lot of the buildings that were too fire damaged to restore, and now there’s a good-sized area outside where we have a few firepits and hold barbeques when the weather’s accommodating. And, our pièce de résistance, one of the original three swimming pools in full working order. Kept that way by the prospects of course. Having to clear it of used condoms and bottles after a party isn’t much fun.

  She halts her wheelchair and turns to look up at me, her eyes wide. “A swimming pool?”

  “Yeah, it gets put to good use in the warmer months.”

  “Wow! I see what you mean about not being a typical biker club.”

  “Weather will be heating up soon; perhaps you’d like to take a dip?”

  She huffs as though I’ve said something stupid. Fuck, I forgot about her leg. I keep my thoughts to myself, though I suspect it wouldn’t be as much a problem as she’ll be thinking it is. Not like the brothers haven’t seen that stuff before.

  I let her take in the view for a moment and then indicate another pathway. It’s a bit rutted and potholed in places, so I lend a hand to help her manoeuvre over the worst of it. I lead her across to our garage, one of our legitimate businesses, and one which is always busy, either with brothers sneaking in repairs to their bikes or doing paying work for customers. Situated just inside our ten-foot boundary fence, we don’t have to let citizens far into the compound when they drop off their vehicles for service. Like any other day, it’s buzzing with activity. Slick and Tongue work here, together with Bullet and Rock, and Buster when he can be bothered. Which reminds me of that conversation I need to have with Drummer about his recent behaviour.

  We pause for a moment as she takes it all in, her first lesson that the club’s not all about play. Then I draw in a sharp breath and glower when I see the only man in the club I have a dislike for has downed tools at our approach and coming over with a leer on his face. Hearing a small sound, I look down, and I can’t miss the way the woman beside me draws back into her chair as he draws closer.

  Even the sour look on my face doesn’t stop him coming right over to us. “So this is what all the fuckin’ fuss is about.” He sneers down at her.

  “Aren’t you supposed to be working?” It comes out as a snarl. There’s something in his expression I immediately take exception too.

  He actually ignores me. “Got a great looking rack there, babe, how about you and I getting it on together?”

  I want to hit him for noticing. He shouldn’t be fucking looking. “Buster, have some fuckin’ respect. And get back to work.”

  “Fuck.” He deigns to look at me. “You Tucson boys are on my back the whole fuckin’ time. In San Diego we used to have fun.”

  “This Tucson boy is your fuckin’ VP, Buster. And it’s time you remembered that!” I don’t like getting riled in front of Wheels. This isn’t the nice calm afternoon I had planned for her, but I can’t let him get away with disrespect.

  He’s got a fucking death wish or something. He just doesn’t get the message. “I’ll come find you later, shall I? You and I can get to know each other better, babe?”

  While I’m taking in a breath to blast him with my thoughts on that matter, Wheels answers for herself. The words are directed at him, but there’s a message for me there too.

  “Sorry, Buster,” her words say one thing though she doesn’t sound particularly apologetic as she pauses to wave her hand down indicating her body, “I’m not into any of that nowadays. I can’t anymore.” She sounds brave, but as I rest my hand on her shoulder, I can feel her trembling. She’s scared of him, and I must admit, I’m gutted on her behalf. And on my account, is it true that she fucking can’t have sex? Surely not? Did she also suffer injuries to her pelvis?

  I have to put my wants and desires behind me as Buster just won’t fucking give up! “You’ve got a pussy, ain’t you? And a mouth? And I s’pect you’re hiding a pretty little ass under there. That’s all I need, babe.”

  I can’t hold back. My fingers clench, and my fist comes out, catching him hard on the chin, rocking him on his feet. As he goes to swing at me, Slick and Rock, who must have emerged sometime during our confrontation, step forward and grab hold of him, each holding an arm.

  “You don’t fuckin’ hit the VP,” Rock hisses. “And you asked for that one. Now apologise to the lady and remember she’s under our protection.”

  “Apologise?” he yells and then points down. “To that? She’s not a fuckin’ ol’ lady, she doesn’t belong to anyone. Which means she’s another cunt waiting to be filled.” He sneers and turns to look at us one by one. “Just because I ain’t so particular as the rest of yers…”

  This time it’s Rock who takes him down before he can finish his sentence. Buster hasn’t got a chance. Unlike the rest of us, and another example of the way he disregards instructions from his prez, he doesn’t spend time in the gym or sparring. Slick nods to let me know they’ve got this and sends a knowing look Wheels’ way. I give him a chin lift; he’s right. I need to get her out of here. Buster won’t be looking pretty by the time they’ve finished. Just another thing to add to my long growing list of issues with the fuckin’ man. He’ll be lucky if he keeps his patch if he keeps on like this.

  Thank goodness I didn’t assign a prospect to watch over her, they’d never have been able to stand up to a fully patched member. I certainly don’t want Buster’s unpleasantness
anywhere near her again. I’ll make sure I, or one of my trusted brothers is on her at all times—just until Horse gets back.

  Having pushed her away so we’re out of sight and hearing of the altercation which will be taking place at the garage, I hunker down in front of her and take her hands in mine. She’s shaking. “Buster’s a pain in the ass, darlin’. There’s not one other brother who’d disrespect you like that. Slick and Rock will be teaching him a lesson he’s not gonna forget in a hurry. Put him out of your mind, darlin’.” In truth, I’d like to be back there taking my turn. This is not the impression of the club I wanted her to take away from our tour this afternoon.

  She wipes a tear away that’s escaped from her eyes and looks at me beseechingly as if she wants to confide in me. But as she turns away with a shake of her head, I understand she doesn’t know sufficiently well enough yet to trust me with her innermost thoughts and fears. But I’m not stupid, I can guess how she feels—vulnerable.

  Unable to stop myself, I put my hand to her cheek. “Trust me, darlin’. I’ll make sure that you never have to deal with him again. He’s going to lose his patch if he’s not very careful, and after I speak to Drum, I reckon that’s gonna be made very clear to him.”

  “I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.” Her voice trembles.

  “Not on you, darlin’, he’s doing that all by himself.”

  I take charge, pushing her back to the clubhouse where I’m pleased to see Sandy, Viper’s old lady and manager of our restaurant, and Carmen, a hairdresser who belongs to Bullet, sitting huddled around a table. I draw her closer and make the introductions. Soon they’re chatting about the subject that seems to intrigue her, how their old men got their handles—Viper, because he’s been our undercover snake in the grass on more than one occasion, and Bullet because he rides his bike faster than his proverbial speeding namesake. She seems to be fascinated with the tales behind them. I shift uncomfortably, hoping she never learns how I got mine.

  Deciding I can leave them to visit for a while, I make my way to see Drummer. After filling him in, he’s incensed at Buster’s latest fuckups and promises to talk to him about his now precarious position in the club. Then, returning to the main room and after checking that Wheels is happily laughing with the girls―our old ladies are a great bunch―I find Peg at the bar and join him. As our sergeant-at-arms, he also deserves to know about Buster’s behaviour, so I give him the gist of it.


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