Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1 Page 44

by Manda Mellett

  A loss for me, too. But how can you miss something you’ve never had? “That was the arrangement, Blade.” How could I allow her to stay knowing how she’s got Viper twisted up in knots? I’ve given him time, but he’s still as determined to steer clear of her as he was the day she arrived. I hate seeing a brother suffering the way he is, but he’s on tenterhooks the whole time, worried sick in case Sandy finds out. I still haven’t a clue as to why.

  “Can we give her at least another week? Got some stuff I’d like her help with.”

  “I’m sorry, Blade, but no. When her bike’s fixed, she’s fuckin’ gone. Got it?” Glaring, I wait until my words get through and he understands I’m not going to be moved on this one. He has no fucking idea how much I wish I could.

  The thought of never seeing her again causes my heart to skip a beat. The thought of never making her mine… Fuck it! Maybe I’ll come back to my senses once she’s gone. For now, I want her out of here. If she stays much longer, I might give in to temptation. The thought of her being so close…

  I’ve got to do something, anything to get my mind off of her. “Hey, Wraith!” I shout at the VP who’s just entered the room. “You busy?”

  As he lifts his chin in question, I walk over and put my hand on his shoulder. “Wanna go for a ride?” What’s the point in being the prez if you can’t just take off when you feel the need?

  His face lights up. “Yeah, why the fuck not? I’ll be your wingman.”

  Since the problems we had with the Rock Demons, none of us much like riding alone. That wound is still too raw, and we’re letting more dust settle before we start taking any risks. Although we don’t expect the few Demons who managed to escape after their Phoenix clubhouse exploded to come after us, there’s always a risk. And risks, when they’re avoidable, are something we don’t choose to take.

  “You got a full tank, brother?” I know I have.

  “Yeah. Where you thinking of?”

  I make my suggestion and Wraith agrees, his face splitting into a wide grin. The fresh air and the challenge of the ride might just clear my head.

  We take the Catalina Highway to the top of Mount Lemmon, the road twisting and turning as we weave our way round the hairpin bends and alarming drop-offs, and make our way to the top, rising through the forest of pine, fir, and spruce. When we reach the summit, we dismount just a short way away from the chairlifts where the tourists tend to congregate. The temperature’s twenty degrees lower here, just forty miles from the city of Tucson, but even the cooler air does nothing to chill the heat in my blood. The image of Sam writhing beneath me as I hammer my cock into her slender frame just won’t get out of my head.

  Wraith’s hand goes to his back pocket, and then he turns to me with a wry smile. “Still miss having a smoke at a time like this.”

  “I feel you, man. Fuckin’ feel you.” I gave up cigarettes about the same time as he did. After the ride, and here, relaxing on the summit, looking out over the Santa Catalina Mountains, it’s an itch I’d love to scratch.

  “You got something on your mind, Brother?” The VP cocks his head to one side, waiting for me to speak.

  Am I that easy to read? Planting my backside on the seat of my bike, I hoist one foot up onto the foot peg and rest my arms on my thighs. I’ve known Wraith for ten years; he’s been my VP for three. Maybe it would do me some good to admit to my strange feelings, to talk it out. “Fuck knows, Brother. It’s that woman. Sam, Wench, whatever you want to call her. There’s just something about her. She seems to have parked herself in my head, and I can’t get her fuckin’ out of it.”

  “Thought it might be something like that. She’s got you all twisted up.” He’s grinning, the bastard. “Seen the way you look at her. Reminds me of me when I first saw Soph.”

  “It’s nothing like that!” I spit out. “But I wouldn’t mind takin’ her for a test drive, I have to admit.”

  “If she’s willing there’s nothing stopping you.”

  Oh, if only he knew. I couldn’t do that to Viper. “We don’t know anything about her.” I try to justify why I have to keep away without telling him the real reason.

  He shrugs. “You brought her here doing your Good Samaritan act.” He shakes his head and laughs. Yeah, it’s unlike me to be anyone’s knight in shining armour, I’m not surprised he finds it amusing.

  “She’s only here another day. Spare part came in today.” Then she’ll be out of my hair. Out of sight, out of mind. I hope.

  “Hmm, about that. Wench is a bloody good mechanic. Roadrunner’s singing her praises. Blade too.”

  Frowning, I glance up at him wondering where he’s going with this.

  “We’ve got more work in the shop than we can handle. Why not keep her around for longer? See how she gets on?”

  Immediately, I search for justifiable reasons why not. “The brothers wouldn’t go for it. No one wants a bitch working on their bike.”

  “Bitch or brother, if they can do a good job it shouldn’t matter. Bit out of the ordinary, but she could work on the citizens’ cars if they’d prefer. Give her time, and she just might prove herself.”

  “Would you let her touch your ride?”

  Another shrug. “If she’s as good as she seems, I don’t see why not.”

  Fuck me! Sophie’s changed my VP. And sometimes, like now, I have to wonder whether it is for the better. “You going soft in your old age, Brother?”

  “Seems like I am.” He chuckles but doesn’t take offence. He bends down and puts his hand to the grass. Finding it dry, he sits himself down, drawing up his knees and cupping his hands around them. “Don’t want it broadcast yet, but Sophie’s pregnant.” Glancing at him quickly, I see he’s grinning like a fucking loon.

  Well, fuck me! “Hey, Brother, that’s great!” While congratulating him, it goes through my mind that being saddled with an old lady and a kid on the way in no way appeals to me. Why limit yourself to one woman when you’re surrounded by pussy just begging for your cock? I can’t understand how much he’s changed. Before Wheels, Sophie, I remind myself, came along, he was up for variety, the same way as me.

  “When’s it due?” I ask to be polite; it seems the right thing to ask.

  “March next year,” he says, proudly.

  Thumping him on his back, I tell him, “Well, that’s just fuckin’ great!”

  “See, I’ve been thinking, Wench got my mind focused in that direction. Whether the baby’s a boy or a girl, I’d like it to be whatever it wants to be. Shouldn’t be any restrictions if it’s a girl. She wants to be a fuckin’ mechanic? Then that’s what she’ll be.”

  “And if she wants to join the club? Be patched in?”

  The look of shock on his face is comical. “Fuckin’ no way. Never. Not gonna have bitches as members.”

  I laugh out loud. “So at least you’ve got some fuckin’ boundaries you aren’t gonna cross.”

  “Too fuckin’ right man.”

  Taking out my phone, I check the time. “We better get back for church.” Though I’m reluctant to return and pick up the reins of being a president again. This afternoon’s been great, a good ride out with a friend. Despite having an old lady waiting for him, Wraith seems as reluctant as me to go back. He takes his time stretching while taking in one last look at the view.

  “Fuckin’ love this place,” he confides.

  I nod, being able to see so far in all directions holds a magic to me too. Regardless of my hopes, the ride and the fresh air have done nothing to make things easier in my mind. Going to my bike, I sit astride it, waiting for Wraith to come up alongside. Then we make our way back down. Leaning into the bends, speeding up and braking for the curves, I try to concentrate on enjoying the ride. But that hair, wrapped around my fist…

  All too soon we’re back at the compound and backing into our regular parking spaces outside the clubhouse. Immediately I notice the two new bikes, and I’m not the only one.

  Wraith points over to them. “I see our new patches
have arrived.”

  “Good. We can get to know them at church.”

  Inside the clubhouse, it’s as if the brothers have forgotten our meeting tonight; it also seems like the patching over celebration has already gotten started. We like to party, any excuse. Friday nights after church, the weekend as it’s simply that, or, on this occasion, the opportunity to welcome our new brothers. For now, it’s a fairly family-friendly affair, and the old ladies are busying themselves setting out the food. Crystal and Heart’s little daughter, Amy, is getting under everyone’s feet, but the brothers are used to her and tolerant of her antics. As I watch, Bullet swings the kid up into his arms making her giggle and laugh. His old lady, Carmen, is chuckling up at her man. Rough, tough bikers we are, pandering to a small child.

  As soon as she sees Wraith, Sophie makes her way over, falling into his arms as if he’d been gone for days rather than a few hours. Their kiss is long and sensuous, then, when they break off, they share a secret smile. Their obvious affection for each other scares the shit out of me. No, no way am I ever going to be handing my balls over to a bitch. No fucking way.

  Seeing our new recruits up by the bar, I make my way over, holding out my hand as I approach. It’s grasped first by Joker, and we slap each other on the back. Then I offer the same gesture of welcome to Lady. Fuck me; he is a pretty-looking man. Pulling away, making sure they’ve got beers to hand, I notice Peg eyeing Lady suspiciously. But when I see Lady’s eyes firmly fixed on the sweet butts, I don’t think we need to have any concerns about him.

  Beckoning Peg over, I introduce him.

  He’s still looking wary. “So, Lady. That’s one fuck of a handle.”

  The man he’s addressing raises and lowers his shoulders. “Started off as Lady’s Man, got shortened,” he explains. “I’ve gotten used to it now.”

  The unusual moniker clarified, Peg seems to relax, and getting onto a safer subject, starts quizzing both new members about their rides.

  Feeling I’ve done my part in being sociable, I move away, my eyes surveying the room. Ah, there’s Viper, and Sandy’s with him. Viper’s being abnormally quiet, and Sandy looks like she’s trying to engage him in conversation. She’s got a worried look on her face, as if she knows something’s up, but I doubt he’s enlightened her. So far, he’s remained adamant that she must never know about Sam.

  A gentle tap on my arm makes me turn. “Hey, Soph.” I lean closer so no one else can hear me. “I hear congratulations are in order?”

  She’s already glowing. “Yeah, but we want to keep it quiet for now. It’s early days, so just in case… Wraith wanted you to know, though.”

  I nod. “I won’t let your secret out.” Seems I’m carrying far too many of those lately—another one won’t hurt.

  “Drum,” she starts, hesitantly, “can Sam come to the party later? It seems such a bloody shame that she’s stuck down in the garage. She seems a nice girl.”

  Yeah, too nice for this unruly crowd. Even if Viper weren't glowering over in the corner, I wouldn’t want her anywhere near this rowdy lot of fuckers. As she doesn’t belong to anyone, she’d be fair game. “No. The deal was she’d stay out of the clubhouse.”


  “No,” I repeat firmly, using the tone that even while I’m not raising my voice would let anyone know not to press the matter further.

  Sophie’s no exception, but her eyes narrow and her lips press together, leaving me in no doubt she doesn’t agree but isn’t going to push her case any further. Wraith’s arm snakes around her shoulder and he leads her away.

  “Alright! Church!” I shout to make myself heard over the crowd and wave my arm over my head, pointing the way to our meeting room. The brothers start following me in, animated conversations continuing while they arrange places for our new members, and I have to bang the gavel a few times to get their attention.

  It’s a fairly short meeting, as we’ve had one already this week, and the main topic is about how our new road captain’s going to fit in. That doesn’t take much time, so barely an hour later we’re done, and soon the party gets going in earnest.

  Drinks flow freely; voices are getting loud. The old ladies slip away, either trusting their menfolk to behave or turning a blind eye if they can’t. Standing by the bar, there’s a fair number of hangarounds up from Tucson, local girls gagging for biker cock. Our resident sweet butts, to whom we provide food and lodging in return for their services, are seated together on a couch eyeing up the newcomers warily. It’s a normal Friday night.

  When Pussy gets sight of me watching them, she gets up and comes over, placing her hand proprietarily on my arm. “Wanna have some fun, Prez?”

  Pussy’s pretty enough, if a little loud once you get her going. Usually I enjoy the release she offers to me, but she’s just another hole to be filled, and one who’s been shared by all my brothers. Nonetheless, at any other time I’d have been up for that, but for some reason, right now, I’m just not feeling it.

  I pat the hand she has on me. “Not tonight, sweetheart.” I’ve a soft spot for the sweet butts who quite literally do anything for us, so I let her down gently.

  She looks disappointed, and I’m not surprised, knowing how much she likes my kind of fucking. Not wanting to give up easily, she waves toward Jill. “What about a threesome, big boy?” Her hand comes around and touches my cock. But instead of hardening, the residual arousal I’d been sporting from the thought of the woman in the auto-shop disappears.

  Gently I remove her fingers. “Not tonight,” I repeat. At last, she gets the message and moves away.

  Wraith comes up and stands beside me, a beer in his hand. I’ve an empty bottle in mine. Turning, I glare at Roadrunner who’s minding the bar. He still doesn’t notice me, too engaged in listening to a conversation between Mouse and Dart.

  “Prospect!” I yell.

  He jumps about a foot in the air and strides down the back of the bar, and an opened bottle appears within seconds. He better start paying better attention, or else it will be a fucking long time before he patches in.

  My VP’s smirking. He tips his bottle toward the prospect. “Got a lot to learn.”

  Turning away so the man in question can’t see my face, I say, “It’s a fuckin’ laugh breaking them in.” We share a laugh; then Wraith taps my arm. “What is it with Viper? He’s still not right.”

  Now normally on a party night or any night for that matter, Viper’s getting a blow job in full view of everyone in the clubroom. Tonight, he’s sitting on his own, staring miserably into his beer.

  “D’you reckon Sandy’s found out what he gets up to and put a stop to it?” Wraith continues.

  “I think she’s known all along.” Sandy and Viper seem to have an understanding; they must, the length of time they’ve stayed together. Perhaps he doesn’t get blow jobs at home? It’s true he never disappears with one of the whores into the back rooms as the rest of the unattached brothers do. Maybe it’s his strange way of being faithful to her.

  “Viper’s dealing with something,” I mumble, knowing the secret isn’t mine to share.

  “Want me to have a word?”

  “Truth, Brother, leave it alone.” Now I tip my bottle toward him. “Word of warning. Do not poke the angry bear.”

  He nods, his empty bottle bangs down on the bar. “Well, I’m done for tonight. I’ve got a warm and willing woman waiting on me.”

  “You’ve got women here.” I can’t understand how any man can be content with just one pussy.

  “Yeah, but when you’ve got the best meal to be had at home, eating out doesn’t hold the same attraction anymore. See you later, Brother.”

  I don’t, can’t understand. I’ve never found any woman who’d make me give up all others. Still, to each their own. “Yeah, later,” I respond and nod as he walks away.

  Roadrunner is quicker this time and, furnished with a new beer, I push away from the bar. The word ‘Prez’ on my cut makes me a target for the local talent, and
usually that doesn’t bother me and I’ll partake once, twice, sometimes three times in one night. But tall, short, skinny, or with a nice cushion to their asses; blond, dark, or brunette, none of the hangarounds are doing anything for me tonight. I walk between the tables, skirting around the couches where brothers are already getting some action, hoping someone will make my cock twitch, but it does nothing at all. Fuck, I know I’m getting older—I’ll be forty next birthday—but surely, I’m not in the market for Viagra just yet? Fuck, wouldn’t that be the motherfucker of all motherfuckers?

  Maybe I’m overworked, been too busy. But there’s someone who can get your cock hard.

  Shit, whatever, I’m out of here. With everyone occupied, no one will notice if I slip away.

  Chapter Ten


  Leaving the party, I’m not consciously aware that I’m taking the road down to the shop; my feet just seem to take me there. Oh for fuck’s sake, admit it. You want her. Yeah, I want her. And if she’s leaving tomorrow, this is the last chance I’ll get. That’s why I wasn’t interested in the whores or hangarounds; there’s only one woman I want tonight. Suddenly I’m unable to resist taking the only opportunity I’ll have to relieve my cock, which has been hard for her for days.

  I know I shouldn’t be doing this, should be steering the hell away. What I’m planning on doing will certainly lead to disaster. Particularly if Viper finds out.

  Maybe I’ll just talk to her? Yeah, fuck, right. Like that’s all I want to do. Or perhaps she’ll turn me away? She’ll know it can only be one go-around, and from what I’ve seen of her, I don’t think she’s that kind of woman. She’s given no indication that she’s a biker groupie, so what could I offer her beyond tonight? In my head, I see Viper returning to his usual jovial self as he hears her engine fade away into the distance. I can’t do anything to distress him further; he’s put himself through enough. Yeah, I’ll just talk, thank her for the work she’s done in the shop, which was over and above what I’d expected, and wish her well on her way…


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